Convert Classic Keyboard, Shortcut, and Modes ( Home , for ' Lightning ')
Also see :
- Toolbar configurations (where classic keyboard and menu shortcuts reside)
- Customize Interface (to add keyboard and shortcut menu configurations to roles in a role configuration)
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Step-by-step instructions :
1 . Start the Convert Classic Keyboard, Shortcut, and Modes utility:
1a : Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > General > Convert Classic Keyboard, Shortcut, and Modes . If prompted to do so, enter the " Utility Password " that has been set up for your network.
2 . A selection dialog appears on the screen. This lists the environments that correspond to the Assembly Editor , Manual Erection View Detailing , and Modeling programs. Each environment contains toolbar configuration files from the " Classic " interface.
Alternative 1 : Select the name corresponding to the name of the program whose keyboard and context menu shortcuts and modes you want to convert, then press the " OK " button. Go to step 3.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end the Convert Classic Keyboard, Shortcut, and Modes operation and go back to Utility Functions . Do not continue.
3 . A selection dialog listing the names of all the toolbar configurations from the environment that you chose in step 2 appears on screen.
Typing dr to " Find " in this example would automatically select MODELING-DRAFTING-2021 since that keyboard shortcuts is the first one with the character sequence dr in its name. |
Alternative 1 : Select one or more toolbar configurations that you want to extract keyboard and context menu shortcuts and modes from, then press the " OK " button. Go to step 4.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end the Convert Classic Keyboard, Shortcut, and Modes operation and go back to Utility Functions . Do not continue.
4 . An ok-cancel dialog opens. It lists the toolbar configurations from which keyboard and context menu shortcuts will be extracted from when you press " OK ."
Alternative 1 : Press the " OK " button to extract keyboard and context menus and modes from the configurations that you selected. Go to step 5.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end the Convert Classic Keyboard, Shortcut, and Modes operation without extracting any of the shortcuts. Do not continue.
5 . A dialog opens to report the number of keyboard and context menu shortcuts and modes that were extracted. This number will be three times the number of configurations listed in step 4, because for each toolbar configuration chosen in step 3, keyboard and context menu and mode configuration files are extracted. The new files are named after the toolbar configuration(s) you chose in step 3. Press " OK " to close this dialog. They are now available for use by roles when you add them using Customize Interface .
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