v2021 SDS2 Release Notes

v2021.01 v2021.02 v2021.03 v2021.05 v2021.07

v2021 enhancements

Release notes for SDS2 software version 2021.01 Beta :

Enhancement Requests:

* The ability to import PDF files into reference drawings or job standard drawings is available. (PR 31353)

* Linked reference models may now be unlinked by selecting them in the model and hitting the delete key. (PR 40846)

* A new shear tab/thru plate option has been added to help control which beam(s) gets a split thru plate, if perpendicular beams are thru plates.

The best practice is now to mark the beams you want as thru plates that way, and the beams you want as split plates that way.

Old jobs convert up to all thru plates, and the deepest plate will be the thru plate.
(PR 40928)

* Updated the K factors for gusset buckling checks to match Design Guide 29 Appendix C. (PR 43446)

* SDS/2 now supports the beam-to-column welded moment connection by a plate, which is welded to both beam and column. (PR 46413)

* The material orientation indicator (MOI) for column members can now be dragged along the member line in erection view drawings Drawing Editor. (PR 47766)

* For a wtee vertical brace connection, users can put the web filler plate in the gusset or in the brace. (PR 47884)

* Added an auto check box for the calculation of tying loads. If this box is checked and the Design Criteria setup option for calculating the auto tying load is checked, then the tying load will be set equal to the shear load for ASD and 2/3 the shear load for LRFD. If this box is checked and the Design Criteria setup option is not checked, then the tying load will be set to zero for both ASD and LRFD. (PR 48050)

* We have added option 'Auto-calculate tying loads' in the job setup Design Criteria screen to allow the check of structural integrity. When this checkbox is checked the structural integrity will be evaluated when necessary. (PR 48051)

* An option for checkered plate material has been added to status display. (PR 48066)

* Vertical braces connecting to HSS beams near the beam to column connection now allow the user to choose a thru gusset connection. (PR 48302)

* ABM notes are now optionally exported to KISS files. (PR 48377)

* Added web stress check for horizontal braces connecting to HSS beams. (PR 48490)

* AISC 15th, LRFD and ASD require checking an HSS supporting column face for shear rupture (plasticization), according to equations 10-7a and 10-7b, respectively. We have added this check as Load Calculation 459, with a related Fail message, "Supporting HSS face fails due to punching shear rupture". (PR 48651)

* Created option 'Dashboard > User and Site Preferences > General > [] Allow on-screen warning lists' that will allow each user the ability to decide whether they want to see warning list information on their screen. The default value is on/checked.

Created 'Dashboard > Utility Functions > Logging > View Logs' to provide an easy means of viewing these types of logging files:
Error / Warning Messages
Verify & Fix Diagnostics
Warning List Information
(PR 48849)

* Added the UFM force calculations for vertical braces connecting to a column and base/cap plate to the expanded calculations. (PR 49018)

* Create School and Student Education Stations. (PR 49158)

* Added the X Axis Rotation field to the Pour Stop member Screen. Note: This is working currently working for L material types. (PR 49558)

Problems fixed:

* Fixed a bug with 2 sets of shear thru plates clashing. We now split one thru plate at the center. (PR 15588)

* 1: Column Cap Moment is supported when valid. This has gradually been improved since version 7.2

2. Unequal moments are supported. The column was sometimes being shortened in this case, resulting in a gap between top of column and the cap-moment-plate.

3. There was a problem in node match where sometimes SDS/2 would find a perpendicular beam that it shouldn't. It may also not find an opposite beam that it should. Consequently, the Load Calculations were using the wrong shared-weld numbers for the cap plate (i.e. it should have 2 welds if not shared, 1 weld if shared).

4. With multiple beams coming into a connection at a column cap plate, if a column web doubler was required, it sometimes protruded above the top of the cap plate.

5. When a bolted moment connection was attached to column web using WTee Shear connection, the bottom flange of the beam was being coped to allow fitting past the WTee. This left missing flange in the beam to bottom flange plate. SDS/2 will no longer cope the beam in this case (similar behavior that we have for ClipAngle web connection).
(PR 16154)

* Made corrections to the GA / GOL calculations for Member Detailing. (PR 21050)

* Reference drawings will now respect the depth check setting and not appear if they are not in the current view. (PR 29139)

* An error could occur during Import Model import when a CIS/2 file was missing a name. It will now Replace with auto-generated name in format of "EVU#". (PR 31279)

* The spacing between box web plates will now be considered when node matching a beam into a welded plate box column web. This will allow connection design to generate a connection in this case. (PR 33970)

* Two vertical braces and a bisecting column framing into a supported beam will no longer node match one of the vertical braces to the other vertical brace. (PR 34197)

* Formerly weld add would not create all the appropriate weld segments if the surfaces being welded together were not in almost exactly parallel planes. Now all appropriate weld segments will be created. (PR 34327)

* A column framing to a supporting rolled beam will now allow other beams to frame to the rolled beam instead of the column. (PR 35255)

* ABM information is now retained after reprocessing. (PR 35920)

* For a column splice, this project enabled both lower and upper flange fill plate leaves in member edit screen, the user could lock one or both fill plates, which will be designed accordingly. Therefore, both lower and upper fill plate could be designed on the same column splice by locking the fill plates.

The problem that the lower fill plate leaf did not show up when the lower fill plate was designed has also been fixed.
(PR 36747)

* For the moment flange plate (beam to column web) connections, there are issues that SDS2 shows different weld length (flange plate to column flange) in Expanded Calc and solids. These issues have been fixed. (PR 37443)

* CNC DSTV output will now output hole operations before the hole rather than after the hole. (PR 37702)

* Vertical braces will no longer node match to a supported skewed beam at the same location as the vertical brace end. (PR 38081)

* Two horizontal braces will no longer have a gusset plate generated that goes through the bisecting beam when the perpendicular beam is sitting on a column. (PR 39025)

* Joists framing to columns in SDS2 now node match the joist into the column correctly. (PR 39674)

* Corrected the use of the 'NM bolt diameter' field for vertical braces. This field now follows the help manual in that it only affects the diameter of the brace to gusset connection bolts. (PR 39785)

* Fixed a bug that was causing the system to abort when trying to lock the 'Top of combined angle' for beam and vertical brace combined clip angles. (PR 39927)

* In the Selection Dialog, using alt + numeric keypad to enter nonstandard characters will insert the character. (PR 40132)

* Asymmetric shared moment cap plates will use bolt groups from each beam in the framing situation to generate solids. (PR 40963)

* An appropriate usage description and section size will now be assigned to the main member material of a joist when created. (PR 41266)

* Plugins that use the sds2.utility.gadget_protocol_module's loadable forms API now have context menus on the Save and Open form buttons to access recent forms. (PR 42342)

* In many places the fail statement "Connection will not fit column" has been replaced with a more descriptive fail statement. The replacement fail statements include "Invalid material type for supporting member", "Insufficient edge distance on supporting flange", "Clearance between bolts and stiffener not satisfied", "Clearance between bolts and beam web not satisfied", "Column face is not wide enough for moment conn", "Cannot find a restraining angle", "Bolt edge distance on column flange not satisfied", "Clearance between bolts and column web not satisfied", and "Bolt edge distance on column flange not satisfied" (PR 42742)

* For Drawing Editor, addressed an issue where a copied Label object's text area would behave as mixed when multi-edited with the original Label object. (PR 42855)

* Modeling stations can now print any type of file. (PR 42886)

* When a joist frames to a beam flange and needs to extend the top chord, we now do a better job finding opposing joist which may clash. (PR 42887)

* Situations where three joists frame at the top of a column, two right on top of the column and a third over top those, will now frame correctly regardless of which joist is added first. (PR 43108)

* DSTV informational scribing will now be placed at the desired location even when a rotation is applied. (PR 43246)

* Joists framing to a beam, with a column framed to the bottom of the beam at the same point that the joist should frame to the top of the beam, will now correctly frame to the beam and not the column. (PR 43405)

* Bolt to floor connections on the right end of a stair now create the holes and bolts in the stringer. (PR 44924)

* Corrected the stick representation for vertical HSS vertical braces.

