A Five-Paragraph Tour of SDS2 Detailing (topic)
SDS2 Detailing consists a 3D modeling program called Modeling , a 2D CAD program called the Drawing Editor and other programs that enhance and support these programs. When you start up the Drawing Editor or Modeling , choices made in User and Site Options determine which toolbars are loaded and whether or not, for instance, scroll bars will be displayed.
Home opens when you first start up SDS2 Detailing. Certain Utility Functions , and Shapes Properties can be accessed from Home , but cannot be accessed from Modeling or the Drawing Editor . Other things you can do only from this menu is " Change Active Job " and start up Modeling .
Modeling is SDS2 Detailing's 3D modeling program. You can launch this program from Home . The 3D model of a structure that you build in Modeling serves as the database from which 2D member details, submaterial details and erection view drawings are automatically generated.
The Drawing Editor is SDS2 Detailing's CAD (computer-aided drawing) program. You can launch this program from Home . This program should be used to review drawings after you have created a 3D model in Modeling and automatically detailed members or submaterials or erection views.
Other parts of SDS2 Detailing can be started from Modeling and the Drawing Editor as well as from Home .