v2019 and v2020 SDS/2 Release Notes

v2019.00 v2019.01 v2019.02 v2019.03 v2019.04
v2019.05 v2019.06 v2019.07 v2020.00 v2020.01
v2020.02 v2020.03 v2020.04 v2020.05 v2020.06

v2021 enhancements

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2019.00 Alpha:

Enhancement Requests:

* Added K1 to Wide Flange. (PR 10584)

* SDS/2 can design a safety erection seat welded to the supporting column. (PR 12550)

* This project added the design of Morris stiffener for Eurocode moment end plate connection. (PR 14346)

* 1) added the ability for Non HSS vertical braces to attach to an intersected HSS vertical brace.

2) Added the ability for vertical braces to attach to an intersected HSS vertical brace in a 2pt or 3pt configuration.

3) Added the ability for Angle/Wtee/Channel vertical braces to attach to an angle vertical brace in a 2pt configuration.

4) Added the ability for Angle/Wtee/Channel vertical braces to attach to a channel or Wtee vertical brace in a 2pt or 3pt configuration.
(PR 15265)

* Job Repository Management now has a utility to specify jobs in each repository to be auto-packed, a button to pack immediately, and a command line string that can be placed into the Windows Task Scheduler for running at a certain time. This is not a backup solution but a step toward a proper backup process. (PR 15474)

* SDS/2 could design the end plate connection with 4 column bolts when it is necessary. Also users could lock the bolt column to 2 (totally with 4 column bolts) in end plate connections. (PR 16143)

* Added the ability to add web plates to the wide flange vertical brace paddle plate connection. (PR 16514)

* For beam connections, SDS/2 can design a safety erection seat on a HSS column. (PR 16691)

* Added HSS horizontal braces with a field welded brace to gusset connection. (PR 19430)

* For single Erection View Cleanup, added the ability to change member modes to/from stick, wire or solid. (PR 26024)

* Added option 'Setup > Detailing Options > Material Isolation Presets' to control the depths of preset material views. (PR 32765)

* Added 'User Options > Interface > Always ask to unshorten drawings before adding objects'. This can be used to govern whether Drawing Editor objects can be added only to drawings that support the notion of Shortening. The default value is on/checked. (PR 39560)

* For Erection View Drawings in Drawing Editor, added the ability for adding weld objects via the Material Callout Tool. (PR 42499)

* Stitch Welds are now supported by Weld Objects in Drawing Editor. (PR 42643)

* This project added options for haunch locations and when the haunch should be designed. (PR 44177)

* SDS/2 now supports to use paddle plate in a HSS beam to a column with bent plate connections. (PR 44304)

* There is now a setup option in Job and Fabricator Options > Job Setup tab > Plugin Options header > Command > Zeman Export to put the job name rather than the member piecemark in the JOB_NR field. (PR 44385)

* Added the ability for angle, tee and tube horizontal braces to connect to a wide flange horizontal brace. Producing the same connection as if the angle, tee or tube horizontal brace was connecting to a beam. (PR 44491)

* This project utilizes the newly added k1 value in the material file. If k1 is zero in the material file, the calculated k1 will be used. (PR 44539)

* Added the ability for 2 point and 3 point vertical braces connecting to an HSS beam to add a stiffener to the beam in the same manner that 2 point and 3 point vertical braces add stiffeners to HSS columns. (PR 44619)

* Added a new option Round Cope field to Member Detailing/Fabricator options screen. (PR 44752)

* Concrete material volume attributes are now available to Report Writer. (PR 44761)

* Shaped Rebar is now available for report writer. See ModelAdvanced/ModelMaterial/CustomMaterial/ShapedRebar. (PR 44762)

* Added a setup option in Design Criteria to allow 8 mm welds on 9.5 mm (3/8") thick material in Canadian jobs. (PR 44841)

* In "Job Repository Management" there is now a Report button that generates a job repository specific report. This replaces the Disk Space Information utility. (PR 44870)

* Added a gusset corner clip for single sided intersection gussets. (PR 44965)

* Added two new setup options Percent of allowable tension load for intersection vertical braces and Percent of allowable compression load for intersection vertical braces to Design Criteria screen. (PR 44966)

* Added a new setup checkbutton "Allow 8 mm welds on 9.5 mm (3/8") thick material" to Design Criteria screen. (PR 45086)

* A new option "Column reinforcement type" has been added to "Beam Edit" screen.

These two new options "Reinforcement type", and "Minimum Morris stiffener thickness" have been added to "Moment Plate Design Criteria" screen.
(PR 45101)

* Added a new combobox "Attachment" under "Use a safety erection seat" checkbox in the "Beam Edit" screen on the "Connection type" leaf. (PR 45192)

* A new drawing object 'Magnifiers' has been added to Drawing Editor. (PR 45213)

* The "HSS erection bolts" and "Hole type for HSS erection bolts" comboboxes have been added to "Horizontal Braces" tab in "Member Detailing/Fabrication Options" screen. (PR 45240)

* A new setup field has been added to Flange Plate Gaps, "maximum gap for a single filler". If the gap in the connection is greater than this value, then the system assumes that multiple fillers are to be used. This will reduce the h_f factor from 1.0 to 0.85 when calculating the shear strength of a slip-critical bolt group. (PR 45369)

* Added a new option for connection of safety erection seat to supporting to "Connection Detailing/Fabrication Options" screen. (PR 45423)

* Added a new field "Maximum gap for a single filler" to "Flange Plate Gaps" screen. (PR 45446)

* The Python API Intersect3D can be used to create SimpleShapes for a member's local bounding box.

sds2.iterators and sds2.lists introduce functions for finding members and materials based on the Intersect3D module.

model.DoPolygonsIntersect leverages the speed optimizations in Intersect3D.

sds2.obj introduces convenience functions for visualizing bounding boxes.
(PR 45463)

* There is now a toolbar item that allows the Drawing Editor to be launched from Modeling. It is found in Toolbar Configuration under "Interface". (PR 45548)

* You may now choose to open an erection view by default when starting modeling. You can modify or clear your selection in the "open erection view" screen. (PR 45550)

* Project Transfer will now remember the Directory path per user. (PR 45553)

* Added the 'Mark/unmark submaterial cnc downloaded' command in the Model-Material menu and on the CNC screen. (PR 45560)

Problems fixed:

* Construction line material will now add construction circles on inside diameter and outside diameter of pipe, diameter of round bar and diameter of round plates. (PR 17145)

* We have adjusted the construction lines added to material so that they now align with the member rotations. In previous releases when the member was close to 0 the lines slope were slightly off. (PR 32720)

* If both sides of a column splice connection have user-entered loads and those loads do not match, the connection will now be failed.

A user entered horizontal shear load on a column splice could not be changed to zero, if the shear load on both sides of the splice was a non-zero user load. This has been fixed.
(PR 32934)

* Validation has been added to the material file field on the "Create New Project" screen. (PR 33644)

* We have added the icon for Manual Erection View Detailing (PR 37397)

* A change has been made to reduce the amount of disk activity when working with a job with a significant number of welds. (PR 39168)

* Now the diameter and radius is retaining the value for construction circle in modeling. (PR 39287)

* We have added additional construction lines to the round bar when using the "Add construction lines to material" command. (PR 40935)

* The Zeman export will now export each selected member piecemark exactly once so that selecting many members with the same piecemark will complete sooner and not duplicate work. (PR 41301)

* Fixed a problem with calculating the length of combined vertical brace and beam clip angles. (PR 41567)

* System no longer adds shim plates to horizontal braces connecting to the bottom of beam flanges when they are not required. (PR 42393)

* 3D Weld polygons are now reviewable from Erection View Drawings. (PR 42498)

* Report writer reports accessing or selecting by Gather Sheets will run faster now. This became an issue with tables on Gather Sheets that selected by Gather Sheet.

In version 2018, a checkbox has been added to the report writer selection screen for "Include reference model data". This defaults to off and will exclude reference model members. To include reference model data check the box.
(PR 43314)

* SDS/2 2019 splash screens and logo images have been updated. (PR 43383)

* Zeman export of members with studs will no longer error. (PR 43455)

* Merge jobs will no longer get an error when the source job has no group members. (PR 43458)

* Addressed status issues for Erection View Detailing. (PR 43565)

* When the beam depth is very small, bolts cannot fit into the extended end plate, and the bolt row is set to 0, but the connection is still designed.

This has been fixed by failing this connection.
(PR 43643)

* Construction Line Add Material will now place construction lines at the bottom and right end of pipe material. (PR 43649)

* Corrected the rotation and shape of beam web stiffeners on a sloping horizontal brace gusset connecting to a beam web. (PR 43707)

* Changed Canadian design to use 3/4 ratio between weld size and plate thickness for shear tabs. (PR 43745)

* For Drawing Editor, made adjustments to circle objects so that their interiors could also be click-selected. Supplemental. Amended these changes to include only filled circles. (PR 43761)

* Updated the initial folder for create RFI so that linux users can browse beyond the SDS/2 data folder. (PR 43767)

* Addressed joist-elevation issue in Member Detailing. (PR 43786)

* Relaxed Drawing Editor changing layer from System Annotation to User Adjusted to only make the change if an important change is made. (PR 43793)

* Using the Model Summary option when in the Erector-Plus station will no longer report the amount of allocated and used loads incorrectly at zero. (PR 43796)

* Correct handling of the graphical attribute of Custom Girt. (PR 43837)

* Fixed a "Non-unique hash key!" error caused by the Embed Setup screen. (PR 43979)

* For Member Detailing, addressed an issue where preserving annotations could lead to incorrect slot rotations. (PR 44097)

* For a Column base/cap plate (auto or user) with beam above or below it, in some cases, the beam web compression strength with stiffeners is smaller than that without stiffeners.

This has been fixed by correcting the effective web length under compression when there are stiffeners.
(PR 44219)

* Combine/Break Apart will now update the main material piecemark if the option Use Member Mark for Member Main Material in Model is turned on. (PR 44249)

* Fixed a problem where the concrete material on a concrete beam, column, or pilaster could be mirrored when looking down the length of the member. (PR 44352)

* Added butt plate length and width lockables to the member edit screen for column splices. (PR 44399)

* Fixed problems with processing and creating solids on more members than we should. We are now using a better algorithm to find members that should be @user locked and possibly changed during process. (PR 44411)

* Fixed the check for vertical brace gussets interfering with a beam flange to eliminate incorrectly failing brace connections. (PR 44435)

* SDS/2 sets correct grade for the brace reinforcement plates according to the user input grade value in the Brace Reinforcement Plates, Plates screen. (PR 44463)

* Changed the weld of a butt plate to a wide flange column to run along the outside edges of the column's flanges. (PR 44488)

* Corrected load calculation 302 to work with the expanded load calculation report. Also fixed a units issue inside the load calculation. (PR 44559)

* For Modeling, made adjustments that allow solids to be rendered without need for movement of the mouse-pointer by the user. (PR 44565)

* For Modeling, addressed issues that caused the results of 'Model > Show Detail Dimensions' to be inverted. (PR 44647)

* Corrected a problem that occurred while pasting from clipboard. (PR 44650)

* Correct handling of the graphical attribute of Custom Girt. (PR 44662)

* Correct handling of the graphical attribute of Custom Girt. (PR 44664)

* Imperial angle material with a space in the depth part of the section size string will now export correctly as imperial angles to Revit. (PR 44690)

* For Erection View Detailing, made corrections to allow elevations of concrete members to be available in EVU Cleanup. Supplemental. Amended this change to also hide the right end elevation by default. (PR 44699)

* For Erection View Detailing of Cast in Place Concrete Columns having rebars with function VERT BAR, made adjustments to emit a consolidated Rebar Item object for them versus independent Rebar Item objects. (PR 44715)

* When a material file with duplicate section size designations is edited, the editor will temporarily add a suffix to the duplicates and display a warning list of the renamed section sizes.

Users must then hit 'OK' on the material file editor to save the renamed designations. Hitting 'Cancel' will leave the material file unchanged.
(PR 44718)

* Zeman Export will now put attached material in the correct spot when the material is not lowest numbered piece of that mark. (PR 44733)

* Formerly, parametrically changing the member end location of one of several like members then changing it back would cause a member piecemark error. This error has been fixed. (PR 44746)

* For Shear tab designs, there was a potential infinite loop condition when the user locks number of bolt rows when "Skew holes in plate" is selected in Connection specifications. This has been fixed. (PR 44750)

* Fixed a bug in the Python API where the Designable package failed to find material created by a Processable that was broken apart into a linked miscellaneous member. (PR 44764)

* Corrected the calculation of auto shear load for composite beams in ASD 13th, 14th, and 15th edition jobs. (PR 44768)

* Anchor Rod will not create solids when the user option for process after solids operations turned off. (PR 44769)

* Made corrections to avoid duplicated callout labels when cutting member views from Drawing Editor. (PR 44771)

* CNC DSTV output will now detect when a hole in the model does not appear on the face that it the hole edit screen says it is on, and will move it to the face it appears on. (PR 44775)

* For a HSS brace with double paddle plate connection, SDS/2 is using the "HSS double paddle clearance" option from the "Member Detailing/Fabrication Options" screen correctly for both horizontal and vertical braces. (PR 44779)

* Custom Girt won't throw an error about a missing guid when using new Portal Frame Tool. (PR 44783)

* Remove diagnostic messages that are not errors from Custom Girt. (PR 44786)

* Reports Tables have been update for tables used by global sheets. The reports tables will be copied into created jobs along with the global sheets. (PR 44787)

* Fixed a false "Locked Dimension less than minimum allowed" error message with horizontal braces. Angle, wtee and wide flange gussets to one member with the clip end operation chosen now work when the brace is slightly skewed. These braces will now also increase the gusset length instead of failing due to maximum weld size. (PR 44790)

* Added help address to Plugin Manager screen. (PR 44800)

* Added help address for Joist Manufacturer Manager screen. (PR 44801)

* The erection view table will no longer remain locked when attempting to detail an erection view at the same time someone else has that drawing loaded into Drawing Editor. (PR 44804)

* Ensure display of these fields when expected for angle material:

(Connection to supported):
"Gage on leg to supported"
(Connection to supporting):
"Horizontal to first hole:"
"Gage on leg to supporting:"
(PR 44810)

* Corrected the value being loaded in report writer for the ShortLegGage1 in MaterialFile folders. Previously the LongLegGauge1 value was being loaded into the ShortLegGauge1 item. (PR 44812)

* Upon job creation, SDS/2 will now generate the correct directory hierarchy for joist manufacturers. (PR 44815)

* When using Project Transfer to pack a job that is not the active job in SDS/2, it was possible that some of the data was not created and upon transfer would exit with an error that a database file did not exist. This issue should not occur now. (PR 44821)

* Creating rebar shape names that have characters that are not valid file names will be locally corrected to be saved on disk. The name stored in the rebar shape will not be changed. (PR 44822)

* Warnings about not having prepared to update the control table when drawing auto-save is enabled, shall no longer show up as a warning. (PR 44824)

* SDS/2 will no longer warn about a table needing to be refreshed while it is attempting to do a refresh. (PR 44825)

* Addressed the cause of a fatal error opening Modeling in Erector Station. (PR 44828)

* When attempting to read a non-existent rebar shape into SDS/2, SDS/2 will no longer crash with a boost exception message. (PR 44830)

* Prevent an assertion on in_omp_critical_section when doing auto recovery or writing auto recovery file. (PR 44832)

* When resolving missing materials of the fabricator, SDS/2 will no longer generate an error about already having the fabricator or job setup locked. (PR 44834)

* SDS/2 when resolving missing materials from a fabricator setup, will not attempt to re-read the fabricator setup and cause the "Number of used entries in memory (0) does not match number of database (1) used entries for table Seteo del fabricante (21)" error. (PR 44836)

* Purging SDS/2 members will no longer attempt to purge the deleted members twice. (PR 44837)

* Fixed an infinite loop when processing a wide flange vertical brace. (PR 44846)

* Horizontal braces connecting to two beams will now fail with the error message "Brace connection does not fit beam web" when the gusset clip angles interfere with the beam K distance. This is similar to the failure that was given in version 2016. (PR 44849)

* Beams framing into a concrete wall where the X or Y global coordinate is negative will now node match correctly. (PR 44850)

* Addressed MOI issues for Erection View Detailing. (PR 44851)

* Fixed a floating-point problem in the minus dim calculation for beam plain end connections. (PR 44854)

* Change the calculation of maximum reactions after framing situation for graphical and locked ends. This matches the other calculation of maximum reactions now. (PR 44855)

* For Member Detailing of handrails that modify stair members, addressed issues that generated incorrect "NOSING LINE" annotations. (PR 44856)

* The Release Unused Data utility will now inform the user when the process is complete. (PR 44864)

* The maximum number of rows in thru shear plates is now consistent with the maximum number of rows in other shear plate designs (typically 12 rows). (PR 44868)

* In the Python API fixed a bug in Component.ReplaceLiveComponentsWithCopy that prevented components from being saved. (PR 44871)

* There was an infinite loop potential in Standard Clip Angle Design in the case of an angle welded to the beam with a large web projection. The infinite loop has been prevented in sds2_2018 & sds2_2019. (PR 44878)

* Fixed a bug inside of brace design that had the potential of failing a brace connection with the message: "Locked dimension is less than minimum allowed" when no dimensions were locked. (PR 44892)

* In the Python API, users can browse a subset of the material file. See help(SelectionDialog.RunMaterialFileSelectionDialog) for more information. The dialog.choose_file.ChooseMtrl can support similar functionality via attributes for a list of shapes and browser title. (PR 44894)

* Fixed a bug that could affect the calculation of minus dimension for star vertical braces using an intersection gusset. (PR 44897)

* For Member Detailing, made changes that attempt to limit bolt-callouts to a view in which at least one instance is shown. (PR 44900)

* When restoring drawings from the auto-saved drawing, SDS/2 will properly handle the restore if the auto-saved drawing cannot be read. (PR 44904)

* Node match to concrete will now prefer a positive member setback and node match properly. (PR 44906)

* Fixed an "Invalid Shared brace configuration" problem. The system now checks if the slopes of all three members work to create a 3pt gusset. If not the system will try and create a 2pt gusset and a single gusset. (PR 44909)

* Updated the calculation of refx for single sided intersection vertical braces. The system now calculates a uniform distance that the gusset extends beyond the supporting brace. (PR 44912)

* Added a check to vertical braces that will not combine 2 braces onto a 2 point gusset if they are parallel. (PR 44913)

* IFC import no longer fails with an exception when importing files containing empty product names. (PR 44917)

* Corrected the stick representation for vertical HSS vertical braces. (PR 44926)

* A lock problem warning will no longer appear when exiting modeling after adding members in a job with embed plates. (PR 44942)

* If an entry for a 'user defined connection' is not valid, SDS/2 will now treat this as an error when found and not issue warnings before treating as an error. Verify & Fix Job will now scan and verify user defined connection entries. (PR 44948)

* Corrected handling of "none" for the schedule identifier in Embed Plate Member. (PR 44950)

* Fixed a bug on vertical braces connecting to a column and beam with a clip angle connection between the gusset and column. The brace clip angle bolt types now follow the bolt types that are used on the beam. This was an issue in solids creation only. The actual design was using the correct bolts. (PR 44951)

* Kingspan Siderail will now use Kingspan gage lines of side rail material to determine bolt/hole offset from edge of material. (PR 44956)

* Selecting to copy custom properties in member copy will no longer crash SDS/2. (PR 44958)

* If the job is not properly loaded into SDS/2, the attempt to read the name of the active fabricator will no longer cause an exception reading fabricator entry zero. (PR 44967)

* Fixed member copy and copy/paste members to correct associated member numbers. (PR 44977)

* Timing reports on processes that took over 71 minutes now report the time correctly. (PR 44981)

* 1) Added check that all members in an HSS welded vertical brace connection are HSS members.

2) Also added check that the welded HSS connection does not extend past the end of the member.
(PR 44982)

* When skewed holes were specified on Shear Tab connections with sloped beams, SDS/2 was using an Old Method analysis. In many cases, it should have been using AISC Conventional or Extended Method. Skewed hole analyses are now the same as for non-skewed holes. (PR 44984)

* For Submaterial Detailing, addressed an issue that would yield an incomplete list of members when 'Fabricator Setup > Member and Material Piecemarking > Submaterial > Show member marks and quantities on submaterial details' is on/checked. (PR 44991)

* The embed plate schedule no longer freezes when editing an embed plate with studs while using a metric job. (PR 44993)

* Selecting to cancel a job copy, pack, or unpack operation will now cancel the operation and the partial destination job will be removed. (PR 45001)

* Rebar Item and Rebar Run objects are now selectable from Display Options in Drawing Editor. (PR 45002)

* Removed "Rename" and "Delete" buttons in Drawing Editor for BIM, Fabricating, Erector, and "Approval" stations. (PR 45012)

* Reading the bolt schedule information in an SDS/2 job with design method AISC15, ASD15, and LRF15 via the Python API will no longer result in a crash. (PR 45021)

* Member copy has not handled broken apart members. This became more obvious since Embed Members create broken apart members. This problem has been fixed. (PR 45022)

* Holes added to welded wide flange material will correctly state what section (top flange, bottom flange, web near and far sides) the hole belongs to. (PR 45024)

* The horizontal shear load on a column splice connection can now be set back to zero without setting the load back to auto. Previously a process of the connection would change the load back to its original value. (PR 45030)

* For Submaterial Detailing, addressed an issue that caused Unrolled Surface Templates to be generated as hidden lines. (PR 45035)

* For Submaterial Detailing, addressed an issue where threaded round bar materials would always be called out as 'THREADED ROD1/4x<length>". (PR 45045)

* Weights for all types of bar-stock material are now shown in the bill of material. (PR 45047)

* The Embed Schedule is now read-only in Fabricator, Approval, and Review Stations. (PR 45049)

* When users lock a column cap plate thickness, SDS/2 may lose response. This issue has been fixed. (PR 45051)

* Fixed Error 56 when trying to read material file doesn't exist. (PR 45056)

* The member isolate dialog no longer incorrectly appears when doing a material isolate. (PR 45057)

* Fixed bug where beams with moment flange plate connections were sometimes marked for processing if the top and bottom transverse weld sizes differed. (PR 45070)

* Warnings with joist to tilt-up panel embeds should be gone now. (PR 45075)

* Default new AS4100 jobs to metric instead of imperial. (PR 45094)

* Calling GetPolygons() on a MaterialBase material that is not yet in the database now returns None if the material does not yet have polygons rather than crashing. (PR 45100)

* If an error occurs in the normal operation of SDS/2, the resulting error report will now contain information about the repository that the job resides in. (PR 45107)

* Reserved joist material weight will now show a more representable weight for the joist. (PR 45108)

* Added help address to "Part Library Fastener Edit" screen. (PR 45109)

* In the General Information screen for materials, the weight field had at most 6 trailing zeros. The report will no longer have the unnecessary trailing zeros. (PR 45111)

* Updated help address for "IGES Properties" screen. (PR 45113)

* Fix a case that SDS/2 may lose response with a clip angle connection in a beam web. (PR 45115)

* Updated help address for Rebar Item screen. (PR 45118)

* Checking Force on a Shear Tee connection (Shear tab with WTee material type) was causing unexpected, incorrect results. Fixes in version 2018.09 include:

1. The connection will now remain a Shear Tee, even if it fails.

2. Additional remedies, such as adding bolt rows and reducing row spacing will occur (unless locked) before failing.

3. When a specific WTee is locked, SDS/2 will not attempt to replace it with a different WTee or change to Plate material.
(PR 45129)

* For Member Detailing of column members by the system, made adjustments so that superfluous non-standard hole symbol annotations would not be added. (PR 45131)

* Clip angle connections in Canadian jobs may have had welds that were smaller than the allowable minimum on the OSL if the supporting thickness was relatively large. This has been fixed. (PR 45132)

* Fixed the calculation of the flange plate bolt bearing capacity of a beam splice connection with inner flange plates. (PR 45148)

* Submaterial lines in the BOM will not have the main material's ABM entry in their Advanced Mill # field. (PR 45149)

* k1 is now used to calculate the length of the fillet along the inside face of the flange in load calculation 42. (PR 45153)

* Fixed an infinite loop problem with vertical braces that connect to one supporting member. This happened when the gusset to supporting member connection was a clip angle. (PR 45154)

* Fixed a problem where new members that intersect a void space would not get cut by the void until they were reprocessed. (PR 45155)

* Addressed the cause of warnings in user options while setting default toolbars for Estimodeling. (PR 45169)

* Drawing tables are scaled correctly when doing autoloading using "Autoload Details for selected members" in modeling. (PR 45172)

* Fixed an issue with connection descriptions in S3D transfer. (PR 45174)

* In the Python API, non-navigation tools will be disabled during Layout3D.get_Layout3D and the default Component.Component.SetReferencePointForMemberUI() implementation. (PR 45178)

* Group members will now be deleted when they have all of their member's removed/deleted. (PR 45180)

* From a previous version:

Corrected some Member Detailing issues that stemmed from the use of the Surface command during Member Isolation.

This has been amended to also possibly ask the user whether to replace their currently opened Member Isolation view when using the Surface command.
(PR 45185)

* For Drawing Editor, addressed an issue that caused a crash when attempting to apply 'Process > Template Detailing Tools > Convert to Rule' to a dimension. (PR 45188)

* For Drawing Editor, fixed the cause of mysterious crashes while using the Material Callout tool. (PR 45190)

* For Drawing Editor, fixed the pulldown commands for 'Locate > On Line or [Arc|Circle]'. (PR 45193)

* For Drawing Editor, changed an area of logic to more gracefully handle operations being attempted on read-only drawings. (PR 45195)

* Material Drafting in Drawing Editor will now give you a preview of the material shape being added. In previous releases when a construction line was added before starting the material drafting operation the preview was not visible. (PR 45197)

* For a web horizontal beam to the top of a column, SDS/2 will place the clip angle connections in the right place. (PR 45210)

* Fixed the reporting of the uniform force method component forces on a vertical brace design report. (PR 45218)

* Fixed problems with process on the fly giving inconsistent results. (PR 45223)

* Auto standard connection in status display will highlight the correct members. (PR 45228)

* Tool tips added for Display Other Materials as Gray and the Inactive/Active in status display. (PR 45229)

* Bolt shear is now checked for end plates with compression and no tension. (PR 45230)

* User defined connection in status display will highlight the correct members. (PR 45233)

* Included angle in status display uses angles instead of radians. (PR 45249)

* Mid-ordinate status display reads the correct value. (PR 45251)

* Fixed an issue where process on the fly could leave members marked for solids creation. (PR 45254)

* In the Python API, fixed an issue where the model module could leave stale data in memory after committing a change to the database. (PR 45255)

* Frames to model complete member in status display will highlight the correct member ends. (PR 45260)

* Indeterminate ends in status display will highlight only the member end that is indeterminate. (PR 45261)

* When a rolled beam whose 2 ends have the same elevation frames to a level beam, its solid is not correct because its web cut and material setback are incorrect.

This has been fixed by correcting the calculation of web cut and material setback with the rolling operation.
(PR 45262)

* Auto column splice plate uplift in status display will be correctly highlight members with auto standard splice plate connections. (PR 45264)

* Disabled CustomGirt fields that are not used for EavesBeam. (PR 45271)

* Corrected Approval and Concrete reports Member_LoadInformationBySelection and Member_LoadsWithMaximum_LoadsBySelection and Tables Table-DetailSheetMemberLoads and Table-MemberLoads to convert loads from KIPs to kN for metric jobs. (PR 45274)

* When the member add options bar is on and a column is added with 0 length the alert message is more descriptive of the problem. (PR 45279)

* Copying a joist no longer causes the original joist's connection to disappear. (PR 45280)

* Fixed a regression in the Python Designable.Proxies API where field bolts were incorrectly being added as shop bolts. (PR 45284)

* Fixed a problem in the column web bolt bearing check for a column splice connection in an AISC 15th edition job. (PR 45290)

* Fixed an error in the Split Rebar Tool that would occur when splitting multiple rebar in the same member. (PR 45291)

* The ExcelReports plugin now validates the header and footer length while defining the report instead of waiting till generating the output. (PR 45296)

* When a beam framing to the top of a column with cap plate, sometimes in the middle of the design, the beam may be wrongly coped.

This has been fixed by checking if the cap plate interferes with the beam.
(PR 45306)

* CNC DXF output now outputs curves correctly when output outlines as continuous is on. (PR 45309)

* Fixed an issue with locking the web channel on wide flange vertical braces with a web channel connection. The load calculations are now using the proper web thickness when calculating bolt bearing on the web channel. (PR 45312)

* General Information for materials will now show the weight to a maximum of 3 decimal places, if necessary. (PR 45325)

* The beam and shear tab material of a shared thru plate was being set back to clear the weld on a projection, even if the projection was not present. This was happening whenever the cope option was selected for a shared plate (vs clip). Now the setback will occur only when there is a cope on that side. Each side is independent. (PR 45329)

* In some cases, a clip angle connection with expanded vertical bolt spacing may enter an infinite loop when processed.

The problem is SDS2 tried to reduce the expanded bolt spacing before increasing the bolt diameter, which caused the infinite loop.

This is fixed by increasing the bolt diameter instead of reducing the expanded bolt spacing.
(PR 45330)

* Simultaneously adding members no longer produces warning about other members that are being added, unless they affect each other. (PR 45332)

* Fixed a problem that would not let the user enter a user minus dimension for a vertical brace that was connecting to an invalid material. (PR 45334)

* Fixed an issue where deleting a member could leave things it connected to in stick. (PR 45336)

* Fixed warning during process and create solids after two users were editing members in the area and there was a database lock conflict. (PR 45338)

* Corrected the initial template source for a new job. Changing the design method would correct it, but the initial template source was not always correct. (PR 45340)

* Fixed an issue where adding a component could leave members in stick. (PR 45342)

* Fixed a problem with auto base/cap plates that was placing the base/cap plate incorrectly when there was a brace perpendicular to the beam. (PR 45347)

* Fixed the wide flange horizontal brace gusset clip/cope around the column in a gusset connecting to two beams with a column. If the brace is not at the top of steel for the column both top and bottom gusset will either be clipped or coped depending on what is chosen on the member edit screen. If the brace is at top of steel for the column the top gusset will be clipped (like it currently has been) and the bottom gusset will either be coped or clipped depending on what is chosen on the member edit screen. (PR 45348)

* Fixed a problem when editing various concrete/rebar templates where using Save As would cause the copied template to disappear from the list. (PR 45350)

* Canceling material rotation after a material add will no longer cause SDS/2 to crash when exiting modeling. (PR 45356)

* Address SDS/2 application crash during process if mouse wheel is scrolled. (PR 45357)

* Corrected the calculation of the bolt group polar moment of inertia in load calculations 234 and 235 for column splices with more than two columns of bolts on the web plates. (PR 45360)

* Fixed a bug that would occur when the user chose oversized holes on HSS welded vertical braces with certain bolt types. (PR 45373)

* Fixed load calculation 230 so that Hss braces with the double paddle plate connection or Hss braces with the paddle plate (double shear) connection don't use an eccentricity when checking buckling. (PR 45375)

* Hide "Use horizontal brace gusset to beam and end plate" for non-Euro code. (PR 45378)

* In some cases, a sloped beam with fully welded moment connection may get a square cut.

