Advanced Selection Dictionary for Custom Components
Advanced Selection attributes come from the parametric model module. |
A concrete license is required to enable access to the Advanced Selection attributes in the table below. |
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------ General Attributes for Custom Components ------
Tip: Only the attribute name shown in green ( attribute_name ) can be used in custom component selections. The description shown in bold (Attribute) is not an alias for the attribute. |
Description ( description ) == "string" . This is the text displayed in the Model Tree for this custom component. It is also displayed when you hover over it in Modeling .
# Selects all base plate shear keys
c.description == "Base Plate Shear Key"
# Selects base plate shear keys whose key is a W10x49 rolled section.
c.description == "Base Plate Shear Key"
c.section_size == "W10x49"
# Selects base plate shear keys whose key is a single plate.
c.description == "Base Plate Shear Key"
c.key_type == "Single Plate"
Some custom components have unique names for each instance. For example, an instance of a Rebar Run component's Model Tree name includes its x, y, and z coordinates, so it could be named "Rebar Run @ (158-0 1/4,0,0)". Because the name is unique, a selection using it can select only a single instance. In most cases, you will want to select all rebar runs before restricting the selection to those with a certain attribute. You do this by selecting for the part of the name that is common to them:
# Selects all rebar runs with uncoated bar by using the 'startswith' method. c.description.startswith("Rebar Run") and c._coating == "None"
Graphical ( graphical ) == True (is graphical) or False (is system). Custom components can be set to " Graphical " in the custom component edit window.
# Selects all graphical base plate shear key custom components.
c.description == "Base Plate Shear Key"
c.graphical == True
Member Number ( member_number ) == integer . This is the number of the member to which the custom component has been added.
# Selects the components that has been added to member number 32.
c.member_number == 32
Reference Point ( ref_point ) == point . This is the left end coordinate of the member to which the custom component has been added.
# Selects all the custom components that are located on the left end of the member
on which they have been added.
from point import Point
c.ref_point == Point(0, 0, 0)
# Selects all the custom components that are NOT located on the left end of the member
on which they have been added.
from point import Point
c.ref_point != Point(0, 0, 0)
UUID ( uuid ) == 'hash' . This is the Universally Unique Identifier assigned to a custom component when it is added to a member.
The UUID could be useful for diagnostic purposes. For example, should a custom component cause a warning, the component can be located in the model if its UUID is printed in the warning message.
# Select the custom component whose UUID is "fa2ae..."
c.uuid = 'fa2ae827-8697-409c-9f6e-ee1b4ee66e00'
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------ Base Plate Shear Key ------
Key type ( key_type ) == Rolled Section or Single Plate or Cross Plate or 3 Plate .
Section Size ( section_size ) == "string" . This attribute applies to the ' Rolled Section ' Key Type . This is the " Section size " that is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit , and other member edit windows.
Full plate thickness ( full_plt_thick ) > or < dimension . This attribute applies to the ' Cross Plate ' and ' Single Plate ' Key Types .
Full plate length ( full_plt_len ) > or < dimension . This attribute applies to the ' Cross Plate ' and ' Single Plate ' Key Types .
Short plate thickness ( short_plt_thick ) > or < dimension . This attribute applies to the ' Cross Plate ' Key Type .
Short plate length ( short_plt_len ) > or < dimension . This attribute applies to the ' Cross Plate ' Key Type .
Clip inside of short plate ( clip_plate ) == True or False . This attribute applies to the ' Cross Plate ' Key Type .
Clip dimension ( clip_dim ) > or < dimension . This attribute applies to the ' Cross Plate ' Key Type .
Depth ( key_depth ) > or < dimension . Key ' Depth ' in can be set in the Base Plate Shear Key window.
Key offset parallel to flange ( key_offset_flange ) > or < dimension .
Key offset parallel to web ( key_offset_web ) > or < dimension .
Rotation ( rotation ) > or < angle . ' Rotation ' in can be set in the Base Plate Shear Key window.
Material grade ( mtrl_grade ) == "string" . This is the " Steel grade " that is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , and other member edit windows.
Add weld ( weld_add ) == True or False .
