View Error Logs ( Home & 3D & 2D)
This utility provides a convenient way to view plain text log files that are stored in your current Job .
1 . Make sure that your current Job is the Job that you want to find logs for.
Method 1 : Home > Utility > Utility Functions > General > View Error Logs .
Method 2: If " Modeling layout style " or " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Utility > View Error Logs .
2 . A selection window appears with a listing of the types of items that you can select for finding the restore path for. These items are:
Error / Warning messages
Verify & Fix Diagnostics
Warning List Information2a : Double-click the category that the items for which you want logs falls under.
3 . A selection window opens. On it is a listing of all log files of the type you selected in step 2 that are in the data directory used by your current version of the SDS2 program used to start this utility.
3a : Select the names of the files whose logs you want to view, then press the " OK " button.
4 . The Output Configuration window will appear. You can choose to output the logs to the screen, or create a file and change the name and directory it will be saved to.
5 . The data file will be created and placed in the directory that you designated (or output to your screen if you have so designated).
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