This has been fixed by turning the square cut off if the beam with fully welded moment connection is sloped.
(PR 45379)

* SDS/2 designs the correct flange plate length for beam splice connection if each beam has different bolt diameter in flange plate connections. (PR 45380)

* For a HSS vertical brace with paddle plate connection, when users lock the value of "Distance to 1st hole perpendicular to brace" in member edit screen, SDS/2 will design the correct bolt numbers for the paddle plate connection. (PR 45390)

* Detail sheet auto loading through the python API has been fixed. Previously a python warning would occur stating no sheet outline specified. (PR 45397)

* Added images to the Beam Nailer Hole component screen. (PR 45399)

* Added images to the Base Plate Shear Key component screen. (PR 45403)

* Fixed the checks of the web connection on a Eurocode column splice. They now check and properly report the limit states for all possible loadings. (PR 45405)

* Fixed a bug that was causing an uninitialized variable error. (PR 45418)

* In 'User Options' on the Job panel, the repository name is now displayed under the fabricator name. (PR 45424)

* The Bolt Schedule screen now is showing the correct tab. (PR 45430)

* Fixed an 'unknown material list object' warning after editing an angle handrail with cutout mid rails and field bolted toe plate. (PR 45432)

* Fixed a bug in the S3D import if the user chose to import with a base file, but didn't pick a base file. We will now pop up a message indicating that this isn't allowed rather than an error. (PR 45447)

* Fixed an issue in the 2018 convert that would corrupt user defined connections. (PR 45449)

* Add images to the Beam Stiffeners at Column component screen. (PR 45450)

* Fixed a warning when opening the toolbar configuration, if you had the CostingEstimator plugin installed. (PR 45453)

* Fixed a warning when opening the toolbar configuration, if you had the FortosiExport plugin installed. (PR 45454)

* On the member edit screen fixed an error that could occur when validating rolling operation fields after adding a view. (PR 45456)

* Added images to the Column Stiffeners - Column component screen. (PR 45458)

* Added images to the Column Stiffeners - Beam component screen. (PR 45464)

* Node matching does a better job of finding supporting/supported members if a supporting member is added after the supported member. (PR 45475)

* Added help address to Modify Rebar Hooks window. (PR 45486)

* Added help address to Split Rebar screen. (PR 45487)

* Added help address to Extend Rebar Ends window. (PR 45488)

* Added help address to Rebar Layout screen. (PR 45489)

* Added help address to Cast in Place Column window. (PR 45490)

* Fixed the calculation of B face for HSS vertical brace plastification check. (PR 45494)

* Plotting sequence on the bill of material when the member is on multiple sequences does not cause a crash. (PR 45495)

* Toolbar icons have been added for the Column Stiffener - Column component. (PR 45499)

* Fixed error caused by drawing tables using foundation reports when the sheet contains deleted members. (PR 45500)

* Toolbar icons have been added for the Column Stiffener - Beam component. (PR 45501)

* Added images to the HSS Cap Plate component screen. (PR 45503)

* Added images to the HSS VB Reinforcement Plates component screen. (PR 45504)

* Fixed a problem where running an expanded design report would make subsequent process and create solids take longer then they should. (PR 45510)

* Added help address to Embed Edit window. (PR 45511)

* Added images to the Safety Holes component screen. (PR 45513)

* Added images to the Safety Holes - Column component screen. (PR 45515)

* Added images to the Safety Tabs component screen. (PR 45523)

* Added images to the Safety Tabs on Column component screen. (PR 45527)

* When viewing expanded calculations while reports are set to go to disk, SDS/2 now correctly opens the calculation file in the web browser. (PR 45529)

* If a user compression load that is lower than the minimum allowed for the job's design method is entered for a column splice connection, the connection is now failed. Previously the system increased the user load to the minimum allowed. (PR 45530)

* Added images to the Reduced Beam Section component screen. (PR 45533)

* STEP import no longer creates mangled materials in incorrect locations (PR 45541)

* Fixed a bug in the design of vertical braces connecting to HSS supporting members with stiffeners on the supporting member. The system was ignoring the stiffener thickness when placing the gusset on the supporting member. (PR 45543)

* The bolt spacing in connection detailing/fabrication options has been fixed now is showing the correct value. (PR 45547)

* Dissimilar thru plate connections with square cut ends and skew holes that use a shared Thru Plate would have the alignment of the bolts on one side of the Thru Plate matching the other side of the plate, rather than matching the square cut end of the connected beam. Each bolt row will now match the square cut of its respective side. (PR 45561)

* The construction lines and circles no longer occasionally move when changing the relative depth. (PR 45572)

* Wide flange horizontal and vertical braces added using the Member Add Options Bar would report higher load values when added after a double angle brace. This has been fixed. (PR 45592)

* Prevented a string index out of range error that may have occurred while running Status transfer. (PR 45600)

* For Drawing Editor, added additional guards to help avoid mysterious crashes when attempting to render Bill of Material. (PR 45601)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2019.01 Alpha:

Problems fixed:

* Minor marks on details get changed when using Change Marks. (PR 30708)

* Added an option to the HSS Cap Plate component that will cause the member's ends to be setback by the plate thickness if the setbacks are AUTO. (PR 35256)

* SDS2 no longer crashes when attempting to create Arc Dimensions that are straight lines. (PR 41103)

* The spacing options frame label for Column Stiffeners - Column makes sense now for any Location option selected. (PR 41232)

* Added check in verify & fix to determine if the submaterial solids are located incorrectly and attempt to relocate the solid. This is an optional check and can be enabled by selecting "Check submaterial solid location". (PR 42023)

* Reworked some code to address assertion warnings stating something of the nature '!in_omp_critical_section'. (PR 42765)

* SDS/2 places the web fill plates in the correct locations for the welded column splice connections. (PR 42979)

* Snap modes Intersection Construction Line Member, Vertex Point, and Rebar Exact Point no longer locate points on hidden members. (PR 43069)

* Relaxed Drawing Editor changing layer from System Annotation to User Adjusted to only make the change if an important change is made. (PR 43793)

* The FortosiExport plugin no longer complains about using OperationClass.All (PR 44436)

* In ModelLINK's STEP export properties, the "bender friendly" check box now remembers its previous setting (PR 44648)

* The full transfer in transmittal uses the correct sheets. (PR 44867)

* Hiding member polygons in Display Options by member type will only hide the specified member types. Drawing bolts and holes that are associated with a member that's hidden by member polygons in drawing options will also be hidden. (PR 44953)

* For a beam framing to a welded plate box section beam with the shear tab connection, SDS/2 now supports the extend past flange options and the supported beam has a square cut end. (PR 45017)

* STEP and IGES formats can be exported using Transmittal. (PR 45027)

* When using the member add bar to add columns, if the height of the column would be 0-0: instead of generating an alert set the height to 5-0 and show the edit screen. (PR 45061)

* Users may now specify the distance around the model within which grid lines are exported to IFC (PR 45081)

* Welded plate wide flange columns no longer get duplicate moment flange stiffeners when beams frame into both flanges with moment connections. (PR 45099)

* Picking a Job from the third field button in "Replace Fabricator Values" in "Utility Functions" will no longer cause a crash in SDS/2. (PR 45130)

* The "Not enough lines to swap" alert is shown when trying to move a bill line when only the top line and another line are visible. (PR 45189)

* Fixed a regression in the Python Designable.Proxies API where field bolts were incorrectly being added as shop bolts. (PR 45284)

* Excel python reports ErectedExcelReport and ShipMarkWeight reports have been corrected to handle metric values. (PR 45298)

* In some cases sloped flanges in a clip angle connection may not in the correct location. This has been fixed by adjusting the flange plate location with the slope. (PR 45358)

* Stairs and handrails imported from IFC files are now created as miscellaneous members (PR 45371)

* Columns imported from IFC files (especially those from Tekla) now always run bottom-to-top. (PR 45402)

* Embed plates, angles and channels will now show section sizes on erection view details. In the case of Embed plates, the section size annotation will be "PL(thickness)x(width)x(length)", similar to the Embed Schedule. (PR 45434)

* When detailing a member with user changes to the BOM preserved, the member label will reflect the changes in the BOM. (PR 45514)

* Updated the design of HSS vertical braces using the paddle plate connection to be more efficient when selecting the number of bolts in the connection. (PR 45535)

* Removed "Shear plate grade" from report in "Shear Plate Setup" screen. (PR 45540)

* There is now a toolbar item that allows the Drawing Editor to be launched from Modeling. It is found in Toolbar Configuration under "Interface". (PR 45548)

* Degrees for job north has been added to the create new project dialog. (PR 45551)

* Added help address to Add Flat HandRail windows. (PR 45562)

* SDS/2 designs the correct locations about a Hss Reinforcement plate for a beam framing to a HSS column. (PR 45578)

* Fixed a bug in vertical brace connections to a beam and column with clip angles to the column. The system will now set the gusset to column clip angles size to match the beam to column clip angles size. (PR 45591)

* Entering invalid characters into a job name for unpacking or renaming is no longer allowed in SDS/2. (PR 45593)

* Fixed a problem with the bolt shear check on column splices. AISC 13th edition requires extra bolts on fill plates to develop their strength if they are over 3/4" thick. The bolt shear check needed to be updated to reflect that the fill plate had been developed. (PR 45605)

* For Drawing Editor, determined and corrected one cause of fatal error "Drawing Scale is ZERO". (PR 45614)

* For Drawing Editor, made adjustments to circumvent SDSunknown: invalid command name ".buttons.line.frame.del" warnings. (PR 45616)

* For Drawing Editor > Process > Detail Current Piecemark, discovered/addressed one cause of "Assertion failed: to_update.empty()". (PR 45621)

* Adjusted the thickness of the paddle plate in an HSS vertical brace with a paddle plate (double shear) connection. Now the paddle plate is at least the thickness of the gusset plus a clearance amount. (PR 45622)

* Fixed the gap and weld placement for Horizontal brace beam web stiffeners. (PR 45623)

* Fixed the web leg portion of load calculation 253 for heavy clip angle connections. (PR 45628)

* The buttons at the bottom of the screen (Ok, Cancel, Reset, and Help) need to be justified to the right to match other screens. (PR 45629)

* Update the Base or Cap Plate Stiffeners component screen to include images and variables. There is also a toolbar icon available for the component. (PR 45633)

* For DesignLINK, addressed an issue that could lead to enmasse warnings regarding invalid sequence numbering. (PR 45634)

* SDS/2 will use at least 2 row bolts in the paddle plate connections for HSS beams. (PR 45636)

* Added sheet outlines selection for project transfer drawing reduction option. (PR 45640)

* Project transfer with drawing reduction will now add concrete related information. (PR 45643)

* When renaming a Reinforced Concrete Extrusion template through Rename Project Items, invalid characters in the name used to rename the item in the job will be altered to be valid before saving. (PR 45644)

* A problem with object selection in Modeling has been fixed. Before the fix, a depth-checked concrete wall could be selected when it shouldn't be. (PR 45657)

* When the Auto Pack Command String screen appears, there is a copy icon button that will copy the string to the system clipboard. (PR 45662)

* Fixed the rotation of the CJP weld between a skewed vertical brace gusset and the supporting member. (PR 45665)

* Fixed custom material license error in report writer. (PR 45666)

* A situation where the model tree attempts to verify that the group member information is current while the group member information is being updated will no longer cause an assertion warning. (PR 45672)

* Fixed 'Unsupported hash operand type' error that would occur when editing several concrete member types. (PR 45678)

* A new job created with the CSA11 design method will now use the correct material file by default. (PR 45680)

* Updated help address for RebarRun Edit window. (PR 45685)

* Added help address to Wall Dowel screen. (PR 45686)

* SDS/2 will no longer cause an error and stop due to validating a job to see if it can open a job and failing because of user permissions with items in that job. (PR 45687)

* Added a help button and address to Column Dowel window. (PR 45688)

* Having a Windows machine with a host/computer name that contains non-ASCII glyphs will no longer prevent SDS/2 from reading/writing the display preferences file. (PR 45690)

* Adding a joist manufacturer will now overwrite any existing joist manufacturer files instead of generating an error. (PR 45692)

* SDS/2 will no longer generate an error when selecting Design Calculation from the Member Edit screen. (PR 45693)

* Fixed a bug that would cause a NullPointer error when multi member editing 2 point shared wide flange vertical braces that are web horizontal with flange plates. The system no longer causes a NullPointer error when the section size is changed. (PR 45697)

* Creating a drawing angle dimension with an invalid precision value will no longer cause SDS/2 to generate a Stack Overflow error. (PR 45702)

* SDS/2 will design 2 column bolts in an end plate connection when it is necessary. (PR 45706)

* Warnings like: "Table list Detail (2) has not been refreshed." will occur far less often in SDS/2. (PR 45723)

* For Erection View Detailing, fixed the cause of an issue that prevented piecemarks, member line colors and line types from being maintained when re-detailing erection views. (PR 45728)

* SDS/2 checks the flange paddle plate buckling strength correctly in a wide flange vertical brace connection. (PR 45731)

* Added support for 2018 and later SDS/2 Connect data on import. (PR 45743)

* Added four new tables to SDS/2 reports. (PR 45744)

* Default modeling background color has been changed. (PR 45745)

* The display option for terrain will now default to off for a new installation or new user. (PR 45746)

* Addressed 'Map does not have enough entries for index XX' for various station types. (PR 45748)

* SDS/2 will now check to see the model note entry data exists before trying to edit it, and create it if it does not. (PR 45750)

* Fixed an error when selecting the same point twice in a row while creating a rebar layout. (PR 45760)

* Default font, used in Setup and on default sheet outlines, has been updated to the Tahoma font. (PR 45767)

* For Erection View Cleanup in Drawing Editor, made changes to circumvent errors akin to 'bad window path name ".w.sw.sf.frame.row3XXX'. (PR 45775)

* Fixed load calculation 67. This calculation was wrong if the number of web doublers did not match the number of clip angles. Fixed the 'a' dimension in prying checks for beam to beam clip angle connections. (PR 45780)

* The current job repository will no longer be disabled if two users on different machines and the data directory is shared, when each user has the job repository network drive mapped to two different drive letters. (PR 45781)

* Fixed an issue with horizontal braces that was causing a NullPointer error. When the original gusset on a horizontal brace is connecting to two beams with at least one of the gusset fields locked. If the framing situation changes so that the gusset now only connects to one beam, the system will now unlock the gusset and change the gusset type to one that connects only to one beam. (PR 45807)

* Project Transfer with Drawing Reduction will disable the member detail selection button if no piecemark drawings exist. (PR 45808)

* SDS/2 will design HSS beam paddle plate for a skew bent plate connection correctly. And it may change to the skew shear tab connection when it is necessary. (PR 45811)

* If the user enters a manual offset different than 0 or 1/2" (13mm in metric), the edit screen for the 'Add rail to stringer' tool will no longer adjust the offset. (PR 45813)

* The default Euro HandRail clip angle connection size is 100x100x8RSA. (PR 45814)

* For Detailing with templates, prevented a crash while attempting to generate Cloud objects. (PR 45816)

* For Manual Erection View Detailing, addressed the cause of "Assertion failed: !IsProgramErectionView()". (PR 45820)

* Addressed at least one cause of program termination when saving drawings in Drawing Editor. (PR 45823)

* Lines deleted from the BOM won't be shown when printing a report of that bill. (PR 45824)

* If a fuse operation fails the material no longer disappears from modeling until the session is restarted. (PR 45827)

* Addressed a 'bad window path' warning that could happen while adjusting the Job Setup > Auto Standard Connections > .. > Input connection type:' entry of the edit screen. (PR 45835)

* Added code to avoid crashing while running Erection View Detailing Manual, at least until the underlying reason for it happening can be later determined. (PR 45844)

* Members in the process of being added to the model will no longer cause a member status warning when exiting a separate modeling instance. (PR 45849)

* Addressed the cause of a fatal exception_to_sds2_error when attempting to link a reference model in Modeling. (PR 45860)

* Run model update after import will once again open modeling without encountering an error. (PR 45875)

* The SDS/200 station shortcut has been added to the start menu and desktop during installation of SDS/2. (PR 45596)

* For SDS/200 there are two new toolbar decorations which show the structural steel weight and the concrete reinforcing steel weight. (PR 45711)

* During member copy in SDS200, members whose content was not copied yet will not cause an error in computing its weight. (PR 45726)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2019.02 Beta:

Enhancement Requests:

* This project added a cope radius option to "Member Detailing/Fabrication Options", the user could input a value for the default cope radius used in a beam. (PR 15953)

* Structural integrity checks have been added for beam and column connections. The structural integrity checks will be performed if a tie force is entered for the connection on member edit. (PR 27714)

* Added placement notes for cast in place column vertical bars. (PR 44711)

* Added placement notes for cast in place column ties. (PR 44712)

* Added design of the welded or bolted connection between a gusset and a supporting vertical brace for single sided intersection vertical braces. (PR 45670)

* SDS/2 now supports solid (square) groove welds in the user base/cap plate connections. (PR 45787)

* Added elevation callouts to section views on Pad Footings. (PR 45848)

* This project added the following pre-qualified CJP groove welded joint details to moment flange plate in shear connections.

If groove welds are used between the moment flange plate and the supporting column

1. If the flange plate is perpendicular to the column: use double bevel groove weld Joint Designation TC-U5b (page 89), root opening R = 1/8" or 3mm, groove angle alpha = 45;

2. If the flange plate is not perpendicular to the column (sloped): use single bevel groove weld Joint Designation TC-U4a (page 87) and figure 3.6 (page 107), root opening R = 1/4" or 6mm, groove angle alpha = 45; the weld should be on the obtuse angle side, see fig. 3.6.

Reference: AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Structural Welding Code - Steel
(PR 45855)

Problems fixed:

* If full depth column flange stiffeners are specified in setup, and we have a framing condition where the stiffener clashes with a shear tab going to the web of the column, we now split the stiffener around the shear tab. (PR 14988)

* When the option to Use group mark for main submember's main material mark in model is on SDS/2 will update the main submember's main material mark when doing detail sheet auto-loading or Change marks in the drawing editor. (PR 18834)

* For field/shop weld copes on sloped material, a groove angle of zero will now make the end of flange parallel to the web cut. (PR 19334)

* Material summary reports have been corrected to handle group member detail Bill of Materials that have multiple members. The way bolts were being recognized did not work with the multiple members in a BOM. Material summary reports did not handle the lack of sequence information for grouped members. To incorporate these fixed the legacy material summary reports have been replaced by the reports using report writer. (PR 24430)

* Group members now have a Universally unique identifier (UUID for short). (PR 27292)

* The setup option "Shop bill weight precision" found in Fabricator Options>General Detailing/Fabrication Options can now be set to two decimal places. E.g. .1 to .01. The previous lower limit was just one decimal place. Changing this field in setup adjusts the weights in the BOM immediately without having to re-detail. (PR 30975)

* Delimited ABM reports will be printed with the correct length in metric jobs. (PR 36275)

* IFC files imported from Revit rotate wide flange columns correctly (PR 36949)

* The Flange Flush Length for seismic weld access holes is now measured from the end of the bevel cut on the flange. (PR 37491)

* In some cases, if the bolt column is locked to 3 in a shear through plate, the connection may fail incorrectly.

This has been fixed by removing the maximum bolt column limit if the bolt column is locked for AISC 13th and above, and changes the maximum bolt column to 2 for other design code.
(PR 38347)

* In specific cases, a clip web end preparation along with a web cut angle did not correctly clip off the entire material of a rolled section. This case was most likely to occur when the web cut angle was around 45-50 degrees. (PR 38655)

* Holes created via hole match are now created with matchable turned on. (PR 38735)

* Update ABM links the ABM to the correct sequence. (PR 38837)

* Checkered plates on the ABM show plate steel grades. (PR 39077)

* Chair and cover can now have the same value for Rebar System. (PR 41153)

* When a label is copied with the mirror option the justification is once again mirrored. (PR 41600)

* Fixed a bug where SDS/2 would ignore the users first attempt to unmark a member for detailing. (PR 42338)

* OnLine is now on by default when using the auto locator while doing weld combo add.

Weld combo add and several other locators now remember changes to the auto locator. (For example if you add on line to the auto locator it will be on the next time you run weld combo add with the auto locator.)
(PR 42672)

* HandRail screens now show Cleat instead of Clip Angle for jobs with Eurocode design code. (PR 42739)

* When the option to Use member mark for member main material in model option is on it is no longer possible to end up with two different materials having the same mark while doing detail sheet auto-loading. (PR 42747)

* HandRail screens now show Fin Plate instead of Shear Tab for jobs with Eurocode design code. (PR 43512)

* Camber labels no longer show up on hidden members. (PR 43522)

* When using Classic selection lists (7.0 compatibility) double-clicking an item with nothing else selected will now close the dialog with just the one item selected even when the dialog allows multiple items to be selected. This allows using double-clicks to load sheet items, for example. (PR 43669)

* Corrected snapline names on submaterial details. (PR 44241)

* Multiple changes have been made to FEMA and seismic cope shop/field weld preps on material ends when a web cut is applied.

1. Flange Flush length is maintained for any web cut setting.

2. Flange top/bottom tip will line up with the web cut line or be off the web cut line when cope length is set.

3. Re-entrant length is correctly maintained for any web cut setting.

4. Re-entrant depth is measured from the top/bottom of the flange. This will fix the fish hook look from the radius cut to the end of the web cut.

5. The groove angle is adjusted so that the angle is maintained between the groove cut and the web angle. E.g.: a 45 degree groove angle with a 15 degree web cut will cause an actual groove angle of 30 degree.

6. The Clip Web setting is now dependent on the Re-entrant Length, not the cope length.
(PR 44252)

* Welds saved in an assembly will now have the weld symbol pointing to the correct location when added to members going forward. (PR 44299)

* SDS/2 designs the correct moment angle connection when a beam framing to a column web with a clip angle connection. (PR 44829)

* When a shear tab frames to a column web doubler (from a moment connection to the flange of a column), load calculation 36 now uses the column web doubler to check shear on supporting member. (PR 44896)

* Member labels will now appear when zooming in and out while copying members in modeling. (PR 44911)

* In some cases a column splice with web plate may fail incorrectly.

This has been fixed by comparing the shear strength to the correct shear load.
(PR 45034)

* In some cases, if the work line of a vertical angel brace is changed from bolt line to neutral axis, the gusset may fail incorrectly.

This has been fixed by increasing the gusset dimension when the work line is changed to neutral axis.
(PR 45092)

* Reworked the code that was released as "For Member Detailing of column members by the system, made adjustments so that superfluous non-standard hole symbol annotations would not be added". (PR 45131)

* Help information has been added for Rebar Runs in Drawing Editor. (PR 45219)

* Status display end colors on stick members won't swap when the model is rotated. (PR 45224)

* An error such as to 'bad window path name ".w.sw.sf.frame.row3.lfSDS2ConnectionEngineer"' will no longer occur when performing EVU cleanup on a job using modular custom properties. (PR 45299)

* Solids for square nuts on bolts are now generated at the correct size based on AISC 13, Table 7-20. (PR 45385)

* Fixed an issue in the 2018 convert that would corrupt user defined connections. (PR 45449)

* For Member Detailing of Stairs by the system, fixed an issue that would inhibit nonstandard Hole Symbol objects from being rendered. (PR 45461)

* Added Help information for shaped rebar. (PR 45485)

* For Group Member Detailing by the system, abandoned the consolidation of similar views into a single callout in favor of maintaining drawing integrity. This is now more similar to what template detailing generates for the same grouped members. (PR 45532)

* For 2D weld symbols, made adjustments to omit the inclusion of 'other side' information when the weld is all-around (i.e., arrow-side only will be emitted). (PR 45583)

* For Submaterial Detailing using templates, addressed an issue that was causing lengths to be called out as '0-0'. (PR 45625)

* FieldBoltsPointToPoint reports have been updated to show the grouped member piecemark when a beam frames to a group member with a shear plate. (PR 45675)

* Adding a joist manufacturer will now overwrite any existing joist manufacturer files instead of generating an error. (PR 45692)

* Default modeling background color has been changed. (PR 45745)

* Added a tool-tip to the pin mode toolbar icon. (PR 45752)

* RoofFrame is able to connect to sloping joists in cases where it should but previously could not. (PR 45766)

* Pipe and HSS shapes from Tekla IFC files no longer have invisible interior surfaces. (PR 45793)

* When using Change Options > Unlock/Lock Sheet Tables, tables are now updated before they are locked and after they are unlocked like they would be if the operation were instead done manually by opening each sheet. (PR 45815)

* EM11 export no longer segmentation faults when exporting rolled materials. EM11 export no longer complains about PositiveLengthMeasures when exporting welds. (PR 45822)

* Lines deleted from the BOM won't be shown when printing a report of that bill. (PR 45824)

* PDF's output with tables by parametric will now correctly scale the tables when the drawing's scale is not 1. (PR 45826)

* Corrected coloring of CMU materials in erection view drawings. (PR 45828)

* If a SharedPlateLength is locked (in MemberEdit), for a Beam-VerticalBrace, with the brace below the beam, and the length specified by the user extends the shared material below the gusset, bolt rows were still being created in the shared material even though they were not connecting it to the gusset. Corrected in v2018.12 and v2019.02. (PR 45834)

* SDS/2 no longer errors when using Utility Functions - Replace Fabricator Values. (PR 45838)

* A new user will now have the Output Configurations set to the appropriate defaults rather than having them all set to DEFAULT.

There is a new prompt when downloading CNC to the screen if more than 20 items are selected. It is recommended that large numbers of files be downloaded to disk rather than to the screen due to operating system limitations.
(PR 45842)

* In some cases, the dimensions of sloped moment flange plates in a shear connection may not be correct.

This has been fixed by correcting the dimensions with the slope.
(PR 45857)

* Table reports that are stored in the job will be refreshed on the table edit screen. (PR 45863)

* For Member Detailing of stair members, made adjustment to accommodate mirrored modeling copies with swapped ends. (PR 45873)

* After opening a locked drawing in read only mode SDS/2 will now correctly unlock all the drawing you open with next/previous drawing. (PR 45879)

* Rebar layout custom material items have been added to report writer. (PR 45882)

* Welded wire mesh now reports half the surface area as previously.

Custom material surface area is now customizable by overriding the CalculateSurfaceArea() method of MaterialBase.
(PR 45883)

* The minimum scale for a hatch, in Drawing Editor, has now been changed to 0.01 instead of 0.1. (PR 45884)

* Eliminated cases where HandRail piecemark prefix would be 'CUST_' instead of the value defined in setup. (PR 45888)

* When setting the material reference point, the reference point will stay displayed even when the mouse is moved outside the SDS/2 window. (PR 45889)

* Validation of the fabricator specified in the "Copy Fabricator from:" option of job creation is now performed, preventing an attempted access to a non-existent fabricator. (PR 45902)

* In some beam to beam connections, the safety seat cannot be designed.

This has been fixed by improving the check if the 2 beams are perpendicular to each other.
(PR 45903)

* Fixed the validation of locked bottom row edge distances on clip angle connections. (PR 45907)

* The Help in the Rebar Shape Templates screen will now load the help page. (PR 45908)

* The Help button for the Concrete Member and Material Piecemarking screen will now open the help page. (PR 45909)

* The Help button in the Reinforcement Defaults screen will now open the help page. (PR 45910)

* Help button has been added to the Concrete - Report Template Manager window. (PR 45912)

* Fixed an issue with horizontal braces that was causing a NullPointer error. When the original gusset on a horizontal brace is connecting to two beams with at least one of the gusset fields locked. If the framing situation changes so that the gusset now only connects to one beam, The system will now unlock the gusset and change the gusset type to one that connects only to one beam. (PR 45913)

* When adding a detail to a sheet that already exists on another sheet, the user is asked whether to add the detail to the bill of material. (PR 45920)

* The SDS/2 Data Transfer will now give the actual path to the output folder in the data directory. Previously a relative path was given and on Unix operating system you were unable to browse to the parent directory. (PR 45921)

* Fixed the calculation of maximum web shear for HSS beams in AISC jobs. (PR 45923)

* For Drawing Editor, made adjustments that would allow for additional changes to be saved following the manipulation of a template or template rule. (PR 45928)

* ExcelReports now load column justification if the column heading strings were enclosed in single quotes. (PR 45932)

* Fixed a bug in status display with welded wire mesh and cover materials if you tried to do a status on their material type. The user would have seen two entries for each of these, and there was no way to tell which one would work. Now there is one entry and it does work. (PR 45936)

* Clicking the help button on the ABM Qualifiers screen no longer causes a warning. (PR 45939)

* ERROR Printing. (PR 45942)

* Fixed an error when multi-editing system connections. (PR 45944)

* Corrected the design of web horizontal wide flange vertical braces with flange plates when they are connecting as a single sided intersection brace. The gussets can now be either bolted or welded to the supporting brace. (PR 45945)

* Many of the connections containing a Weak_Axis Rolled Beam to a Column that were perpendicular at the connection point resulted in a failed connection. This was due to an anomaly in the code when geometries involving zero degree angles were involved.

To achieve this change in an existing (bad) connection, it may be necessary to run Verify & Fix, checking the option:

Require node matching and processing.