Corrected the stick representation for detailed vertical HSS vertical braces on an erection view.
(PR 44926)

* For moment splice beam connections, users can place the welded plates on the beam top. (PR 46411)

* For Drawing Editor, accounted for Sheet Item Label scaling when rendering Machine Hole Symbol drawing objects. (PR 46493)

* STEP import now works on most STEP files. (PR 46626)

* Addressed section view callout-mismatch issue for Stair members when cutting views from Drawing Editor. (PR 47012)

* In some clip angle connections, web extension plates were created that were not deep enough for 2 bolt rows. This has been fixed. (PR 47241)

* The picture for 'Bolts' has been updated on the Member edit screen for Moment End Plate connections. (PR 47266)

* Situations where three joists frame into the same column, two framing to the top and a third framing a little below into the column web will now all properly frame into the column. (PR 47412)

* The grade setup window prevents users from saving incomplete entries. (PR 47501)

* Addressed an incorrect rotation issue for slot polygons when detailing members in position. (PR 47711)

* Fixed a crash in member copy to clipboard with custom members. (PR 47763)

* Sometimes if a locked connection has been changed dramatically, the banner indicating a lock is set will display, but no fields will actually show as lock. The 'Unlock all' button at the top will now clear those hidden locks. (PR 47789)

* SDS2 Station Icons have been updated for SDS2 2020. (PR 47850)

* Holes on a vertical brace thru gusset are now grouped correctly. Formerly, incorrect hole grouping caused the holes to be dimensioned incorrectly on details. (PR 47907)

* Fixed a bug that was creating extra holes on single sided intersection gusset. (PR 47908)

* Drawing report tables can run reports that use select by member number. For the autoselection, it uses the member lines on the erection view and views added to the sheet. (PR 47934)

* In a vertical brace connection, the option "Check supporting member for"->"web stress:" selected in member edit screen may be different from the printed summary in design report.

This has been fixed by using the correct user input value.
(PR 47948)

* Cold formed channel girts now have material created when being coped around columns. (PR 47949)

* SDS2 may not import some labels from PDF due to the third-party library issues. These issues have been resolved. (PR 47952)

* Fixed a bug that was causing a horizontal brace to change the bolt type on the brace to gusset connection when another brace connecting to the same supporting member was processed. (PR 48029)

* Custom girts and secondary girts are selectable when the selection filter is set to Girt. (PR 48064)

* Camber gets added to the ABM note in member and material edit screens. (PR 48075)

* Fixed the check of gages for extended end plate connections. The system will now correctly check the fit of locked gages. Also, some wide gages that previously were changed to narrow will remain wide. (PR 48082)

* Embedded fonts in a PDF document will now be imported into the SDS2 job and referenced by the imported PDF document labels. (PR 48092)

* When an AUTO bolt was changed from N-type or X-type to SC-type of same family, due to axial force (either entered or due to UFM), a message was displayed on Member Edit with blue text on a green background: "Web bolts have been changed to equivalent slip critical type". The foreground color has been changed from blue to black to match message colors for connection type change messages. (PR 48106)

* Using multiple tiles in modeling could occasionally cause the selected or hovered item to be an item in the background rather than the item directly under the mouse. This has been fixed. (PR 48110)

* When there are multiple tiles and the display options are updated the new display options will now be immediately applied to all tiles. (PR 48112)

* For code CSA 11, in expand report, there are warnings about unknown types for the gusset stress (106). These issues have been fixed. (PR 48124)

* In some cases, in the design report, some variables may not have units.

This has been fixed by examining all the report files and adding all the missing units.
(PR 48125)

* Girts will no longer save the piecemark when saving form values for loading in other girts. (PR 48134)

* The fit of a stability angle for a seated beam connection now respects a locked section size or locked long leg to flag. Previously, the original system values were used for the fit checks. (PR 48136)

* Failed bolted joist bearing connections will no longer generate shoe slots. (PR 48138)

* Fixed a problem where strip washers were not oriented correctly when field bolts are listed on the supporting member. (PR 48139)

* SDS2 will now allow the user to lock the number of web bolt columns on a moment shear tab to a number greater than 2. This previously would have resulted in a failed connection. (PR 48145)

* In a metric job when "Round cut dimensions" is set to 5mm, the moment end plate may not be designed correctly.

This has been fixed by correcting the rounding of end plate length.
(PR 48149)

* Filled solids that look like labels are now imported correctly from PDF into SDS2. (PR 48151)

* Girt custom member no longer displays weird alert when picking same point twice. (PR 48153)

* Fixed a problem where material plate washers were not in sync with their bolts when created for custom members. (PR 48172)

* Material plate washers are not listed with the bolt information when bolts, nuts, and washers are broken out in the BOM. (PR 48176)

* Formerly, polygons of bent plates with non-zero leg cut angles would appear shattered if the bent plate was modified with a cut or fit operation. This was caused by the end cap polygon being a single polygon and non-planar. The end cap polygons are now tessellated as needed, and so the polygons no longer shatter. (PR 48178)

* Stretching girts now updates nearby girts with changes. (PR 48179)

* Reference drawings may now link to PDF files containing spaces in the filename. (PR 48183)

* Linked reference drawings now work more like reference models. (PR 48186)

* The Attach To field in the girt edit screen is now disabled when that end is connected to a secondary girt. (PR 482000

* For a thru plate, the leaf "Tab Clips and Copes" on beam edit screen did not reflect the connection correctly, and if the cope dimensions and other variables were locked and modified, the connection did not change accordingly.

The followings are achieved in this project:
1. for shared thru plate, make the leaf "Tab Clips and Copes" function correctly;
2. for one-sided thru plate, disable cope on thru plate and remove leaf "Tab Clips and Copes";
3. for shared thru plate, if it cannot be generated, the connection will be failed instead of creating separate thru plate and shear tab.
(PR 48203)

* In Drafting Solution Modeling, addressed an issue that would require the session to be killed when attempting to delete Model Notes. (PR 48210)

* In user defined setup, fixed uninitialized data when creating a vertical brace user defined connection. (PR 48214)

* Corrected the edge distance for combined beam/brace vertical braces with end plate connections. The edge distance is now also shown on the proper member with the bottom edge distance only shown on the bottom member of the connection and the top edge distance only shown on the top member of the connection. (PR 48222)

* When TC bolts have the nuts and washers broken out on the BOM, everything except the first hardened washer and first heavy hex nut get broken out. (PR 48225)

* When creating a beam to column with a full welded moment connection, SDS2 sets the Connection material type to None under Moment leaf in the member edit screen. (PR 48229)

* At some beam to tube column connections, fully welded moment connections may not be supported.