Weld type ( weld_type ) == Square groove or Bevel groove or V groove or J groove or U groove or Flare Bevel groove or Flare V groove .
Weld size ( weld_size ) > or < dimension .
Tail text ( tail_text ) == "string" . For example, "TYP".
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------ Beam Nailer Holes ------
Top Flange ( t_flange ) == True or False .
Bottom flange ( b_flange ) == True or False .
Web ( web ) == True or False .
Flange gage ( flg_gage ) > or < dimension .
Bolt diameter ( bolt_size ) > or < dimension .
Hole diameter ( hole_dia ) > or < dimension .
Hole Type ( hole_type ) == Standard Round or Oversized Round or Plug Weld Hole .
Bolt type ( type_bolt ) == "string" from the Bolt Specifications . " Bolt type " can be set on the Edit Bolt window.
Staggered or not staggered ( stagger_yes_or_no ) == Staggered or Not Staggered .
Nailer hole spacing ( nailer_spacing ) > or < dimension .
Minimum distance left end ( min_dist_left ) > or < dimension .
Minimum distance right end ( min_dist_right ) > or < dimension .
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------ Beam Stiffeners - Beam ------
Lock stiffener spacing values ( locked ) == True or False .
Location Method ( location_method ) == Pick Points or Fixed Spacing or Even Spacing .
'Pick points' member 'X' offset distance ( points_x_offset ) > or < dimension .
Single or double stiffeners ( no_pairs ) == Single or Double .
Beam side ( which_side ) == Both or Near Side or Far Side .
Orientation ( plateOrientation ) == Normal or Vertical or Rotate
Rotation about top workpoint (when " Orientation " is 'Rotate') ( rotation ) > or < angle .
Minimum distance from left end of beam (when " Location Method is 'Fixed Spacing') ( min_dist_left ) > or < dimension .
Minimum distance from right end of beam (when " Location Method " is 'Fixed Spacing') ( min_dist_right ) > or < dimension .
Spacing ( stf_spa ) > or < dimension .
Number of spaces (when " Location Method " is 'Fixed Spacing') ( no_spa ) == integer .
Spacing start point (when " Location Method " is 'Fixed Spacing') ( spa_start ) == Workpoint or Dimension or Minus Dimension .
Distance from left end to first stiffener (when ' Spacing start point ' is 'Dimension') ( left_end_dimn ) > or < dimension .
Distance from right end to first stiffener (when ' Spacing start point ' is 'Dimension') ( right_end_dimn ) > or < dimension .
Stiffener reference (when " Single or double stiffeners " is 'Double') ( stf_ref ) == Stiffener Face or Stiffener Centerline .
Dimensions from workpoint to stiffener face (when " Single or double stiffeners " is 'Double') ( stf_ff_dim ) == > or < dimension .
Plate thickness ( stiff_thk ) > or < dimension .
Auto width ( auto_width ) == True or False .
Plate width (when " Auto width " is 'False') ( stiff_width ) > or < dimension .
Stiffener depth options ( other_options ) == Full Depth or Top Flange Half Depth or Bottom Flange Half Depth or Top Flange Bottom K or Bottom Flange Top K or Top Flange User Depth or Bottom Flange User Depth
User stiffener depth (when " Stiffener depth option " is set to ' ...User Depth') ( custom_depth ) > or < dimension .
End preparation ( prepType ) == Clip or Cope or Fit exact .
Clip length (when " End preparation " is 'Clip') ( stiff_clip ) > or < dimension .
# Selects all beam stiffeners whose "Clip length" is 3/4"
c.description == "Beam Stiffeners - Beam"
c.prepType == "Clip" # must have this, otherwise Exact Fit will match
c.stiff_clip == dim("3/4")
Clip depth (when " End preparation " is 'Clip') ( stiff_clip_depth ) > or < dimension .
Cope length (when " End preparation " is 'Cope') ( cope_length ) > or < dimension .
Cope depth (when " End preparation " is 'Cope') ( cope_depth ) > or < dimension .
Top clearance (when " Stiffener depth option " is set to 'Full Depth' or 'Top Flange... ') ( top_user_clear ) > or < dimension .
