Gusset 2 Point " & "
Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Claw " & "
Weld Conn2 "
A claw angle gusset connection for a web-horizontal wide flange vertical brace to a 2- or 3-point shared gusset is designed per " ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
" ![]() (gusset plate dimensions and location) ![]() |
" ![]() (" Gusset to supporting member " = ' Welded ') ![]() |
" ![]() (angle to gusset connection) ![]() |
" ![]() (angle to brace connection) ![]() |
For 2 point bracing, you probably will need to adjust settings on both of the braces that share the gusset in order to get the results you want.
User Defined Connections: Settings that are locked (
) in the user defined connection file will automatically be locked on the member edit window. You can, if you so choose, manually lock additional settings on the member edit window, and your changes will be retained, through multiple processes, so long as you do not change to a different connection then switch back to the original user defined connection.
Vertical Brace Edit: To change a setting, first set it to locked (
). Related settings that are unlocked (
) may be updated, and the "
Left/Right end limit state " calculations will be updated. Settings that are locked (
) will not be changed by connection design , even if doing so might prevent a connection failure.
user defined | vertical brace edit | top
Connection design locks :
Locks not dimensioned or called out on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ). |
Gusset 2 Point
( web-horizontal wide flange vertical brace, claw angles, to a column )
Shared gusset plate dimensions and location
Plate thickness ( not depicted ): The " Material thickness " of the gusset plate.
Width ( plate width ): The distance (perpendicular to the column's work line ) between the two longest edges of the gusset plate (see example ). If the column is vertical, this distance is horizontal.
Length ( plate length ): The length of the framing edge of the gusset plate (which welds to the flange of the supporting column in the example shown). The framing edge of the gusset plate is parallel with the work line of the supporting column. If the column is vertical, " Plate length " is vertical.
Refy: The positive (+) or negative (-) distance (perpendicular to the supporting column's work line ) from the work point of the vertical brace to the framing edge of the gusset plate (which welds to the column's flange in the example shown). Changing the " Refy " moves the gusset plate perpendicular to the work line of the column (horizontally if the column is vertical), but does not move the holes on the plate.
Left Brace [ member number ] (the lower brace is the left brace if the column is perfectly vertical)
Refx ( refx left ): The positive (+) or negative (-) distance (parallel with the supporting column's work line ) from the work point of the left vertical brace to the corner of the framing edge of the gusset plate that is closest to the left end of the column (see example ). For a shared gusset plate to a perfectly vertical column, this distance is vertical. Changing the " Refx " moves the gusset plate parallel with the work line of the column, but does not move the holes on the plate.
Connection cut width ( cut width ): The distance (perpendicular to the work line of the supporting column) between the two corners of the left connection edge of the shared gusset plate. The left connection edge is the edge that the left vertical brace connects to (see example ). This distance is not the actual length of the connection edge, but the length of that edge as measured parallel with the depth of the column -- horizontally if the column is vertical.
Connection cut length ( cut length ): The distance (parallel with the work line of the supporting column) between the two corners of the left connection edge of the shared gusset plate. The left connection edge is the edge that the left vertical brace connects to (see example ). This distance is not the actual length of the connection edge, but the length of that edge as measured parallel with the framing edge of the gusset plate -- that is, measured parallel with the supporting column.
Right Brace [ member number ] (the upper brace is the right brace if the column is perfectly vertical)
Refx ( refx right ): The positive (+) or negative (-) distance (parallel with the supporting column's work line ) from the work point of the right vertical brace to the corner of the gusset plate's framing edge that is closest to the right end of the column. This works similar to the way that " Refx " works for the left vertical brace.
Connection cut width: see " Connection cut width " for the left brace.
Connection cut length: see " Connection cut length " for the left brace.
user defined | vertical brace edit | top
Weld Conn2
( HSS vertical braces, 2- or 3-point, to a column )
Shop weld, gusset plate to the supporting column
Weld size ( weld ): The weld size for shop welding the gusset plate to the supporting column (see example ). Gussets for 2-point bracing can optionally be shop-bolted to the column with a clip angle ("
NS/FS Clip Conn2 "). 3-point gusset plates must be welded to the column. Regardless of whether it is shop welded or shop bolted, the gusset will be detailed with the column and field bolted to the vertical brace.
To get a weld ("
Weld Conn2 "), select ' Welded ' for " Gusset to supporting member " under "
Connection specifications " on the Vertical Brace Edit window.
To instead get a clip angle ("
NS/FS Clip Conn2 "), select ' Clip Angle ' for " Gusset to supporting member ."
user defined | vertical brace edit | top
Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Claw
( web-horizontal wide flange vertical braces, 2- or 3-point, claw angles, to a column )
Claw angle size and orientation
Section size ( not depicted ): The section size of the four claw angles used to bolt the gusset plate to the wide flange vertical brace. For example, L4x3x5/16. The angle you enter here must exist in the local shape file, or validation will not accept your entry. To enter an angle section size, you can type in the section size that you want, or you can press the "file cabinet" browse button (
) and double-click a section size from the list of available angles in the local shape file .
Long leg to ( not depicted ): Supporting or Supported . ' Supporting ' field bolts the long leg of the angle to the gusset plate. ' Supported ' shop bolts the long leg of the angle to the web of the web-horizontal wide flange vertical brace.