This has been fixed by completely enable fully welded moment connection in a beam to tube column connection.
(PR 48238)

* This PR disabled fully welded moment connection when a beam framing to a pipe column. (PR 48240)

* The default material setback for a girt to back of secondary girt is now 1/2". (PR 48241)

* Fixed issues that the welded moment plates do not update when lockables are changed. (PR 48243)

* When pressing Cancel while packing a job, SDS2 will remove the incomplete packed job file instead of issuing an error about a non-implemented routine. (PR 48250)

* For a vertical brace to beam and column connection, since the brace force could be transferred to the beam, SDS2 will use the correct slip critical bolts to design the beam to column shear tab connection. (PR 48251)

* Stairs has been added to ABM Qualifiers, and material on stairs get set to be on the ABM according to the qualifiers. (PR 48254)

* Fixed the cause of a crash when using the 'File > Save Reuse...' command in Drawing Editor. (PR 48257)

* Members with 'Setup Minimum Connection' selected had failed connections reported in the member edit screen, when the connections were not actually failed. In this case it was a column with an auto axial load. (PR 48260)

* Void components now mirror correctly with the host member. (PR 48263)

* Joist bearing points are now displayed correctly in multiple modeling tiles. (PR 48267)

* Improved model performance in moderate to large jobs with generated ABMs. (PR 48275)

* Fixed the weld placement for vertical brace intersections gussets intersecting an hss beam. (PR 48276)

* Material bend operations will turn custom members and components graphical. (PR 48277)

* Verify & Fix Member File will now provide windows of opportunity to users in other jobs for gaining access to the lock on Global Standard drawings (among others). Previously, users in other jobs would need to wait for V&F to finish its drawing checks before being able to continue working in their jobs. (PR 48279)

* ABM-sourced KISS exports no longer include bolts. (PR 48286)

* When using multiple tiles, occasionally the dimensions shown on hover and/or the reference point shown for material would blink repeatedly as the mouse was moved. This blinking has been eliminated. (PR 48290)

* For a vertical framing to an HSS beam, SDS2 designs and creates the HSS reinforcing plates correctly if it is necessary. (PR 48300)

* Web horizontal wide flange vertical braces will no longer attempt to create a thru plate connection when connecting to HSS beams. (PR 48303)

* Fixed a problem that was placing the second column of bolts on intersection angle vertical braces on the wrong side of the member work line when the supporting member was an HSS vertical brace. (PR 48304)

* Fixed a bug that was not properly removing connection material for the other brace of a shared intersection brace connection when the braces were failing due to not being col-linear. (PR 48306)

* Cap plates cannot be placed on angle material. (PR 48308)

* When the system changes a beam connection from end plate to shear tab. If there is a vertical brace connecting to the beam/column interface the vertical brace is now redesigned also so that the gusset to column connection will match the beam connection. (PR 48310)

* Made additional adjustments to allow Detail View callouts to be printable. (PR 48314)

* Add help address for Secondary Girt member. (PR 48315)

* Creating the default view in modeling with two or more people will no longer get an exception when the default view's name is the same. (PR 48323)

* Fixed a problem with 2 point and 3 point HSS welded horizontal brace gussets. The system now produces the corner cuts on the gusset. (PR 48336)

* The gussets for intersecting, tube or pipe horizontal brace connections are now centered on the brace member. (PR 48337)

* Formerly, identical members might get different piecemarks due to floating point accuracy. Values that are extremely close to .5 are now always rounded up when rounded. (PR 48338)

* Single member copy now sets the anchor point correctly even if a Linear copy was done first. (PR 48339)

* For a vertical brace framing to column cap plate, if it is changed to seismic brace, SDS2 may freeze.

This has been fixed by using the correct way to increase the connection strength in design.
(PR 48351)

* User can now force a joist bearing connection that failed because the shoe needed to extend but was too close to another joist on the opposite side of the supporting beam to extend. (PR 48355)

* A beam framing to the opposite side of a supporting beam will no longer fail a bearing joist connection. (PR 48358)

* 1. Joist autostandard connections to beams will now default to bearing connections.

2. Joist bearing connections will now default to welded connections, with no bottom chord extension.
(PR 48359)

* When calculating the strength for "coped web stress and bulking", it did not consider if the beam flange is flush cut.

This has been fixed by incorporating the flange flush cut to this strength calculation.
(PR 48363)

* If connections are graphically connected, like thru plates, when one fails, the other will be marked as failed as well. (PR 48368)

* Material plate washers on bolts that are in a connection are now marked as connection material and will make the connection graphical when deleted. (PR 48372)

* Fixed the obtuse side cut length and flat length values for perpendicular HSS welded horizontal braces. (PR 48390)

* Fixed the source of a crash when running Design Calcs. (PR 48392)

* "Material in ABM" has been renamed to "ABM candidate" in status display. (PR 48393)

* The id cell in ABM Review/Modify is marked as a user cell when the user has modified the id, and when the cell is reverted the it gets set back to the system generated id. (PR 48396)

* Non main material has a blank member type field in Populate ABM. (PR 48397)

* Fixed a problem where material plate washers could be initialized to have length and/or width dimensions of 0. (PR 48399)

* The "Populate ABM" dialog window may now be resized by the user. (PR 48400)

* ABM material change notices may not be printed unless there are at least two revisions to the selected ABM file. (PR 48401)

* When creating a new job in SDS2, the default design method will be set to ASD15. (PR 48405)

* The material copy tool will correctly mirror holes with Machine/Tool operations. Those operations are now exposed as read only data to the Python API via model. object hole instances. (PR 48409)

* Add help address for Custom Girt member. (PR 48418)

* When Drawing Overlay Group member dimensions is on group member dimensions will now be shown in modeling when a group member has the mouse over it. (PR 48424)

* Adding a supporting member (i.e. column) while the supported members (i.e. beam) is being editing by another person will now leave the supporting member marked for node matching. (PR 48425)

* Fixed the calculation of minus dim and material setback for strong axis rolled beams connecting to supporting beam webs. (PR 48426)

* The Report Layout button on the ABM screen has been moved above the ABM name field and is always enabled. (PR 48429)

* Fixed invalid material warning when creating bolts with material plate washers. (PR 48433)

* Joists will no longer occasionally get material plate washers when they should not. (PR 48434)

* KISS export now allows changing the output destination at export time. (PR 48437)

* Shear tabs with standard round holes and 6 or more rows of bolts were all failing in 15th edition jobs with the message "Plate is thicker than maximum". This has been fixed. (PR 48439)

* Shear tabs with bevel edge attached to tube columns (skew angle) were not being properly placed against column face, leaving an incorrect gap. This has been fixed. (PR 48449)

* Set the main view for material plate washers to the flat face. (PR 48450)

* Fixed a bug that was causing the system to fail to create 2pt or 3pt shared gussets in certain framing situations when the distance between the braces was greater than the 'Design for shared gussets if plates are closer than' value (PR 48456)

* Horizontal braces that frame to a node that does not include a column, will now properly recalculate the beams and other horizontal braces that frame into that node. (PR 48478)

* If a shear tab has stability plates, it will no longer try to combine with vertical braces above or below the beam. (PR 48483)

* In cases where dissimilar depth thru plates were coped (rather than clipped), and there were one or more other thru plates at the supporting member (similar elevation) that were not to be merged with the one in question (e.g. perpendicular), some of these may have had the material setbacks increased more than once. This has been fixed in v2020.02. (PR 48487)

* Splash screens and logos have been updated for SDS2 2020. (PR 48494)

* When a parametric is run with multiple tiles open running model.members(1) will return just the members in the current tile instead of all the members in every tile. (PR 48511)

* The end user license agreement has been updated. (PR 48512)

* Text imported from PDF files to reference drawings is now located and oriented correctly. (PR 48515)

* Custom Girt cope end field default values are now created as type float, which allows for fractional values in the edit screen. (PR 48517)

* For the beam to column moment connection with welded moment flange plates, SDS2 designs correct width for top or bottom plates. (PR 48525)

* In welded moment flange plate connections, if user locked the bottom flange plate to a width that is narrower than the bottom beam flange, SDS2 will show messages as "Bottom plate width is narrower than beam flange width". (PR 48526)

* In welded moment flange plate connections, if user locked the top plate width to a dimension wider than the top beam flange, SDS2 will show messages as "Top plate width is wider than beam flange width". (PR 48527)

* Materials formed by following a layout path now have non-radiused corners mitered correctly.

PourStop DBA anchors now follow radiused bends.

