An HSS, pipe or tube horizontal brace can be fitted with a built-up welded tee (shown) or other end fitting (not shown). The gusset can shop weld (" HB Conn2 ") to a beam's web or flange or, if to a web, attach with a NS and/or FS clip angle (" NS/FS Clip Conn2 "). A " Gusset One Member Perp " gusset is designed when the brace frames perpendicular to the beam.
" Gusset One Member Perp "
(gusset plate dimensions and location)
" HB Conn2 "
(" Gusset to brace connection " = ' Welded ')
" NS/FS Clip Conn2 " : When " Gusset to beam connection " is ' Clip angle ', the gusset plate field bolts to the web of the beam with a clip angle, and the brace shop bolts to the gusset plate.
" HB Conn2 " (welded) : When " Gusset to beam connection " is ' Welded ', the gusset plate shop welds to the web of the beam, and the brace field bolts to the gusset plate.
user defined | horizontal brace edit
Connection design locks :
Locks not on the drawings are marked ( not depicted ).
Gusset One Member Perp
( HSS, pipe or tube horizontal brace perpendicular to a beam web or flange )
Plate thickness ( not depicted ):
Width ( plate width ):
Length ( plate length ):
Flat width:
Flat length:
Obtuse side clip cut width ( os cut width ):
Obtuse side clip cut length ( os cut length ):
user defined | horizontal brace edit | top
HB Conn2
( HSS, pipe or tube horizontal brace, shop weld, gusset to a beam's web or flange )
You get " HB Conn2 " locks when ' Welded '' is selected for " Gusset to beam connection ." If ' Clip angle ' is selected, then leaf(s) named " NS Clip Conn2 " and/or " FS Clip Conn2 " become available instead of the " HB Conn2 " leaf.
Weld size ( weld ):
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