This has been corrected in v2018.08 & v2019.02
(PR 45947)

* There is no longer a chance that renaming a sheet item will result in stations locking up in a multi-user environment. (PR 45956)

* When going into setup for the Custom Girt, SDS/2 no longer gives the user an AttributeError. (PR 45957)

* IFC import now recognizes alternate versions of European material size names. (PR 45963)

* Engineering jobs with nodes no longer error. (PR 45967)

* Add help address to help button on the "Manage Plugins" screen. (PR 45970)

* The Handrail to Stringer tool now includes Help information. (PR 45972)

* Fixes to copy to clipboard and paste from clipboard to prevent exceptions and member complete warnings. (PR 45975)

* Pipes with saddle cuts exported to STEP no longer leave behind small slivers of material. (PR 45976)

* When Verify & Fix Job is waiting for modeling to close, and the other user adds or deletes an entry (member, piecemark, etc...) then exits modeling, allowing Verify & Fix Job to execute, the error: "Number of used entries in memory (x) does not match number of database (y) used entries for table Member (8)", will not occur anymore. (PR 45982)

* No longer generate warnings and errors when there are multiple tiles open and a linear or fill copy is done where there is a member overlap. (PR 45985)

* Updated name of BentPL custom member to Pour Stop. Some dialog variables have also been updated to match accordingly. (PR 45986)

* When an error is detected in the current job when opening SDS/2, if Verify & Fix is selected, it will start as its own process and close/reopen the choice screen. (PR 45991)

* SDS/2 creates correct fillet welds when a rectangle user cap/base plate has smaller sizes than the supporting HSS column. (PR 45997)

* Fixed calculation of auto load for composite beams with a reaction factor of 1 in ASD 13th, 14th, and 15th edition jobs. The load was previously not changing with a change in the slab width. (PR 46003)

* Fixed an error in the design report for moment end plates with a tension load. The tension capacity reported on the report for such a connection was much too low. The design report would frequently report that a passed connection had actually failed due to tension. (PR 46013)

* Added help button to the Edit Properties window. (PR 46014)

* Improved process performance in jobs with lots of broken apart members. (PR 46018)

* Made improvement to shear tab to tube column design. There were circumstances under which the system would give a shear tab that was much too large for the supporting column. Fixed the calculation of the maximum allowable shear tab thickness. (PR 46026)

* The Expanded Calculation text is now black on white rather than grey on white. (PR 46043)

* In an Eurocode job, sometimes when opening the member edit screen of a vertical brace, SDS2 may issue warning: "CalcIndex is out of range" and "Unable To Display Type".

This has been fixed by correcting the load calculation index, so that the descriptions and unit of a load calculation could be found correctly.
(PR 46046)

* SDS/2 is printing out the weld types for column cap/base plates in reports. (PR 46047)

* Fixing a problem where the option to change ends was not being disabled properly for Eaves Beam on Kingspan. (PR 46063)

* Fixed the SDS/2 Viewer for job size limit error. (PR 46068)

* Fixed "Unsupported hash operand type" warning when editing Handrail or Embedded Plate. (PR 46069)

* Addressed 'SDSunknown: invalid command name "dim_cancel"' issues observed while editing Angle and Arc Dimension objects. (PR 46070)

* For system Member Detailing, removed changes previously made for another issue. This will restore the generation of nonstandard hole callouts at the ends of members that support that functionality. (PR 46074)

* SDS/2 has the correct root opening values for a square (solid) groove type weld. (PR 46078)

* SDS/2 is using correct gusset corner clip dimension to check gusset "L" shaped weld capacities. (PR 46081)

* Member Copy and Material Move will now always correctly apply the X, Y, and Z offsets when using the DxDy Locator to specify the second point. (PR 46085)

* Material copy will now remember the selected locators for the first and second point selections separately, even when modeling is closed and reopened. (PR 46086)

* Fixed a lock warning on exit after canceling out of a miscellaneous member added on the rotation screen. (PR 46087)

* Fixed a problem with weld orientation on a HSS welded vertical brace intersecting another HSS vertical brace. (PR 46104)

* Fixed calculation of Cb in load calculation 346 for 15th edition jobs. (PR 46116)

* Revise to use MS120 material instead of MS120x for multi-cleat at stanchion. (PR 46118)

* Change project transfer "Job version" field title to "Job data version" to be clearer. (PR 46122)

* Changes have been made to CNC code to keep report writer from failing while using MemberMaterial items:





(PR 46125)

* The built up tee shear connections fail incorrectly. The issue has been corrected and this connection is working as expected. (PR 46129)

* In some cases, the flange plate weld strength (load calculation 212) is checked in a beam to beam moment connection in which the beams have the same depth, and the flange plates have no weld.

The flange plate weld strength check has been removed in these cases.
(PR 46133)

* For Detail Erection Views Manually, added code to cleanly exit the sessions. Previously, a number of locking warnings could be generated. (PR 46134)

* For a seated tee connection, if users lock the value in "Bolts in seat" - "Horizontal to hole" in member edit screen, SDS/2 will locate the bolts correctly. If SDS/2 can not finish the design with the locked tee section, it will give the correct messages. (PR 46136)

* Fixed the maximum shear tab thickness calculation for a shear tab framing to an embed plate. (PR 46137)

* SDS/2 gives the correct failing message for a beam framing to other beams with end plate connections. (PR 46139)

* SDS2 designs the built up tee shear connections correctly for a beam with tension loads. (PR 46142)

* When field is changed in the Bill of Material editor that also changes other fields, those other fields are also set to be preserved. (PR 46143)

* The part library parametrics SelectPartID() function now works as expected. (PR 46149)

* Addressed the cause of sporadic crashes after canceling the selection dialog. (PR 46152)

* Unpacking a project in SDS/2 will no longer generate a "Truncated ZIP file body" error. (PR 46154)

* SDS/2 prints the correct design thickness in report for a HSS or pipe column (with a beam connecting this column). (PR 46156)

* Work has been done to resolve a segmentation fault accompanied by the error "The specified program requires a newer version of Windows. (1150)". (PR 46162)

* SDS/2 calculates the correct supporting member (column) flange prying stress for a vertical brace connection (to beam and column) by using the correct tributary length. (PR 46175)

* Kingspan panel joint now supports different offsets from upper and lower material. (PR 46200)

* Center Kingspan panel joint on stanchion by default. (PR 46203)

* Some extra printouts that could occur in the first load calculation of an expanded calculation report have been eliminated. (PR 46204)

* When editing multiple bolts that are different bolt types, the bolt finish field will no longer be disabled and will show the finishes that are valid for all of the bolts edited. (PR 46205)

* For a vertical brace to beam and column with end plate connection, SDS/2 is checking the prying force for the column flange. (PR 46207)

* Autostandard connections: beam framing to a concrete wall, that are set to clip angle will now create a clip angle connection framing to an embed plate. (PR 46214)

* Kingspan Panel Joint - adding horizontal offset option for material. (PR 46215)

* When adding round bar the section size is now remembered from the previously added round bar. (PR 46218)

* Unchecking plot field bolt bill of material information will make field bolts not be plotted in the bill of material. (PR 46228)

* It is now possible to set routings above 40 via model.ChangeOneMaterial. (PR 46240)

* At times the limit state table on member edit indicated that a passed 14th edition extended configuration shear tab had failed by showing the shear tab torsional strength in red. This has been fixed. (PR 46244)

* Change Options > Unlock Connection design locks and Change Base/Cap plate weld pattern will no longer show junk text when selecting the ends, but will show the correct end text.

Change Options > Unlock Connection design locks and Change Base/Cap plate weld pattern will no longer mark members for processing if neither end of a member is selected in the second part of the selection.
(PR 46248)

* Change Options > Unlock Connection design locks will no longer list members that have locked ends, but no lockable fields locked. (PR 46249)

* Eurocode moment end plate does not use the "Interior bolts" group, but the group was still shown in the beam edit screen.

The "Interior bolts" group has been hidden on the beam edit screen when Eurocode is used.

The bolt groups above the top beam flange and below the bottom flange have also been hidden when the moment end plate is flush.

The fail message "Connection tension zone fails" has been separated into 5 fail messages so the user could understand the fail more clearly and fix the problem more easily.

Bolt row validation in moment end plate has been added.
(PR 46252)

* SDS/2 creates the correct flange welds (groove type) for a full welded moment connection about a slop beam. (PR 46265)

* Fixed an error that could occur if a wall dowel component was added for a CMU wall composed of blocks without vertical voids for the rebar. (PR 46269)

* Fixed an error that occurs during copy/paste members when members contain assemblies. (PR 46275)

* Fixed a bug that was failing vertical braces due to a NullPointer error when the flange connection on a wide flange vertical brace with both web and flange connections was changed. (PR 46279)

* When copying material including a weld the weld will now correctly copy and not occasionally be stretched/shrunk or moved incorrectly. (PR 46284)

* The main menu repository will no longer default to the Windows language if the user options is not Default. (PR 46288)

* Adjusting siderail attachments to meet Kingspan specs for panel joint connection material. (PR 46292)

* Kinspan/UK:Leave off MB1A if panel joint material is narrower than siderail. (PR 46293)

* Limit choices of section size for Kingspan panel joint and prevent bottom connection if section size becomes too large due to changing siderail section size. (PR 46294)

* Changed the Eurocode bolt stick through minimum bolt length to 25mm. (PR 46297)

* In Drawing Editor the paste command is available immediately after doing a copy. It no longer requires the selection changing to activate. (PR 46299)

* When tail text is suppressed while detailing include the text that caused the suppression in the message. (PR 46300)

* Weld symbols in Drawing Editor will no longer occasionally appear to jump between being extra long and the expected size. (PR 46301)

* Repaired the annotations portion of 'Check Plot'. (PR 46303)

* For Drawing Editor, made adjustments to ignore an empty selection (instead of crash) when using Objects > Circles > Offset. (PR 46304)

* Adding more sequence rows than there are bill rows in the bill of material editor and changing a sequence quantity won't cause an error. (PR 46305)

* The member edit screen will now fit into a narrower width due to some whitespace being eliminated around Top/Bottom flange operation. (PR 46314)

* The drop-down choices on the member edit screen will now show more items before requiring scrolling. (PR 46316)

* SDS/2 designs the correct gage values for a MBMA moment end plate (unstiffened flush end) connection, according to AISC design guide 16. (PR 46330)

* Labels will no longer change their orientation and justification if doing so will move it dramatically away from any connected pointer. If you want a label to adjust its orientation and justification and it is not, be sure that the pointer ends near the label origin, and not the opposite end of the label. (PR 46345)

* Fixed a NullPointer error that occurred when designing the web doubler plate with 4 braces intersecting the beam. (PR 46355)

* STEP export on 32-bit platforms no long segmentation faults (PR 46362)

* USA joists have been removed from all EuroAll material files. (PR 46367)

* SDS/2 designs the correct field clearance for a deep beam with a fin plate. Reference the Eurocode Design Guide for more information. (PR 46370)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2019.03 Beta:

Enhancement Requests:

* The option to auto load submaterial drawings with the member drawing. When using this option, only one member drawing will be loaded on each sheet. An additional loading method has been added to facilitate this option. This loading method is "Top to bottom centered". The intent of this method is to load the member drawing in the center at the top of the sheet with the submaterial drawings filled in on either side and/or below.

This option may be set as default for detail sheet auto loading by setting the "Include detail's submaterial" in "Sheet Loading Criteria" in Fabricator setup.
(PR 2860)

* In "Job Repository Management" there is now a Report button that generates a job repository specific report. This replaces the Disk Space Information utility. (PR 44870)

* 1) added the ability for Angle or Wtee horizontal braces to attach to an intersected HSS horizontal brace.
2) Added the ability for horizontal braces to attach to an intersected HSS horizontal brace in a 2pt or 3pt configuration.
3) Added the ability for Angle or Wtee horizontal braces to attach to an angle horizontal brace in a 2pt configuration.
4) Added the ability for Angle or Wtee horizontal braces to attach to a Wtee horizontal brace in a 2pt or 3pt configuration.
(PR 45122)

* Added material usage descriptions to stair connection material. (PR 46414)

* Added ability for vertical brace gusset stiffeners to be added when the brace gusset is not along the centerline of the column web. (PR 46424)

* Added options to 'Setup > Job Setup > Design Options > Design Criteria > Bracing', as follows:
Percent of allowable tension load for intersection horizontal braces
Percent of allowable compression load for intersection horizontal braces
The default value for each of these is 20%.
(PR 46431)

* There is a new option for placing a border around a label. The SLOT boarder will draw a rectangle with circular ends around the label. (PR 46458)

* Group member custom properties have been added to report writer. (PR 46525)

* You will now have the ability to change the Sequence "Set limit" in the ABM Report Criteria>General Settings tab after an ABM has been generated.

This will allow the user to include additional sequences in the ABM after the initial ABM was created.
(PR 46715)

Problems fixed:

* Job Repository Management now has a utility to specify jobs in each repository to be auto-packed, a button to pack immediately, and a command line string that can be placed into the Windows Task Scheduler for running at a certain time. This is not a backup solution but a step toward a proper backup process. (PR 15474)

* We now will correctly weld a vertical brace framing to a column end point with user base/cap plates, where the column's plate has 'more' leg dimensions. (PR 20332)

* For Erection View Detailing, made adjustments so that the members match the view in Modeling. (PR 31581)

* Copy/paste of custom members and custom material from job to job no longer cause errors in Modeling.

Paste from clipboard will now cancel if rotations cause invalid member orientations. These will be reported in a warning list.
(PR 39426)

* Paste from clipboard will now cancel if rotations cause invalid member orientations. These will be reported in a warning list. (PR 39845)

* Improved checking for new failures after framing sit changes are done. (PR 41890)

* Fixed a framing situation where a column flange stiffener was intersecting a shear tab framing to the web of the same column. (PR 42511)

* For Member Detailing of beams having beveled shear tabs as the result of 'Fabricator Setup > Piecemarking Options > Standard Fabricator Connections > Standard Connection Setups > Shear Plate Setup > Bevel shear plate as required' being on/checked, extension dimensions will be located at its acute-angle intersection with the beam web. (PR 43298)

* RoofFrame default section sizes updated for Euro jobs. (PR 43999)

* Masking by sequence with hide options for group member piecemarks has been corrected to be consistent with member piecemark hide options. (PR 44655)

* Finding eaves beam for eaves beam to stanchion is now automatic. (PR 44820)

* When hole matching, if you choose to add bolts and you choose to change all, identical bolts will be put on all materials which holes are added to. (PR 44826)

* Fixed problems with the member orientation indicator that could occur while doing manual erection view detailing. (PR 44851)

* Angle snap mode has been added to the snap mode drawer. (PR 45018)

* Ensuring UK material is called out with unique names for template detailing. (PR 45152)

* Dimension labels' underlines being longer than they need to be has been fixed. (PR 45331)

* In some cases cap/base plate welds would come in inconsistently depending on where the column was located. This has been fixed. (PR 45783)

* Concrete Slab now has a "Square edges" checkbox that allows the edges of a sloped slab to be cut perpendicular to the top of the slab rather than vertical. (PR 45819)

* Adding field or shop bolting method for Eaves Beam to Stanchion component. (PR 45867)

* Revising UI to use a selection of Welded / Bolted rather than just checking weld to column. (PR 45870)

* Help button has been added to the 'Edit Report Template' Windows. (PR 45915)

* ExcelReports copy, paste, load, and save buttons have been corrected to work correctly. (PR 45929)

* ExcelReports job setup has been corrected to save job setup values. These are now used when loading job setup and the ExcelReports plugin. Report type selection, actual report selection and save location are not modifiable/savable in job setup. (PR 45941)

* Fixed a 'list index out of range' error while running the flat handrail tool. (PR 46058)

* For Member Detailing, addressed an issue that would cause the drawing to change when only the BOM is being detailed. (PR 46077)

* For Verify & Fix Member File, if the zone or sequence of a member mismatches that which is expected, the member will be marked for Process. (PR 46123)

* Fixed a problem with 2 point seismic vertical brace gussets that was giving a Too many constraints error when nothing was locked. (PR 46167)

* Fixed the save/load form features on the: Kingspan Autoform, tube strut, Multilok strut, and angle strut screens. (PR 46179)

* Changed the check of an HSS wall with a reinforcement plate under a transverse load from a shear tab. The reinforcement plate and HSS wall are now considered separately. If the load is a tension load, then only the plate is considered. If the load is a compression load, then the capacities of the reinforcement plate and the HSS wall are added. (PR 46188)

* Modeling will now show labels for the two nearest members when members overlap on screen. (PR 46194)

* Two problems were corrected:
1. With steeply sloping beams having a shear tab connection, locking bolt rows could lead to an infinite loop. This was caused by SDS/2 repeatedly trying to add bolt rows.
2. When sloped beam with shear tab connections were offset from the supporting member, such as by Extend Past Flange option, SDS/2 was neglecting to consider the offset in its calculations of both "Top of plate" and Depth remaining. Consequently such connections were oftentimes failed unnecessarily.
(PR 46259)

* Tabbing through a bill of material no longer occasionally marks entries as user modified. (PR 46263)

* When copying material including a weld the weld will now correctly copy and not occasionally be stretched/shrunk or moved incorrectly. (PR 46284)

* Added auto calculation for hole spacing on Kingspan Autoform channels. (PR 46298)

* Added a top view to the detail for the Kingspan Angle struts. (PR 46307)

* During process, plugins can add views to the misc. members that they create via the BreakApartMaterials API. (PR 46318)

* Added a cross section view to the detail for the Kingspan Multiloc strut. (PR 46322)

* Limit detail material to only include main submaterial and leave out standard material for Kingspan Panel Joint connection. (PR 46328)

* When designing the column cap/base plates, SDS2/2 apply the correct bolt type from the "Bolt Design Criteria" screen. (PR 46358)

* After framing situation is run, and possibly changes the length of column flange stiffeners, we now check those lengths. This could potentially fail the connection. (PR 46360)

* In a Eurocode moment end plate connection, if the haunch was in tension, the tension bolts were added inside the haunch only.

This project improves the design of end plate with haunch in tension, if there are enough bolts and cannot be added inside the haunch, the bolts could be added inside the beam.

If there is a haunch and the tension bolts are at "Top & bottom", the moment resistance will be calculated twice, one for haunch in compression, one for haunch in tension (applied moment could be in opposite directions).
(PR 46369)

* Fixed a problem with double paddle HSS braces. System will now allow zero or one spacer between the stiffener plates. (PR 46372)

* Fixed a problem with the creation of horizontal brace gusset clip angles. When the gusset is attaching to two beams with one of the beams an HSS beam. The system now attaches the clip angle to the hss beam instead of the gusset. The weld location for this clip angle has also been fixed. (PR 46373)

* This project removed the top haunch design (Eurocode) in accordance with the haunch option changes in setup and the beam edit screen.

Currently the haunch is designed only at the bottom of the beam.
(PR 46375)

* Added the calculation of Effective gusset length for HSS horizontal braces with paddle plate connections that are connecting to only one beam. System will now check Gusset buckling and paddle plate buckling using load calculation number 230. (PR 46386)

* Standard fabricator connections cleat configuration has been removed for all Euro design methods. Miscellaneous material angles and w-tees have been removed for Euro UK design method. (PR 46387)

* For Status Display, addressed cause of crashes when using member sequences. (PR 46390)

* Fixed a problem on Autoform Multichannels where the notches would be incorrect when autoform was turned off for one end and the Toe Direction was set to 'In'. (PR 46406)

* Hidden BOM lines aren't counted in BIF export. (PR 46407)

* Use In/Out for Eaves Beam toe direction. (PR 46409)

* Fixed an infinite loop that could happen when locking the length of a 2 point or 3 point shared gusset. (PR 46423)

* Handles deletion of adjacent girts better when adjusting ends. (PR 46425)

* Formerly, the Column category in the setup dialog "Rebar Schedule Placements" was mislabeled as "Footing Step". It is now labeled correctly. (PR 46426)

* The user to system piecemark tool will now split piecemarks when members and group members do not match. (PR 46441)

* Editing or adding a member with multiple tiles and Process within member edit turned on no longer causes bad shapes to be drawn or occasional crashes. (PR 46452)

* Peddinghaus Angle Line export will now output some slots that were previously output as round holes. (PR 46461)

* A beam-beam bolted moment with a supporting beam, when failed could not be forced. This has been corrected in v2018.16 Some corrections were made to the placement of moment plates. (PR 46470)

* Running a report table on erection views will not cause members to change size. (PR 46471)

* Revision charts will expand for new lines when the drawing is exported. (PR 46476)

* Material has the right ABM entry in the BOM when detailed. (PR 46480)

* For Member Detailing, made changes to address crashes while attempting to gather related grid information. (PR 46483)

* Fixed the minus dim calculation for 2 point wide flange vertical braces with web plate and flange paddle plate connections. The minus dim was being calculated incorrectly when one of the braces was perpendicular to the supporting member. (PR 46485)

* Fixed a problem with 2 point double channel vertical braces connecting to a double channel vertical brace. The system now produces the correct gusset. (PR 46487)

* Degrees job north will be disabled when copying from another job to create a now job since the job north value will be copied from the source job. (PR 46488)

* The Move/Stretch command in Drawing Editor once again ends after a second point is picked. (PR 46491)

* For Erection View Detailing, addressed one possible cause of crashes that related to field welds. (PR 46492)

* For Drawing Editor, accounted for Sheet Item Label scaling when rendering Machine Hole Symbol drawing objects. (PR 46493)

* Fixed a problem with 2 point and 3 point wide flange vertical braces with flange plates. The system no longer infinite loops when adding these members with the gusset plates lapping over the flanges of the supporting member. (PR 46495)

* For Drawing Editor, addressed the cause of the warning 'SDSunknown: invalid command name "hatch_preview"', which could be followed by the warning 'SDSunknown: invalid command name "multi_save"' when a Hatch object was included with a multiple-object edit. (PR 46497)

* Vertical braces to the web of supporting wide flange members now check for gusset web stiffeners when calculating the minus dimension to insure proper clearance. (PR 46514)

* Fixed a null pointer error when adding 3pt wide flange web horizontal vertical braces with flange plates (PR 46524)

* Fixed AttributeError during material copy mirror image. (PR 46526)

* For Erection View Cleanup in Drawing Editor, corrected fallout from changes that added 'Member style' and 'Wire-form hidden lines' that caused the '[x] Member' check button to behave badly. These changes also correct the value of 'Wire-form hidden lines' for the Member objects in question, but only after redetailing the erection view. (PR 46530)

* In a Eurocode moment end plate connection with haunch, when calculating the flange weld strength, the haunch depth was ignored.

This has been fixed by adding the haunch depth to the beam depth when calculating the flange weld strength.
(PR 46539)

* For Reports, addressed one cause of 'Assertion failed: size == sizeof(*start)'. This could be immediately followed by a fatal error if the response to the warning was 'Continue' or 'Suppress'. (PR 46550)

* Addressed one possible cause of a crash when running Erection View Cleanup in Drawing Editor. (PR 46561)

* For Eurocode moment end plate splice, the flange weld strength was not checked

This has been fixed by adding the flange weld strength check for end plate splice.
(PR 46564)

* In the calculation of moment strength of Eurocode moment end plate, the procedure for determining the reduced effective design resistance of rows from bolt-row groups has a mistake.

This has been fixed.
(PR 46565)

* For Utility > Copy Project Items, fixed a cause of crashes when copying Job Standard Details (and possibly other items) from another job. This fix may also apply to similar Plotting issues, but that's not yet been confirmed. (PR 46575)

* For Detail Member Groups, addressed one possible cause of a fatal error that indicates 'Additional information: vector::_M_range_check'. (PR 46581)

* If a CNC configuration is being imported, but no file is selected an error no longer occurs. (PR 46589)

* Entering data in an added line in the BOM doesn't cause an error. (PR 46592)

* The connection design locks on Column Flange Stiffeners stay locked after a process and create 3d solids. (PR 46607)

* Prevent adding duplicate eaves beam to stanchion components on a stanchion(column). (PR 46612)

* The Split Tile Vertically and Split Tile Horizontally icons have been changed to more clearly indicate which way the split will occur. (PR 46628)

* For Material File Editor with respect to Wide Flange materials, fixed the issue where the cursor could not be moved out of any Section Size cell.

Generally, this would incur a warning akin to 'Assertion failed: internal_index != 0' which would be followed by an alert stating 'Material already exists in file!'.
(PR 46681)

* When running a specific parametric, SDS/2 will no longer warn about a multi-user issue. (PR 46686)

* For Member Detailing, addressed one possible cause of a crash that appears to be related to cut surfaces or holes. (PR 46687)

* Fixed a performance issue when copying members near a reference model. (PR 46689)

* SDS/2 will now properly handle job repositories that are disabled and repositories that have invalid directory paths. (PR 46691)

* Fixed a problem in Vertical Brace welded to a column base/cap plate, while checking the weld size. (PR 46700)

* SDS/2 will no longer occasionally errors when starting isolate. (PR 46707)

* For Drawing Editor, removed hole/bolt artifacts left over from changing Member Style in erection view drawings. (PR 46709)

* Angle posts for sloping handrails now clip from a reference point at the highest part of the angle which removes the sharp jagged edge that was previously present in some cases when it clipped from the lowest part of the angle. (PR 46730)

* Fixed a rod vertical brace issue that was causing an assertion failure when a suitable clevis or turnbuckle was not found. (PR 46731)

* IFC Import/Export now handles cold-formed bends correctly. (PR 46739)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2019.04 Beta:

Enhancement Requests:

* The option to autoload submaterial drawings with the member drawing. When using this option, only one member drawing will be loaded on each sheet. An additional loading method has been added to facilitate this option. This loading method is "Top to bottom centered". The intent of this method is to load the member drawing in the center at the top of the sheet with the submaterial drawings filled in on either side and/or below.

This option may be set as default for detail sheet autoloading by setting the "Include detail's submaterial" in "Sheet Loading Criteria" in Fabricator setup.
(PR 2860)

* Add functionality to export rebar from a tilt up panel member. (PR 44064)

* Add the Outline node to concrete members in the ProgressXML export. (PR 45247)

* There is now an option on the Drawing Export Configuration screen to generate Lightning Rail compatible output. This is unshortened and only contains the outline layer.

Drawing Conversion now has a screen that allows changing some options on the fly. To change the options permanently use Drawing Export Configuration and Drawing Import Configuration as before.
(PR 46756)

Problems fixed:

* Updated the hole sizes for imperial bolts in Canadian jobs.

Standard round hole sizes are now 1/16" or 2 mm greater than the bolt diameter depending on the setting for the "Hole allowances" option in Bolt Design Criteria.

Oversize hole sizes are now based on Table 3-47 from CISC 11th edition. If the job is metric and the option for hole diameters to match primary units is selected in Bolt Design Criteria, then the hole size will match the table value. If not, then the hole size will be the table value converted to imperial units.
(PR 27754)

* Adding members in the Micro station has been limited to beams, columns, vertical braces, horizontal braces, joists, and stairs. Everything that is not one of those has been removed from Select Member Type, toolbar configuration, keyboard configuration, shortcut menu configuration, and the Member Add drawer tools. (PR 32295)

* The outrigger component will now only create one section view per component. It will no longer look toward the right end of the beam. The section view will show the leftmost outrigger and look towards the left end of the beam. (PR 38257)

* When adding a hatch with a defined polygon the locator preferences are now saved. (PR 40828)

* AnkerShroeder and Brooks clevis and turnbuckle material files have been added and the material included in the EuroAll material file. (PR 43444)

* Detailing Templates will now add extension dimensions to the inside face of the top Bolted Moment Flange Plates, and add a dimension to the inside faces of top and bottom flange plate. (PR 46012)

* For Member Detailing using templates, addressed an issue where field bolts associated with joists would not be listed on any drawings. They are now included on the supporting member's drawing. (PR 46451)

* Addressed an issue where snapping to the surface of a rotated member-isolation view would give poor results. (PR 46494)

* For Detail Erection Views, fixed the logic that dictated whether piecemarks for joists would be shown. It appears that they would never have been shown, regardless of the setting of the 'Settings > Piecemarks > [] Always hide joist piecemarks' checkbutton. (PR 46578)

* For Detail Erection Views Manually, addressed the cause of a 'SDSunknown: invalid command name ".menu.loc"' warning. (PR 46748)

* The Reset button on the Drawing Export Configuration screen now resets all the items. (PR 46767)

* A column flange stiffener that was clashing with a shear tab framing to the web of the same column has been fixed. (PR 46768)

* The Python MaterialBase API allows custom materials to be set to dummy material via the 'is dummy' attribute. (PR 46769)

* Fixed cases where a stair connection failed to connect to a supporting beam. (PR 46788)

* Marking all members for processing and processing while moving the mouse in the modeling view will no longer generate an error. (PR 46789)

* Removed the use of the gamma values for EuroUK turnbuckles and clevises on rod bracing. (PR 46796)

* Remove Euro gamma values for Clevis and Turnbuckle strength. The material file information will be imported as Design Resistance in kN with safety factors already incorporated. (PR 46797)

* SDS200 will now be able to modify job and fabricator setup options. (PR 46805)

* When editing a weld in modeling the other side root opening will now appear on the weld symbol and be saved when hitting OK. (PR 46806)

* Remove Save As, Rename and Delete buttons that are not correct for some SDS/2 stations. (PR 46809)

* When a beam is located above its supporting column or beam, shear tab connecting material may have been incorrectly placed or missing.

There is also a condition wherein the thickness of a supporting beam flange (or k_dist) is greater than that of the supported. In this case, shear tab material may have infringed on the supporting k_dist.

These issues have been fixed in SDS/2 v2018.18 and v2019.04
(PR 46814)

* Fixed a problem with transferring special case 3 ufm forces to the beam when the brace has locked values. (PR 46824)

* The Beam Stiffener - Beam component will now default both clip fields on the stiffener based on the k-distance rather than always defaulting to 1. (PR 46826)

* In some case in a Eurocode moment end plate, when the column flange stiffeners are designed, infinite loop may occur.

This problem has been fixed in the column flange stiffener design.
(PR 46830)

* The outrigger component will no longer add a top view if a top view already exists. (PR 46834)

* For Member Detailing, viewport objects added to a shortened drawing will no longer be affected when only the BOM is being regenerated. (PR 46836)

* In some cases, for a beam to column web end plate connection, when changing it to a moment end plate, SDS2 may crash.