PourStop DBA anchors now specify the correct bar length.

PourStop DBA anchors now honor the rod's minimum bend radius.
(PR 48534)

* For a split column flange stiffener, in some cases SDS2 may issue a wrong warning.

This has been fixed by correcting the stiffener type in certain design module.
(PR 48535)

* Corrected the released Examples plugins to keep them from showing in the custom member add selections. (PR 48539)

* System now fails a connection when trying to add a vertical brace that intersects a vertical stem WT vertical brace. (PR 48541)

* The User Options to Show layer colors on pdf and to Show layer colors in drawing editor now default to off. (PR 48544)

* For Drawing Editor, corrected an errantly duplicated icon and its textual verbiage to reflect the actual operation. (PR 48546)

* For Modeling, made adjustments that would ensure that Reference Drawings tagged as 'show' will be shown when a view is opened. (PR 48547)

* When changing the moment load on a beam framing to a column flange such that column flange stiffeners are no longer needed, any beams framing to the web with interfering stability plates will now be reprocessed. (PR 48548)

* In the Python API, job.Job().steel_grades() can now be passed model module material type enums of the MaterialType family, e.g. model.WideFlange, or the string representation of them. (PR 48558)

* Fixed an issue in Drawing Editor Review Chart Edit that caused all information to be obliterated during save (OK). (PR 48563)

* When custom members are moved, they will now retain user holes on main material. (PR 48565)

* User Selection Filter naming may no longer contain fore- and back-slash characters. (PR 48573)

* There were issues about creating a new job For China steel code. These issues have been fixed. (PR 48595)

* Material plate washers on shop bolts can no longer be shipped separately. (PR 48604)

* The design of clip angle, bent plate, and end plate connections now checks if the connection is too close to the end of a supporting beam web. The connection will be changed to a shear tab if there is not sufficient room for the outstanding bolts or welds unless it is forced. (PR 48605)

* In some cases, where a shared thru plate has one side that fills the available space on its beam, SDS2 was still trying to move the tab downward to match the 'Top of plate' of the other side, resulting in a tab that would extend below the bottom edge of the beam. (PR 48607)

* Fixed a bug that was causing a NULL Pointer error when the user deleted a brace from a 3-point brace connection that was marked graphical and then tried to edit one of the remaining braces. (PR 48612)

* Fixed hole type in gusset for coped wide flange vertical brace. The hole type was not matching the locked hole type on the gusset leaf. (PR 48614)

* Material plate washers now properly combine on column splice connections. (PR 48617)

* Adjusted the X-Y-Z Display decoration to play better with 4k monitors. (PR 48639)

* For import of PDF files, a new layer has been added to categorize filled solids. (PR 48667)

* Warnings could occasionally appear when the job's primary units were set to Imperial (inches-sixteenths). These have been fixed. (PR 48675)

* If PDF paths are transformed in location and scale, SDS2 will now properly import and translate those paths. (PR 48676)

* When importing a PDF into a reference drawing, the "PDF Hatch Layer" is set to hidden by default. (PR 48683)

* SDS2 when importing a reference drawing from PDF, will no longer generate empty labels. (PR 48684)

* Cap Plates component shows a Notch leaf when the host main material is tube or pipe.

Cap Plates component can be deleted during member edit from the via the context menu.
(PR 48693)

* Sheet subdrawings that have an invalid reference point set will upon loading will have it reset to zero. (PR 48695)

* FabSuite(XML) transfer from the main menu - When selecting Members to export, some drawing files (Detail drawings) were not being created. This has been corrected. (PR 48703)

* Submaterials on BOM of Group Member Details are now consolidated when 'Organize BOM by submember piecemark' is on/checked. (PR 48710)

* Editing Template Detailing Weld Rules in early SDS2 2020 beta versions could result in corrupting the rule. This will no longer happen. (PR 48711)

* Material end preps utilizing weld copes and angled web cuts are now shaped properly. (PR 48714)

* For Modeling, made database adjustments to capture the correct Model Note identifier of NEWLY ADDED notes. This information is shown in the title bar of the note's edit-screen. Unfortunately, EXISTING Model Notes will continue to show 'Edit -- Note 0' in the title bars of their notes' edit-screens. (PR 48718)

* CMU material will no longer be counted against the steel weight for SDS200 stations. (PR 48720)

* Materials with a material usage of "MountPart" will be exported to pxml as Outline elements with type "mountpart". (PR 48721)

* Concrete wall openings now used to define cutout elements in pxml. They are added as Shape elements under the Lot outline. (PR 48722)

* The Anchor Rod Tool will now work on columns that have both a cap plate and a base plate. (PR 48724)

* Added separate help address for CostingEstimator Setup help. (PR 48729)

* Fixed the brace to gusset connection eccentricity for HSS vertical braces with either 'Double paddle plate' or 'Paddle plate (double shear)' connections. For both connections the connection eccentricity should be equal to zero. (PR 48737)

* Viewer no longer allows changes from Member Review. (PR 48742)

* In the case of a sloping beam supported by another beam web, using a shear tab with bolt holes skewed in plate, the supported beam may not have been properly coped and the shear plate may extend beyond the upper and/or lower flanges of the supporting beam. This has been corrected. (PR 48744)

* Reverting an edited ABM cell to an empty value no longer throws an error. (PR 48748)

* Columns with a joist framing to the column cap will no longer process if you open member edit, make no changes, and close member edit by clicking 'OK'. (PR 48749)

* CNC Download will no longer invoke a separate output screen when a material is unable to be exported for a particular cnc configuration. (PR 48753)

* Made further adjustments to unify view-cut arrow callouts 'x' with their corresponding 'Section x-x' callouts when cutting member views from Drawing Editor. (PR 48754)

* Fixed issues about incorrect calculation number in expanded report for gusset buckling. There are no design, solids or calculation changes for this fix. (PR 48755)

* The ABM length auto checkbox will default to checked for converted jobs. (PR 48758)

* Improved the progress-display output of the 'Verify & Fix Member File' utility so that its tasks will be more completely reported in a timely fashion. (PR 48766)

* Disabled some options that are N/A for viewer mode. (PR 48767)

* IFC export no longer duplicates properties in a property set. (PR 48774)

* Linked reference models may now be refreshed in modeling after the file changes on disk. (PR 48776)

* The CNC DSTV layout scribing for flush angles will now correctly follow the setup options. (PR 48779)

* Made adjustments to assist rendering operations from using SDS2 font when an incomplete font reference is encountered (i.e., one which can still share its intent). (PR 48780)

* Adjusted Arc Dimension Edit to account for changes to its Measurement check buttons. (PR 48784)

* In some circumstances, HSS wall reinforcement plates were being created for shear tabs that were framing to wide flange members. This has been fixed. (PR 48785)

* Addressed a cause of SDS2 Font being incorrectly applied to drawings. (PR 48786)

* For Drawing Editor, made adjustments to avoid computing the unit weight of a newly added line in a drawing's BOM. (PR 48788)

* For Drawing Editor, made adjustments to Shortening for Detail Views. (PR 48795)

* Reprocessing miscellaneous members no longer removes them from the ABM. (PR 48802)

* For Drawing Editor, made adjustments so that Material Construction Line Add would apply to Hatch Add Select polygons. (PR 48803)

* For Drawing Editor, amended 'Objects > Hatch > Erase [All]' to work properly with polygons from both 'Add Select Polygon' and 'Add Define Polygon'. (PR 48805)

* For Column members detailed horizontally, made adjustments to the rotations of slotted-hole polygons in projected views. (PR 48807)

* Addressed an issue that would turn a custom member's main material to from 'System' to 'User' when deleting holes from it. (PR 48809)

* For Member Copy in Modeling, made adjustments to mirroring checks/code to retain system generated and graphical settings when possible. (PR 48813)

