HSS horizontal braces with welded tees (shown) or other end fittings (not shown) field bolt to a 2- or 3-point shared gusset plate (" Gusset 2 Point "). For braces-to-beam-top-flange framing situations, that gusset plate shop welds to the beam's top flange per " HB Conn2 " locks.
(HSS horizontal braces, end fitting field bolted to shared gusset, to a beam's top flange)
(horizontal brace " Section size " = HSS, pipe or tube)
(" Input connection type " = ' Hbrc plate ' or ' User defined ')
(" Pipe/tube end fitting " = ' Bolted ' or ' Paddle plate ' or ' Double paddle plate ')
" Gusset 2 Point "
(shared gusset plate dimensions and location)
" HB Conn2 "
(shop weld, shared gusset to the beam's top flange)
2-point bracing is shown, but this page also applies to 3-point bracing.
Both 2- and 3-point gusset plates shop weld to the top flange of the beam, and the HSS braces, which have end fittings such as welded tees, field bolt to the shared gusset.
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Connection design locks :
Locks not on the drawings are marked ( not depicted ).
Gusset 2 Point
(HSS horizontal braces, 2- or 3-pt, to a beam's top flange)
Plate thickness ( not depicted ):
Width ( plate width ):
Length ( plate length ):
Left Brace [ member number ]
Note: The member number [num] of the left horizontal brace is shown in brackets [num] in the heading for this section.
Refx ( refx left ):
Connection cut width ( lft cut width ):
Connection cut length ( lft cut length ):
Right Brace [ member number ]
Refx ( refx right ):
Connection cut width ( rt cut width ):
Connection cut length ( rt cut length ):
user defined | horizontal brace review | top
HB Conn2
(HSS horizontal braces, shop weld, 2- or 3-pt gusset to a beam's top flange)
Weld size ( weld ):
user defined | horizontal brace review | top