This has been fixed by correcting a problem in a load calculation.
(PR 46838)

* Fixed a bug in HSS welded vertical brace connections to a column and base/cap plate. System will no longer give a false weld failure. (PR 46840)

* The Depth Check tool in the View Command Group has been removed. This tool has been added in SDS/2 2019 and should not appear in SDS/2 2018. The toolbar decoration to change the Depth Check still appears in the Decoration Command Group. (PR 46844)

* Copying HSS Cap Plate components will no longer result in warning list messages in jobs with joists that have merged main material. (PR 46857)

* The Beam Nailer Holes component now has an option for Auto Gage. (PR 46865)

* Fixed a bug in convert with setting the ABM check based on setup information. This is now set on material based on the type of material. (PR 46874)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2019.05 Beta:

Problems fixed:

* Submaterial has "In ABM" checked on by default, and will be included in the ABM when that checkbox is checked and the ABM Qualifiers have it as included in the ABM. (PR 46929)

* Converted jobs from 2018 to 2019 with the old version of the ABM will display the page-line in the BOM when detailed and on the member and material edit screens. (PR 47078)

* Piecemark changes in embeds due to differences in the current view in modeling have been eliminated. (PR 47029)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2019.06 Beta:

Enhancement Requests:

* Text origin points are now settable via images rather than a drop down list. (PR 7801)

* SDS/2 will now do unrolled surface templates for plates, which are bent. (PR 27346)

* CNC DSTV and DXF output now have improved unrolling capabilities. Many plates that previously would not download will output correctly now. This includes plates with 0 diameter holes. (PR 30953)

* Pointers can now be added with Ortho mode. They can also have typed dimensions/angles. Pointer repeat will work at the beginning of each pointer add invocation (as long as you have already added a pointer to repeat). After the first point is added the middle button is now correctly labeled "Move" and the preview will correctly reflect the pointer that will be added. (PR 40601)

* Added option 'Setup > Fabricator Setup > Member Detailing/Fabrication Options > Columns > Preferred baseplate view orientation: > () Bird's eye view () Worm's eye view'.

Note that this option applies even when there is no baseplate for the column.

Note that in member isolation of columns, 'BOTTOM END VIEW' now refers to "Worm's eye view" and 'BOTTOM END VIEW, CROSS SECTION' now refers to "Bird's eye view".
(PR 41834)

* A new option, "Allow washers on shoe slots" has been added to the joist fabricator setup screen, and connection specifications of joist bearing and seated connections.

If enabled, and if the job's washer criteria permits washers in long slots for the chosen bolt type, washers will be added to joist shoe slots.
(PR 42538)

* AnkerShroeder and Brooks clevis and turnbuckle material files have been added and the material included in the EuroAll material file. (PR 43444)

* Added the Outline node to concrete members in the ProgressXML export. (PR 45247)

* In Drawing Editor, Magnifier objects are now accessible through Objects > Sheet Items. (PR 45736)

* There are two new options in Job or Fabricator Options > Detailing Options (header) > General Detailing/Fabrication Options. SDS/2 will clear the marked for detailing flag when using the Detail Current Piecemark tool "Immediately", "Never", or "Prompt". You can also set the default option when prompted.

SDS/2 will now prompt by default whereas previously it would never clear the detailing flag when using the Detail Current Piecemark tool.
(PR 45831)

* Added option 'Hidden' to 'Concrete member style' in Erection View Detailing setup. (PR 46283)

* The ability to import and export version 2018 DWG Autodesk format files is now in SDS/2. (PR 46383)

* Added the ability to use a thru gusset for vertical braces connecting to an HSS column, beam OR vertical brace. (PR 46763)

* ModelLINK can now export each material to a separate STEP file (PR 46922)

* Add number of processors to user options under system and site tabs. These allow control over the number of processors used by member, submaterial, and group member detailing. The value zero defaults to the number of processors the computer contains. System tab non-zero processors value has precedence over the site tab value. (PR 46933)

* Added AISC 15th edition rules for edge distance and maximum thickness to shear tab design. (PR 47025)

* Import of labels that have embedded strikethrough and underline controls from DWG/DXF formats will now be brought into SDS/2 drawing labels. (PR 47043)

* Added option 'Job or Fabricator Options > Fabricator Setup > Material Isolation Presets > [x] Generate unrolled view when applicable'.. for those materials that have the capability. (PR 47056)

* StudCountByMember and StudCountBySequence reports have been added to the User tab reports on the Main Menu. (PR 47059)

* The weld symbol preview has been added to the drawing editor weld symbol edit screens. (PR 47083)

* There is no longer a limit on the number of Model Notes a job may have. The option to resize the model note table has been removed. (PR 47106)

* SDS/2 now exports each rebar mat as an individual MESH layer in the PXML Export. (PR 47136)

* The magnifier ID field is now shared between labels and pointers so that changing it on one tab when editing multiple types of items will change both.

The magnifier ID field will now properly appear mixed when checking "Change all labels with original text"
(PR 47235)

Problems fixed:

* Fixed a potential problem with use of Schedule of Minimums for Single-Plate Shear Connections. If the nominal depths listed in this table didn't match the nominal depths listed in the Schedule of Minimums for Structural Members table, then the wrong bolt diameter may have been used. (PR 28029)

* Fixed the bolt types on a shared thru plate in solids when the bolt types on the two members don't match. Previously, the thru plate would be created with 1 type of bolts on both sides. (PR 29026)

* Importing a metric based DWG/DXF file into a metric job for the dimension lengths the import calculates, will now generate the dimension length text in metric. (PR 29068)

* When using channel beams on thru plate connections where perpendicular plates meet within the HSS column, the partial thru plate may have been incorrectly offset, either being in the channel leg or offset outside the leg, rather than against it. This has been corrected in v2019.06 (PR 29314)

* Fixed unrolling of flat bar with a weak axis roll. (PR 33437)

* Drawing Conversion will search for, and if located, externally referenced DWG/DXF drawings from the original DWG/DXF imported file. The import will report on what externally referenced drawings could not be found. (PR 35558)

* Finite grid line now have the grid bubble at the correct place in relation to the grid line, both when detailing manually and non-manually. (PR 36435)

* For HSS brace to gusset plate with double shear paddle plate connections, SDS/2 uses the correct plate grade from setup option (in the menu of Miscellaneous Connection Plates, Lap Plates). (PR 37641)

* "Extents" is now the only option available for Viewports when editing multiple sheet items. (PR 37716)

* For Hole Symbol and Bolt Symbol objects in Drawing Editor, made changes so that the symbol will adjust to the attached pointer when being moved. (PR 38344)

* Thru shear connections have their interior plate material created within the FramingSit process of SDS/2. In many cases, marking a connection as forced would prevent the connection from completing FramingSit, resulting in the absence of a thru plate. This is corrected in v2019.06. Note that if the plate width is also locked to a value insufficient for a thru plate, the thru plate will not be generated. (PR 38348)

* Fixed a problem with 3pt vertical braces that was not creating a connection when there was a splice in the supporting beam close to the gusset connection. (PR 39037)

* Importing DWG/DXF drawings with dimension labels will now correctly get the label height from the dimension block entity. (PR 39080)

* The handling of loads in a splice clip angle connection now matches what is done for a beam splice plate connection. If the loads on one side of the splice are user, then that is the load that is used to design both sides. If the loads on both sides are user and they are not equal, then the connection is failed. (PR 40067)

* SDS/2 creates the correct bolt types for both beam-beam splice plate connections and beam-beam with supporting beam moment plate connections. (PR 40136)

* Special characters in SDS/2 drawings exported to DWG or DXF will now be retained. (PR 41430)

* Erection view details generated with status display color applied will now export the color settings correctly to DWG/DXF files. (PR 42801)

* When cutting a section view in Drawing Editor the piecemark and section size labels will now consistently appear. (PR 43547)

* Drawing layers use the correct colors. (PR 44336)

* Beam bearing connections to concrete walls are now the only connection types that will permit the use of embed angles and channels. (PR 45020)

* Fixed an issue where Void Layout Members were not being applied to intersecting members/materials.

Fixed a problem where the layout of a Void Layout Member could be flipped when changing the sign of the thickness.

Fixed a problem where the edit screen for Void Layout Members allowed a non-planar layout to be entered.

Fixed an issue where the member line for some Void Layout Members was opposite the polygons.
(PR 45444)

* The member add options bar is now available for the following stations:

Detailing Station
Modeling Station
Concrete Station
Estimodeling Station
Erector Plus Station
(PR 45779)

* Submaterial plate edge distance dimensions do not over lap other hole dimensions. (PR 46285)

* Embeds will now remember their sequence from a previous edit session, whether they are added via member-add or via spawn during process for steel to concrete connections. (PR 46334)

* Changing the rolling operation type will set the disabled rolling fields to zero. (PR 46337)

* When the User enters a Shear Tab connection with an axial load (either explicit or via UFM), and web bolts are not slip-critical, an error was generated accordingly. This was not always processing correctly when "Forced". This has been corrected. Fixed in SDS/2 v2019.05

Additionally, when Auto bolts are selected and setup uses an "N-type or X-type" bolt, but the connection requires an "SC-type" bolt, it will be substituted, provide one exists in the same family. A notice (Green background, blue message) "Web bolts have been changed to equivalent slip critical type".
(PR 46417)

* Unchecking the "Washer" checkbox in the bolt edit window updates the bolt length. (PR 46528)

* Materials exported to STEP files are now more likely to be smooth extrusions rather than faceted BREPs. (PR 46671)

* Multi-user file lock problem fixed with double angle or channel intersection braces that have stitch plates. (PR 46685)

* Status display ignores white space and newlines at the start and end of custom property strings. (PR 46697)

* During selection of a new Locked WTee connection, SDS/2 could lockup before analyzing the newly selected material. Additionally, a WTee could be excessively long and have no bolt information once selected. These problems are resolved in v2018.19 & v2019.06. (PR 46718)

* Importing DWG/DXF drawings with dimensions that are designated 'horizontal' or 'vertical' will now calculate the correct axis length instead of the full length of the dimension line. (PR 46729)

* The default value for new usage material is wide flange. (PR 46733)

* User cap plates were failing with the message "Invalid material type for supporting member" if framing to an angle beam. This check has been removed to give the user cap plate regardless of the beam material type. (PR 46774)

* For Drawing Editor, Changed the verbiage of 'File > Open > Hide... > Category & Miscellaneous > Detail required' to 'File > Open > Hide... > Category & Miscellaneous > Marked for detailing'. The keyboard accelerator for that check button was also changed from 'q' to 'a'. (PR 46802)

* For Drawing Editor, addressed an issue whereby bolts erased from one member would reappear when changing the member style of another member. (PR 46808)

* Fixed an issue where running detail member on the member edit screen with third-party components also on the same member would issue warning messages when closing the member edit screen. (PR 46822)

* The save and load buttons for Display Options forms have a right click dropdown menu of the saved forms. (PR 46829)

* When there is a column reinforcement plate on an HSS column with a Shear Tab connection, changing the Minus dimension from automatic to a user selected value (even if is same value) could cause the bolts in the shear tab to be placed too far from the end of the beam (Member edge distance). (PR 46843)

* Fixed a crash when saving a neutral model with the option to save changes since another neutral file is selected, but no neutral file was given for it. (PR 46869)

* For Drawing Editor on the Sheet Item Edit screen, added horizontal spacing between the 'Open... ' and 'OK' buttons to help discourage accidental pushes/presses. (PR 46875)

* The icon for wtee web horizontal now shows the web horizontal. In previous releases the web on this icon was shown vertical. (PR 46903)

* The "Angle leg turned up" option on vertical brace's member add options bar is now applied to the added vertical brace. Furthermore, the icon for this option is unique among the others to distinguish it. (PR 46906)

* When a Shear Tab connection to a supporting beam web has the tab plate coped to reduce the amount of cope on the supported beam, it did so without considering any other nearby connections. In this particular situation, SDS/2 will now look for a supported Column connection at the same location, and adjust the beam cope to clear the column and its baseplate. The cope of the Shear Tab remains unchanged. (PR 46909)

* When exporting railings to STEP files, sections of pipe material are no longer missing. (PR 46921)

* Corrected autoloading balloon help for top to bottom and left to right. (PR 46924)

* Fixed label for width and height of an HSS column on the design report. It was previously labeled as the "brace width" and "brace height". (PR 46925)

* Submaterial has "In ABM" checked on by default, and will be included in the ABM when that checkbox is checked and the ABM Qualifiers have it as included in the ABM. (PR 46929)

* Fixed a NullPointer exception while pasting from clipboard.

Changed initialization of clipboard job to include source job material file and setup files.
(PR 46932)

* Formerly, creating a python new-member object (foo = member.Member('Column')) would cause all existing member locks to be released. Locks are now properly maintained. (PR 46947)

* The original 2018.17 viewers are bad. The problem has been corrected and 2018.17 viewers remade. (PR 46954)

* STEP export correctly handles voids with sharp corners (PR 46957)

* The following Member Detailing/Fabrication options have been exposed via the parametric API:

Vertical braces:

1. HSS notch width clearance: vb_hss_notch_width_clear
2. HSS notch radius: vb_hss_notch_radius
3. Automatic HSS notch radius: auto_vb_hss_notch_radius
4. Intersection gusset notch preparation: vb_hss_notch_prep

Columns/ Shear thru plates:

1. HSS notch width clearance: shear_hss_notch_width_clear
2. HSS notch radius: shear_hss_notch_radius
3. Automatic HSS notch radius: auto_shear_hss_notch_radius
(PR 46959)

* The Python dialog.text.Text widget will return an empty string if its initial value was empty. Previously, a newline character was returned due to the nature of the underlying control. The side effect of this is screens that utilize this widget such as custom properties will not introduce a change to the stored data by simply opening and closing the screen. As a specific example, custom properties that flag the member for detailing or piecemarks will not flag the member by simply opening and closing custom properties when the member's custom properties had not previously been visited. (PR 46960)

* Re-enable cap plate after it was inadvertently disabled by a previous fix. (PR 46982)

* Added the K distance value for L89x76x11 in CISC 11 Edition material files. (PR 46988)

* Python Layout3D objects may have their "remove_bad_points" attribute set to False to avoid automatically removing collinear and duplicate points. (PR 46989)

* End cut labels follow rotation of beams (PR 46999)

* Fixed AttributeError warnings with galvanized, grabbar only handrails. (PR 47019)

* Prevented an error that could happen when selecting paste in the bill of material editor when a header row is selected. (PR 47021)

* Adding a sequence quantity to the bottom sequence row in the bill editor won't cause an error. (PR 47022)

* Fixed a bug in the S3D neutral file import when importing base plate schedules. (PR 47027)

* Fixed an infinite loop that occurred in the design of beam to beam flange, axially loaded clip angles with a locked section size. (PR 47031)

* For Erection View Cleanup in Drawing Editor, addressed some core issues that caused crashes for edits involving member objects and for undo/redo of same. (PR 47036)

* For Erection View Cleanup in Drawing Editor, fixed issues that inhibited the change of member style directly to/from solid/wire to the wire/solid. In other words, it's no longer necessary to first change to stick and then change again to the desired style. These changes also fix issues where too many member styles changed afterwards. (PR 47037)

* Entering a path in Job Repository Management Description field that ends in a backslash will no longer cause SDS/2 to error out. (PR 47040)

* SDS/2 file operations on Linux to a SAMBA network resource will no longer attempt to ascertain that it has permission to write a range of bytes when the file itself was opened for writing exclusively. (PR 47057)

* Fixed a problem with 2 point vertical braces when one of the braces to be shared is perpendicular and there is another brace also perpendicular that is close to the two braces that are to be shared. (PR 47058)

* Repaired the member-type masking effects of Erection View Cleanup Several in Drawing Editor. (PR 47060)

* For Drawing Editor, open Magnifiers & Archive Drawings will now be indicated in the 'Display currently active drawing' decorations as (respectively):
<index> -- <name>


Revision: <index>
(PR 47061)

* For Erection View Cleanup in Drawing Editor, fixed the 'Wire-style hidden lines' selection so that it would do what's expected. (PR 47065)

* Full Data Transfer will now ignore reference models. Previously this could cause the export to stall significantly. (PR 47070)

* In the case of a WTee shear tab connection, adjoining a Vertical Brace, the force flag of the WTee beam connection was not being respected.

Additionally, once the shear tee had been changed to a shear plate, the necessary support column doubler or offset of the beam shear tab was not implemented in the Vertical Brace.

The change to shear plate has been corrected, such that a Forced WTee connection will keep the WTee material if possible.
(PR 47072)

* Adding a row in the bill editor when a header row is selected adds a row to the end of the bill without any errors. (PR 47074)

* The auto shear load calculations for ASD/LRFD 15 design code are not correct for some beams such as W14x22. These issues have been fixed. (PR 47077)

* Converted jobs from 2018 to 2019 with the old version of the ABM will display the page-line in the BOM when detailed and on the member and material edit screens. (PR 47078)

* Fixed a situation on stairs where the cap plate on an end with end condition "No Return" was oriented incorrectly if the opposite end had an end cap and end condition "Return" or "Return Down". (PR 47079)

* Corrected tread schedule spelling errors found for "Continuous profile". (PR 47084)

* Fixed a bug in the list variant of the set function for variable spacing lockables in the sds2.lockable module. The bug caused the list variant to be a no op. (PR 47091)

* IFC import now recognizes European section sizes more reliably. (PR 47100)

* For Drawing Editor, discovered/repaired the cause of an incremental lag when pasting to several drawings. (PR 47110)

* Connection material created by steel to concrete connections will now break off correctly as miscellaneous members. (PR 47112)

* Fixed some cases where the design for column splices, beam copes or vertical brace stitch plates may be incorrectly marking the members affected for detailing during process and create solids. (PR 47117)

* The embed schedule entry selection window from member edit has been updated to show "none" for easier selection. (PR 47119)

* ERROR Printing (PR 47123)

* In rare cases SDS/2 would fail to draw the new view when cutting a section view, opening a view, or isolating a member until the window was resized. This has been fixed. (PR 47127)

* When editing multiple different types of items including a member line in Drawing Editor, changing the member line's left elevation origin point will now work correctly. (PR 47143)

* Fixed the check of the yield strength of a moment end plate for AISC 15th edition designs. (PR 47148)

* Fixed a potential moment connection problem. It was possible to get a passed moment connection that should have failed if 4 conditions existed. One, the moment connection was to a column flange. Two, there was 1 or 2 shear tabs framing to the web at that location. Three, the beam with the moment connection was shallower than the beam(s) framing to the web of the column. Four, the moment load on the connection was negative. If all of these conditions existed, it was possible for load calculation 83 to show that the connection failed but the model and member edit to show that the connection passed. (PR 47150)

* Fixed reference to miscellaneous notes on design report for moment connections. The note about neglecting eccentricity in the web connection is note (33) for all design methods. (PR 47157)

* Added 15th edition design to load calculation 345, the plate flexure check for extended configuration shear tabs. The formulas for 15th edition now correctly match the formulas from 14th edition. It was incorrectly using the formulation from the 13th edition. (PR 47164)

* Fixed various NullPointer errors with process after copy/paste members between jobs. (PR 47168)

* IFC import now uses the proper IFC assembly GUIDs as SDS/2 member GUIDs. (PR 47173)

* For 'Add Standard Detail' in Drawing Editor, added an 'Attached to view' entry that can be used to communicate intentions with Shortening. (PR 47181)

* For Material Isolation, made adjustments to correct the orientation of user-created section view cuts. (PR 47182)

* The "End clearance" field clearance information field has been renamed to "End and pocket clearance". It applies to steel to concrete connection field clearances to walls and embeds, as well as bearing end pocket field clearances to steel walls.

Joists framing to concrete walls will now use the maximum of the top chord width and the bearing shoe width to determine bearing end pocket width.
(PR 47186)

* Fixed "The process cannot access the file..." error copying members to clipboard error. (PR 47187)

* Syntax errors in advanced selection python code will cause a warning instead of an unrecoverable error. (PR 47188)

* Concrete status display options that rely on the concrete license are disabled and hidden when there's no concrete license. (PR 47206)

* ABM fields on member and material edit are properly mixed when doing a multi-edit. (PR 47211)

* For Show Dimensions in modeling, addressed what is believed to be the cause of Stack Overflow exceptions, which appear to have been rooted in Angle Dimension objects. (PR 47213)

* In Project Transfer unpacking over an existing SDS/2 job, the original job will now be kept around until a successful unpacking has occurred. If 'Cancel' is pressed during the unpacking, or an error occurs, then the original job will be put back and the unfinished job removed. (PR 47217)

* The Help button on the Colors tab on the Drawing Cosmetics screen now opens the correct help address. (PR 47222)

* For Erection View Drawings in Drawing Editor which were detailed with the "Check Overwriting of piecemarks and section sizes" option on/checked, made adjustments to allow those fonts to be changed. (PR 47223)

* Recombined the bolt bearing and bolt tearout calculations for AISC 15th edition design. These formulas were separated in the 15th edition manual, but the intent was still for the bolt group capacity to be calculated using the minimum of bearing and tearout for each bolt. This is a return to the method that was used for AISC 14th edition and older. (PR 47226)

* Fixed the use of formula (9-15) from the 15th edition AISC manual in load calculation 41. Lb was set equal to the cope depth instead of the cope length.

Also changed the sign in this formula. Cb is now greater than or equal to 1.84. The formula was corrected in the June 2018 errata.
(PR 47229)

* STEP export does a better job of extruding materials containing circular holes. (PR 47232)

* Fixed the source of a crash when running Design Calculations. (PR 47237)

* The "always ask to unshorten" option is removed in review stations and the dialog to automatically unshorten drawings does not trigger. This also applies to EAD station, which doesn't shorten/unshorten drawing tools either. (PR 47249)

* "Distance to bottom bolt group" has been removed from moment end plate leaf on the beam edit screen because it should not be modified. (PR 47259)

* A member's main view is no longer allowed to be deleted. It can still be replaced. (PR 47265)

* The number of processors options under the "Site" tab and "System" tab in user options has been removed in SDS/2 Erector, SDS/2 BIM, SDS/2 Fabricating, SDS/2 Approval, SDS/2 Engineering and SDS/2 Erector Plus. (PR 47269)

* Fixed the beam Fu value used in load calculation 110 for the bolt bearing on web check of a bent plate connection. The system was previously using the bent plate Fu value rather than the beam's Fu value. (PR 47297)

* Fixed a warning "Assertion failed locked" when moving members attached, with member pins, to members which are in a group and have been detailed. (PR 47303)

* Fixed a warning "Assertion failed locked" when moving material to or from a member which is detailed and in a group. (PR 47304)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2019.07 Beta:

Enhancement Requests:

* Added K1 to Wide Flange. (PR 10584)

* There are two new DSTV options: "Keep placement marks away from flanges" and "Minimum distance to flange". These options can be used to set a minimum clearance for placement marks on the web of the wide flange, in channels, on the inside faces of angles, and on the WTee web. (PR 47399)

Problems fixed:

* For the 2 or 3 point shared horizontal angle or tee braces, if they are not in the same side of the gusset plate, SDS/2 will fail the connections and list the corresponding messages in member edit screen. (PR 20531)

* The copy/paste/load/save buttons on Custom Girts now function as intended. (PR 22145)

* Welded wide flange sloped columns with setbacks on the main material formerly had setbacks calculated incorrectly and welds located incorrectly.

Welded wide flange main material and welds are now placed correctly.
(PR 31507)

* Formerly, beams with a weak axis rolling operation and a negative rolled radius would have connection material located incorrectly. Connection material is now placed correctly. (PR 39532)

* The framing mark symbol will now appear in CNC DSTV output on the correct side of the plate for shear plates and thru plates. (PR 41351)

* Auto calculations for custom girts are now accurate and match the material edit screen. (PR 42576)

* Angle material for girts is now correctly placed in certain orientations. (PR 42700)

* Joists will now provide an R type extension over supporting beams if necessary. (PR 43734)

* Fixed null pointer error in SDS/2 Connect for S3D. (PR 44175)

* Custom Girts now have a cut type option of None if the user does not want coping. (PR 44666)

* Joist bearing shoes will now be positioned correctly when extended. (PR 44916)

* Formerly, links to pdfs in the Galvanizing Check tool were broken. The links are now valid URLs. (PR 46637)

* Fixed Null pointer errors while running process and create solids. (PR 46828)

* Rounded void shapes can now be exported more reliably to STEP files. (PR 46920)

* User slot lengths are now available for supporting and supported connections in custom girts. (PR 47176)

* When joists frame to the top of auto base/cap plates:

1. The joist edit screen (connection type and bolt lockable leaves) will now control bolt sizes.

2. Bolt type and size lockables in the column plate screen will be hidden and disabled.

3. The NM bolt size and type in the Column connection type leaf will not affect the connection.
(PR 47228)

* The member edit preview will now show the changes in all tiles. (PR 47317)

* Formerly, a beam-column bolted-bolted clip angle connection attached to supporting at the top of a column would get shop bolts on both sides of the connection. The supported side is now field bolts. (PR 47366)

* 2018: The depth check values on the toolbar will no longer change as your mouse moves around.

2019: The depth check values on the toolbar will no longer change until the active tile changes.

2020: When putting the cursor in the depth check In or Out fields the active tile will be locked until the cursor leaves the fields. As always you can use enter to leave the fields and activate depth check, escape to leave the fields and deactivate depth check, or tab out of the fields.
(PR 47367)

* Custom girts hole type Oversize round no longer causes warnings to be displayed, and produces the proper hole. (PR 47393)

* Changed option to "Bevel shear plate as required" on "Shear Plate Setup" to be checked by default when creating a new job. (PR 47396)

* The Model Complete Date field is now wide enough to display all characters required. (PR 47429)

* Custom Girt copes now correctly reflect user defined settings, and Auto calculations are accurate. (PR 47432)

* When Custom Property labels were shown on members in an erection view detail, editing a member on the detail could result in other members disappearing from the drawing until the drawing was reloaded. The condition leading to this result has been eliminated. (PR 47442)

* BV custom members that were previously in a read only mode in the Estimodeling station are now editable. (PR 47479)

* When exporting text style information to a DWG file, SDS/2 will appropriately test the text style name to allow export to finish. (PR 47512)

* Multi-editing girts with different section sizes will no longer give incorrect error messages. (PR 47524)

* Installers and license upgrade have been changed to make it easier to find the new .txt extension license files. (PR 47618)

* Reserved space joist weight is no longer included in the weight limit of SDS/200. (PR 47831)

* When the Lightning Rail compatible option is set on the Drawing Conversion screen it is now applied to all the output drawings and not just the first one. (PR 47995)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2020.00 Beta:

Enhancement Requests:

* The option to auto load submaterial drawings with the member drawing. When using this option, only one member drawing will be loaded on each sheet. An additional loading method has been added to facilitate this option. This loading method is "Top to bottom centered". The intent of this method is to load the member drawing in the center at the top of the sheet with the submaterial drawings filled in on either side and/or below.

This option may be set as default for detail sheet auto loading by setting the "Include detail's submaterial" in "Sheet Loading Criteria" in Fabricator setup.
(PR 2860)

* Added the ability to get vertical brace thru gussets for connections to a column and base or cap plate. (PR 16185)

* There is now an option to breakout bolts, nuts, and washers listed in the bill of material. The global option is found in Fabricator Setup > Bolt Detailing/Fabrication Options. The option was also added to the Bolt Edit window under the Bolt Settings section. When Tension Control bolts are used this option will be disabled in the Bolt Edit Window. (PR 17025)

* Added the ability to design All-Welded clip angles. Along with this came the ability to shop bolt and field weld a clip angle connection. (PR 24794)

* SDS/2 will now do unrolled surface templates for plates, which are bent. (PR 27346)

* CNC DSTV and DXF output now have improved unrolling capabilities. Many plates that previously would not download will output correctly now. This includes plates with 0 diameter holes. (PR 30953)

* Drawing Conversion will search for, and if located, externally referenced DWG/DXF drawings from the original DWG/DXF imported file. The import will report on what externally referenced drawings could not be found. (PR 35558)

* In the Selection Dialog, using alt + numeric keypad to enter nonstandard characters will insert the character. (PR 40132)

* Pointers can now be added with ortho mode. They can also have typed dimensions/angles. Pointer repeat will work at the beginning of each pointer add invocation (as long as you have already added a pointer to repeat). After the first point is added the middle button is now correctly labeled "Move" and the preview will correctly reflect the pointer that will be added. (PR 40601)

* Added option 'Setup > Fabricator Setup > Member Detailing/Fabrication Options > Columns > Preferred baseplate view orientation: > () Bird's eye view () Worm's eye view'.

Note that this option applies even when there is no base plate for the column.

Note that in member isolation of columns, 'BOTTOM END VIEW' now refers to "Worm's eye view" and 'BOTTOM END VIEW, CROSS SECTION' now refers to "Bird's eye view".
(PR 41834)

* A new option, "Allow washers on shoe slots" has been added to the joist fabricator setup screen, and connection specifications of joist bearing and seated connections.

If enabled, and if the job's washer criteria permits washers in long slots for the chosen bolt type, washers will be added to joist shoe slots.
(PR 42538)

* AnkerShroeder and Brooks clevis and turnbuckle material files have been added and the material included in the EuroAll material file. (PR 43444)

* Joists will now provide an R type extension over supporting beams if necessary. (PR 43734)

* In "Job Repository Management" there is now a Report button that generates a job repository specific report. This replaces the Disk Space Information utility. (PR 44870)

* 1) added the ability for Angle or Wtee horizontal braces to attach to an intersected HSS horizontal brace.
2) Added the ability for horizontal braces to attach to an intersected HSS horizontal brace in a 2pt or 3pt configuration.
3) Added the ability for Angle or Wtee horizontal braces to attach to an angle horizontal brace in a 2pt configuration.
4) Added the ability for Angle or Wtee horizontal braces to attach to a Wtee horizontal brace in a 2pt or 3pt configuration.
(PR 45122)

* A checkbox has been added next to the member piecemark listbox in status display to sort the list alphabetically. Rebar definitions, concrete cover surface, and group member piecemarks have this same control. (PR 45433)

* In Drawing Editor, Magnifier objects are now accessible through Objects > Sheet Items. (PR 45736)

* For Drawing Editor, added a 'Update' button to the Magnifier Edit screen. (PR 45737)

* Concrete Slab now has a "Square edges" checkbox that allows the edges of a sloped slab to be cut perpendicular to the top of the slab rather than vertical. (PR 45819)

* There are two new options in Job or Fabricator Options > Detailing Options (header) > General Detailing/Fabrication Options. SDS/2 will clear the marked for detailing flag when using the Detail Current Piecemark tool "Immediately", "Never", or "Prompt". You can also set the default option when prompted.