Bottom clearance (when " Stiffener depth option " is set to 'Full Depth' or 'Bottom Flange... ') ( bottom_user_clear ) > or < dimension .
Material finish ( stiff_finish ) == "string" . E.g. 'Red Oxide'.
Material grade ( steelgrade ) == "string" . This is the " Steel grade " that is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , and other member edit windows.
Material color ( stiff_color ) == tuple . E.g. '(128, 252, 255)', where 128 is red, 252 is green, and 255 is blue when " Material color " is set to 'Custom Color'.
Extend seat ( extend_seat ) == None or Near Side or Far Side or Both .
Add stiffener weld ( add_stf_weld ) == Yes or No .
Weld type ( stf_weld_type ) == Fillet or Square butt or Bevel groove .
Weld size ( weld_size ) > or < dimension .
Tail Text ( weld_tail_text ) == "string" . For example, 'TYP'.
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------ Beam Stiffeners at Column ------
Member end ( col_end ) == Top or Bottom .
Single or double stiffeners ( no_pairs ) == Single or Double .
Beam side ( which_side ) == Both or Near Side or Far Side .
Orientation ( plateOrientation ) == "string" .
Align stiffeners at top or bottom flange (when " Orientation " is 'Normal') ( norm_align ) == "string" . E.g. 'Top'.
Rotation about top workpoint (when " Orientation " is 'Rotate') ( rotation ) > or < dimension .
Material finish ( stiff_finish ) == "string" . E.g. 'Red Oxide'.
Material grade ( steelgrade ) == "string" . This is the " Steel grade " that is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , and other member edit windows.
Material color ( stiff_color ) == tuple . E.g. '(128, 252, 255)', where 128 is red, 252 is green, and 255 is blue when " Material color " is set to 'Custom Color'.
Plate thickness ( stiff_thk ) > or < dimension .
Plate width ( stiff_width ) > or < dimension .
Depth options ( other_options ) == Full Depth or Top Flange Half Depth or Bottom Flange Half Depth or Top Flange Bottom K or Bottom Flange Top K or Top Flange User Depth or Bottom Flange User Depth
User stiffener depth ( custom_depth ) > or < dimension .
End preparation ( prepType ) == Clip or Cope or Fit exact .
Clip length (when " End preparation " is 'Clip') ( stiff_clip ) > or < dimension .
# Selects all beam stiffeners whose "Clip length" is 2"
c.description == "Beam Stiffeners at Column"
c.prepType == "Clip" # must have this, otherwise Exact Fit will match
c.stiff_clip == dim("2")
Clip depth (when " End preparation " is 'Clip') ( stiff_clip_depth ) > or < dimension .
Cope length (when " End preparation " is 'Cope') ( cope_length ) > or < dimension .
Cope depth (when " End preparation " is 'Cope') ( cope_depth ) > or < dimension .
Top clearance ( top_user_clear ) > or < dimension .
Bottom clearance ( bottom_user_clear ) > or < dimension .
Stiffener reference ( stf_ref ) == Stiffener Face or Stiffener Centerline .
Dimensions from workpoint to stiffener face (when " Stiffener reference " is 'Stiffener Face') ( stf_ff_dim ) > or < dimension .
Dimensions from workpoint to stiffener centerline (when " Stiffener reference " is 'Stiffener Centerline') ( stf_fc_dim ) > or < dimension .
Add weld ( add_stf_weld ) == Yes or No .
Weld type ( stf_weld_type ) == Fillet or Square butt or Bevel groove .
Weld size ( weld_size ) > or < dimension .
Tail Text ( weld_tail_text ) == "string" . == "string" . For example, 'TYP'.
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Round plate ( rnd_plate ) == True or False .
Which end(s) ( Dcap_end ) == Left end or Right end or Both ends .
Material finish ( mtrl_finish ) == None or Red Oxide or Yellow Zinc or Gray Oxide or Sandblasted or Blued Steel or Galvanized .
Material grade ( steelgrade ) == "string" . This is the " Steel grade " that is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , and other member edit windows.