* For the bent plate connection bolted to beam and welded to column flange, SDS2 is printing the correct information for outstanding leg bending in the report. (PR 48819)

* For some safety seat connections, SDS2 have issues and show error messages as "Cannot overwrite XXX with XXX". These issues have been fixed. (PR 48821)

* Addressed issues that caused crashes of BOM Table edits in Drawing Editor. (PR 48828)

* For Drawing Editor, amended the various flavors of 'Arc Add' to use the second located point as its 'View:' for Shortening purposes. (PR 48831)

* Editing members with mixed camber fields will no longer reset the camber to none. (PR 48832)

* Made adjustments so that BOM field bolts having a piecemark would continue to be identified as field bolts during report generation. (PR 48836)

* Made adjustments to Point Location INCM to account for 'Camber Annotation' rolling operation. (PR 48842)

* On shared thru plate connections, the welds were being generated as the same size and type on each side, rather than using their designed values. In some thru plate connections, where the welds are equal to the strength of the plate, SDS2 was sometimes increasing the size of the weld unnecessarily. For a thru plate connection that is not shared, but has a simple tab projection, if the weld was equal in size to the projection dimension, the weld was not created in material or detail. (PR 48843)

* For a beam to a beam web with shear plate connection, the supporting beam flange could clash with the shear plate, when the "Extend past flange" is selected in the connection specifications. This issues has fixed. (PR 48845)

* Made adjustments to retain Job Standard reference drawings between Modeling sessions. (PR 48847)

* Added missing 'Edit > Change Options' functionalities to Modeling and Drawing Editor for Drafting Station. (PR 48861)

* Resolved an issue with the system giving an error when you have an HSS welded brace with an A307 bolt and oversized holes. The system will now also print the correct capacities of the A307 bolt on the design calculations report. (PR 48864)

* Addressed an issue where Construction Line/Circle artifacts could remain (in a Modeling session) after erasing Reference Drawing objects. (PR 48866)

* For Modeling, made adjustments to allow Double Axis Scaling of Reference Drawings in view orientations other than plan view. Previously, an alert stating, 'Null lines not allowed.' could be encountered and the completion of the operation would be inhibited. (PR 48868)

* Addressed the cause of a crash in Member Detailing. (PR 48870)

* For a gusset to beam with bent plate connection in a horizontal brace, system may not generate the solids for the bent plate. The issue has been fixed. (PR 48879)

* For Drawing Editor, made corrections to 'Objects > Clouds > Add' to account for scroll wheel navigation while dragging an area box during point location. (PR 48886)

* The design report of an HSS horizontal brace framing to two beams was showing load calcs that didn't apply to the framing situation. This has been fixed. (PR 48894)

* Fixed the calculation of the gusset to supporting beam loads for horizontal braces connecting to two non-orthogonal braces. The calculation is now based on AISC Design Guide 29, The uniform force method for non-orthogonal corner connections. The calculation of distributed forces for vertical braces connecting to non-orthogonal corner connections was also updated to match AISC Design Guide 29. (PR 48899)

* Fixed the cause of a crash during 'Print Fabricator Data'. (PR 48903)

* Process & Create Solids no longer aborts with an unhandled exception. (PR 48904)

* For Modeling, made adjustments to object selection that will allow solid-form members to be left-to-right selected (entirety) when holes and/or bolts and/or welds are not being displayed. (PR 48910)

* On sloping beams with shear tab connections, the 'Top of plate' dimension should be kept out of the beam cope. This encroachment was sometimes causing insufficient bolt edge distances on either the shear plate or the beam at cope. (PR 48911)

* For Detail Sheets, addressed issues in the bill of material where sequence information would be omitted if items in the originating bill were deleted. (PR 48912)

* The Sag Rod member will no longer error in a metric job without round bars added to the material file. (PR 48914)

* Slot length is now grayed out if User Slot is selected in the Custom Girt edit screen. (PR 48919)

* Printing expanded calculations from a web browser now formats the first page properly. (PR 48921)

* Made adjustments to Member Detailing to account for intrinsic changes to Miscellaneous Members. Meaning, 'Job or Fabricator Options > Member Detailing Settings > Miscellaneous > Miscellaneous members detailed: () In position () Horizontal () Vertical' will now be correctly applied during detailing of miscellaneous members. (PR 48925)

* In a beam to column web welded moment connection, if there is a column web doubler, in some cases, the gap between the beam flange and the flange plate may be too small.

This has been fixed by adjusting the length of flange plate with the thickness of the web doubler.
(PR 48950)

* Adjusted 'Base Off Member Line' point location to work more uniformly with joists. (PR 48954)

* Shear tab with tying load was missing structural integrity checks for the bolts. These have been added. (PR 48971)

* Fixed the locking of seismic vertical brace gussets to make sure that all fields of the gusset can be locked. (PR 48972)

* Vertical brace gusset plates connecting to a column and base/cap plate now check the maximum gusset thickness to prevent punching shear failure when connecting to an HSS column. (PR 48977)

* When a job is designed by LRFD 15, the design calculations with a cover-sheet print information as Manual of Steel Construction, 9th. This issue has been fixed. (PR 48982)

* For Member Edit, fixed a mixed multi-edit issue that could errantly change Rolling Operation or any of its dependent values. (PR 48989)

* Design of beam fully welded moment connections now take into consideration uniform force method loads when a vertical brace is present. (PR 48991)

* For Detail Views in Drawing Editor, added the option of saving previously added annotations when using Synchronize. (PR 48992)

* Some bolted column splices were unnecessarily failing with the statement "Suitable plate thickness not found". They now pass. (PR 48996)

* Addressed an issue where piecemarks could overwrite section sizes when detailing erection views manually. (PR 49001)

* For a single, welded vertical angle brace connection, it could fail with information as "bolt dia. too large", if the angle brace size is small. (PR 49007)

* Corrected the use of the gamma angle when calculating the ufm forces for a brace gusset connecting with equal rigidity to both supporting members. (PR 49011)

* For vertical braces connecting to a column and base/cap plate. When the column is sloping with respect to the supporting beam the UFM forces calculated between the brace gusset and the column and base plate now are calculated using the gamma angle. This calculation is similar to the calculation of UFM forces for vertical braces connecting to a non-orthogonal beam to column connection. (PR 49017)

* Addressed an issue that led to incorrect Viewport 'Extents' bounds after area-clipping a drawing used as a Sheet Item. (PR 49019)

* Addressed an issue which prevented the import of Reference Drawings from completing. (PR 49021)

* Fixed a missing-brace error that could occur while hovering the current 'Repository' on the Dashboard. (PR 49022)

* Addressed an errant material rotation issue in section-views when detailing members in-position and preserving annotations. (PR 49028)

* Added missing 15th edition bolts to 'Dashboard > Job or Fabricator Options > Nonstandard Field Bolts on Erection View Details > Match table > Type' selection. (PR 49041)

* Load Calculation 54 for HSS tube columns with splice butt plate was not being included in either the summary or expanded calculations. This has been fixed. (PR 49046)

* A column cap/base plate with multiple bolt columns may have been improperly rendered in 3D solids and detailing. Some temporary hacks using negative vertical bolt spacing may have been employed. This has been corrected to use all positive, normal, values for bolt spacings. It also applied to plates serving combined column & vertical braces. (PR 49047)

* For Update Status, made 'Member description' editable and having an input limit of 19 characters. (PR 49053)

* A skewed beam to beam connection will not fail due to end of supporting beam framing to a concrete wall. (PR 49060)

* For Drawing Editor > Paste Special, removed the 'Attached to view:' field from the interactive screen to restore the more reliable behavior found in previous versions. (PR 49064)

* Addressed an issue that could cause job-conversion or Verify and Fix Member File to crash. (PR 49069)

* In the design of moment end plate splice, the axial loads are ignored in some cases.