SDS/2 will now prompt by default whereas previously it would never clear the detailing flag when using the Detail Current Piecemark tool.
(PR 45831)

* This project added the following prequalified CJP groove welded joint details to moment flange plate in shear connections.

If groove welds are used between the moment flange plate and the supporting column,

1.if the flange plate is perpendicular to the column: use double bevel groove weld Joint Designation TC-U5b (page 89), root opening R = 1/8" or 3mm, groove angle alpha = 45;

2.if the flange plate is not perpendicular to the column (sloped): use single bevel groove weld Joint Designation TC-U4a (page 87) and figure 3.6 (page 107), root opening R = 1/4" or 6mm, groove angle alpha = 45; the weld should be on the obtuse angle side, see fig. 3.6.

Reference: AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Structural Welding Code - Steel
(PR 45855)

* Added option 'Hidden' to 'Concrete member style' in Erection View Detailing setup. (PR 46283)

* The ability to import and export version 2018 DWG Autodesk format files is now in SDS/2. (PR 46383)

* Added the calculation of Effective gusset length for HSS horizontal braces with paddle plate connections that are connecting to only one beam. System will now check Gusset buckling and paddle plate buckling using load calculation number 230. (PR 46386)

* Added material usage descriptions to stair connection material. (PR 46414)

* Added options to 'Setup > Job Setup > Design Options > Design Criteria > Bracing', as follows:
Percent of allowable tension load for intersection horizontal braces
Percent of allowable compression load for intersection horizontal braces
The default value for each of these is 20%.
(PR 46431)

* There is a new option for placing a border around a label. The SLOT boarder will draw a rectangle with circular ends around the label. (PR 46458)

* Added a new notch operation on hss tubes, allowing notches on all four sides. (PR 46486)

* There is now an option on the Drawing Export Configuration screen to generate Lightning Rail compatible output. This is unshortened and only contains the outline layer.

Drawing Conversion now has a screen that allows changing some options on the fly. To change the options permanently use Drawing Export Configuration and Drawing Import Configuration as before.
(PR 46756)

* Added the ability to use a thru gusset for vertical braces connecting to an HSS column, beam OR vertical brace. (PR 46763)

* The Beam Nailer Holes component now has an option for Auto Gage. (PR 46865)

* ModelLINK can now export each material to a separate STEP file. (PR 46922)

* Add number of processors to user options under system and site tabs. These allow control over the number of processors used by member, submaterial, and group member detailing. The value zero defaults to the number of processors the computer contains. System tab non-zero processors value has precedence over the site tab value. (PR 46933)

* Added option 'Job or Fabricator Options > Fabricator Setup > Material Isolation Presets > [x] Generate unrolled view when applicable'.. for those materials that have the capability. (PR 47056)

* The weld symbol preview has been added to the drawing editor weld symbol edit screens. (PR 47083)

* It is now possible to disable the display of a weld's length and/or size on the weld symbol in both Modeling and Drawing Editor. The default value for the length is set by Job or Fabricator Options > Job Setup (tab) > Design Options (header) > Weld Design Criteria > "Show weld length on weld symbols" when the weld is created. This option replaces Job or Fabricator Options > Fabricator Setup (tab) > Detailing Options (header) > Detailing Symbol Options > "Show weld length on weld symbols". (PR 47124)

* Added 15th edition design to load calculation 345, the plate flexure check for extended configuration shear tabs. The formulas for 15th edition now correctly match the formulas from 14th edition. It was incorrectly using the formulation from the 13th edition. (PR 47164)

* IFC import now uses the proper IFC assembly GUIDs as SDS/2 member GUIDs. (PR 47173)

* User slot lengths are now available for supporting and supported connections in custom girts. (PR 47176)

* There are now two new options in User and Site Configuration. On the Modeling and Drawing editor tabs you may now set "Reuse previous session's tile layout". The default value is on. (PR 47310)

* A Washer Callout option has been added to Bolt Detailing/Fabrication Options. (PR 47328)

* There are two new DSTV options: "Keep placement marks away from flanges" and "Minimum distance to flange". These options can be used to set a minimum clearance for placement marks on the web of the wide flange, in channels, on the inside faces of angles, and on the WTee web. (PR 47399)

* This project applied the AISC maximum thickness limit to nom-moment end plate.

A new option "Design non-AISC end plate thickness" has been added to the "Design Criteria" screen, which could turn the limit off.
(PR 47403)

* There is an option in "Drawing Import Configuration" to add the PDF page label to the drawing name if more than one page is imported. If not selected, the import will append '_pg#' to the drawing name. (PR 47733)

Problems fixed:

* Text origin points are now settable via images rather than a drop down list. (PR 7801)

* Job Repository Management now has a utility to specify jobs in each repository to be auto-packed, a button to pack immediately, and a command line string that can be placed into the Windows Task Scheduler for running at a certain time. This is not a backup solution but a step toward a proper backup process. (PR 15474)

* The system will now automatically change the welded extended tee option to false for a splice clip angle connection. This option doesn't apply to a splice condition. (PR 16044)

* We now correctly weld a vertical brace framing to a column end point with user base/cap plates, where the column's plate has 'more' leg dimensions. (PR 20332)

* For the 2 or 3 point shared horizontal angle or tee braces, if they are not in the same side of the gusset plate, SDS/2 will fail the connections and list the corresponding messages in member edit screen. (PR 20531)

* The copy/paste/load/save buttons on Custom Girts now function as intended. (PR 22145)

* Updated the hole sizes for imperial bolts in Canadian jobs.

Standard round hole sizes are now 1/16" or 2 mm greater than the bolt diameter depending on the setting for the "Hole allowances" option in Bolt Design Criteria.

Oversize hole sizes are now based on Table 3-47 from CISC 11th edition. If the job is metric and the option for hole diameters to match primary units is selected in Bolt Design Criteria, and then the hole size will match the table value. If not, then the hole size will be the table value converted to imperial units.
(PR 27754)

* Fixed a potential problem with use of Schedule of Minimums for Single-Plate Shear Connections. If the nominal depths listed in this table didn't match the nominal depths listed in the Schedule of Minimums for Structural Members table, then the wrong bolt diameter may have been used. (PR 28029)

* Fixed the bolt types on a shared thru plate in solids when the bolt types on the two members don't match. Previously, the thru plate would be created with 1 type of bolts on both sides. (PR 29026)

* Importing a metric based DWG/DXF file into a metric job for the dimension lengths the import calculates, will now generate the dimension length text in metric. (PR 29068)

* Plain end vertical and horizontal braces now calculate the material setback based on the user input field clearance and user inputted minus dim. (PR 29207)

* When using channel beams on thru plate connections where perpendicular plates meet within the HSS column, the partial thru plate may have been incorrectly offset, either being in the channel leg or offset outside the leg, rather than against it. This has been corrected in v2019.06 (PR 29314)

* In a welded HSS horizontal or vertical brace, the option "Use OS gusset holes" on member edit screen may not work.

This has been fixed by checking this option and selecting the correct hole type.
(PR 30522)

* Welded wide flange sloped columns with setbacks on the main material formerly had setbacks calculated incorrectly and welds located incorrectly.

Welded wide flange main material and welds are now placed correctly.
(PR 31507)

* For Erection View Detailing, made adjustments so that the members match the view in Modeling. (PR 31581)

* Adding members in the Micro station has been limited to beams, columns, vertical braces, horizontal braces, joists, and stairs. Everything that is not one of those has been removed from Select Member Type, toolbar configuration, keyboard configuration, shortcut menu configuration, and the Member Add drawer tools. (PR 32295)

* A clip angle connection can now be bolted to a supporting HSS beam regardless of the supporting beam's material type. (PR 33281)

* Fixed unrolling of flat bar with a weak axis roll. (PR 33437)

* In Member Edit for beam splice connections, the leaf for fill plates behind the Web Plates was only being displayed if SDS/2 thought that fill plates may be necessary. The leaf is now visible in every beam splice connection. (PR 34760)

* Fixed a bug in full-depth column flange stiffeners where the split stiffener was not being created correctly. (PR 34968)

* Finite grid line now have the grid bubble at the correct place in relation to the grid line, both when detailing manually and non-manually. (PR 36435)

* Some clip angles had welds smaller than the minimum job weld size set in setup. This has been fixed. (PR 36725)

* For HSS brace to gusset plate with double shear paddle plate connections, SDS/2 uses the correct plate grade from setup option (in the menu of Miscellaneous Connection Plates, Lap Plates). (PR 37641)

* "Extents" is now the only option available for View ports when editing multiple sheet items. (PR 37716)

* When entering a variable row spacing, we now provide better feedback if the user tries to separate the dimensions with a space. Space cannot be used as a separator because spaces are used inside of imperial dimensions. (PR 37842)

* Extended clip angle connections now check if they will run off the bottom of a supporting column. (PR 37981)

* The outrigger component will now only create one section view per component. It will no longer look toward the right end of the beam. The section view will show the leftmost outrigger and look towards the left end of the beam. (PR 38257)

* For Hole Symbol and Bolt Symbol objects in Drawing Editor, made changes so that the symbol will adjust to the attached pointer when being moved. (PR 38344)

* Thru shear connections have their interior plate material created within the Framing Situation process of SDS/2. In many cases, marking a connection as forced would prevent the connection from completing Framing Sit, resulting in the absence of a thru plate. This is corrected in v2019.06. Note that if the plate width is also locked to a value insufficient for a thru plate, the thru plate will not be generated. (PR 38348)

* SDS/2 designs the correct hole spacing (perpendicular to brace) for a horizontal brace to the shared gusset plate. (PR 38404)

* Fixed a problem with 3 point vertical braces that was not creating a connection when there was a splice in the supporting beam close to the gusset connection. (PR 39037)

* Fixed an error in update status that could occur if a member piecemark drawing was open. (PR 39058)

* Importing DWG/DXF drawings with dimension labels will now correctly get the label height from the dimension block entity. (PR 39080)

* Copy/paste of custom members and custom material from job to job no longer cause errors in Modeling.

Paste from clipboard will now cancel if rotations cause invalid member orientations. These will be reported in a warning list.
(PR 39426)

* Formerly, beams with a weak axis rolling operation and a negative rolled radius would have connection material located incorrectly. Connection material is now placed correctly. (PR 39532)

* Paste from clipboard will now cancel if rotations cause invalid member orientations. These will be reported in a warning list. (PR 39845)

* Fixed a problem in the clip angle option to replace the doubler with a larger clip. If the system was not able to find a larger clip to replace the doubler, the connection was changed to plain end but a fail statement wasn't provided and solids were actually created. The system will now revert to the connection with the doublers if suitable "larger" clips can't be found. (PR 39857)

* Fixed an error when moving main material in a job which has the option to use the member piecemark on main material. (PR 40038)

* The handling of loads in a splice clip angle connection now matches what is done for a beam splice plate connection. If the loads on one side of the splice are user, then that is the load that is used to design both sides. If the loads on both sides are user and they are not equal, then the connection is failed. (PR 40067)

* Fixed a bug with the lock wait dialog, where it would be unresponsive if it came up in specific dialogs, like material edit. You would still be able to click buttons on those dialogs, which would then lead to errors. (PR 40080)

* If the clip angle connection of a gusset to the column for a vertical brace framing to a beam and column was meant to have two different bolt types, all of the bolts in the model were the OSL bolt type. This has been fixed. (PR 40108)

* During node matching, a potential match could result in a segmentation error when the material type of two members did not match. This has been relaxed to require only that there member type match. Incompatible connections are handled during Connection Design, resulting in either a specified Failure Message or respective Change to Plain End for each member. Fixed in v2020. (PR 40122)

* SDS/2 creates the correct bolt types for both beam-beam splice plate connections and beam-beam with supporting beam moment plate connections. (PR 40136)

* The flip direction checkbox on material bolts now flips bolts in the same manner as the one on bolt edit. (PR 40209)

* Copying columns, with mirror checked, will no longer flip the connection from one end to the other. (PR 40271)

* Clip lengths on stability plates or column flange stiffeners are now calculated in design and matched in framing situation. Previously, they could be calculated incorrectly in framing situation. (PR 40684)

* When adding a hatch with a defined polygon the locator preferences are now saved. (PR 40828)

* Special characters in SDS/2 drawings exported to DWG or DXF will now be retained. (PR 41430)

* Improved checking for new failures after framing sit changes is done. (PR 41890)

* Fixed a bug where SDS/2 would ignore the users first attempt to unmark a member for detailing. (PR 42338)

* Fixed a framing situation where a column flange stiffener was intersecting a shear tab framing to the web of the same column. (PR 42511)

* Auto calculations for custom girts are now accurate and match the material edit screen. (PR 42576)

* Angle material for girts is now correctly placed in certain orientations. (PR 42700)

* Erection view details generated with status display color applied will now export the color settings correctly to DWG/DXF files. (PR 42801)

* When a joist frames to a beam flange and needs to extend the top chord, we now do a better job finding opposing joist, which may clash. (PR 42887)

* Bolt direction and rotation will no longer split member piecemarks. (PR 43164)

* Delete on like members has been enabled when multiple materials are selected. (PR 43216)

* When cutting a section view in Drawing Editor the piecemark and section size labels will now consistently appear. (PR 43547)

* RoofFrame default section sizes updated for Euro jobs. (PR 43999)

* Add functionality to export rebar from a tilt up panel member. (PR 44064)

* Fixed null pointer error in S3D. (PR 44175)

* Drawing layers use the correct colors. (PR 44336)

* Improved performance of model rotation and panning when a column beam stiffener is selected. (PR 44520)

* When adding a void space component to a member, studs that aren't affected by the void will no longer loose their heads. (PR 44630)

* Masking by sequence with hide options for group member piecemarks has been corrected to be consistent with member piecemark hide options. (PR 44655)

* Custom Girts now have a cut type option of None if the user does not want coping. (PR 44666)

* ZemanExport now exports grouped weld segments correctly (PR 44753)

* Finding eaves beam for eaves beam to stanchion is now automatic. (PR 44820)

* When hole matching, if you choose to add bolts and you choose to change all, identical bolts will be put on all materials which holes are added to. (PR 44826)

* Fixed problems with the member orientation indicator that could occur while doing manual erection view detailing. (PR 44851)

* Joist bearing shoes will now be positioned correctly when extended. (PR 44916)

* Angle snap mode has been added to the snap mode drawer. (PR 45018)

* Beam bearing connections to concrete walls are now the only connection types that will permit the use of embed angles and channels. (PR 45020)

* Ensuring UK material is called out with unique names for template detailing. (PR 45152)

* Add the Outline node to concrete members in the ProgressXML export. (PR 45247)

* Dimension labels' underlines being longer than they need to be has been fixed. (PR 45331)

* Fixed an issue where Void Layout Members were not being applied to intersecting members/materials.

Fixed a problem where the layout of a Void Layout Member could be flipped when changing the sign of the thickness.

Fixed a problem where the edit screen for Void Layout Members allowed a non-planar layout to be entered.

Fixed an issue where the member line for some Void Layout Members was opposite the polygons.
(PR 45444)

* Fixed a bug in the locking of horizontal brace gusset clip angles. The system now allows you to lock clip angle information for single sided horizontal brace clip angles. (PR 45698)

* The member add options bar is now available for the following stations:

Detailing Station
Modeling Station
Concrete Station
Estimodeling Station
Erector Plus Station
(PR 45779)

* In some cases cap/base plate welds would come in inconsistently depending on where the column was located. This has been fixed. (PR 45783)

* Adding field or shop bolting method for Eaves Beam to Stanchion component. (PR 45867)

* Revising UI to use a selection of Welded / Bolted rather than just checking weld to column. (PR 45870)

* Help button has been added to the 'Edit Report Template' Windows. (PR 45915)

* ExcelReports copy, paste, load, and save buttons have been corrected to work correctly. (PR 45929)

* The material type list in status display is now sorted alphabetically and unused material types have been removed from the list. (PR 45937)

* ExcelReports job setup has been corrected to save job setup values. These are now used when loading job setup and the ExcelReports plugin. Report type selection, actual report selection and save location are not modifiable/savable in job setup. (PR 45941)

* Fixes to copy to clipboard and paste from clipboard to prevent exceptions and member complete warnings. (PR 45975)

* Detailing Templates will now add extension dimensions to the inside face of the top Bolted Moment Flange Plates, and add a dimension to the inside faces of top and bottom flange plate. (PR 46012)

* Fixed a 'list index out of range' error while running the flat handrail tool. (PR 46058)

* For Member Detailing, addressed an issue that would cause the drawing to change when only the BOM is being detailed. (PR 46077)

* For Verify & Fix Member File, if the zone or sequence of a member mismatches that which is expected, the member will be marked for Process. (PR 46123)

* Fixed a problem with 2 point seismic vertical brace gussets that was giving a Too many constraints error when nothing was locked. (PR 46167)

* Fixed the save/load form feature on the: Kingspan Autoform, tube strut, Multilok strut, and angle strut screens. (PR 46179)

* Changed the check of an HSS wall with a reinforcement plate under a transverse load from a shear tab. The reinforcement plate and HSS wall are now considered separately. If the load is a tension load, then only the plate is considered. If the load is a compression load, then the capacities of the reinforcement plate and the HSS wall are added. (PR 46188)

* Modeling will now show labels for the two nearest members when members overlap on screen. (PR 46194)

* Center Kingspan panel joint on stanchion by default. (PR 46203)

* Some extra printouts that could occur in the first load calculation of an expanded calculation report have been eliminated. (PR 46204)

* Two problems were corrected:
1. With steeply sloping beams having a shear tab connection, locking bolt rows could lead to an infinite loop. This was caused by SDS/2 repeatedly trying to add bolt rows.
2. When sloped beam with shear tab connections were offset from the supporting member, such as by Extend Past Flange option, SDS/2 was neglecting to consider the offset in its calculations of both "Top of plate" and Depth remaining. Consequently such connections were oftentimes failed unnecessarily.
(PR 46259)

* Tabbing through a bill of material no longer occasionally marks entries as user modified. (PR 46263)

* Fixed an error that could occur if a wall dowel component was added for a CMU wall composed of blocks without vertical voids for the rebar. (PR 46269)

* When copying material including a weld the weld will now correctly copy and not occasionally be stretched/shrunk or moved incorrectly. (PR 46284)

* Limit choices of section size for Kingspan panel joint and prevent bottom connection if section size becomes too large due to changing siderail section size. (PR 46294)

* Added auto calculation for hole spacing on Kingspan Autoform channels.

* Repaired the annotations portion of 'Check Plot'. (PR 46303)

* Added a top view to the detail for the Kingspan Angle struts. (PR 46307)

* During process, plugins can add views to the misc. members that they create via the BreakApartMaterials API. (PR 46318)

* Added a cross section view to the detail for the Kingspan Multiloc strut. (PR 46322)

* Limit detail material to only include main submaterial and leave out standard material for Kingspan Panel Joint connection. (PR 46328)

* SDS/2 designs the correct gage values for a MBMA moment end plate (unstiffened flush end) connection, according to AISC design guide 16. (PR 46330)

* Embeds will now remember their sequence from a previous edit session, whether they are added via member-add or via spawn during process for steel to concrete connections. (PR 46334)

* Changing the rolling operation type will set the disabled rolling fields to zero. (PR 46337)

* When designing the column cap/base plates, SDS2/2 apply the correct bolt type from the "Bolt Design Criteria" screen. (PR 46358)

* After framing situation is run, and possibly changes the length of column flange stiffeners, we now check those lengths. This could potentially fail the connection. (PR 46360)

* STEP export on 32-bit platforms no long segmentation faults (PR 46362)

* In a Eurocode moment end plate connection, if the haunch was in tension, the tension bolts were added inside the haunch only.

This project improves the design of end plate with haunch in tension, if there are enough bolts and cannot be added inside the haunch, the bolts could be added inside the beam.

If there is a haunch and the tension bolts are at "Top & bottom", the moment resistance will be calculated twice, one for haunch in compression, one for haunch in tension (applied moment could be in opposite directions).
(PR 46369)

* SDS/2 designs the correct filed clear for a deep beam with fin plate reference to the Eurocode design guide. (PR 46370)

* Fixed a problem with double paddle HSS braces. System will now allow zero or one spacer between the stiffener plates. (PR 46372)

* Fixed a problem with the creation of horizontal brace gusset clip angles. When the gusset is attaching to two beams with one of the beams an HSS beam. The system now attaches the clip angle to the hss beam instead of the gusset. The weld location for this clip angle has also been fixed. (PR 46373)

* This project removed the top haunch design (Eurocode) in accordance with the haunch option changes in setup and the beam edit screen.

Currently the haunch is designed only at the bottom of the beam.
(PR 46375)

* Standard fabricator connections cleat configuration has been removed for all Euro design methods. Miscellaneous material angles and w-tees have been removed for Euro UK design method. (PR 46387)

* For Status Display, addressed cause of crashes when using member sequences. (PR 46390)

* Fixed a problem on Autoform Multichannels where the notches would be incorrect when autoform was turned off for one end and the Toe Direction was set to 'In'. (PR 46406)

* Hidden BOM lines aren't counted in BIF export. (PR 46407)

* Use In/Out for Eaves Beam toe direction. (PR 46409)

* Moment flange bevel groove weld solids will now be placed correctly and not occasionally appear inside the column rather than the plate. (PR 46410)

* When the User enters a Shear Tab connection with an axial load (either explicit or via UFM), and web bolts are not slip-critical, an error was generated accordingly. This was not always processing correctly when "Forced". This has been corrected. Fixed in SDS/2 v2019.05

Additionally, when Auto bolts are selected and setup uses an "N-type or X-type" bolt, but the connection requires an "SC-type" bolt, it will be substituted, provide one exists in the same family. A notice (Green background, blue message) "Web bolts have been changed to equivalent slip critical type".
(PR 46417)

* Fixed an infinite loop that could happen when locking the length of a 2pt or 3 point shared gusset. (PR 46423)

* Added ability for vertical brace gusset stiffeners to be added when the brace gusset is not along the centerline of the column web. (PR 46424)

* Handles deletion of adjacent girts better when adjusting ends. (PR 46425)

* Formerly, the Column category in the setup dialog "Rebar Schedule Placements" was mislabeled as "Footing Step". It is now labeled correctly. (PR 46426)

* The user to system piecemark tool will now split piecemarks when members and group members do not match. (PR 46441)

* For Member Detailing using templates addressed an issue where field bolts associated with joists would not be listed on any drawings. They are now included on the supporting member's drawing. (PR 46451)

* Editing or adding a member with multiple tiles and Process within member edit turned on no longer causes bad shapes to be drawn or occasional crashes. (PR 46452)

* Peddinghaus Angle Line export will now output some slots that were previously output as round holes. (PR 46461)

* A beam-beam bolted moment with a supporting beam, when failed could not be forced. This has been corrected in v2018.16 some corrections were made to the placement of moment plates. (PR 46470)

* Running a report table on erection views will not cause members to change size. (PR 46471)

* Revision charts will expand for new lines when the drawing is exported. (PR 46476)

* Material has the right ABM entry in the BOM when detailed. (PR 46480)

* For Member Detailing, made changes to address crashes while attempting to gather related grid information. (PR 46483)

* Fixed the minus dim calculation for 2 point wide flange vertical braces with web plate and flange paddle plate connections. The minus dim was being calculated incorrectly when one of the braces was perpendicular to the supporting member. (PR 46485)

* Fixed a problem with 2 point double channel vertical braces connecting to a double channel vertical brace. The system now produces the correct gusset. (PR 46487)

* Degrees job north will be disabled when copying from another job to create a now job since the job north value will be copied from the source job. (PR 46488)

* The Move/Stretch command in Drawing Editor once again ends after a second point is picked. (PR 46491)

* For Erection View Detailing, addressed one possible cause of crashes that related to field welds. (PR 46492)

* For Drawing Editor, accounted for Sheet Item Label scaling when rendering Machine Hole Symbol drawing objects. (PR 46493)

* Addressed an issue where snapping to the surface of a rotated member-isolation view would give poor results. (PR 46494)

* Fixed a problem with 2 point and 3 point wide flange vertical braces with flange plates. The system no longer infinite loops when adding these members with the gusset plates lapping over the flanges of the supporting member. (PR 46495)

* For Drawing Editor, addressed the cause of the warning 'SDSunknown: invalid command name "hatch_preview"', which could be followed by the warning 'SDSunknown: invalid command name "multi_save"' when a Hatch object was included with a multiple-object edit. (PR 46497)

* Vertical braces to the web of supporting wide flange members now check for gusset web stiffeners when calculating the minus dimension to insure proper clearance. (PR 46514)

* Fixed a null pointer error when adding 3 point wide flange web horizontal vertical braces with flange plates. (PR 465240

* Group member custom properties have been added to report writer. (PR 46525)

* Fixed AttributeError during material copy mirror image. (PR 46526)

* Unchecking the "Washer" checkbox in the bolt edit window updates the bolt length. (PR 46528)

* For Erection View Cleanup in Drawing Editor, corrected fallout from changes that added 'Member style' and 'Wire-form hidden lines' that caused the '[x] Member' check button to behave badly. These changes also correct the value of 'Wire-form hidden lines' for the Member objects in question, but only after redetailing the erection view. (PR 46530)

* In a Eurocode moment end plate connection with haunch, when calculating the flange weld strength, the haunch depth was ignored.

This has been fixed by adding the haunch depth to the beam depth when calculating the flange weld strength.
(PR 46539)

* For Reports, addressed one cause of 'Assertion failed: size == sizeof(*start)'. This could be immediately followed by a fatal error if the response to the warning was 'Continue' or 'Suppress'. (PR 46550)

* Addressed one possible cause of a crash when running Evu Cleanup in Drawing Editor. (PR 46561)

* For Eurocode moment end plate splice, the flange weld strength was not checked

This has been fixed by adding the flange weld strength check for end plate splice.
(PR 46564)

* In the calculation of moment strength of Eurocode moment end plate, the procedure for determining the reduced effective design resistance of rows from bolt-row groups has a mistake.

This has been fixed.
(PR 46565)

* For Utility > Copy Project Items, fixed a cause of crashes when copying Job Standard Details (and possibly other items) from another job. This fix may also apply to similar Plotting issues, but that's not yet been confirmed. (PR 46575)

* For Detail Erection Views, fixed the logic that dictated whether piecemarks for joists would be shown. It appears that they would never have been shown, regardless of the setting of the 'Settings > Piecemarks > [] Always hide joist piecemarks' check button. (PR 46578)

* For Detail Member Groups, addressed one possible cause of a fatal error that indicates 'Additional information: vector::_M_range_check'. (PR 46581)

* If a CNC configuration is being imported, but no file is selected an error no longer occurs. (PR 46589)

* Entering data in an added line in the BOM doesn't cause an error. (PR 46592)

* The connection design locks on Column Flange Stiffeners stay locked after a process and create 3d solids. (PR 46607)

* Prevent adding duplicate eaves beam to stanchion components on a stanchion(column). (PR 46612)

* The Split Tile Vertically and Split Tile Horizontally icons have been changed to more clearly indicate which way the split will occur. (PR 46628)

* Formerly, links to PDFs in the Galvanizing Check tool were broken. The links are now valid URLs. (PR 46637)

* Materials exported to STEP files are now more likely to be smooth extrusions rather than faceted BREPs. (PR 46671)

* For Material File Editor with respect to Wide Flange materials, fixed the issue where the cursor could not be moved out of any Section Size cell.

Generally, this would incur a warning akin to 'Assertion failed: internal_index != 0' which would be followed by an alert stating 'Material already exists in file!'.
(PR 46681)

* Multi-user file lock problem fixed with double angle or channel intersection braces that have stitch plates. (PR 46685)

* When running a specific parametric, SDS/2 will no longer warn about a multi-user issue. (PR 46686)

* For Member Detailing, addressed one possible cause of a crash that appears to be related to cut surfaces or holes. (PR 46687)

* Fixed a performance issue when copying members near a reference model. (PR 46689)

* SDS/2 will now properly handle job repositories that are disabled and repositories that have invalid directory paths. (PR 46691)

* Improved performance of sag rods and pour stops when processing in large models. (PR 46693)

* Status display ignores white space and newlines at the start and end of custom property strings. (PR 46697)

* Fixed a problem in Vertical Brace welded to a column base/cap plate, while checking the weld size. (PR 46700)

* Improved performance in stair connections during process in large jobs. (PR 46703)

* SDS/2 will no longer occasionally error when starting isolate. (PR 46707)

* For Drawing Editor, removed hole/bolt artifacts left over from changing Member Style in erection view drawings. (PR 46709)

* Material rotate, and assembly add, will now rotate about the axes that are drawn. These axes are also now updated when you rotate in the model. (PR 46711)

* You will now have the ability to change the Sequence "Set limit" in the ABM Report Criteria>General Settings tab after an ABM has been generated.