Cap thickness ( Dcap_thick ) > or < dimension .
Material color ( Dcap_color ) == tuple . E.g. '(128, 252, 255)', where 128 is red, 252 is green, and 255 is blue when " Material color " is set to 'Custom Color'.
Break plate at notch ( break_at_notch ) == Yes or No . This attribute is relevant only for HSS that is notched; i.e. for a vertical or horizontal brace.
Horizontal cap plate setbacks ( Dcap_sizeH ) > or < dimension .
Vertical cap plate setbacks ( Dcap_sizeV ) > or < dimension .
Clip corners ( Clip_Corners ) == Yes or No .
Clip dimensions ( which Clip corners is "Yes" ) (Clip_Size) > or < dimension .
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------ VB Reinforcement Plates ------
Member ends(s) ( brace_end ) == Left End or Right End or Both Ends .
Brace side(s) ( brace_side ) == Near Side or Far Side or Both Sides .
Distance from left end (when " Member ends " are 'Left End' or 'Both Ends') ( dist_left_end ) > or < dimension .
Distance from right end (when " Member ends " are 'Right End' or 'Both Ends') ( dist_right_end ) > or < dimension .
Material finish ( mtrl_finish ) == None or Red Oxide or Yellow Zinc or Gray Oxide or Sandblasted or Blued Steel or Galvanized .
Material grade ( mtrl_grade ) == "string" . This is the " Steel grade " that is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , and other member edit windows.
Material color ( mtrl_color ) == tuple . E.g. '(128, 252, 255)', where 128 is red, 252 is green, and 255 is blue when " Material color " is set to 'Custom Color'.
Plate thickness ( thickness ) > or < dimension .
Plate width ( width ) > or < dimension .
Plate length ( length ) > or < dimension .
Add weld ( weld_add ) == Yes or No .
Weld all around ( weld_around ) == Yes or No .
Weld type ( weld_type ) == "string" . This will be always 'Fillet'. Since all column safety tabs have this attribute, this attribute is not useful for Advanced Selections.
Weld size ( weld_size ) > or < dimension .
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Placement Method ( auto_or_points ) == Pick Points or Auto spacing or Fixed Spacing
Beam side ( which_side ) == Both or Near side or Far side .
Orientation ( orientation ) == Normal or Vertical .
Length from ( center_or_face ) == Face or Center .
Lock spacing values ( locked ) == True or False .
X offset from points to centerline ( points_x_offset ) > or < dimension .
Maximum Spacing ( max_spacing ) > or < dimension .
Distance from left end to 1st outrigger ( start_pt_dist ) > or < dimension .
Distance from right end to 1st outrigger ( end_pt_dist ) > or < dimension .
X distance ( rigger_x_dist ) == list. . For example, when outriggers are spaced at the intervals of 2'-0", 6'-0", and 10'-0", a matching list will have comma-delimited values in decimals (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ), or dimensions. You would input either '[24, 72, 120]' (decimal values) or '[dim("2-0"), dim("6-0"), dim("10-0")]' (dimensions) as your advanced selections code.
The system doesn't always choose round values when placing outriggers. If the X distance dimension is (for example) 24.0012, then inputing "24," or "dim("2-0")" into your list will not match the outrigger. (You can see the exact value by right-clicking the distance entry field when editing the outrigger component.) |
Material type ( material_type ) == Plate or Rolled Section .
Horizontal length ( matl_length ) > or < dimension .
Material finish ( pl_finish ) == None or Red Oxide or Yellow Zinc or Gray Oxide or Sandblasted or Blued Steel or Galvanized .
Material color ( pl_color ) == tuple . E.g. '(128, 252, 255)', where 128 is red, 252 is green, and 255 is blue when " Material color " is set to 'Custom Color'.
Plate thickness ( outrig_thk ) > or < dimension .
Material grade ( mtrl_grade ) == "string" . This is the " Steel grade " that is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , and other member edit windows.
Depth Option ( depth_option ) == Full depth or Non full depth .
Calculated cope dimensions ( calc_cope ) == True or False .
End operation ( cut_option ) == Clip or Cope .