This has been fixed by applying axial loads to the design of moment end plate splice.
(PR 49074)

* For KISS export, made adjustments to account for the option "Bolt/Nut/Washer broken out in BOM" being active. (PR 49082)

* In early version 2021 beta, there was a condition whereby a Column Splice connection with members on each side of the connection had their moment loads set to 'Auto' could fail the connections due to SDS2 setting excessive moments. This has been corrected. (PR 49089)

* Made adjustments to allow both sizes of member-add toolbox icons to appear for the available station types. (PR 49093)

* Loads from braces that apply to beam connections due to Uniform Force Method are now being applied in the final post-Framing situation limit state check. Previously we could have passed connections changed in framing sit that are not able to support the extra loads from UFM. (PR 49094)

* Member material's abm_length field is now set, even if the ABM length is generated automatically. (PR 49101)

* Removed references to load calculation 215 that were inside of the limit state table but were never printed in the expanded calculations. Also removed the expanded calculations for load calculation 215 that were printed but never shown in the limit state table. These situations occurred for 2 point and 3 point bracing and were being printed for the other braces in the connection. This same information is available by printing out the other braces expanded calculations. For 2 point and 3 point braces the "Gusset stress (T)" calculated by load calculation 215 has been replaced by load calculations 14 or 124. (PR 49103)

* Changing the weld pattern to a non-auto value on an auto standard column to beam connection will no longer result in errors. (PR 49105)

* Similar materials are now listed on the same ABM line. (PR 49126)

* Made adjustments to ABM KISS Export to inhibit piecemark information from being listed multiple times. (PR 49143)

* Made a change that inhibits <Key-Escape> from dismissing Dashboard. (PR 49145)

* Joist that have the bottom framing into the column instead of the beam for the top of the joist will now include the column as a second node for node matching. (PR 49146)

* Reference drawings may now be scaled correctly along the Y axis. (PR 49152)

* Educational stations will not be allowed to share jobs with other stations of SDS2. (PR 49159)

* Addressed an issue that would report incorrect grid-intersections on member details. (PR 49160)

* A sloping beam with a welded moment and clip angle connection could freeze the SDS2 software. The issue has been fixed. (PR 49169)

* When using the default value of ANCHOR_BOLT for hole type in User Base/Cap Plates, the edge distance of the oversize bolt holes on the plate was not being checked. Additionally, if the hole was above a beam flange extension, that condition was also not checked. This has been corrected, resulting in a failed connection when either of these conditions exists. (PR 49170)

* For a horizontal brace, gusset to beam with welded clip angle connection, if users lock angle size, SDS2 will set the correct gage for it,

If the gusset has NS and FS clip angles, and users lock the angle sizes to be different, SDS2 will fail the connection with message "Locked angle indexes are different between NS and FS". Later enhancement work will allow users to lock the NS/FS angle to be different sizes.
(PR 49172)

* When checking the block shear capacity for a gusset plate, system could compare the capacity to both tension and compression loads. It is not correct and the capacity should be compared to the tension load only. These issues have been fixed. (PR 49185)

* Fixed a problem with vertical braces that was using the beam information instead of the column information. This was happening when a vertical brace attaches close to a beam to column connection and the system determines that the brace should attach only to the column. In certain cases the design calculations were using the beam properties instead of the column properties. (PR 49190)

* Adjustments made to the load calculations of a tension loaded clip angle connection. Load calculation 169 is now only used for clip angles welded to the beam web. The block shear calculations in load calculation 169 now include the depth of exposed web above the connection. Load calculation 7 will no longer be called if there is a tension load on the connection. (PR 49191)

* For Member Detailing of Columns, adjusted joist framing elevations from bearing point to top of steel. (PR 49196)

* Python developer warning level in the modeling user options only takes effect after restarting modeling, so it is now labeled with an asterisk. (PR 49198)

* Finite grids are now exported properly to IFC. (PR 49199)

* Fixed several causes of warnings akin to 'the window was closed unexpectedly var=clicked_ok' when using Reference Model tools. Also, made adjustments to related screens to make them remember their placements between invocations. (PR 49215)

* In some cases, for an axially loaded clip angle connection with clip angle on both sides, if one angle size is locked, the connection fails incorrectly.

This has been fixed by making the angle sizes the same in this situation.
(PR 49218)

* For a intersect vertical brace (X shape) connection, SDS2 could fail it incorrectly. The issue has been fixed. (PR 49224)

* Addressed the cause of invalid warnings generated by add/edit of Weld objects in Drawing Editor. (PR 49231)

* Since SDS2 will no longer release 32bit versions. The 64bit designation in the Start Menu and Desktop will no longer be included. (PR 49241)

* Solids are now generated correctly for flat plates with angled right end cuts. (PR 49243)

* For Erection View Detailing, addressed the issue where 'Label font/style' settings were being used instead of 'Member [labels|piecemarks|section size] font/style' settings. (PR 49244)

* For an HSS vertical brace with a "Double Paddle Plate" connection, the brace to paddle plate weld capacity may not be calculated correctly. The issue has been fixed. (PR 49246)

* Load calculations 55 and 56 are labeled as web axial block shear checks. They used to actually do a straight tension check if a flange was coped. They now will do the appropriate block shear check whether zero, one, or both flanges are coped. A new load calculation, load calculation 16, has been added to do the straight tension check when both flanges are coped. (PR 49247)

* For Verify and Fix Job, made adjustments that will allow the job's member_octree data to be unlocked/corrected. (PR 49252)

* Made adjustments to 'Process and Create Solids' that will recognize the instance when no members are marked for Process .. and then simply do nothing for that case. (PR 49257)

* If the column workpoint is entered off the workline of its supporting beam, we now locate the flange extension plate correctly. Column workpoints can be anywhere within the depth of the beam. (PR 49258)

* Check added to see if an ABM file is being used for a KISS export. If an ABM file is used, ignore the output of cuts, copes, holes, and welds labor lines. (PR 49265)

* Metric ABMs exported to Excel now export the correct length values. (PR 49267)

* Remove items from the Education School utilities menu. (PR 49268)

* Lengths shown in ABM Edit always use the job units. (PR 49270)

* SDS2 prints the correct weld information for a vertical brace to brace connection or a vertical brace connection to base plates. (PR 49274)

* For Member Detailing with Templates, made adjustments to exclude 'TC' annotations for F1852 and F2280 bolts, which are tension-control by definition. (PR 49281)

* For Member Detailing, corrected placements of re-entrant dimensions. (PR 49282)

* When checking the column web panel shear in a moment end plate connection with Australia code, the moment arm may not be correct in some cases.

This has been fixed by using the correct flange thickness to calculate the moment arm
(PR 49286)

* Load calculations 359 and 447 were not properly checking the web capacity of a beam supporting a 2-point horizontal brace gusset. So, the limit states were being ignored by design. This has been fixed. The two calcs are now properly accounted for in design. (PR 49287)

* Addressed a warning that occurred while Multi Editing two or more Pour Stop Custom Members. (PR 49288)

* Fixed a problem with user defined connections. Because of changing requirements, we removed fields off the user defined lockable leafs, but the data could be still locked. We now ignore any fields not shown in the leaf when we transfer locks from user defined connections to real member/ends. (PR 49302)

* Fixed an issue with vertical brace design that was finding or not finding the proper opposite member when connecting to the web of a supporting member. For brace gussets connecting to the web of a supporting member with clip angles or end plates the web capacity needs to be reduced if there is an opposite brace connection. (PR 49315)

* In some case a vertical brace connecting to a beam and column was checking the connection to the column as if it was connecting to the column flange instead of the column web. (PR 49316)

* Vertical braces connecting to only one supporting member or connecting to a column and base/cap plate now follow the connection specification to check web crippling. (PR 49319)

* In some HSS column-beam-vertical brace nodes the gusset shear tab was offset from the column for a column reinforcement plate, but a reinforcement plate was not included. A long reinforcement plate is now created that is shared by the beam shear tab and the gusset shear tab. (PR 49320)

* In Framing Sit, we now add in the additional loads from braces framing to a beam-column connection when the setup option is selected. This is adding in before the final run of limit state check and can fail the connection.