This will allow the user to include additional sequences in the ABM after the initial ABM was created.
(PR 46715)

* During selection of a new Locked WTee connection, SDS/2 could lockup before analyzing the newly selected material. Additionally, a WTee could be excessively long and have no bolt information once selected. These problems are resolved in v2018.19 & v2019.06. (PR 46718)

* Importing DWG/DXF drawings with dimensions that are designated 'horizontal' or 'vertical' will now calculate the correct axis length instead of the full length of the dimension line. (PR 46729)

* Angle posts for sloping handrails now clip from a reference point at the highest part of the angle which removes the sharp jagged edge that was previously present in some cases when it clipped from the lowest part of the angle. (PR 46730)

* Fixed a rod vertical brace issue that was causing an assertion failure when a suitable clevis or turnbuckle was not found. (PR 46731)

* The default value for new usage material is wide flange. (PR 46733)

* Import/Export now handles cold-formed bends correctly. (PR 46739)

* For Detail Erection Views Manually, addressed the cause of a 'SDSunknown: invalid command name ".menu.loc"' warning. (PR 46748)

* The Reset button on the Drawing Export Configuration screen now resets all the items. (PR 46767)

* A column flange stiffener that was clashing with a shear tab framing to the web of the same column has been fixed. (PR 46768)

* The Python MaterialBase API allows custom materials to be set to dummy material via the 'is_dummy' attribute. (PR 46769)

* User cap plates were failing with the message "Invalid material type for supporting member" if framing to an angle beam. This check has been removed to give the user cap plate regardless of the beam material type. (PR 46774)

* Dimension extension leg options are now preserved through copy/paste as well as job standard details. The labels for the options have been updated to make more sense in various orientations. (PR 46778)

* When the tracking for the ABM is set to page/line, the ABM ID will be in a page-line format. (PR 46784)

* When the ABM tracking method is set to page/line, new ABM entries will be appended to a new page like they were in previous versions of the ABM. There is also a "Revised Row Placement" option added when creating an ABM so ABMs using the system generated ABM ID can have this behavior as well. (PR 46785)

* Fixed cases where a stair connection failed to connect to a supporting beam. (PR 46788)

* Marking all members for processing and processing while moving the mouse in the modeling view will no longer generate an error. (PR 46789)

* Removed the use of the gamma values for EuroUK turnbuckles and clevises on rod bracing. (PR 46796)

* Remove Euro gamma values for Clevis and Turnbuckle strength. The material file information will be imported as Design Resistance in kN with safety factors already incorporated. (PR 46797)

* For Drawing Editor, Changed the verbiage of 'File > Open > Hide... > Category & Miscellaneous > Detail required' to 'File > Open > Hide... > Category & Miscellaneous > Marked for detailing'. The keyboard accelerator for that check button was also changed from 'q' to 'a'. (PR 46802)

* The View ID and Layer fields are now consistently at the top of the general properties section of the edit screens in Drawing Editor.

The View field has been added to the workpoint, table, sheet revisions and sheet items edit screens. The Sheet Revisions screen now has the ability to edit the layer.
(PR 46804)

* SDS200 will now be able to modify job and fabricator setup options. (PR 46805)

* When editing a weld in modeling the other side root opening will now appear on the weld symbol and be saved when hitting OK. (PR 46806)

* For Drawing Editor, addressed an issue whereby bolts erased from one member would reappear when changing the member style of another member. (PR 46808)

* Remove Save As, Rename and Delete buttons that are not correct for some SDS/2 stations. (PR 46809)

* When a beam is located above its supporting column or beam, shear tab connecting material may have been incorrectly placed or missing.

There is also a condition wherein the thickness of a supporting beam flange (or k distance) is greater than that of the supported. In this case, shear tab material may have infringed on the supporting k distance.

These issues have been fixed in SDS/2 v2018.18 and v2019.04
(PR 46814)

* Fixed an issue where running detail member on the member edit screen with third-party components also on the same member would issue warning messages when closing the member edit screen. (PR 46822)

* Fixed a problem with transferring special case 3 UFM forces to the beam when the brace has locked values. (PR 46824)

* The Beam Stiffener - Beam component will now default both clip fields on the stiffener based on the k-distance rather than always defaulting to 1. (PR 46826)

* Fixed Null pointer errors while running process and create solids. (PR 46828)

* The save and load buttons for Display Options forms have a right click dropdown menu of the saved forms. (PR 46829)

* In some case in an Eurocode moment end plate, when the column flange stiffeners are designed, infinite loop may occur.

This problem has been fixed in the column flange stiffener design.
(PR 46830)

* The outrigger component will no longer add a top view if a top view already exists. (PR 46834)

* For Member Detailing, viewport objects added to a shortened drawing will no longer be affected when only the BOM is being regenerated. (PR 46836)

* In some cases for a beam to column web end plate connection, when changing it to a moment end plate, SDS2 may crash.

This has been fixed by correcting a problem in a load calculation.
(PR 46838)

* Fixed a bug in HSS welded vertical brace connections to a column and base/cap plate. System will no longer give a false weld failure. (PR 46840)

* When there is a column reinforcement plate on an HSS column with a Shear Tab connection, changing the Minus dimension from automatic to a user selected value (even if is same value) could cause the bolts in the shear tab to be placed too far from the end of the beam (Member edge distance). Fixed in v2018.18 and v2019.04 (PR 46843)

* The Depth Check tool in the View Command Group has been removed. This tool has been added in SDS/2 2019 and should not appear in SDS/2 2018. The toolbar decoration to change the Depth Check still appears in the Decoration Command Group. (PR 46844)

* Copying HSS Cap Plate components will no longer result in warning list messages in jobs with joists that have merged main material. (PR 46857)

* Fixed a crash when saving a neutral model with the option to save changes since another neutral file is selected, but no neutral file was given for it. (PR 46869)

* Fixed a bug in convert with setting the ABM check based on setup information. This is now set on material based on the type of material. (PR 46874)

* For Drawing Editor on the Sheet Item Edit screen, added horizontal spacing between the 'Open... ' and 'OK' buttons to help discourage accidental pushes/presses. (PR 46875)

* ZemanExport plugin now gracefully skips malformed welds. (PR 46898)

* The icon for wtee web horizontal now shows the web horizontal. In previous releases the web on this icon was shown vertical. (PR 46903)

* The "Angle leg turned up" option on vertical brace's member add options bar is now applied to the added vertical brace. Furthermore, the icon for this option is unique among the others to distinguish it. (PR 46906)

* When a Shear Tab connection to a supporting beam web has the tab plate coped to reduce the amount of cope on the supported beam, it did so without considering any other nearby connections. In this particular situation, SDS/2 will now look for a supported Column connection at the same location, and adjust the beam cope to clear the column and its base plate. The cope of the Shear Tab remains unchanged. (PR 46909)

* Added calling of load calculation 336 to check the welds between a single sided intersection gusset and a supporting HSS member. (PR 46916)

* Rounded void shapes can now be exported more reliably to STEP files. (PR 46920)

* When exporting railings to STEP files, sections of pipe material are no longer missing. (PR 46921)

* Corrected auto loading balloon help for top to bottom and left to right. (PR 46924)

* Fixed label for width and height of an HSS column on the design report. It was previously labeled as the "brace width" and "brace height". (PR 46925)

* Submaterial has "In ABM" checked on by default, and will be included in the ABM when that checkbox is checked and the ABM Qualifiers have it as included in the ABM. (PR 46929)

* Fixed a NullPointer exception while pasting from clipboard.

Changed initialization of clipboard job to include source job material file and setup files.
(PR 46932)

* For vertical and horizontal brace gusset to supporting member clip angles. Added the checking of column edge distance for the clip angle bolts. (PR 46943)

* Formerly, creating a python new-member object (foo = member.Member('Column')) would cause all existing member locks to be released. Locks are now properly maintained. (PR 46947)

* The original 2018.17 viewers are bad. The problem has been corrected and 2018.17 viewers remade. (PR 46954)

* STEP export correctly handles voids with sharp corners. (PR 46957)

* Updated the check for the default help browser. (PR 46958)

* The following Member Detailing/Fabrication options have been exposed via the parametric API:

Vertical braces:

1. HSS notch width clearance: vb_hss_notch_width_clear
2. HSS notch radius: vb_hss_notch_radius
3. Automatic HSS notch radius: auto_vb_hss_notch_radius
4. Intersection gusset notch preparation: vb_hss_notch_prep

Columns/ Shear thru plates:

1. HSS notch width clearance: shear_hss_notch_width_clear
2. HSS notch radius: shear_hss_notch_radius
3. Automatic HSS notch radius: auto_shear_hss_notch_radius
(PR 46959)

* The Python dialog.text.Text widget will return an empty string if its initial value was empty. Previously, a newline character was returned due to the nature of the underlying control. The side effect of this is screens that utilize this widget such as custom properties will not introduce a change to the stored data by simply opening and closing the screen. As a specific example, custom properties that flag the member for detailing or piecemarks will not flag the member by simply opening and closing custom properties when the member's custom properties had not previously been visited. (PR 46960)

* Fixed a bug where end cut types on other end of the beam was changing incorrectly when one end of the beam was changed. (PR 46961)

* Re-enable cap plate after it was inadvertently disabled by a previous fix. (PR 46982)

* Python Layout3D objects may have their "remove_bad_points" attribute set to False to avoid automatically removing collinear and duplicate points. (PR 46989)

* 1. Enable member options bar
2. Begin a member add of a vertical brace
3. In the section size dialog, type an invalid or non-existing section size.
4. Without tabbing out of the section size field, select a start point for the vertical brace in modeling
5. Click the "Double/Single material" button on the options add bar
Result: assertion failure
PR 46993)

* For Erection View Cleanup in Drawing Editor, added '[] Show hatching' that applies per member. (PR 47017)

* Fixed AttributeError warnings with galvanized, grab bar only handrails. (PR 47019)

* Prevented an error that could happen when selecting paste in the bill of material editor when a header row is selected. (PR 47021)

* Adding a sequence quantity to the bottom sequence row in the bill editor won't cause an error. (PR 47022)

* Fixed the horizontal brace gusset geometry for angle or wtee horizontal braces connecting to an HSS horizontal brace. This fix was for gussets that are either welded or clip angle connected to the face of the supporting brace. (PR 47023)

* Added AISC 15th edition rules for edge distance and maximum thickness to shear tab design. (PR 47025)

* Fixed a bug in the S3D neutral file import when importing base plate schedules. (PR 47027)

* Fixed an infinite loop that occurred in the design of beam to beam flange, axially loaded clip angles with a locked section size. (PR 47031)

* For Erection View Cleanup in Drawing Editor, addressed some core issues that caused crashes for edits involving member objects and for undo/redo of it. (PR 47036)

* For Erection View Cleanup in Drawing Editor, fixed issues that inhibited the change of member style directly to/from solid/wire to the wire/solid. In other words, it's no longer necessary to first change to stick and then change again to the desired style. These changes also fix issues where too many member styles changed afterwards. (PR 47037)

* Entering a path in Job Repository Management Description field that ends in a backslash will no longer cause SDS/2 to error out. (PR 47040)

* Import of labels that have embedded strikethrough and underline controls from DWG/DXF formats will now be brought into SDS/2 drawing labels. (PR 47043)

* SDS/2 file operations on Linux to a SAMBA network resource will no longer attempt to ascertain that it has permission to write a range of bytes when the file itself was opened for writing exclusively. (PR 47057)

* Fixed a problem with 2 point vertical braces when one of the braces to be shared is perpendicular and there is another brace also perpendicular that is close to the two braces that are to be shared. (PR 47058)

* StudCountByMember and StudCountBySequence reports have been added to the User tab reports on the Main Menu. (PR 47059)

* Repaired the member-type masking effects of Erection View Cleanup Several in Drawing Editor. (PR 47060)

* For Drawing Editor, open Magnifiers & Archive Drawings will now be indicated in the 'Display currently active drawing' decorations as (respectively):
<index> -- <name>


Revision: <index>
(PR 47061)

* For Erection View Cleanup in Drawing Editor, fixed the 'Wire-style hidden lines' selection so that it would do what's expected. (PR 47065)

* Full Data Transfer will now ignore reference models. Previously this could cause the export to stall significantly. (PR 47070)

* In the case of a WTee shear tab connection, adjoining a Vertical Brace, the force flag of the WTee beam connection was not being respected.

Additionally, once the shear tee had been changed to a shear plate, the necessary support column doubler or offset of the beam shear tab was not implemented in the Vertical Brace.

The change to shear plate has been corrected, such that a Forced WTee connection will keep the WTee material if possible.
(PR 47072)

* Adding a row in the bill editor when a header row is selected adds a row to the end of the bill without any errors. (PR 47074)

* ZemanExport plugin now saves WTees in correct orientation. (PR 47075)

* The auto shear load calculations for ASD/LRFD 15 design code are not correct for some beams such as W14x22. These issues have been fixed. (PR 47077)

* Converted jobs from 2018 to 2019 with the old version of the ABM will display the page-line in the BOM when detailed and on the member and material edit screens. (PR 47078)

* Fixed a situation on stairs where the cap plate on an end with end condition "No Return" was oriented incorrectly if the opposite end had an end cap and end condition "Return" or "Return Down". (PR 47079)

* In framing situation, we now move beam web doublers with the beam's connection. (PR 47081)

* Gross web shear is now checked for horizontal clip angle connections whether the web leg is bolted or welded if one or both of the beam flanges are coped. Net web shear is now checked for horizontal clip angle connections whether the web leg is bolted or welded if both of the beam flanges are coped. (PR 47089)

* A clip angle connection in a splice condition will now be changed to on supported if set to on supporting and the OSL connection will be changed to bolted if set to welded. The connection of the web leg will not be changed. (PR 47090)

* Fixed a bug in the list variant of the set function for variable spacing lockables in the sds2.lockable module. The bug caused the list variant to be a no op. (PR 47091)

* IFC import now recognizes European section sizes more reliably. (PR 47100)

* There is no longer a limit on the number of Model Notes a job may have. The option to resize the model note table has been removed. (PR 47106)

* For Drawing Editor, discovered/repaired the cause of an incremental lag when pasting to several drawings. (PR 47110)

* Connection material created by steel to concrete connections will now break off correctly as miscellaneous members. (PR 47112)

* Fixed some cases where the design for column splices, beam copes or vertical brace stitch plates may be incorrectly marking the members affected for detailing during process and create solids. (PR 47117)

* The embed schedule entry selection window from member edit has been updated to show "none" for easier selection. (PR 47119)

* ERROR Printing. This has been fixed. (PR 47123)

* In rare cases SDS/2 would fail to draw the new view when cutting a section view, opening a view, or isolating a member until the window was resized. This has been fixed. (PR 47127)

* SDS/2 now exports each rebar mat as an individual MESH layer in the PXML Export. (PR 47136)

* When editing multiple different types of items including a member line in Drawing Editor, changing the member line's left elevation origin point will now work correctly. (PR 47143)

* Fixed the check of the yield strength of a moment end plate for AISC 15th edition designs. (PR 47148)

* Formerly, the "Lock base position" checkbox would not stay checked when adding construction lines with Base-Off-Construction-Line. The "Lock base position" checkbox now stays checked. (PR 47149)

* Fixed a potential moment connection problem. It was possible to get a passed moment connection that should have failed if 4 conditions existed. One, the moment connection was to a column flange. Two, there was 1 or 2 shear tabs framing to the web at that location. Three, the beam with the moment connection was shallower than the beam(s) framing to the web of the column. Four, the moment load on the connection was negative. If all of these conditions existed, it was possible for load calculation 83 to show that the connection failed but the model and member edit to show that the connection passed. (PR 47150)

* Fixed reference to miscellaneous notes on design report for moment connections. The note about neglecting eccentricity in the web connection is note (33) for all design methods. (PR 47157)

* Fixed a bug where user provided member descriptions were not placed on the detail. (PR 47166)

* Fixed various NullPointer errors with process after copy/paste members between jobs. (PR 47168)

* In some cases, when the bolt row spacing of Horizontal Brace connection 1 is locked in a horizontal brace framing to 2 beams, the bolt row may keep increasing if the brace is re-processed.

This has been fixed by re-setting the bolt row to 0 at the start of the re-processing.
(PR 47178)

* For 'Add Standard Detail' in Drawing Editor, added an 'Attached to view' entry that can be used to communicate intentions with Shortening. (PR 47181)

* For Material Isolation, made adjustments to correct the orientation of user-created section view cuts. (PR 47182)

* The "End clearance" field clearance information field has been renamed to "End and pocket clearance". It applies to steel to concrete connection field clearances to walls and embeds, as well as bearing end pocket field clearances to steel walls.

Joists framing to concrete walls will now use the maximum of the top chord width and the bearing shoe width to determine bearing end pocket width.
(PR 47186)

* Fixed "The process cannot access the file..." error copying members to clipboard error. (PR 47187)

* Syntax errors in advanced selection python code will cause a warning instead of an unrecoverable error. (PR 47188)

* User Options has been renamed to User and Site Options to reflect that it has both and the options have been reorganized. (PR 47199)

* Broken out field bolts will show quantities when the option to do so in fabricator settings is on. (PR 47200)

* Concrete status display options that rely on the concrete license are disabled and hidden when there's no concrete license. (PR 47206)

* ABM fields on member and material edit are properly mixed when doing a multi-edit. (PR 47211)

* For Show Dimensions in modeling, addressed what is believed to be the cause of Stack Overflow exceptions, which appear to have been rooted in Angle Dimension objects. (PR 47213)

* In Project Transfer unpacking over an existing SDS/2 job, the original job will now be kept around until a successful unpacking has occurred. If 'Cancel' is pressed during the unpacking, or an error occurs, then the original job will be put back and the unfinished job removed. (PR 47217)

* The Help button on the Colors tab on the Drawing Cosmetics screen now opens the correct help address. (PR 47222)

* For Erection View Drawings in Drawing Editor which were detailed with the "Check Overwriting of piecemarks and section sizes" option on/checked, made adjustments to allow those fonts to be changed. (PR 47223)

* Recombined the bolt bearing and bolt tearout calculations for AISC 15th edition design. These formulas were separated in the 15th edition manual, but the intent was still for the bolt group capacity to be calculated using the minimum of bearing and tearout for each bolt. This is a return to the method that was used for AISC 14th edition and older. (PR 47226)

* When joists frame to the top of auto base/cap plates:

1. The joist edit screen (connection type and bolt lockable leaves) will now control bolt sizes.

2. Bolt type and size lockables in the column plate screen will be hidden and disabled.

3. The NM bolt size and type in the Column connection type leaf will not affect the connection.
(PR 47228)

* Fixed the use of formula (9-15) from the 15th edition AISC manual in load calculation 41. Lb was set equal to the cope depth instead of the cope length.

Also changed the sign in this formula. Cb is now greater than or equal to 1.84. The formula was corrected in the June 2018 errata.
(PR 47229)

* STEP export does a better job of extruding materials containing circular holes. (PR 47232)

* The magnifier ID field is now shared between labels and pointers so that changing it on one tab when editing multiple types of items will change both.

The magnifier ID field will now properly appear mixed when checking "Change all labels with original text"
(PR 47235)

* Fixed the source of a crash when running Design Calculations. (PR 47237)

* In some welded shear moment connections, if the member edge distance is locked, the bolts location may not be correct, and the measured member edge distance in the model is not correct.

This has been fixed by adding the beam web setback to the calculation of the bolt location.
(PR 47239)

* In some clip angle connections, web extension plates were created that were not deep enough for 2 bolt rows. This has been fixed. (PR 47241)

* Added a note to the design report for an extended clip angle connection to show that a row was skipped on the web side of the connection. (PR 47248)

* The "always ask to unshorten" option is removed in review stations and the dialog to automatically unshorten drawings does not trigger. This also applies to EAD station, which doesn't shorten/unshorten drawing tools either. (PR 47249)

* "Distance to bottom bolt group" has been removed from moment end plate leaf on the beam edit screen because it should not be modified. (PR 47259)

* A member's main view is no longer allowed to be deleted. It can still be replaced. (PR 47265)

* The number of processors options under the "Site" tab and "System" tab in user options has been removed in SDS/2 Erector, SDS/2 BIM, SDS/2 Fabricating, SDS/2 Approval, SDS/2 Engineering and SDS/2 Erector Plus. (PR 47269)

* In some cases, the fail message for column splice web plate failure is not clear.

This has been improved by adding more fail messages to make it clear.
(PR 47283)

* In some cases, if the bolt gage of a web channel in a column splice is locked and increased, the connection may fail incorrectly.

This has been fixed by checking the bolt clearance to determine if the bolts fit the channel. The standard bolt gage has also been updated with AISC manual.
(PR 47292)

* Fixed the beam Fu value used in load calculation 110 for the bolt bearing on web check of a bent plate connection. The system was previously using the bent plate Fu value rather than the beam's Fu value. (PR 47297)

* Fixed a warning "Assertion failed locked" when moving members attached, with member pins, to members which are in a group and have been detailed. (PR 47303)

* Fixed a warning "Assertion failed locked" when moving material to or from a member which is detailed and in a group. (PR 47304)

* The member edit preview will now show the changes in all tiles. (PR 47317)

* When using the shortcut menu to activate a tool the tool will activate in the tile the shortcut menu was originated in rather than any tile activated after the shortcut menu is started or the tile under the cursor after the tool is selected. (PR 47319)

* When the scrollbars are active and you have multiple tiles clicking the lower right corner between the scrollbars will set the active tile or toggle the active tile if the current tile is already active. The same applies to the open areas in the corners when the rulers User Option is active in Modeling. (PR 47339)

* A condition which could lead to a fatal error while interacting with the End Plate or Shear Plate Standard Piecemark window in Setup has been eliminated. (PR 47354)

* There was an issue with some concrete Status Display Options converting a decimal value to a dimension.

The Following Status Display options will now use the decimal value instead of the dimension value:
concrete member surface area
concrete member volume yards
concrete member volume feet
concrete material volume yards
concrete material volume feet
(PR 47358)

* The concrete member surface area status display option uses square feet instead of square inches. (PR 47359)

* Formerly, a beam-column bolted-bolted clip angle connection attached to supporting at the top of a column would get shop bolts on both sides of the connection. The supported side is now field bolts. (PR 47366)

* 2018: The depth check values on the toolbar will no longer change as your mouse moves around.

2019: The depth check values on the toolbar will no longer change until the active tile changes.

2020: When putting the cursor in the depth check In or Out fields the active tile will be locked until the cursor leaves the fields. As always you can use enter to leave the fields and activate depth check, escape to leave the fields and deactivate depth check, or tab out of the fields.
(PR 47367)

* The font rendering code in SDS/2 has been upgraded to an updated version. (PR 47375)

* In certain cases of Shear Connections with Moment Flange Plates when the user enters an Input minus dimension (rather than Automatic minus dimension), the value entered was not being kept, and the resulting design was incorrect. This has been fixed in v2020. (PR 47380)

* Custom girts hole type Oversize round no longer causes warnings to be displayed, and produces the proper hole. (PR 47393)

* The prompt for "Are you Sure.." no longer pops up for each tile that you have open when "Mark all for Processing" or "Mark all for Detailing" is run. Instead only the members in the active tile are operated on. (PR 47394)

* Changed option to "Bevel shear plate as required" on "Shear Plate Setup" to be checked by default when creating a new job. (PR 47396)

* Clicking OK on the status select screen and then changing the active status display will not cause any errors. (PR 47400)

* Changed the bevel precision field found at: Standard Fabricator Connections > Shear Plate Setup from a number to a combo box. (PR 47407)

* Fixed a typo in load calculation 38. When calculating the shear capacity in combination with compression the tension load was used instead of the compression load. (PR 47413)

* New materials are initialized properly to avoid "UUID changed to" warnings. (PR 47418)

* The Model Complete Date field is now wide enough to display all characters required. (PR 47429)

* Custom Girt copes now correctly reflect user defined settings, and Auto calculations are accurate. (PR 47432)

* When Custom Property labels were shown on members in an erection view detail, editing a member on the detail could result in other members disappearing from the drawing until the drawing was reloaded. The condition leading to this result has been eliminated. (PR 47442)

* Fixed a bug with horizontal brace gusset to supporting member clip angles. The "Work point to angles" field now correctly shows the distance from the work point to the end of the angles. (PR 47443)

* Fixed warnings that occurred in printing the design report of column with a cap plate that connects to a joist. (PR 47444)

* When "swap ends" was employed on one side of a shared shear tab thru plate, the collinear angle of the two ends was misinterpreted and the resulting thru plate was not merged. This has been fixed in SDS/2 v2020. (PR 47447)

* Fixed the location of a hanger connection (shear tab or clip angle) on a sloped column. (PR 47451)

* Fixed segmentation fault in copy members while copying views. (PR 47457)

* In the member module in parametrics, when setting the connection type SDS/2 will now choose sensible defaults for that connection type. This may produce different connections for parametrics that add new members, with connection set, but don't set all of the connection specification. The options chose should match those we pick when setting the connection type on the member edit screen. (PR 47473)

* Shear tabs on the ends of columns (hanger shear tabs) must now be forced. (PR 47474)

* For editing Angle Dimension objects in Drawing Editor, the annotation text has been stripped of its encoding to show only the portion that's relevant to users. (PR 47481)

* Drawing Editor properly reads Hatch names with spaces. (PR 47483)

* The grip on the sash between panes now appears for horizontal sashes. (PR 47488)

* Fixed a NullPointer exception when processing a vertical brace connection (PR 47492)

* The grade setup window prevents users from saving incomplete entries (PR 47501)

* The steel grades setup window allows the user to scroll to hidden columns when the window is resized. (PR 47505)

* Fixed the solids for a bottom, moment flange angle with 2 rows of bolts in the outstanding leg. (PR 47507)

* For some moment end plates, the bottom edge distance measured in the model may be different from that in the beam edit screen.

This has been fixed by correcting the rounding of certain end plate dimensions, and by correcting some calculations of the end plate dimensions.
(PR 47508)

* When exporting text style information to a DWG file, SDS/2 will appropriately test the text style name to allow export to finish. (PR 47512)

* In some cases, when creating a user defined moment end plate, some moment bolt groups may not show on the screen.

This has been fixed by using the moment end plate type and specifications to determine which bolt group should appear on the screen.
(PR 47515)

* Improved the responsiveness when moving the mouse around and hovering items in the Drawing Editor; particularly when using multiple tiles. (PR 47517)

* Multi-editing girts with different section sizes will no longer give incorrect error messages. (PR 47524)

* Fixed a bug that could cause a null pointer error when designing wide flange horizontal braces. (PR 47545)

* Moved the field for "Extend PL past flanges" in parametrics from the member end to the "inp_conn" on the member end. It can still be accessed in the old location if and only if the connection on that end is set to end plate.

Fixed the field "Extend PL past flanges" in user defined connections. This field now applies when the user-defined connection is used.
(PR 47546)

* For a HSS beam framing to the flange of a column, SDS/2 designs the correct bent plate connection with a paddle plate. (PR 47553)

* The Set Selection Filter screen has been made wider. (PR 47567)

* Parametrically adding grating with end cuts now treats the specified angles as degrees instead of radians. (PR 47576)

* Fixed a bug in horizontal braces that was giving the error message "Locked dimension is less than minimum allowed" when no locks were applied. (PR 47578)

* In some cases, in a welded/bolted column splice, if "butt plate" option is selected for the lower column but not for the upper column, the upper column may show a fail message even if the connection is not failed.

This has been fixed by checking both columns if "butt plate" option is selected in the design.
(PR 47581)

* If users lock the beam bent plate depth to a very large value, SDS/2 could crash or loose response. This issue has been fixed. (PR 47583)

* IFC exports consistent UUIDs between multiple exports of the same job (PR 47585)

* Fixed an infinite loop that occurred when locking the length of a welded tee for a beam connection to a small value.

Also put in a new fail statement for a welded tee that is locked with a length greater than the allowable length.
(PR 47605)

* Fixed an infinite loop that occurred when locking the side setting for beam web doublers. (PR 47608)

* For some column splice with web plate, if the web bolt gage on one column is locked to a very small number, the connection is still passed even if the bolts may interfere with each other.

This has been fixed by comparing the bolt gaga in both columns to the minimum gage.
(PR 47613)

* For a HSS beam framing to a column, if users choice "Use paddle plate" and lock the paddle plate thickness to a small value, SDS/2 could fail this connection because of inadequate connection capacities. (PR 47617)

* Installers and license upgrade have been changed to make it easier to find the new .txt extension license files. (PR 47618)

* Attached to Supporting or Supported member in Standard Fabricator Connection doesn't use tabs. (PR 47626)

* Display options MOI settings are retained after closing modeling. (PR 47627)

* Fixed an infinite loop inside vertical brace gusset to supporting member clip angle design. (PR 47639)

* Fixed an issue where the screen was not opening when "By Expression" or "By Status Display" Selection Filters were being used. (PR 47640)

* Fixed a crash that would occasionally occur when using the XY locator. (PR 47653)

* 'Save as user defined connection' no longer errors during member edit of a single angle vertical brace with a welded connection. (PR 47659)

* Fixed an issue that caused crane placements to not show up in erection views. (PR 47684)

* Page rotation specified in the PDF document is now handled correctly in Drawing Conversion for PDF import. (PR 47729)

* SDS/2 versions for alpha testing will default to installing in a data folder unique to that version. (PR 47737)

* Changing safety erection seat "Attachment:" on the "Connection type" leaf of beam member edit screen will now trigger a process to apply the change. (PR 47745)

* Swapping vertical brace ends will no longer flip the left and right end elevations on matching members when using change all. (PR 47761)

* Fixed a bug in the "other member's line" pin, where it would lock up modeling if you pinned a member end to its own member line, and then set an offset. You can no longer pin a member end to its own member with this pin. And for jobs, which already do this, the pin simply becomes ineffective for that end so it will not lock up. (PR 47792)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2020.01 Beta:

Enhancement Requests:

* ABM reports may now be used as a data source for KISS exports. (PR 6110)

* A new option, "Allow washers on shoe slots" has been added to the joist fabricator setup screen, and connection specifications of joist bearing and seated connections.

If enabled, and if the job's washer criteria permits washers in long slots for the chosen bolt type, washers will be added to joist shoe slots.
(PR 42538)

* In the Python API, custom members can set left_rotation and right_rotation for end rotations. Setting the left_rotation to the member's rotation and setting right_rotation to the opposite rotation will help ensure rotated custom members end up with the same piecemark. (PR 47458)

* There is an option in "Drawing Import Configuration" to add the PDF page label to the drawing name if more than one page is imported. If not selected, the import will append '_pg#' to the drawing name. (PR 47733)

* Safety seat setup fields have been added to Connection Detailing/Fabrication Options. (PR 47771)

Problems fixed:

* The position of the erection pin hole in the web channel of a welded column splice is now controlled by the edge distance field in Member Detailing/Fabrication Options. (PR 4034)

* When a vertical brace, welded to the stem of a WTee beam is close to the beam-supporting column, SDS2 may mistake the brace's supporting member to be the column. This was a node-match problem that has been fixed in sds2_2020. It will be necessary to run V&F with node matching on existing jobs to see this fix.

Additionally, there were cases where the actual connection of the vertical brace to the WTee beam were not correctly positioned, In the case of the beam to column connection, it may be necessary to force those, since they are not officially supported by SDS2. Several material type failure messages have been corrected.

The brace-beam weld images may be incorrect, but the actual lengths used in the calculations are correct. (This has been reported as PR47928).
(PR 19868)

* Fixed the member edit option for erection pin holes for welded column splices with web channels. (PR 25693)

* Joist shoe slot positioning on skewed bearing bolted connections to beams have been corrected. (PR 28547)

* Added bolt column edge distance checks to the design of beam clip angle connections. If the edge distance is not sufficient, the fail statement "Invalid bolt edge distance" is used. (PR 35190)

* Bolt entering and clearance checks have been added to the creation of safety erection seats.

