The CSA10 Phi Factors setup window ( Job Settings )

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To open this window :

1 . On the " Design Settings " window, select ' CSA10 ' as the " Connection design method ."

2 . Press the " CSA10 Phi Factors " button.

3 . The CSA10 Phi Factors window opens.

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----- CSA10 Phi Factors -----

For information on how these resistance factors are used, refer to the CISC Handbook of Steel Construction , Tenth Edition, Section 13.1.

Structural steel ( 13.1 ): Per CISC, the default resistance factor for structural steel is 0.9 .

Reinforcing steel bars ( 13.1 ): Per CISC, the default resistance factor for reinforcing steel bars is 0.85 .

Bolts ( 13.1 ): Per CISC, the default resistance factor for bolts is 0.8 .

Shear connectors ( 13.1 ): Per CISC, the default resistance factor for shear connectors is 0.8 .

Beam web bearing, interior ( 13.1 ): Per CISC, the default resistance factor for beam web bearing, interior is 0.8 .

Beam web bearing, end ( 13.1 ): Per CISC, the default resistance factor for beam web bearing, end is 0.75 .

Bearing of bolts on steel ( 13.1 ): Per CISC, the default resistance factor for bearing of bolts on steel is 0.67 .

Weld metal ( 13.1 ): Per CISC, the default resistance factor for weld metal is 0.67 .

Anchor rods ( 13.1 ): Per CISC, the default resistance factor for anchor rods is 0.67 .

Concrete ( 13.1 ): Per CISC, the default resistance factor for concrete is 0.6 .

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To close CSA10 Phi Factors :

"OK" (or the Enter key) closes the CSA10 Phi Factors window and saves the settings on it to the Job Settings file in your current Job .

Note: If you have made changes to this window after having added members to the 3D model, you should interactively mark for processing (or Process Selected ) all members in your current Job, then Process and Create Solids in order to ensure design consistency throughout the Job.

"Cancel" (or the Esc key) closes this window without saving any changes made to it.

"Reset" undoes all changes made to this window since you first opened it. The window remains open.

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