" Shear Thru Plate On [ mem num ] [ end ] " connection design locks

A shear thru plate can be designed through an HSS round (or pipe) or HSS rectangular (or tube) column. To create the following example, " Thru shear plate " was set to ' Thru plate ' for each of the two opposing beams on opposite sides of the HSS column.

(beams opposite to an HSS, pipe or tube column)
(" Input connection type " = ' Shear ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ')
(" Thru shear plate " = ' Thru plate ' or ' Split plate ')
" Shear Thru Plate On [ mem num ] [ end ] "

Shear thru plates that are shared by two beams (as shown) have " Shear Thru Plate On [mem num] [end] " locks for both beams on each of their edit windows and on the Connection Component Edit window.

Related locks :
Shear Tab (plate)
Stability Plate (to column web)
Shear Tee
Tab Clips and Copes
Shear Tab (vertical brace)

user defined | beam review | top

Connection design locks:

Note: Locks not shown on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).

  Shear Thru Plate On [mem num] [end]

Shear plate

Top of plate ( top ):

Plate length ( length ):

Plate width ( width ):

Plate thickness ( not depicted ):


Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

Hole type ( not depicted ):


Vertical to 1st hole ( v to 1st ):

Vertical hole spacing ( vspc ):

Vertical edge distance ( ved ):


Beam edge distance ( bed ):

Horizontal hole spacing ( hsp ):

Horizontal edge distance ( ed ):


NS primary weld type:

NS primary weld size ( weld ):

FS primary weld type:

FS primary weld size ( weld ):

Secondary weld type:

Secondary weld size:

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