The seat will start as the section size that has been added to setup. If the gages in setup don't work because of bolt clearances or edge distances, the system will try the gages for the angle section from the material file. If these gages don't work, the system will try to adjust the gages so that they do work. If the angle section cannot work, the system will search through the miscellaneous angles list for a section that will work.

If the user locks the dimensions to row on either leg, then the user assumes responsibility for the clearances of the bolts on that leg. Only the edge distances are checked.
(PR 35615)

* When doing a Change All operation in modeling with material that has drawings and base archive drawings, the "tag != NULL" assertion will no longer occur. (PR 40043)

* When the setup option to use the gage on leg to supporting for all hole types in clip angle configurations was chosen, it could lead to double holes in the OSL. This has been fixed. (PR 40134)

* Formerly, vertical brace gusset clip angles bolted to both the column and gusset would go to the beam, when beam clip angles in the same connection would go with column. All clip angles now go on the column as specified by the beam. (PR 41093)

* The framing mark symbol will now appear in CNC DSTV output on the correct side of the plate for shear plates and thru plates. (PR 41351)

* Drawing layers will now be retained when a drawing is re-detailed. Setup layer colors will be used for the first time detailed. A drawing can be set back to the setup colors using the "Default" button on the layer edit all screen. There is also a change all option added to reset drawing layer colors. (PR 43758)

* Fixed problems with the member orientation indicator that could occur while doing manual erection view detailing. (PR 44851)

* Fixed the location of flat bars in Zeman exports. (PR 45266)

* Dimension extension leg options are now preserved through copy/paste as well as job standard details. The labels for the options have been updated to make more sense in various orientations. (PR 46778)

* Embeds may no longer be added to supporting members if the supports have been node-matched to pre-existing walls or embeds. (PR 46885)

* Flat Plate Layout submaterials will now be dimensioned with Templates. (PR 47177)

* Fixed an error that may cause modeling to shut down when entering a vertical brace to a column and base/cap plate. (PR 47309)

* SDS/2 creates the correct bolts for the web plate connections in W-Tee vertical brace. (PR 47345)

* Washers split out in the bill of material will now be correctly exported as FW in the KISS export. (PR 47352)

* Formerly, a welded gusset in a beam/column/vertical brace connection was shop welded to both the beam and the column. The gusset is now field welded to column. (PR 47504)

* Formerly, sloped columns with Hanger Clip Angle connections had improper weld holdbacks on the clip angles. The welds are now located correctly. (PR 47535)

* For a vertical wide flange brace, in member edit screen if users set both web and flange connection type to be "None", SDS/2 will fail this connection with the message as "Wide flange brace needs to have flange or web connections". (PR 47551)

* There is now a site preference to show/hide legacy miscellaneous members. This will default to hiding them. (PR 47589)

* Legacy girts are now hidden in tools by default. There is a new site preference to make them show up. (PR 47590)

* Beam connections to embeds will now check for adequate vertical space on the supporting member to fit the connection. (PR 47624)

* If users lock the paddle plate length in a horizontal HSS brace, the connection could fail. This issue has been fixed. (PR 47631)

* Fixed an abort error that occurred when framing a vertical beam to a rotated horizontal beam. (PR 47654)

* Fixed a but where SDS/2 would hang if you changed the custom property schema, in the modular flavor, with the member edit window open. And then tried to open properties, without clicking no to the locking prompt.

Fixed a but where SDS/2 would warn if you changed the custom property schema, with a member edit window open and then tried to open the properties screen.
(PR 47665)

* Members will not be marked for detailing when deleting field bolts, unless field bolts have been listed on the bill of material. (PR 47675)

* Fixed a bug when changing all like materials where changes that cause connections to become graphical would not cause connection material on supporting members to become user. (PR 47760)

* Switching to breaking out bolts, nuts and washers in the bill of material will cause members to be marked for process once they're processed. (PR 47785)

* In some cases, in a vertical brace framing to a column and beam, if both the beam and brace are skewed and offset, the connection material (end plate in this case) may interfere with the column.

This is fixed by correcting the geometry calculation with skewed and offset vertical brace.
(PR 47805)

* A solids display problem that would occur when using multiple tiles in a multi-user environment has been fixed. (PR 47817)

* Reserved space joist weight is no longer included in the weight limit of SDS/200. (PR 47831)

* Secondary girt's bottom and top edit leaves will now expand/collapse together just like other gadget screens. (PR 47854)

* New thru gusset plates on columns are now dimensioned. (PR 47857)

* The member description for "Cast in Place Beam" and "Cast in Place Column" has been changed to "CIP Beam" and "CIP Column". (PR 47869)

* When changing grid lines in a member pin to grid line, we'll now adjust the offset so that the pin stays in the same spot as long as the new grid line is parallel to the current one.

In the pin to grid line member pin, we now limit the list to grids, which are parallel to the current grid. There is a "show all" checkbox to select other grid lines, but SDS/2 will not be able to automatically set the offset if those are chosen.
(PR 47880)

* Flange operations are now available for S Tee and Cold Formed Channels through the python API. (PR 47899)

* In a wide flange brace to gusset connection with flange angles, if the angle size is locked to a smaller size, the designed connection may not be correct (bolts in wrong position in this case). This is because the locked smaller angle is not suitable for this connection (bolt edge distance of the angle is too small in this case).

This has been fixed by failing this connection with the locked smaller angle.
(PR 47900)

* The main ABM window is now laid out so that all the buttons are visible (PR 47903)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2020.02 Beta:

Enhancement Requests:

* Added check for Hss column plastification when connecting a vertical brace to an hss column and base/cap plate. (PR 35250)

* SDS/2 now supports the beam-to-column welded moment connection by a plate, which is welded to both beam and column. (PR 46413)

* There is now a site preference to show/hide legacy miscellaneous members. This will default to hiding them. (PR 47589)

* Legacy girts are now hidden in tools by default. There is a new site preference to make them show up. (PR 47590)

* Added the ability to combine plate washers into single plates or strips. (PR 47757)

* Flange operations are now available for S Tee and Cold Formed Channels through the python API. (PR 47889)

* We have added option 'Auto-calculate tying loads' in the job setup Design Criteria screen to allow the check of structural integrity. When this checkbox is checked the structural integrity will be evaluated when necessary. (PR 48051)

* An option for checkered plate material has been added to status display. (PR 48066)

Problems fixed:

* 1: Column Cap Moment is supported when valid. This has gradually been improved since ver 7.2
2. Unequal moments are supported. The column was sometimes being shortened in this case, resulting in a gap between top of column and the cap-moment-plate.
3. There was a problem in node match where sometimes SDS/2 would find a perpendicular beam that it shouldn't. It may also not find an opposite beam that it should. Consequently the Load Calculations were using the wrong shared-weld numbers for the cap plate (i.e. it should have 2 welds if not shared, 1 weld if shared).
4. With multiple beams coming in to a connection at a column cap plate, if a column web doubler was required, it sometimes protruded above the top of the cap plate.
5. When a bolted moment connection was attached to column web using WTee Shear connection, the bottom flange of the beam was being coped to allow fitting past the WTee. This left missing flange in the beam to bottom flange plate. SDS/2 will no longer cope the beam in this case (similar behavior that we have for Clip Angle web connection).
(PR 16154)

* Fixed the member edit option for erection pin holes for welded column splices with web channels. (PR 25693)

* Fixed a bug when multi-editing material, and changing the section size, where the section size wouldn't be applied if it matched one of the materials being edited. (PR 30277)

* When a thru plate connection on an HSS column has an axial force, the physical fit of the thru plate on the inside of the column was not being checked before incrementing the plate thickness. If the magnitude of the axial force causes the punching shear (plastification capacity) of the column wall to be exceeded by a maximum thru plate thickness, the connection will be failed (message depending on the lock status of the thru plate thickness). To force a typical connection of this nature, both sides of the thru connection must be forced. (PR 35184)

* For a column splice, this project enabled both lower and upper flange fill plate leaves in member edit screen, the user could lock one or both fill plates, which will be designed accordingly. Therefore both lower and upper fill plate could be designed on the same column splice by locking the fill plates.

The problem that the lower fill plate leaf did not show up when the lower fill plate was designed has also been fixed.
(PR 36747)

* Use paddle plate option has been added to autostandard connections with connection type of shear tab. (PR 39004)

* Joists framing to columns in SDS/2 now node match the joist into the column correctly. (PR 39674)

* Fixed a bug that was causing the system to abort when trying to lock the 'Top of combined angle' for beam and vertical brace combined clip angles. (PR 39927)

* Repair incorrect elevation for copied/moved custom girt. (PR 41089)

* For Drawing Editor, addressed a couple of locking issues related to the 'Paste to Several' command. (PR 41104)

* In many places the fail statement "Connection will not fit column" has been replaced with a more descriptive fail statement. The replacement fail statements include "Invalid material type for supporting member", "Insufficient edge distance on supporting flange", "Clearance between bolts and stiffener not satisfied", "Clearance between bolts and beam web not satisfied", "Column face is not wide enough for moment conn", "Cannot find a restraining angle", "Bolt edge distance on column flange not satisfied", "Clearance between bolts and column web not satisfied", and "Bolt edge distance on column flange not satisfied" (PR 42742)

* When a joist frames to a beam flange and needs to extend the top chord, we now do a better job finding opposing joist, which may clash. (PR 42887)

* Situations where three joists frame at the top of a column, two right on top of the column and a third over top those, will now frame correctly regardless of which joist is added first. (PR 43108)

* DSTV informational scribing will now be placed at the desired location even when a rotation is applied. (PR 43246)

* Joists framing to a beam, with a column framed to the bottom of the beam at the same point that the joist should frame to the top of the beam, will now correctly frame to the beam and not the column. (PR 43405)

* When base plate and cap plate welds are set to weld all around the weld symbol will only have the weld type on the arrow side and the entire length is there. (PR 45583)

* Fixed the SDS/2 Viewer for job size limit error. (PR 46068)

* In previous versions, the "member mode" button would not work when added to the toolbar in parametric modeling.

Now, when newly added, the "member mode" button will work. However, if you have a toolbar affected by this problem, you must manually remove the existing button and add a fresh button.

Similarly, there were two "material mode" buttons, but only one worked. The non-working one can no longer be added, but must be manually removed from affected toolbars.
(PR 46257)

* For moment splice beam connections, users can place the welded plates on the beam top. (PR 46411)

* The curved parts at the top and bottom of thru plate notches now always are created pointing the correct direction. (PR 46546)

* Slots for brace thru-gusset connections are now created at the appropriate length on each side of the tube or pipe. (PR 46883)

* For Member Detailing of Concrete Walls by the system, made adjustments to reestablish annotations as seen in version SDS/2 2018.08 (PR 47131)

* Fixed the Python member.Member().LeftEnd and RightEnd APIs for accessing stair return workpoints 'ns_rtn_location' and 'fs_rtn_location'. (PR 47156)

* A weld's prequalified tail text will now be correctly updated when the weld type is specified on the other side rather than the arrow side. (PR 47195)

* In Drawing Editor a stud weld can now have any or all of its size, pitch, and count fields blank. (PR 47201)

* In some clip angle connections, web extension plates were created that were not deep enough for 2 bolt rows. This has been fixed. (PR 47241)

* Added the ability to control the stagger on 2 point brace gusset to supporting member clip angles by locking the "Vertical to 1st hole:" fields (PR 47381)

* Load calculation 20 now shows the Shear Load calculation at the end of the calculation before showing the comparison. (PR 47411)

* Situations where three joists frame into the same column, two framing to the top and a third framing a little below into the column web will now all properly frame into the column. (PR 47412)

* Load Calculation 442 was calculating allowable weld, member web, and web doubler shear stress on multi-point Vertical Braces using a formula that took the absolute value (floating point absolute value) of the sum of the applicable loads. When some of the loads were positive and some negative, the difference resulted in a lesser coefficient than when the absolute value was taken for each load, then added. Subsequent to this fix, the allowable tension (Tr,1) or compression (Cr,1) capacity may be reduced. (PR 47417)

* BV custom members that were previously in a read only mode in the Estimodeling station are now editable. (PR 47479)

* For some small vertical braces, SDS/2 could have problem to identify two point shared brace connection instead of three point shared brace connection. This issue has been fixed and SDS/2 designs the shared braces correctly without crash. (PR 47514)

* For two braces connecting to a brace, SDS/2 designs the correct gusset thickness by considering the gusset thickness in supporting brace. (PR 47550)

* After editing a stair on an erection view a selected point will no longer be drawn even after the stair is unselected. (PR 47570)

* Fixed a bug in python dialogs (custom member, material, components) where changes made in an entry would be left if the user clicked reset before tabbing out of that field. That field will now be reset whether they tab out first or not. (PR 47577)

* Project Transfer Unpack will no longer add later SDS/2 version's data to the unpacked job. (PR 47663)

* IFC import always honors the extrusion direction when orienting members defined by extruded profiles. (PR 47704)

* Fixed a crash in member copy to clipboard with custom members. (PR 47763)

* Sometimes if a locked connection has been changed dramatically, the banner indicating a lock is set will display, but no fields will actually show as lock. The 'Unlock all' button at the top will now clear those hidden locks. (PR 47789)

* Miscellaneous Member templates constrained to increase efficiency on members with several materials. (PR 47814)

* When using the Save As button to save an erection view an alert is shown if no erection view is selected instead of creating an invalid erection view. (PR 47815)

* SDS/2 Station Icons have been update for SDS/2 2020. (PR 47850)

* The long leg to field on secondary girt connections will now be disabled when it's inapplicable, such as when the section size chosen is an angle with equal legs. (PR 47859)

* Material plate washers now have correctly placed holes. (PR 47868)

* Fixed a bug in custom properties where SDS/2 would fail to save changes if all properties were returned to their default value. (PR 47872)

* Holes on a vertical brace thru gusset are now grouped correctly. Formerly, incorrect hole grouping caused the holes to be dimensioned incorrectly on details. (PR 47907)

* Fixed a bug that was creating extra holes on single sided intersection gusset. (PR 47908)

* SDS2 and Fortosi correctly import sequences and weights from Cadwork-generated IFC files. (PR 47925)

* Provide reasonable metric defaults for Girt and Girt (Secondary). (PR 47927)

* ERROR Printing. (PR 47942)

* Drawing images that are too large for display will now be scaled down to display properly. (PR 47947)

* In a vertical brace connection, the option "Check supporting member for"->"web stress:" selected in member edit screen may be different from the printed summary in design report.

This has been fixed by using the correct user input value.
(PR 47948)

* Cold formed channel girts now have material created when being coped around columns. (PR 47949)

* Removed lower girt view from Python Girt. (PR 47971)

* Removing setup for Girt Python custom member until it can be designed to be valid. (PR 47973)

* Fixed a bug in member copy, where copying custom members that behave like columns (such as girt), in a view looking down the length of the member would rotate them. (PR 47987)

* When the Lightning Rail compatible option is set on the Drawing Conversion screen it is now applied to all the output drawings and not just the first one. (PR 47995)

* Fixed a bug in some custom members where they would not properly process if a supporting member was moved away. (PR 47996)

* When importing PDF files, path, image, text, and annotation objects will have their own drawing layers. (PR 48009)

* Adding a new miscellaneous member via material type selection will now add the new version of the custom member if there is one installed for the specific material type chosen. (PR 48011)

* Drawing Conversion import will no longer erroneously reports 'File creation failed' when SDS/2 actually crashed during import. (PR 48014)

* Checkered plate has been added to the status display material list. (PR 48016)

* Fixed a typo that caused the Turnbuckle/Clevis/Pin steel grade setup screen to be blank. (PR 48020

* All girt custom member fields having to do with edge distance will default to 1.25" (PR 48026)

* In a gage calculation for clip angle connection, this project replaced the k1 value calculated using k, tf, and tw with the k1 value from the material file. (PR 48039)

* Custom girts and secondary girts are selectable when the selection filter is set to Girt. (PR 48064)

* Camber gets added to the ABM note in member and material edit screens. (PR 48075)

* Fixed the check of gages for extended end plate connections. The system will now correctly check the fit of locked gages. Also some wide gages that previously were changed to narrow will remain wide. (PR 48082)

* The Python shr_stud.ShrStd() API can set shear stud stud_type to 'Threaded stud' or 'Shear stud'. (PR 48086)

* When an AUTO bolt was changed from N-type or X-type to SC-type of same family, due to axial force (either entered or due to UFM), a message was displayed on Member Edit with blue text on a green background:
"Web bolts have been changed to equivalent slip critical type".
The foreground color has been changed from blue to black to match message colors for connection type change messages.
(PR 48106)

* Using multiple tiles in modeling could occasionally cause the selected or hovered item to be an item in the background rather than the item directly under the mouse. This has been fixed. (PR 48110)

* When there are multiple tiles and the display options are updated the new display options will now be immediately applied to all tiles. (PR 48112)

* For code CSA 11, in expand report, there are warnings about unknown types for the gusset stress (106). These issues have been fixed. (PR 48124)

* Remove extra label from global sheet outlines. (PR 48131)

* Girts will no longer save the piecemark when saving form values for loading in other girts. (PR 48134)

* The fit of a stability angle for a seated beam connection now respects a locked section size or locked long leg to flag. Previously, the original system values were used for the fit checks. (PR 48136)

* Failed bolted joist bearing connections will no longer generate shoe slots. (PR 48138)

* Fixed a problem where strip washers were not oriented correctly when field bolts are listed on the supporting member. (PR 48139)

* Fixed issue that caused material plate washers to not get broken apart. (PR 48140)

* SDS/2 will now allow the user to lock the number of web bolt columns on a moment shear tab to a number greater than 2. This previously would have resulted in a failed connection. (PR 48145)

* In a metric job when "Round cut dimensions" is set to 5mm, the moment end plate may not be designed correctly.

This has been fixed by correcting the rounding of end plate length.
(PR 48149)

* Filled solids that look like labels are now imported correctly from PDF into SDS/2. (PR 48151)

* Girt custom member no longer displays weird alert when picking same point twice. (PR 48153)

* Formerly, polygons of bent plates with non-zero leg cut angles would appear shattered if the bent plate was modified with a cut or fit operation. This was caused by the end cap polygon being a single polygon and non-planar. The end cap polygons are now tessellated as needed, and so the polygons no longer shatter. (PR 48178)

* Stretching girts now updates nearby girts with changes. (PR 48179)

* Reference drawings may now link to PDF files containing spaces in the filename. (PR 48183)

* Linked reference drawings now work more like reference models (PR 48186)

* The Attach To field in the girt edit screen is now disabled when that end is connected to a secondary girt. (PR 48200)

* In Drafting Solution Modeling, addressed an issue that would require the session to be killed when attempting to delete Model Notes. (PR 48210)

* In user defined setup, fixed uninitialized data when creating a vertical brace user defined connection. (PR 48214)

* Corrected the edge distance for combined beam/brace vertical braces with end plate connections. The edge distance is now also shown on the proper member with the bottom edge distance only shown on the bottom member of the connection and the top edge distance only shown on the top member of the connection. (PR 48222)

* When TC bolts have the nuts and washers broken out on the BOM, everything except the first hardened washer and first heavy hex nut get broken out. (PR 48225)

* When creating a beam to column with a full welded moment connection, SDS/2 sets the Connection material type to None under Moment leaf in the member edit screen. (PR 48229)

* At some beam to tube column connections, fully welded moment connections may not be supported.

This has been fixed by completely enable fully welded moment connection in a beam to tube column connection.
(PR 48238)

* This PR disabled fully welded moment connection when a beam framing to a pipe column. (PR 48240)

* The default material setback for a girt to back of secondary girt is now 1/2" (PR 48241)

* Fixed issues that the welded moment plates do not update when lockables are changed. (PR 48243)

* When pressing Cancel while packing a job, SDS/2 will remove the incomplete packed job file instead of issuing an error about a non-implemented routine. (PR 48250)

* Stairs has been added to ABM Qualifiers, and material on stairs get set to be on the ABM according to the qualifiers. (PR 48254)

* Fixed the cause of a crash when using the 'File > Save Reuse... ' command in Drawing Editor. (PR 48257)

* Members with 'Setup Minimum Connection' selected had failed connections reported in the member edit screen, when the connections were not actually failed. In this case it was a column with an auto axial load. (PR 48260)

* Void components now mirror correctly with the host member. (PR 48263)

* Joist bearing points are now displayed correctly in multiple modeling tiles. (PR 48267)

* Improved model performance in moderate to large jobs with generated ABMs. (PR 48275)

* Fixed the weld placement for vertical brace intersections gussets intersecting an hss beam. (PR 48276)

* Material bend operations will turn custom members and components graphical. (PR 48277)

* Verify & Fix Member File will now provide windows of opportunity to users in other jobs for gaining access to the lock on Global Standard drawings (among others). Previously, users in other jobs would need to wait for V&F to finish its drawing checks before being able to continue working in their jobs. (PR 48279)

* ABM-sourced KISS exports no longer include bolts (PR 48286)

* For a vertical framing to a HSS beam, SDS/2 designs and creates the HSS reinforcing plates correctly if it is necessary. (PR 48300)

* Vertical braces connecting to HSS beams near the beam to column connection now allow the user to choose a thru gusset connection. (PR 48302)

* Web horizontal wide flange vertical braces will no longer attempt to create a thru plate connection when connecting to HSS beams. (PR 48303)

* Fixed a problem that was placing the second column of bolts on intersection angle vertical braces on the wrong side of the member work line when the supporting member was an HSS vertical brace. (PR 48304)

* Fixed a bug that was not properly removing connection material for the other brace of a shared intersection brace connection when the braces were failing due to not being col-linear. (PR 48306)

* Cap plates cannot be placed on angle material. (PR 48308)

* When the system changes a beam connection from end plate to shear tab. If there is a vertical brace connecting to the beam/column interface the vertical brace is now redesigned also so that the gusset to column connection will match the beam connection. (PR 48310)

* Creating the default view in modeling with two or more people will no longer get an exception when the default view's name is the same. (PR 48323)

* Fixed a problem with 2 point and 3 point HSS welded horizontal brace gussets. The system now produces the corner cuts on the gusset. (PR 48336)

* The gussets for intersecting, tube or pipe horizontal brace connections are now centered on the brace member. (PR 48337)

* Formerly, identical members might get different piecemarks due to floating point accuracy. Values that are extremely close to .5 are now always rounded up when rounded. (PR 48338)

* For a vertical brace framing to column cap plate, if it is changed to seismic brace, SDS2 may freeze.

This has been fixed by using the correct way to increase the connection strength in design.
(PR 48351)

* User can now force a joist bearing connection that failed because the shoe needed to extend but was too close to another joist on the opposite side of the supporting beam to extend. (PR 48355)

* A beam framing to the opposite side of a supporting beam will no longer fail a bearing joist connection. (PR 48358)

* 1. Joist autostandard connections to beams will now default to bearing connections.

2. Joist bearing connections will now default to welded connections, with no bottom chord extension.
(PR 48359)

* Material plate washers on bolts that are in a connection are now marked as connection material and will make the connection graphical when deleted. (PR 48372)

* ABM notes are now optionally exported to KISS files (PR 48377)

* Fixed the obtuse side cut length and flat length values for perpendicular HSS welded horizontal braces (PR 48390)

* Fixed the source of a crash when running Design Calculations. (PR 48392)

* "Material in ABM" has been renamed to "ABM candidate" in status display. (PR 48393)

* The id cell in ABM Review/Modify is marked as a user cell when the user has modified the id, and when the cell is reverted the it gets set back to the system generated id. (PR 48396)

* Non main material has a blank member type field in Populate ABM. (PR 48397)

* Fixed a problem where material plate washers could be initialized to have length and/or width dimensions of 0. (PR 48399)

* The "Populate ABM" dialog window may now be resized by the user (PR 48400)

* ABM material change notices may not be printed unless there are at least two revisions to the selected ABM file. (PR 48401)

* When creating a new job in SDS/2, the default design method will be set to ASD15. (PR 48405)

* When Drawing Overlay Group member dimensions is on group member dimensions will now be shown in modeling when a group member has the mouse over it. (PR 48424)

* Adding a supporting member (i.e. column) while the supported members (i.e. beam) is being editing by another person will now leave the supporting member marked for node matching. (PR 48425)

* Fixed the calculation of minus dim and material setback for strong axis rolled beams connecting to supporting beam webs. (PR 48426)

* The Report Layout button on the ABM screen has been moved above the ABM name field and is always enabled. (PR 48429)

* KISS export now allows changing the output destination at export time (PR 48437)

* Splash screens and logos have been updated for SDS/2 2020. (PR 48494)

* The end user license agreement has been updated. (PR 48512)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2020.03 Beta:

Enhancement Requests:

* Added an auto check box for the calculation of tying loads. If this box is checked and the Design Criteria setup option for calculating the auto tying load is checked, then the tying load will be set equal to the shear load for ASD and 2/3 the shear load for LRFD. If this box is checked and the Design Criteria setup option is not checked, then the tying load will be set to zero for both ASD and LRFD. (PR 48050)

* Added web stress check for horizontal braces connecting to HSS beams. (PR 48490)

Problems fixed:

* CNC DSTV output will now output hole operations before the hole rather than after the hole. (PR 37702)

* An appropriate usage description and section size will now be assigned to the main member material of a joist when created. (PR 41266)

* Plugins that use the sds2.utility.gadget_protocol_module's loadable forms API now have context menu's on the Save and Open form buttons to access recent forms. (PR 42342)

* Bolt to floor connections on the right end of a stair now create the holes and bolts in the stringer. (PR 44924)

* For moment splice beam connections, users can place the welded plates on the beam top. (PR 46411)

* Addressed section view callout-mismatch issue for Stair members when cutting views from Drawing Editor. (PR 47012)

* The grade setup window prevents users from saving incomplete entries (PR 47501)

* Addressed an incorrect rotation issue for slot polygons when detailing members in position. (PR 47711)

* Drawing report tables can run reports that use select by member number. For the autoselection, it uses the member lines on the erection view and views added to the sheet. (PR 47934)

* Fixed a problem where material plate washers were not in sync with their bolts when created for custom members. (PR 48172)

* Material plate washers are not listed with the bolt information when bolts, nuts, and washers are broken out in the BOM. (PR 48176)

* When using multiple tiles, occasionally the dimensions shown on hover and/or the reference point shown for material would blink repeatedly as the mouse was moved. This blinking has been eliminated. (PR 48290)

* Single member copy now sets the anchor point correctly even if a Linear copy was done first. (PR 48339)

* If connections are graphically connected, like thru plates, when one fails, the other will be marked as failed as well. (PR 48368)

* The material copy tool will correctly mirror holes with Machine/Tool operations. Those operations are now exposed as read only data to the Python API via model.object hole instances. (PR 48409)

* Fixed invalid material warning when creating bolts with material plate washers. (PR 48433)

* Joists will no longer occasionally get material plate washers when they should not. (PR 48434)

* Shear tabs with bevel edge attached to tube columns (skew angle) were not being properly placed against column face, leaving an incorrect gap. This has been fixed. (PR 48449)

* Set the main view for material plate washers to the flat face. (PR 48450)

* Fixed a bug that was causing the system to fail to create 2 point or 3 point shared gussets in certain framing situations when the distance between the braces was greater than the 'Design for shared gussets if plates are closer than' value (PR 48456)

* In cases where dissimilar depth thru plates were coped (rather than clipped), and there were one or more other thru plates at the supporting member (similar elevation) that were not to be merged with the one in question (e.g. perpendicular), some of these may have had the material setbacks increased more than once. This has been fixed in v2020.02 (PR 48487)

* When a parametric is run with multiple tiles open running model.members(1) will return just the members in the current tile instead of all the members in every tile. (PR 48511)

* Text imported from PDF files to reference drawings is now located and oriented correctly (PR 48515)

* For the beam to column moment connection with welded moment flange plates, SDS/2 designs correct width for top or bottom plates. (PR 48525)

* In welded moment flange plate connections, if user locked the bottom flange plate to a width that is narrower than the bottom beam flange, SDS/2 will show messages as "Bottom plate width is narrower than beam flange width". (PR 48526)

* In welded moment flange plate connections, if user locked the top plate width to a dimension wider than the top beam flange, SDS/2 will show messages as "Top plate width is wider than beam flange width". (PR 48527)

* For a split column flange stiffener, in some cases SDS2 may issue a wrong warning.