Cope length at beam flange ( min_cope_length ) > or < dimension .
Cope depth at beam flange ( min_cope_depth ) > or < dimension .
Cope radius ( cope_radius ) > or < dimension .
Top right corner operation ( top_right_op ) == Clip or Cope .
Top outside clip/cope width ( top_clip_length ) > or < dimension .
Top outside clip/cope depth ( top_clip_depth ) > or < dimension .
Bottom right corner operation ( bot_right_op ) == Clip or Cope .
Bottom outside clip/cope width ( outrig_clip_length ) > or < dimension .
Bottom outside clip/cope depth ( outrig_clip_depth ) > or < dimension .
Add pin holes ( ad_hole ) == Yes or No .
Add weld ( stf_weld ) == Yes or No .
Weld type ( stf_weld_type ) == Fillet or Square butt or Bevel groove .
Weld size ( weld_size ) > or < dimension .
Tail text ( tail_text ) == "string" . For example, "TYP".
The following attributes are relevant when Add pin holes is 'Yes'. |
Hole diameter ( hole_dia ) > or < dimension .
Hole type ( hole_type ) == Standard Round or Short Slot or Oversized Round or Long Slot .
Long slot length ( slot_length ) > or < dimension .
Slot direction ( slot_dir ) > or < dimension .
Row spacing ( row_spa ) > or < dimension .
Vertical to 1st hole from top of outrigger ( y_ga ) > or < dimension .
Columns ( no_cols ) == integer .
Column spacing ( col_spa ) > or < dimension .
Horizontal to farthest hole from centerline ( x_ga ) > or < dimension .
Bolt diameter ( bolt_size ) > or < dimension .
Bolt type ( bolt_type ) == "string" from the Bolt Specifications . " Bolt type " can be set on the Edit Bolt window.
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------ Reduced Beam Section ------
Which end of beam ( bone_end ) == Left End or Right End or Both Ends .
Number of vertices ( num_vert ) == integer .
Distance from end of material to start of radius ( dist_end ) > or < dimension .
Length of radius cut ( len_cut ) > or < dimension .
Depth of radius cut ( depth_cut ) > or < dimension .
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These attributes are the same as those for Safety Holes - Column
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------ Safety Holes - Column ------
Add safety cable holes ( add_lifeline_holes ) == True or False .
Add lifeline hole ( add_safety_holes ) == True or False .
Hole diameter ( hole_size ) > or < dimension .
Face A hole pattern type ( patt_type_flg_a ) == NS Gage Line or FS Gage Line or Both Gage Lines
Face B hole pattern type ( patt_type_web ) == Left Gage Line or Right Gage Line or Both Gage Lines or On CL .
Face C hole pattern type ( patt_type_flg_c ) == NS Gage Line or FS Gage Line or Both Gage Lines .
Column face(s) ( col_face_list ) == list. . E.g. '[0, 2,]', where ' 0 ' is Face A, ' 1 ' is Face B, and ' 2 ' is Face C.
Column flange gage ( use_fab_gage ) == Setup or Shape file or User .
Column web gage ( web_ga ) > or < dimension .
Floor thickness ( floor_thk ) > or < dimension .
Distance from floor to 1st safety cable ( dist_first ) > or < dimension .
Center to center distance between safety cable holes ( dist_cc ) > or < dimension .
Distance from floor to lifeline hole ( dist_lifeline_hole ) > or < dimension .
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These attributes are the same as those for Safety Holes - Tabs
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------ Safety Tabs - Column ------
Add safety cable ties ( add_safety_holes ) == True or False .
Add Lifeline tab ( add_lifeline_hole ) == True or False .
Column face ( col_face_list ) == list. . E.g. '[0, 2,]', where ' 0 ' is Face A, ' 1 ' is Face B, ' 2 ' is Face C, and ' 3 ' is Face D.
Position ( toe_or_web ) == Flg/Web or OSFlg Face+ or OSFlg Face- or ISFlg Face+ or ISFlg Face- .
Lap on column ( flg_face_lap ) (when " Position " is not 'Flg/Web') > or < dimension .