In Framing Sit, we now synchronize weld sizes and types if the thickness is changed.
(PR 49321)

* The shear tab torsion check from the 14th edition (load calculation 452) is now only performed for shear tabs framing to a wide flange column web. (PR 49322)

* ABM data is now remembered when moving a material. (PR 49336)

* Drawing Conversion will no longer render the Shorten Point Limit Line for DWG, DXF and DXB drawing exports. (PR 49342)

* Added additional logic to help prevent Erection View Detailing from crashing. (PR 49343)

* Pipe elbow submaterial template details now indicate the inner/outer radii appropriately. (PR 49344)

* Made amendments to "Submaterials on BOM of Group Member Details are now consolidated when 'Organize BOM by submember piecemark' is on/checked" to inhibit inclusion of duplicate data. (PR 49347)

* RolledSectionCM.input_material grabs the first valid material in the material file, which happened to be a Tube with section_size = 0. The call has been updated to ignore materials with section_size = 0. (PR 49349)

* This project took the flange flush cut into account in the calculation of beam strength, the reduced beam section is used now.

This project also took the length of cope/flush cut into consideration when checking the block shear of the beam web. If the connection passes the cope/flush cut, the block shear would not be checked.
(PR 49357)

* Fixed the column web panel zone shear check for AISC 15th edition jobs. This is load calculation 395. (PR 49358)

* For Drawing Editor, amended rendering of Detail Sheet BOM to more fully account for Group Member data and hidden entries. (PR 49367)

* Web block shear capacity and connection net tension strength were calculated for the design report of thru plate connections with a tension load, but they were not used in the design. This has been fixed. (PR 49368)

* Shear tabs with a tension load and no top cope will now use load calculation 56 instead of load calculation 287 to calculate the block shear capacity of the beam web. (PR 49369)

* Removed "List 'x' in bill of material?" prompting when adding submaterial and erection view sheet items. (PR 49376)

* The limit state table in beam member edit screen now account for the effects of braces loads, if adding the brace loads option is selected. This now matches the limit states in the design reports. (PR 49379)

* Check added to default_rod_size() for no round bar material in imperial material file. param.NonBlockingWarning() also added when no round bar material is in the material file. (PR 49380)

* Added checks in horizontal brace design to make sure that a gusset that is connecting to the web of a beam will not interfere with another beam connection to the same supporting beam. (PR 49388)

* Fixed 'Unknown program exe error!' That could happen during Verify and Fix. (PR 49390)

* For the square groove weld in the user cap/base connections,
1 The default root opening value will be the half the column web thickness (I shape) or the half of HSS wall thickness;

2 For a column perpendicular to the base/case plate, users can enter the Minus dimension and Material setback values in member edit screen. The root opening value will be the Material setback - Minus dimension - cap/base plate thickness
3 For a slope column, if the angle between member line and cap/base plate normal vector is alpha, the root opening value will be the Material setback * cos(alpha) - Minus dimension - cap/base plate thickness
(PR 49400)

* For Detailing Templates, added the ability to use a variable distance (diameter or radius) for Construction Circle objects. (PR 49417)

* Changed installer data folder text to stop wrap hiding of text. (PR 49419)

* Fixed a bug that was allowing vertical brace thru gussets to extend past the end of a column. These braces now produce a thru gusset to the column and base/cap plate if one exists. If a base/cap plate does not exist, the connection fails. (PR 49427)

* Addressed exception/locking issues when adding/deleting Member Isolation Views from Member Edit. (PR 49430)

* Corrected default setup grade ry and rt data. A588 for tees, channels, angles. A500C and A2085 for pipes and tubes. (PR 49431)

* Fixed an issue with the expanded bolt spacing option for clip angles. In some instances, field clearance was applied to the material setback twice for clip angles attached to supporting if the option to use expanded bolt spacing was selected. This has been fixed. (PR 49452)

* For Modeling, the Axis Orientation Decoration will now update after Isolation. (PR 49461)

* The steel grade setup information for plates, flat bars, and round and square bars has been separated. (PR 49463)

* In some cases, when checking the local bulking of the moment end plate stiffener, the height of the stiffener was not correct.

This has been fixed by using the correct stiffener height.
(PR 49469)

* Fill plates are now properly created under the web plates of a bolted column splice. The fill plates are created in order to create a minimum gap of 1/8" (3 mm) and a maximum gap of 5/16" (8 mm). If the user locks both the upper and lower fill plate thicknesses, then the system will except any combination that leaves a gap at the upper column web that is greater than or equal to zero. If this erection clearance cannot be achieved, then the splice fails with the message "Suitable fill thickness not found for erection clearance". (PR 49471)

* If the top of an HSS column is below elevation 0, then any shear tab framing to it that requires a reinforcement plate will fail. This has been fixed. (PR 49472)

* In ASD15 or LRFD15 jobs, it was possible to get shear tabs that clashed with their HSS column reinforcement plate. The shear tabs are now moved out from the column wall to the surface of the reinforcement plate. (PR 49477)

* Export void materials as cutouts in the PXML format. (PR 49493)

* In Modeling, partially restored the ability to continue work while the Reference Model Manager is open. (PR 49496)

* Made adjustments to 'Field Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM' report to compensate for potential user-adjustments to a detail drawing's BOM. This will help circumvent alerts stating, 'No data to report' and allow the report to run in these cases. (PR 49500)

* Corrected the calculation of seismic brace auto loading when using AISC 15th edition design. (PR 49508)

* Some shear tabs framing near the top of a column with a cap plate were changing their material setback with every process. This has been fixed. (PR 49511)

* Calculation of auto seismic vertical brace loads now follow the AISC 2nd Edition Seismic Design manual when the job is being designed using either AISC 13th edition or AISC 14th edition. (PR 49512)

* For Erection View Detailing, addressed an issue to prevent empty labels from being emitted. (PR 49516)

* In Drawing Editor, the currently opened drawing is no longer unshortened when 'Process > Detail Current Piecemark...' is used with the 'Detail BOM only' setting being on/checked. (PR 49519)

* Fixed a problem with moment end plates. In some cases, flange stiffeners were not properly created to handle a flange bending strength deficiency. This gave a passed connection that would show one or more NO GOOD notes in the expanded formulas. The stiffeners are now properly created. (PR 49523)

* Fixed a problem that was causing the system to abort when designing a shared gusset when one of the brace connections was graphical and the other connection was system. (PR 49524)

* Updated the use of AISC 15th Edition equations J10.4, J10.5a & J10.5b to include the Qf (Chord-stress interaction parameter). (PR 49526)

* When designing a shared wide flange vertical brace with web horizontal and flange plates the load calcs now return the allowable tension and compression loads for this brace. Previously, in some instances the load calcs were returning the allowable tension and compression for the other brace. (PR 49529)

* In some cases, the flange tension forces in a bolted column splice may not be correct.