Length: The distance (parallel with the work line of the vertical brace) between the edge of the angle that is closest to the work point for this end of the vertical brace and the edge of the angle that is closest to the work point for the opposite end of the vertical brace (see example ). This distance is the length that you want the selected " Section size " to be cut to. Assuming this field is unlocked (
), changing the number of " Rows " (angle to gusset) or " Rows " (angle to brace) will cause the " Length " of the angle to be automatically recalculated.
Refx: The distance (parallel with the work line of the vertical brace) from the work point for this end of the vertical brace to the nearest edge of any one of the claw angles (see example ). All four of the claw angles are positioned this distance from the brace work point.
Refy ( not depicted ): The distance (perpendicular to the work line of the vertical brace) from the work point for this end of the vertical brace to the heel of any one of the claw angles (see example ). This distance applies to all four of the claw angles.
Gage leg ( not depicted ): The distance (perpendicular to the work line of the vertical brace) from the heel of any one of the claw angles to the center of the column of holes for shop bolting that angle to the web of the vertical brace. This gage applies to all four of the claw angles.
Gage osl: The distance (perpendicular to the work line of the vertical brace) from the heel of any one of the angles to the center of the column of holes for field bolting that angle to the gusset plate -- see example ). This gage will be applied to the outstanding legs of all four of the claw angles.
Angle to gusset connection (field bolted)
Bolt diameter ( not depicted ): You can either type in any diameter (inches or mm), or you can select a bolt diameter from the combo box (
). The diameters that are listed in the combo box come from Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolt Settings > the " Available bolt diameters " list. The bolt diameter entered here, together with the " Hole type " entered below, set the diameter of holes through the gusset plate and the claw angles.
Hole type ( not depicted ): Standard round or Short slot or Oversized or Long slot or User slot #1 or User slot #2 . The hole type selected here, together with the " Bolt diameter " entered above, set the diameter of holes for field bolting the web-horizontal wide flange vertical brace claw angles to the gusset plate.
Rows: The total number of holes in any column of holes for bolting the claw angles to the vertical brace gusset plate. Bolt row spacing on a vertical brace gusset plate runs parallel with the work line of the vertical brace. For the brace shown in the example above, the number of " Rows " is ' 2 '.
Distance to 1st hole along brace ( to 1st hole ): The distance (parallel with the work line of the vertical brace) from the work point for this end of the vertical brace to the center of the nearest hole for field bolting the claw angle to the gusset plate (see example ).
Hole spacing along brace ( sp ): Row spacing. This is the distance (center to center) between of any two adjacent holes in the same column of holes for bolting the claw angles to the vertical brace gusset plate (see example ). Bolt row spacing on a vertical brace gusset plate runs parallel with work line of the web-horizontal wide flange vertical brace.
End connection failure message: Invalid bolt spacing
Edge distance along brace ( edge dist ): The distance from the forward edge of the claw angle to the nearest hole for field bolting the angle to the gusset. This distance is measured along the work line of the vertical brace. The forward edge of the claw angle is the edge that is closest to the column.
Other edge distance along brace ( other ): The distance from the connection edge of the gusset plate to the nearest hole in the gusset. This distance is measured along the work line of the vertical brace.
Angle to brace connection (shop bolted)
Bolt diameter ( not depicted ): You can either type in any diameter (inches or mm), or you can select a bolt diameter from the combo box (
). The diameters that are listed in the combo box come from Home > Project Settings > Job > Bolt Settings > the " Available bolt diameters " list. The bolt diameter entered here, together with the " Hole type " entered below, set the diameter of holes through the wide flange brace's web and the claw angles.
Hole type ( not depicted ): Standard round or Short slot or Oversized or Long slot or User slot #1 or User slot #2 . The hole type selected here, together with the " Bolt diameter " entered above, set the diameter of holes for shop bolting the claw angles to the web of the web-horizontal wide flange vertical brace.
Rows: The total number of holes in any column of holes for bolting the claw angles to the vertical brace. Bolt row spacing on a vertical brace runs parallel with the work line of the vertical brace. For the brace shown in the example above, the number of " Rows " is ' 2 '.
Distance to 1st hole along brace ( to 1st hole ): The distance (parallel with the work line of the vertical brace) from the work point for this end of the vertical brace to the center of the nearest hole for fastening the claw angle to the vertical brace web (see example ).
Hole spacing along brace ( row spacing ): The distance (center to center) between of any two adjacent holes in the same column of holes for bolting the claw angles to the vertical brace gusset plate (see example ). Bolt row spacing on a vertical brace gusset plate runs parallel with work line of the web-horizontal wide flange vertical brace.
End connection failure message: Invalid bolt spacing
Edge distance along brace ( not depicted ): The distance back from the forward edge of the brace main material to the nearest hole in the brace's web for shop bolting the claw angle to the web. The forward edge of the brace is the edge closest to the brace's work point. This dimension is not shown in the example above because the brace's main material is not shown and therefore cannot be dimensioned to.
Other edge distance along brace ( other ed ): The distance from the back edge of the claw angle to the nearest hole for shop bolting the angle to the web of the web-horizontal wide flange vertical brace. The back edge of the claw angle is the edge that is farthest from the work point of the brace; that is, farthest from the column.