Horizontal offset for Face A/C ( tab_offsetAC ) (when " Column face " is 'A' and/or 'C') > or < dimension .
Horizontal offset for Face B/D ( tab_offsetBD ) (when " Column face " is 'B' and/or 'D') > or < dimension .
Floor thickness ( floor_thk ) > or < dimension .
Distance from floor to 1st safety cable tab ( dist_first ) > or < dimension .
Center to center distance between safety cable tabs ( dist_cc ) > or < dimension .
Distance from floor to lifeline tab (when " Add lifeline tab " is 'True') ( dist_lifeline_hole ) > or < dimension .
Material finish ( tab_finish ) == None or Red Oxide or Yellow Zinc or Gray Oxide or Sandblasted or Blued Steel or Galvanized .
Material grade ( steelgrade ) == "string" . This is the " Steel grade " that is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , and other member edit windows.
Material color ( tab_color ) == tuple . E.g. '(128, 252, 255)', where 128 is red, 252 is green, and 255 is blue when " Material color " is set to 'Custom Color'.
Plate thickness ( tab_thk ) > or < dimension .
Plate length ( tab_dim_x ) > or < dimension .
Plate width ( tab_dim_y ) > or < dimension .
Plate gage ( tab_gage ) > or < dimension .
Hole diameter ( hole_size ) > or < dimension .
Add weld ( add_weld ) == Yes or No .
Weld type ( weld_type ) == "string" . This will be always 'Fillet' for all column safety tabs; therefore, this attribute is not useful for Advanced Selections.
Weld size ( weld_size ) > or < dimension .
Tail text ( tail_text ) == "string" . For example, "TYP".
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------ WWF Beam Lifeline Holes ------
Distance from left end ( left_dist ) > or < dimension .
Distance from right end ( right_dist ) > or < dimension .
Which end of beam ( end ) == Left End or Right End or Both Ends .
Which flange of beam ( flange ) == Top or Bottom or Both
Which side of beam ( side ) == NS or FS or Both .
Flange gage ( gage ) > or < dimension .
Bolt size ( bolt_size ) > or < dimension .
Hole type ( hole_type ) == Standard Round or Oversized Round or Plug Weld Hole .
Bolt type ( bolt_type ) == "string" from the Bolt Specifications . " Bolt type " can be set on the Edit Bolt window.
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Size ( dowel_size ) == "string" . This is a size designation that has been entered to the Rebar Definitions Setup window under the " Active rebar standard ".
# Selects all wall dowel custom components composed of #5 rebar.
# If the size has the pound ("#") symbol, the dowel_size string must include it too.
c.description == "Wall dowel"
c.dowel_size == "#5"
Specfications ( dowel_spec ) == "string" . This is an ASTM specification entered into the Rebar Specifications window.
Grade ( dowel_grade ) == "string" . This is a rebar grade entered to the Rebar Specification window for the " Specification " chosen for this rebar.
Coating ( dowel_coating ) == "string" . This is a rebar coating entered to the Rebar Specification window for the " Specification " chosen for this rebar.
Usage ( _usage ) == "string" . Examples: "LATERAL", "TIE", "CONT", etc. This is a usage description that has been entered in the Rebar Usage Descriptions window for ' Grade Beam / Continuous Footing '.
Overal Length ( dowel_length ) == "string" . This describes a dimension, but its value is a string.
Placement: Inside ( place_inside ) == True or False .
Placement: Center ( place_center ) == True or False .
Placement: Outside ( place_outside ) == True or False .
Embed ( embed ) > or < dimension .
Lap ( cover ) > or < dimension .
Cover ( lap ) > or < dimension .
Start hook type ( start_hook_type ) == None or End hook or Stirrup hook or Seismic stirrup hook .
Start hook angle ( start_hook_bend ) == 180 or 135 or 90 or -90 or -135 or -180 .
One possible issue: The " Start hook type " on a wall dowel custom component is set to ' None ', but it has stored a value -- typically 90 degrees -- for the start hook angle that matches the angle that you want to select for. To avoid a misleading match, it may be helpful to remove the hooks of type " None " from your selection.