This has been fixed by using the information from the correct column and by assigning the flange tension to the proper column.
(PR 49533)

* For a thru shear plate connection with the beam offset to the column center line (the offset is along beam line), there are issues about welds location and total plate width in solids. These issues have been fixed. (PR 49542)

* In some cases, the widths of split thru plate are not rounded. This has been fixed. (PR 49543)

* Made adjustments to 'Process and Create Solids' that will allow stair members to be processed once again. This was broken by changes made to accommodate PR49257 and PR49312. (PR 49546)

* For Member Detailing, reverted a change that could render dimensions or labels as inverted. (PR 49551)
* Removed the option to change the color of the Pour Stop member. (PR 49555)

* Fixed issue which was causing C and Z Pour Stop members to not get holes/bolts. (PR 49557)

* Fixed the calculation of gross seismic capacity inside of load calc 93 for vertical braces when using ASD 13th or ASD 14th edition design codes. (PR 49561)

* Fixed an exception during process when there is an autostandard connection spec that refers to a user defined connection. (PR 49577)

* In some cases, the transitional width and the cope length may not be correct in a shared thru plate.

This has been fixed by correcting some information about the thru plate.
(PR 49584)

* Fixed a bug that was calling load calcs249 & 250 for wide flange vertical braces with flange plates. If the brace connection is to a beam and column with UFM special case 2 and is transferring 100% of the load to the gusset to column clip angles then there is no normal force on the gusset to beam clip angles for these load calcs to check and thus they are no longer called. (PR 49596)

* A passed beam clip angle connection is showing "No Good" in the expanded report for the block shear check. This issue has been fixed. (PR 49605)

* The order length, part length, and work point distance are now set for materials imported from IFC. (PR 49613)

* Addressed the cause of an error when attempting to edit a newly added Hatch rule to a detailing template in Drawing Editor. (PR 49635)

* Formerly the Secondary Girt edit dialog would always display the default sequence. We now show the correct sequence in the Secondary Girt edit dialog. (PR 49646)

* For Detailing Templates, added the ability to use a variable distance (diameter or radius) for Circle objects. (PR 49659)

* The Approval Station has been renamed to Model Review. The Erector Station has been renamed to Site Planning. (PR 49687)

* For Group Member Detailing, addressed a tolerance issue that would separate materials that were otherwise identical in the respective BOM. (PR 49697)

* SDS2 will no longer ignore the rolled beam in node matching when two opposing beams frame into the rolled beam. (PR 49700)

* For Drawing Editor, reorganized the logic that sets a drawing's shortened-state to be more cognizant of user-interactions when using the Shorten command. This will inhibit falsely declaring the drawing as shortened when it is, in fact, not shortened at all. (PR 49703)

* Fixed a rare crash in detail sheet autoloading related to specific sorting criteria. (PR 49775)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2021.02 Beta :

Problems fixed:

* For vertical and horizontal brace gusset to supporting member clip angles. Added the checking of column edge distance for the clip angle bolts. (PR 46943)

* Girt connection now bolts to multi-material members. (PR 48435)

* The steel grade setup information for plates, flat bars, and round and square bars has been separated. (PR 49463)

* Made adjustments to allow documention to successfully open in various flavors of web-browsers. (PR 49754)

* When selecting a joist manufacturer during job creation, the material file for that job will now be properly populated with the joist material from that manufacturer. (PR 49850)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2021 General:

Enhancement Requests:

* A new shear tab/thru plate option has been added to help control which beam(s) gets a split thru plate if perpendicular beams are thru plates. The best practice is now to mark the beams you want as thru plates that way, and the beams you want as split plates that way. Old jobs convert up to all thru plates, and the deepest plate will be the thru plate. (PR 40928)

* Custom Girts can now be searched for using Advanced Selection. (PR 48019)

* Added 'Hide...' capabilities to the front-end selection for SDS2 Full Transfer et al. (PR 49851)

Problems fixed:

* In some cases, the note about punching shear in the report may use different terms for supporting wall. Another problem is that this note was not printed when 2 opposite beams framing to a tube beam.

These problems have been fixed by using "supporting wall" to replace "HSS wall" and "column wall", and by printing the note if the supporting beam is a tube.
(PR 48859)

* Corrected default setup grade ry and rt data. A588 for tees, channels, angles. A500C and A2085 for pipes and tubes. (PR 49431)

* Fixed a bug where member weights, as counted by the total steel weight toolbar item, would appear to double when they are marked for process. (PR 49456)

* Adding bolts via the hole and bolt match tools will no longer leave a member marked for process when the automatic process option is being used. (PR 49459)

* Corrected default Ry and Rt values for plates, flat bars, and round and square bars. (PR 49466)

* Instead of silently updating bolt length during bolt edit, SDS2 will now alert the user when bolt length is changed to adhere to the minimum bolt length requirements of the job. (PR 49574)

* Fixed a crash creating a new job with mismatched material file and job setup, which would lead to multiple "resolve section size" dialogs, and then a crash when attempting to select section sizes on the second dialog. (PR 49602)

* PR49698 - The KISS labor line for weld quantity has been corrected to reflect an unwritten understanding that the quantity should always be 1 per weld labor entry. (PR 49698)

* Fixed an issue where members are marked for detailing when they are moved, even if the elevation is not changed or elevations are not shown on the detail. (PR 49702)

* Fixed a bug where adding members without member edit would leave surrounding members marked for process. Since those surrounding members were not marked on disk, it would appear that they aren't processing - but outside of that one modeling session they're never marked for process. (PR 49732)

* Fixed an error multi-editing joists with mismatched connection types. (PR 49902)


* Flange Clearance field from Purlin Edit screen has been removed.

* Default Role for Modeling has been set to "Detailer"

* Classic toolbars have been updated for version 2021.

* The default (classic) Drawing Editory toolbar has been updated.

* Changing the Hole Type on a Purlin Connection or Component would prompt for Combining Plate Washers, and no longer will prompt for Combining Plate Washers.

* Process on the fly is no longer available while in the assembly editor.

* Fixed a bug where processing a cruciform member with user main material would create duplicate material over the top of the user material.

* Vulcraft CJ joist section sizes have been added for joist manufactorers.

* Made adjustments to Member Detailing that reinstated rendering of side-profile slotted holes.

* A model note is now deleted if the subject is left empty during add.

* Base Plate Shear Key Setup screen no longer overwrites plate attribute values.

* The "Client with local binaries" Install type has been renamed to "Client Installation".

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2021.05 - Beta 1:

Problems fixed:

* In some cases, in a vertical brace connection with column cap plate/base plate, the minus dimension is bigger than needed. This has been fixed by reducing the clearance between the brace/bolts and the cap/base plate. (PR 49869)

* Vulcraft joist bearing gage has been changed from 3.25 to 3.5. (PR 49958)

v2021 enhancements | top

Release notes for SDS/2 software version 2021.07 Beta:

Enhancement Requests:

* For Modeling, the selection filter now has a separate selection for 'Girts (Secondary)'. (PR 48382)

Problems fixed:

* Made adjustments to Notes in Modeling to help better reflect changes made to them from other Modeling sessions. (PR 49738)

* Addressed a memory-overwrite that could occur when using KISS Export and 'Data source' set to 'BOM'. (PR 49789)

* In some cases, in a vertical brace connection with column cap plate/base plate, the minus dimension is bigger than needed.

This has been fixed by reducing the clearance between the brace/bolts and the cap/base plate.
(PR 49869)

* For autostandard clip angles with slotted holes in the connection to the supporting member and specified nonstandard gage, now the specified gage is taken into consideration for material detailing and edge distance checks. (PR 49953)

* Vulcraft joist bearing gage has been changed from 3.25 to 3.5. (PR 49958)

* For Bill of Material Edit in Drawing Editor, made an adjustment to prevent 'Insert Paste' from crashing. (PR 49968)

* For Erection View Cleanup Single in Drawing Editor, made adjustments to the 'OK' and 'Apply' buttons to force user changes to be rendered at that time, without needing to save the drawing and then reopen it to see those changes. (PR 49985)

* Made amendments to allow submaterials to detail more quickly when Reference ModelsRelease notes for SDS/2 software version 2021.07 Beta:

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