This has been fixed by correcting the stiffener type in certain design module.
(PR 48535)

* Corrected the released Examples plugins to keep them from showing in the custom member add selections. (PR 48539)

* System now fails a connection when trying to add a vertical brace that intersects a vertical stem WT vertical brace. (PR 48541)

* The User Options to Show layer colors on PDF and to Show layer colors in drawing editor now default to off. (PR 48544)

* For Drawing Editor, corrected an errantly duplicated icon and its textual verbiage to reflect the actual operation. (PR 48546)

* For Modeling, made adjustments that would ensure that Reference Drawings tagged as 'show' will be shown when a view is opened. (PR 48547)

* When changing the moment load on a beam framing to a column flange such that column flange stiffeners are no longer needed, any beams framing to the web with interfering stability plates will now be reprocessed. (PR 48548)

* In the Python API, job.Job().steel_grades() can now be passed model module material type enums of the MaterialType family, e.g. model.WideFlange, or the string representation of them. (PR 48558)

* Fixed an issue in Drawing Editor Review Chart Edit that caused all information to be obliterated during save (OK). (PR 48563)

* When custom members are moved they will now retain user holes on main material. (PR 48565)

* User Selection Filter namings may no longer contain fore- and back-slash characters. (PR 48573)

* Material plate washers on shop bolts can no longer be shipped separately. (PR 48604)

* The design of clip angle, bent plate, and end plate connections now checks if the connection is too close to the end of a supporting beam web. The connection will be changed to a shear tab if there is not sufficient room for the outstanding bolts or welds unless it is forced. (PR 48605)

* In some cases, where a shared thru plate has one side that fills the available space on its beam, SDS/2 was still trying to move the tab downward to match the 'Top of plate' of the other side, resulting in a tab that would extend below the bottom edge of the beam. (PR 48607)

* Fixed a bug that was causing a NULL Pointer error when the user deleted a brace from a 3 point brace connection that was marked graphical and then tried to edit one of the remaining braces. (PR 48612)

* Fixed hole type in gusset for coped wide flange vertical brace. The hole type was not matching the locked hole type on the gusset leaf. (PR 48614)

* Material plate washers now properly combine on column splice connections. (PR 48617)

* Made adjustments to the X-Y-Z Display decoration to play better with 4k monitors. (PR 48639)

* For import of PDF files, a new layer has been added to categorize filled solids. (PR 48667)

* Warnings could occasionally appear when the job's primary units were set to Imperial (inches-sixteenths). These have been fixed. (PR 48675)

* If PDF paths are transformed in location and scale, SDS/2 will now properly import and translate those paths. (PR 48676)

* When importing a PDF into a reference drawing, the "PDF Hatch Layer" is set to hidden by default. (PR 48683)

* SDS/2 when importing a reference drawing from PDF, will no longer generate empty labels. (PR 48684)

* Editing Template Detailing Weld Rules in early SDS/2 2020 beta versions could result in corrupting the rule. This will no longer happen. (PR 48711)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2020.04 General:

Problems fixed:

* Reference drawings will now respect the depth check setting and not appear if they are not in the current view. (PR 29139)

* The material orientation indicator (MOI) for column members can now be dragged along the member line in erection view drawings Drawing Editor. (PR 47766)

* SDS/2 may not import some labels from PDF due to the third party library issues. These issues have been resolved. (PR 47952)

* If a shear tab has stability plates, it will no longer try to combine with vertical braces above or below the beam. (PR 48483)

* AISC 15th, LRFD and ASD require checking an HSS supporting column face for shear rupture (plastification), according to equations 10-7a and 10-7b, respectively. We have added this check as LoadCalc459, with a related Fail message,

"Supporting HSS face fails due to punching shear rupture".
(PR 48651)

* Cap Plates component shows a Notch leaf when the host main material is tube or pipe.

Cap Plates component can be deleted during member edit via the context menu. (PR 48693)

* Sheet subdrawings that have an invalid reference point set will upon loading will have it reset to zero. (PR 48695)

* FabSuite (XML) transfer from the main menu - When selecting Members to export, some drawing files (Detail drawings) were not being created. This has been corrected. (PR 48703)

* Submaterials on BOM of Group Member Details are now consolidated when 'Organize BOM by submember piecemark' is on/checked. (PR 48710)

* CMU material will no longer be counted against the steel weight for SDS200 stations. (PR 48720)

* The Anchor Rod Tool will now work on columns that have both a cap plate and a base plate. (PR 48724)

* Added separate help address for CostingEstimator Setup help. (PR 48729)

* Fixed the brace to gusset connection eccentricity for HSS vertical braces with either 'Double paddle plate' or 'Paddle plate (double shear)' connections. For both of these connections the connection eccentricity should be equal to zero. (PR 48737)

* CNC Download will no longer invoke a separate output screen when a material is unable to be exported for a particular cnc configuration. (PR 48753)

* The ABM length auto checkbox will default to checked for converted jobs. (PR 48758)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2020.05 Beta:

Problems fixed:

* An error could occur during DesignLINK import when a CIS/2 file was missing a name. It will now Replace with auto-generated name in format of "EVU#". (PR 31279)

* Linked reference models may now be unlinked by selecting them in the model and hitting the delete key. (PR 40846)

* For Drawing Editor, addressed an issue where a copied Label object's text area would behave as mixed when multi-edited with the original Label object. (PR 42855)

* Modeling stations can now print any type of file. (PR 42886)

* STEP import now works on most STEP files. (PR 46626)

* The end user license agreement has been updated. (PR 48512)

* Material end preps utilizing weld copes and angled web cuts are now shaped properly. (PR 48714)

* Viewer no longer allows changes from Member Review. (PR 48742)

* In the case of a sloping beam supported by another beam web, using a shear tab with bolt holes skewed in plate, the supported beam may not have been properly coped and the shear plate may extend beyond the upper and/or lower flanges of the supporting beam. This has been corrected. (PR 48744)

* Made further adjustments to unify view-cut arrow callouts 'x' with their corresponding 'Section x-x' callouts when cutting member views from Drawing Editor. (PR 48754)

* Fixed issues about incorrect calculation number in expanded report for gusset buckling. There are no design, solids or calculation changes for this fix. (PR 48755)

* Regression test infrastructure was created for STEP import and export. (PR 48757)

* Improved the progress-display output of the 'Verify & Fix Member File' utility so that its tasks will be more completely reported in a timely fashion. (PR 48766)

* Disabled some options that are N/A for viewer mode. (PR 48767)

* IFC export no longer duplicates properties in a property set. (PR 48774)

* Linked reference models may now be refreshed in modeling after the file changes on disk. (PR 48776)

* The CNC DSTV layout scribing for flush angles will now correctly follow the setup options. (PR 48779)

* Made adjustments to assist rendering operations from using SDS/2 font when an incomplete font reference is encountered (i.e., one which can still share its intent). (PR 48780)

* Adjusted Arc Dimension Edit to account for changes to its Measurement check buttons. (PR 48784)

* In some circumstances, HSS wall reinforcement plates were being created for shear tabs that were framing to wide flange members. This has been fixed. (PR 48785)

* Addressed a cause of SDS/2 Font being incorrectly applied to drawings. (PR 48786)

* For Drawing Editor, made adjustments to Shortening for Detail Views. (PR 48795)

* The status value for the "License" line has been corrected. It was correct in the old license manager, but broken in the conversion to the new license manager. (PR 48801)

* For Drawing Editor, made adjustments so that Material Construction Line Add would apply to Hatch Add Select polygons. (PR 48803)

* For Drawing Editor, amended 'Objects > Hatch > Erase [All]' to work properly with polygons from both 'Add Select Polygon' and 'Add Define Polygon'. (PR 48805)

* For Column members detailed horizontally, made adjustments to the rotations of slotted-hole polygons in projected views. (PR 48807)

* For some safety seat connections, SDS/2 had issues and showed error messages as "Cannot overwrite XXX with XXX". These issues have been fixed. (PR 48821)

* Addressed issues that caused crashes of BOM Table edits in Drawing Editor. (PR 48828)

* For Drawing Editor, amended the various flavors of 'Arc Add' to use the second located point as its 'View:' for Shortening purposes. (PR 48831)

* Editing members with mixed camber fields will no longer reset the camber to none. (PR 48832)

* Made adjustments so that BOM field bolts having a piecemark would continue to be identified as field bolts during report generation. (PR 48836)

* Made adjustments to Point Location INCM to account for 'Camber Annotation' rolling operation. (PR 48842)

* On shared thru plate connections, the welds were being generated as the same size and type on each side, rather than using their designed values. In some thru plate connections, where the welds are equal to the strength of the plate, SDS/2 was sometimes increasing the size of the weld unnecessarily. For a thru plate connection that is not shared, but has a simple tab projection, if the weld was equal in size to the projection dimension, the weld was not created in material or detail. (PR 48843)

* For a beam to a beam web with shear plate connection, the supporting beam flange could clash with the shear plate, when the "Extend past flange" is selected in the connection specifications. This issue has been fixed. (PR 48845)

* Made adjustments to retain Job Standard reference drawings between Modeling sessions. (PR 48847)

* Added missing 'Edit > Change Options' functionalities to Modeling and Drawing Editor for Drafting Station. (PR 48861)

* Resolved an issue with the system giving an error when you have an HSS welded brace with an A307 bolt and oversized holes. The system will now also print the correct capacities of the A307 bolt on the design calculations report. (PR 48864)

* Addressed an issue where Construction Line/Circle artifacts could remain (in a Modeling session) after erasing Reference Drawing objects. (PR 48866)

* For Modeling, made adjustments to allow Double Axis Scaling of Reference Drawings in view orientations other than plan view. Previously, an alert stating 'Null lines not allowed'. could be encountered and the completion of the operation would be inhibited. (PR 48868)

* Addressed the cause of a crash in Member Detailing. (PR 48870)

* The design report of an HSS horizontal brace framing to two beams was showing load calculations that didn't apply to the framing situation. This has been fixed. (PR 48894)

* Fixed the cause of a crash during 'Print Fabricator Data'. (PR 48903)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2020.06 Beta:

Problems fixed:

* ABM information is now retained after reprocessing. (PR 35920)

* Corrected the use of the 'NM bolt diameter' field for vertical braces. This field now follows the help manual in that it only affects the diameter of the brace to gusset connection bolts. (PR 39785)

* For Drawing Editor, addressed an issue where a copied Label object's text area would behave as mixed when multi-edited with the original Label object. (PR 42855)

* Made additional adjustments to allow Detail View callouts to be plottable. (PR 48314)

* For Modeling, made database adjustments to capture the correct Model Note identifier of NEWLY ADDED notes. This information is shown in the title bar of the note's edit-screen. Unfortunately, EXISTING Model Notes will continue to show 'Edit -- Note 0' in the title bars of their notes' edit-screens. (PR 48718)

* Reverting an edited ABM cell to an empty value no longer throws an error. (PR 48748)

* Columns with a joist framing to the column cap will no longer process if you open member edit, make no changes, and close member edit by clicking 'OK'. (PR 48749)

* For Drawing Editor, made adjustments to avoid computing the unit weight of a newly added line in a drawing's BOM. (PR 48788)

* Reprocessing miscellaneous members no longer removes them from the ABM. (PR 48802)

* Addressed an issue that would turn a custom member's main material from 'System' to 'User' when deleting holes from it. (PR 48809)

* For Member Copy in Modeling, made adjustments to mirroring checks/code to retain system generated and graphical settings when possible. (PR 48813)

* Created option 'Dashboard > User and Site Preferences > General > [] Allow on-screen warning lists' that will allow each user the ability to decide whether they want to see warning list information on their screen. The default value is on/checked.

Created 'Dashboard > Utility Functions > Logging > View Logs' to provide an easy means of viewing these types of logging files:
Error / Warning Messages
Verify & Fix Diagnostics
Warning List Information
(PR 48849)

* For a gusset to beam with bent plate connection in a horizontal brace, system may not generate the solids for the bent plate. The issue has been fixed. (PR 48879)

* For Drawing Editor, made corrections to 'Objects > Clouds > Add' to account for scroll wheel navigation while dragging an area box during point location. (PR 48886)

* Fixed the calculation of the gusset to supporting beam loads for horizontal braces connecting to two non-orthogonal braces.. The calculation is now based on AISC Design Guide 29, The uniform force method for non-orthogonal corner connections. The calculation of distributed forces for vertical braces connecting to non-orthogonal corner connections was also updated to match AISC Design Guide 29. (PR 48899)

* Process & Create Solids no longer aborts with an unhandled exception. (PR 48904)

* For Modeling, made adjustments to object selection that will allow solid-form members to be left-to-right selected (entirety) when holes and/or bolts and/or welds are not being displayed. (PR 48910)

* On sloping beams with shear tab connections, the 'Top of plate' dimension should be kept out of the beam cope. This encroachment was sometimes causing insufficient bolt edge distances on either the shear plate or the beam at cope. (PR 48911)

* For Detail Sheets, addressed issues in the bill of material where sequence information would be omitted if items in the originating bill were deleted. (PR 48912)

* The Sag Rod member will no longer error in a metric job without round bars added to the material file. (PR 48914)

* Slot length is now grayed out if User Slot is selected in the Custom Girt edit screen. (PR 48919)

* Printing expanded calculations from a web browser now formats the first page properly. (PR 48921)

* Made adjustments to Member Detailing to account for intrinsic changes to Miscellaneous Members. Meaning, 'Job or Fabricator Options > Member Detailing/Fabrication Options > Miscellaneous > Miscellaneous members detailed: () In position () Horizontal () Vertical' will now be correctly applied during detailing of miscellaneous members. (PR 48925)

* In a beam to column web welded moment connection, if there is a column web doubler, in some cases, the gap between the beam flange and the flange plate may be too small.

This has been fixed by adjusting the length of flange plate with the thickness of the web doubler.
(PR 48950)

* Adjusted 'Base Off Member Line' point location to work more uniformly with joists. (PR 4895)

* Shear tab with tying load was missing structural integrity checks for the bolts. These have been added. (PR 48971)

* Fixed the locking of seismic vertical brace gussets to make sure that all fields of the gusset can be locked. (PR 48972)

* Vertical brace gusset plates connecting to a column and base/cap plate now check the maximum gusset thickness to prevent punching shear failure when connecting to an HSS column. (PR 48977)

* When a job is designed by LRFD 15, the design calculations with a cover-sheet print information as Manual of Steel Construction, 9th. This issue has been fixed. (PR 48982)

* For Member Edit, fixed a mixed multi-edit issue that could errantly change Rolling Operation or any of its dependent values. (PR 48989)

* Design of beam fully welded moment connections now takes into consideration uniform force method loads when a vertical brace is present. (PR 48991)

* For Detail Views in Drawing Editor, added the option of saving previously added annotations when using Synchronize. (PR 48992)

* Addressed an issue where piecemarks could overwrite section sizes when detailing erection views manually. (PR 49001)

* For a single, welded vertical angle brace connection, it could fail with information as "bolt dia. too large", if the angle brace size is small. (PR 49007)

* For vertical braces connecting to a column and base/cap plate. When the column is sloping with respect to the supporting beam the UFM forces calculated between the brace gusset and the column and base plate now are calculated using the gamma angle. This calculation is similar to the calculation of UFM forces for vertical braces connecting to a non-orthogonal beam to column connection. (PR 49017)

* Added the UFM force calculations for vertical braces connecting to a column and base/cap plate to the expanded calculations. (PR 49018)

* Addressed an issue that led to incorrect Viewport 'Extents' bounds after area-clipping a drawing used as a Sheet Item. (PR 49019)

* Addressed an issue which prevented the import of Reference Drawings from completing. (PR 49021)

* Addressed an errant material rotation issue in section-views when detailing members in-position and preserving annotations.. (PR 49028)

* Added missing 15th edition bolts to 'Dashboard > Job or Fabricator Options > Non-standard Field Bolts on Erection View Details > Match table > Type' selection. (PR 49041)

* Load Calculation 54 for HSS tube columns with splice butt plate was not being included in either the summary or expanded calculations. This has been fixed. (PR 49046)

* A column cap/base plate with multiple bolt columns may have been improperly rendered in 3D solids and detailing. Some temporary hacks using negative vertical bolt spacing may have been employed. This has been corrected to use all positive, normal, values for bolt spacing. It also applied to plates serving combined column & vertical braces. (PR 49047)

* For Update Status, made 'Member description' editable and having an input limit of 19 characters. (PR 49053)

* For Drawing Editor > Paste Special, removed the 'Attached to view:' field from the interactive screen to restore the more reliable behavior found in previous versions. (PR 49064)

* In the design of moment end plate splice, the axial loads are ignored in some cases.

This has been fixed by applying axial loads to the design of moment end plate splice.
(PR 49074)

* For KISS export, made adjustments to account for the option "Bolt/Nut/Washer broken out in BOM" being active. (PR 49082)

* Made adjustments to allow both sizes of member-add toolbox icons to appear for the available station types. (PR 49093)

* Loads from braces that apply to beam connections due to Uniform Force Method are now being applied in the final post-Framing situation limit state check. Previously we could have passed connections changed in framing sit that are not able to support the extra loads from UFM. (PR 49094)

* Member material's abm_length field is now set, even if the ABM length is generated automatically. (PR 49101)

* Removed references to load calculation 215 that were inside of the limit state table but were never printed in the expanded calculations. Also removed the expanded calculations for load calculation 215 that were printed but never shown in the limit state table. These situations occurred for 2 point and 3 point bracing and were being printed for the other braces in the connection. This same information is available by printing out the other braces expanded calculations. For 2 point and 3 point braces the "Gusset stress (T)" calculated by load calculation 215 has been replaced by load calculations 14 or 124. (PR 49103)

* Changing the weld pattern to a non-auto value on an auto standard column to beam connection will no longer result in errors. (PR 49105)

* Similar materials are now listed on the same ABM line (PR 49126)

* Made adjustments to ABM KISS Export to inhibit piecemark information from being listed multiple times. (PR 49143)

* Made a change that inhibits <Key-Escape> from dismissing Dashboard. (PR 49145)

* Reference drawings may now be scaled correctly along the Y-axis. (PR 49152)

* Educational stations will not be allowed to share jobs with other stations of SDS/2. (PR 49159)

* A sloping beam with a welded moment and clip angle connection could freeze the SDS/2 software. The issue has been fixed. (PR 49169)

* When using the default value of ANCHOR_BOLT for hole type in User Base/Cap Plates, the edge distance of the oversize bolt holes on the plate was not being checked. Additionally, if the hole was above a beam flange extension, that condition was also not checked. This has been corrected, resulting in a failed connection when either of these conditions exists. (PR 49170)

* Fixed a problem with vertical braces that was using the beam information instead of the column information. This was happening when a vertical brace attaches close to a beam to column connection and the system determines that the brace should attach only to the column. In certain cases the design calculations were using the beam properties instead of the column properties. (PR 49190)

* Adjustments made to the load calculations of a tension loaded clip angle connection. Load calculation 169 is now only used for clip angles welded to the beam web. The block shear calculations in load calculation 169 now include the depth of exposed web above the connection. Load calculation 7 will no longer be called if there is a tension load on the connection. (PR 49191)

* For Member Detailing of Columns, adjusted joist framing elevations from bearing point to top of steel. (PR 49196)

* Python developer warning level in the modeling user options only takes effect after restarting modeling, so it is now labeled with an asterisk. (PR 49198)

* Finite grids are now exported properly to IFC (PR 49199)

* Fixed several causes of warnings akin to 'the window was closed unexpectedly var=clicked_ok' when using Reference Model tools. Also, made adjustments to related screens to make them remember their placements between invocations. (PR 49215)

* In some cases, for an axially loaded clip angle connection with clip angle on both sides, if one angle size is locked, the connection fails incorrectly.

This has been fixed by making the angle sizes the same in this situation.
(PR 49218)

* For an intersecting vertical brace (X shape) connection, SDS/2 could fail it incorrectly. The issue has been fixed. (PR 49224)

* Addressed the cause of invalid warnings generated by add/edit of Weld objects in Drawing Editor. (PR 49231)

* For Member Detailing, made adjustments for in-position-dimension-texts to help maintain correct orientations. (PR 49237)

* Since SDS/2 will no longer release 32bit versions. The 64bit designation in the Start Menu and Desktop will no longer be included. (PR 49241)

* Solids are now generated correctly for flat plates with angled right end cuts. (PR 49243)

* For Erection View Detailing, addressed the issue where 'Label font/style' settings were being used instead of 'Member [labels|piecemarks|section size] font/style' settings. (PR 49244)

* Load calculations 55 and 56 are labeled as web axial block shear checks. They used to actually do a straight tension check if a flange was coped. They now will do the appropriate block shear check whether zero, one, or both flanges are coped. A new load calculation, load calculation 16, has been added to do the straight tension check when both flanges are coped. (PR 49247)

* For Verify and Fix Job, made adjustments that will allow the job's member_octree data to be unlocked/corrected. (PR 49252)

* Made adjustments to 'Process and Create Solids' that will recognize the instance when no members are marked for Process and then simply do nothing for that case. (PR 49257)

* Metric ABMs exported to Excel now export the correct length values. (PR 49267)

* SDS/2 prints the correct weld information for a vertical brace to brace connection or a vertical brace connection to base plates. (PR 49274)

* For Member Detailing with Templates, made adjustments to exclude 'TC' annotations for F1852 and F2280 bolts, which are tension-control by definition. (PR 49281)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2020.07 General:

* Made adjustments to ABM KISS Export to inhibit piecemark information from being listed multiple times. (PR 49143)

Problems fixed:

* The spacing between box web plates will now be taken into account when node matching a beam into a welded plate box column web. This will allow connection design to generate a connection in this case. (PR 33970)

* For the moment flange plate (beam to column web) connections, there are issues that SDS/2 shows different weld length (flange plate to column flange) in Expanded Calculation and solids. These issues have been fixed. (PR 37443)

* Asymmetric shared moment cap plates will use bolt groups from each beam in the framing situation to generate solids (PR 40963)

* Updated the K factors for gusset buckling checks to match Design Guide 29 Appendix C. (PR 43446)

* The picture for 'Bolts' has been updated on the Member edit screen for Moment End Plate connections. (PR 47266)

* Fixed a bug that was causing a horizontal brace to change the bolt type on the brace to gusset connection when another brace connecting to the same supporting member was processed. (PR 48029)

* For a vertical brace to beam and column connection, since the brace force could be transferred to the beam, SDS/2 will use the correct slip critical bolts to design the beam to column shear tab connection. (PR 48251)

* When calculating the strength for "coped web stress and bulking", it did not consider if the beam flange is flush cut.

This has been fixed by incorporating the flange flush cut to this strength calculation.
(PR 48363)

* If connections are graphically connected, like thru plates, when one fails, the other will be marked as failed as well. (PR 48368)

* Shear tabs with standard round holes and 6 or more rows of bolts were all failing in 15th edition jobs with the message "Plate is thicker than maximum". This has been fixed. (PR 48439)

* Materials formed by following a layout path now have non-radiused corners mitered correctly.

PourStop DBA anchors now follow radiused bends.
PourStop DBA anchors now specify the correct bar length.
PourStop DBA anchors now honor the rod's minimum bend radius.
(PR 48534)

* Materials with a material usage of "MountPart" will be exported to PXML as Outline elements with type "mountpart" (PR 48721)

* Concrete wall openings now used to define cutout elements in PXML. They are added as Shape elements under the Lot outline. (PR 48722)

* For Modeling, made adjustments to allow Double Axis Scaling of Reference Drawings in view orientations other than plan view. Previously, an alert stating 'Null lines not allowed.' could be encountered and the completion of the operation would be inhibited. (PR 48868)

* Some bolted column splices were unnecessarily failing with the statement "Suitable plate thickness not found". They now pass. (PR 48996)

* Corrected the use of the gamma angle when calculating the ufm forces for a brace gusset connecting with equal rigidity to both supporting members. (PR 49011)

* Joist that have the bottom framing into the column instead of the beam for the top of the joist will now include the column as a second node for node matching. (PR 49146)

* Addressed an issue that would report incorrect grid-intersections on member details. (PR 49160)

* For a horizontal brace, gusset to beam with welded clip angle connection, if users lock angle size, SDS/2 will set the correct gage for it,

If the gusset has NS and FS clip angles, and users lock the angle sizes to be different, SDS/2 will fail the connection with message

"Locked angle indexes are different between NS and FS".

Later enhancement work will allow users to lock the NS/FS angle to be different sizes.
(PR 49172)

* For Member Detailing, made adjustments for in-position-dimension-texts to help maintain correct orientations. (PR 49237)

* Load calculations 55 and 56 are labeled as web axial block shear checks. They used to actually do a straight tension check if a flange was coped. They now will do the appropriate block shear check whether zero, one, or both flanges are coped. A new load calculation, load calculation 16, has been added to do the straight tension check when both flanges are coped. (PR 49247)

* If the column workpoint is entered off the workline of it's supporting beam, we now locate the flange extension plate correctly. Column workpoints can be anywhere within the depth of the beam.. (PR 49258)

* Check added to see if an ABM file is being used for a KISS export. If an ABM file is used, ignore the output of cuts, copes, holes, and welds labor lines. (PR 49265)

* Remove items from the Education School utilities menu. (PR 49268)

* Lengths shown in ABM Edit always use the job units (PR 49270)

* Add Education School station to ExcelReports plugin. (PR 49275)

* Add Education School station to Attachment_Tool plugin. (PR 49276)

* Add Open Sheet to Education School command list. (PR 49283)

* Add Approval Sheet Sorting to Education School command list. (PR 49284)

* When checking the column web panel shear in a moment end plate connection with Australia code, the moment arm may not be correct in some cases.

This has been fixed by using the correct flange thickness to calculate the moment arm
(PR 49286)

* Load calculations 359 and 447 were not properly checking the web capacity of a beam supporting a 2 point horizontal brace gusset. So, the limit states were being ignored by design. This has been fixed. The two calculations are now properly accounted for in design. (PR 49287)

* Fixed a problem with user defined connections. Because of changing requirements, we removed fields off the user defined lockable leafs, but the data could be still locked. We now ignore any fields not shown in the leaf when we transfer locks from user defined connections to real member/ends. (PR 49302)

* Fixed an issue with vertical brace design that was finding or not finding the proper opposite member when connecting to the web of a supporting member. For brace gussets connecting to the web of a supporting member with clip angles or end plates the web capacity needs to be reduced if there is an opposite brace connection. (PR 49315)

* Vertical braces connecting to only one supporting member or connecting to a column and base/cap plate now follow the connection specification to check web crippling. (PR 49319)

* In some HSS column-beam-vertical brace nodes the gusset shear tab was offset from the column for a column reinforcement plate, but a reinforcement plate was not included. A long reinforcement plate is now created that is shared by the beam shear tab and the gusset shear tab. (PR 49320)

* In Framing Sit, we now add in the additional loads from braces framing to a beam-column connection when the setup option is selected. This is adding in before the final run of limit state checks, and can fail the connection.

In Framing Situation, we now synchronize weld sizes and types if the thickness is changed.
(PR 49321)

* The shear tab torsion check from the 14th edition (load calculation 452) is now only performed for shear tabs framing to a wide flange column web. (PR 49322)

* ABM data is now remembered when moving a material (PR 49336)

* Corrected default setup grade ry and rt data. A588 for tees, channels, angles. A500C and A2085 for pipes and tubes. (PR 49431)

* Drawing Conversion will no longer render the Shorten Point Limit Line for DWG, DXF and DXB drawing exports. (PR 49342)

* Added additional logic to help prevent Erection View Detailing from crashing. (PR 49343)

* Pipe elbow submaterial template details now indicate the inner/outer radii appropriately. (PR 49344)

* Made amendments to "Submaterials on BOM of Group Member Details are now consolidated when 'Organize BOM by submember piecemark' is on/checked" to inhibit inclusion of duplicate data.. (PR 49347)

* RolledSectionCM.input_material grabs the first valid material in the material file, which happened to be a Tube with section_size = 0. The call has been updated to ignore materials with section_size = 0. (PR 49349)

* Removed duplicate HSS 100x50x3.0RHS from aus_mtrl. (PR 49350)

* This project took the flange flush cut into account in the calculation of beam strength, the reduced beam section is used now.

This project also took the length of cope/flush cut into consideration when checking the block shear of the beam web. If the connection passes the cope/flush cut, the block shear would not be checked.
(PR 49357)

* Fixed the column web panel zone shear check for AISC 15th edition jobs. This is load calculation 395. (PR 49358)

* For Drawing Editor, amended rendering of Detail Sheet BOM to more fully account for Group Member data and hidden entries. (PR 49367)

* Web block shear capacity and connection net tension strength were calculated for the design report of thru plate connections with a tension load, but they were not used in the design. This has been fixed. (PR 49368)

* Shear tabs with a tension load and no top cope will now use load calculation 56 instead of load calculation 287 to calculate the block shear capacity of the beam web. (PR 49369)

* The limit state table in beam member edit screen now account for the effects of braces loads, if adding the brace loads option is selected. This now matches the limit states in the design reports. (PR 49379)

* Check added to default_rod_size() for no round bar material in imperial material file. param.NonBlockingWarning() also added when no round bar material is in the material file. (PR 49380)

* Added checks in horizontal brace design to make sure that a gusset that is connecting to the web of a beam will not interfere with another beam connection to the same supporting beam. (PR 49388)

* Fixed 'Unknown program exe error!' That could happen during Verify and Fix. (PR 49390)

* For the square groove weld in the user cap/base connections,
1 The default root opening value will be the half the column web thickness (I shape) or the half of HSS wall thickness.
2 For a column perpendicular to the base/case plate, users can enter the Minus dimension and Material setback values in member edit screen. The root opening value will be the Material setback - Minus dimension - cap/base plate thickness
3 For a slope column, if the angle between member line and cap/base plate normal vector is alpha, the root opening value will be the Material setback * cos(alpha) - Minus dimension - cap/base plate thickness
(PR 49400)

* Changed installer data folder text to stop wrap hiding of text. (PR 49419)

* Fixed a bug that was allowing vertical brace thru gussets to extend past the end of a column. These braces now produce a thru gusset to the column and base/cap plate if one exists. If a base/cap plate does not exist the connection fails. (PR 49427)

* Corrected default setup grade ry and rt data. A588 for tees, channels, angles. A500C and A2085 for pipes and tubes. (PR 49431)

* Fixed an issue with the expanded bolt spacing option for clip angles. In some instances field clearance was applied to the material setback twice for clip angles attached to supporting if the option to use expanded bolt spacing was selected. This has been fixed. (PR 49452)

* For Modeling, the Axis Orientation Decoration will now update after Isolation. (PR 49461)

* In some cases, when checking the local bulking of the moment end plate stiffener, the height of the stiffener was not correct.

This has been fixed by using the correct stiffener height.
(PR 49469)

* Fill plates are now properly created under the web plates of a bolted column splice. The fill plates are created in order to create a minimum gap of 1/8" (3 mm) and a maximum gap of 5/16" (8 mm). If the user locks both the upper and lower fill plate thicknesses, then the system will except any combination that leaves a gap at the upper column web that is greater than or equal to zero. If this erection clearance cannot be achieved, then the splice fails with the message "Suitable fill thickness not found for erection clearance". (PR 494710

* If the top of an HSS column is below elevation 0, then any shear tab framing to it that requires a reinforcement plate will fail. This has been fixed. (PR 49472)

* In ASD15 or LRFD15 jobs, it was possible to get shear tabs that clashed with their HSS column reinforcement plate. The shear tabs are now moved out from the column wall to the surface of the reinforcement plate. (PR 49477)

* The student version of SDS/2 will no longer have the ability to create Design Calculations and Extended Calculations from the member edit screens. (PR 49478)

* Export void materials as cutouts in the PXML format. (PR 49493)

* In Modeling, partially restored the ability to continue work while the Reference Model Manager is open. (PR 49496)

* Corrected the calculation of seismic brace auto loading when using AISC 15th edition design. (PR 49508)

* Some shear tabs framing near the top of a column with a cap plate were changing their material setback with every process. This has been fixed. (PR 49511)

v2021 enhancements | top