# Selects all wall dowel custom components with 90 degree hooks.
c.description == "Wall dowel"
c.start_hook_type != "None"
c.start_hook_bend == 90
End hook type ( end_hook_type ) == None or End hook or Stirrup hook or Seismic stirrup hook .
End hook angle ( end_hook_bend ) == 180 or 135 or 90 or -90 or -135 or -180 .
One possible issue: The " End hook type " on a wall dowel custom component is set to ' None ', but it has stored a value for the start hook angle that matches the angle that you want to select for. See the start_hook_bend attribute for an example of an improved advanced selection for this situation.
Hook direction ( hook_direction ) == Inside or Outside or Alternate .
Distance between dowels ( spacing ) > or < dimension .
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------ Base or Cap Plate Stiffeners ------
The following attributes apply to Flange Stiffeners :
Add Flange Stiffeners ( add_flange_stiff ) == True or False .
Stiffener Orientation ( flange_stiff_orientation ) == Bottom or Top or Both .
Number of Flange Stiffeners ( num_flange_stiff ) > or < integer .
One possible issue: The " Add Flange Stiffeners " option on a base or cap stiffeners plate custom component is set to ' False ', but it has stored a value -- "2," for instance -- matching the number of flange stiffeners that you want to select for. To avoid a misleading match, it may be helpful to remove the components that lack flange stiffeners from your selection.
# Selects all stiffener custom components with two flange stiffeners.
c.description == "Base or Cap Plate Stiffeners"
c.add_flange_stiff != False
c.num_flange_stiff == 2
Full Width Stiffener ( full_width_flange_stiff ) == True or False .
Offset ( flange_stiff_offset ) > or < dimension .
Height ( flange_stiff_height ) > or < dimension .
Calculate Width Automatically ( flange_stiff_auto_width ) == True or False .
Width ( flange_stiff_width ) > or < dimension .
Calculate Thickness Automatically ( flange_stiff_auto_thickness ) == True or False .
Thickness ( flange_stiff_thickness ) > or < dimension .
Add weld to plate ( flange_stiff_plate_weld ) == True or False .
Plate Weld Type ( flange_stiff_plate_weld_type ) == Fillet or Square Groove or Bevel groove .
Plate Weld Size ( flange_stiff_plate_weld_size ) == "string" . This describes a dimension, but its value is a string. Examples: "1/8", "3/16", "1/4", etc.
Plate Weld Text ( flange_stiff_plate_weld_text ) == "string" .
Add weld to column ( flange_stiff_col_weld ) == True or False .
Column Weld Type ( flange_stiff_col_weld_type ) == Fillet or Square Groove or Bevel groove .
Column Weld Size ( flange_stiff_col_weld_size ) == "string" . This describes a dimension, but its value is a string. Examples: "1/8", "3/16", "1/4", etc.
Column Weld Text ( flange_stiff_col_weld_text ) == "string" .
Add weld to web stiffeners ( flange_stiff_web_weld ) == True or False .
Web Stiffener Weld Type ( flange_stiff_web_weld_type ) == Fillet or Square Groove or Bevel groove .
Web Stiffener Weld Size ( flange_stiff_web_weld_size ) == "string" . This describes a dimension, but its value is a string. Examples: "1/8", "3/16", "1/4", etc.
Web Stiffener Weld Text ( flange_stiff_web_weld_text ) == "string" .
The following attributes apply to Web Stiffeners :
Add Web Stiffeners ( add_web_stiff ) == True or False .
Stiffener Orientation ( web_stiff_orientation ) == Bottom or Top or Both .
Number of Web Stiffeners ( num_web_stiff ) > or < integer .
One possible issue: The " Add Web Stiffeners " option on a base or cap stiffeners plate custom component is set to ' False ', but it has stored a value -- "2," for instance -- matching the number of web stiffeners that you want to select for. To avoid a misleading match, it may be helpful to remove the components that lack web stiffeners from your selection.
# Selects all stiffener custom components with two web stiffeners.
c.description == "Base or Cap Plate Stiffeners"
c.add_web_stiff != False
c.num_web_stiff == 2
Full Width Stiffener ( full_width_web_stiff ) == True or False .
Offset ( web_stiff_offset ) > or < dimension .
Height ( web_stiff_height ) > or < dimension .
Calculate Width Automatically ( web_stiff_auto_width ) == True or False .
Width ( web_stiff_width ) > or < dimension .
Calculate Thickness Automatically ( web_stiff_auto_thickness ) == True or False .
Thickness ( web_stiff_thickness ) > or < dimension .
Add weld to plate ( web_stiff_plate_weld ) == True or False .
Plate Weld Type ( web_stiff_plate_weld_type ) == Fillet or Square Groove or Bevel groove .
Plate Weld Size ( web_stiff_plate_weld_size ) == "string" . This describes a dimension, but its value is a string. Examples: "1/8", "3/16", "1/4", etc.
Plate Weld Text ( web_stiff_plate_weld_text ) == "string" .
Add weld to column ( web_stiff_col_weld ) == True or False .
Column Weld Type ( web_stiff_col_weld_type ) == Fillet or Square Groove or Bevel groove .
Column Weld Size ( web_stiff_col_weld_size ) == "string" . This describes a dimension, but its value is a string. Examples: "1/8", "3/16", "1/4", etc.
Column Weld Text ( web_stiff_col_weld_text ) == "string" .
Other options :
Material grade ( baseplate_stiffener_grade ) == "string" . This is the grade of steel for the stiffeners. This is also the " Steel grade " of the rectangular plate material that each stiffener is made of.
------ E-Z Beam Releases ------
Hole locate option ( hole_option ) == Based on center of gravity or 2 hole sets based on offset dimension from C.O.G. or 1 hole sets based on offset dimension from C.O.G.
# Selects all E-Z Beam Release custom components whose "Hole locate option" is '1
hole sets based on offset dimension from C.O.G. '
c.description == "E-Z Beam Release"
c.hole_option.startswith("1 hole")
Hole pattern rotation ( hole_rot ) > or < integer .
Offset dimension ( hole_offset ) > or < dimension .
Hole offset direction ( hole_direction ) == Left or Right .
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------ Beam Ridge Plate ------
Roof slope ( roof_slope ) > or < angle .
Note that a selection using the roof_slope attribute selects for angles in radians. But the " Roof slope " angle is entered and displayed in degrees. As a result, if you want find plates with a slope of a certain angle, you must first convert the degrees entered in the member edit screen to radians. Rather than doing that calculation manually, you can enter the following into the Imports and Initialization Code field.
import math # Selects all Beam Ridge Plate custom components whose roof slope is 22.5 degrees. c.description == "Beam Ridge Plate" and c.roof_slope <= math.radians(22.5)
Bent plate thickness ( bp_thick ) > or < dimension .
Maximum bent plate length ( max_length ) > or < dimension .
Add weld to plate ( add_pl_weld ) == Yes or No .
Weld type ( weld_type ) == 0 (' Fillet ') or 1 (' Square groove ).
Weld type ( weld_size ) > or < dimension .
Butt weld ends of ridge plates ( butt_weld_ends ) == True or False .
Ridge plate width option ( ridge_width_option ) == 0 (' Match bf ') or 1 (' Match toes ').
Auto bent plate leg width ( auto_bp_leg ) == True or False .
Bent plate leg width ( bp_leg ) > or < integer .
The value for the "Bent plate leg width" is usually a floating point number and not an integer, so it is useful to select for a range of values:
# Selects all Beam Ridge Plate custom components whose leg widths are 3.51777[...] units.
c.description == "Beam Ridge Plate"
c.bp_leg <= 4
c.bp_leg >= 3
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# Selects all thickened slabs made with template 3S1 by using the 'startswith' method.
c.description.startswith("Thickened slab")
c.template_name == "3S1"
Template ( template_name ) == "string" .
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------ Surface Specific Cover ------
# Selects all covers made of type "Heavy Cover" by using the 'startswith' method.
c.description.startswith("Surface Specific Cover")
c.cover_type == 'Heavy Cover'
Type ( cover_type ) == "string" .
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