Add Tie Zone ( Modeling )
Tool summary :
Ties for these members are defined by the " Tie definition " in the members' templates, but they are not modeled until you add tie zones. This gives you control over the placement and spacing of the ties. Multiple tie zones can be added to the same member.
Red-colored highlighting identifies an entry that is invalid. You need to add an entry to that field, or you will not be able to close this window using " OK ."
To begin adding the custom component , you can click the Add Tie Zone icon, or you can Add Component . The icon can be found in the command group ' Model--Component ' for Toolbar Configuration (classic) or Ribbon Editor (lightning).
See, on this help page, to add a tie zone and to delete or edit the custom component .
Also see :
- Modeling (where custom components can be added)
- Custom components (topic)
- Copy Component (to copy the component to another concrete beam, column, or pilaster)
- Move Component (to move the component to another concrete beam, column, or pilaster)
- Explode Component (to reduce the component to its constituent materials and welds)
- Component Selection Tool (to search for custom components of a selected type)
- Model Tree (to find custom components and select them for deletion, editing, etc.)
concrete | add component | model > component > | top
To add a Tie Zone custom component :
A Tie Zone custom component can be added to concrete columns , concrete beams , and pilasters . Multiple tie zones can be added to the same member. A tie zone becomes a component of the member to which it was added.
1 (optional) . In Modeling , select a concrete beam, column or pilaster.
2 . Add Component and choose " Tie Zone " as the custom component you want to add. If you skipped step 1, you will be prompted to select, in the model, a concrete beam, column or pilaster. Only concrete slabs will be selectable.
3 . Locate a reference point for the tie zone.
4 . The Tie Zone Edit window opens.
4a : Be sure to set the " Start " and " End " of the tie zone. The left end of the member is the start of the zone when " Start " is set to 0. The " End " of a tie zone is to the right of the " Start " on a concrete beam. The " End " of a tie zone is above the " Start " on a concrete column. The " Spacing type " can be ' Uniform ' or ' Variable '.
4b : To place ties that have been defined by a " Tie definition " in a concrete column template, select ' From template ' as the " Tie type ."
4c : To define a different tie than that which is defined in the template, or to define a tie when no tie has been defined in the template, select ' Manual ' as the " Tie type ," then make appropriate entries to " Shape template ," " Size ," " Specification ," " Grade " and " Coating ."
4d : Press " OK " to close the Tie Zone Edit window.
5 . If you selected ' Manual ' as the " Tie type ," select dowels as required to wrap the tie around.
6 . If User and Site Options > Modeling > " Automatically process after modeling operation " is set to ' Process and create solids ', the bars will be generated immediately. If not, the bars will be generated in the member the next time the member undergoes Process and Create Solids .
concrete | add component | model > component > | top
To delete or edit the Tie Zone custom component :
To delete a Tie Zone custom component: 1 ) Use the Component Selection Tool and select the component in the member. Or , select the component in the Model Tree . 2 ) Press the Delete key (or choose Edit > Delete ). 3 ) Process and Create Solids , if User and Site Options > Modeling > " Automatically process after modeling operation " is not set to ' Process and create solids ' or, possibly, to ' Use Site Default '.
In the Model Tree , the Tie Zone custom component is listed as Tie Zone @ ( [ x, y, z ] ) when " View By " is set to ' Member piecemark ' or ' Member number '. The Tie Zone component is listed under its member, after that member's connection components ( Left End and Right End ), and before that member's submaterials.
To edit a Tie Zone custom component or review its settings, you can find the member it is added to and open its edit window. The component's settings will be contained in that window in a section named [ Tie Zone ] . To edit a Tie Zone custom component without opening a member edit window, use the Model Tree . You also can use the Selection Filter toolbar item to select the ' Custom Components ' filter and double-click any tie in the tie zone to edit the tie zone. The Component Selection Tool can also be used to edit (and find) custom components.
concrete | add component | model > component > | top
Tie Zone custom component settings :
General settings ------
A Tie Zone component is automatically set to "
Graphical " whenever you make graphical changes to any of its ties, for example, when you Edit Material . This stops the component from being changed during Process and Create Solids . Click here for more information.
Instead of allowing the component to be made "
Graphical ," you may wish to Explode Component .
Start: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) of start of the tie zone from the left end of the member. If " Exclude first tie " is unchecked, the first tie will be placed at this distance from the end.
Note: If this distance is ' 0 ' and " Exclude first tie " is unchecked, the tie will have no cover at the end of the member.
If this box is checked (
), the first tie is not modeled. This is useful, for example, if you are adding another tie zone at the end of another tie zone. By excluding this tie, you will prevent two ties from being modeled in the same location.
If this box is not checked (
), a tie is modeled at the " Start " of the tie zone.
End: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) of end of the tie zone from the left end of the member. If " Exclude last tie " is unchecked, the last tie will be placed at this distance from the end.
If this box is checked (
), the last tie is not modeled. This is useful, for example, if you will add another tie zone at the end of this tie zone. By excluding this tie, you will prevent two ties from being modeled in the same location.
If this box is not checked (
), a tie is modeled at the " End " of the tie zone.
Spacing type: Uniform or Variable .
Uniform ' tells the system to use the on center " Spacing " you enter for all the ties.
Variable ' tells the system to use the on center " Spacing " you enter to model the first two ties, then it decreases (or increases) the spacing for each tie so that the last two ties have the " End spacing " that you enter.
Spacing: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) on center by which all the ties are spaced when the " Spacing type " is ' Uniform ', and by which the first two ties are spaced when the " Spacing type " is ' Variable '.
End spacing: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) by which the last two ties are spaced. This option applies only when the when the " Spacing type " is ' Variable '.
Tie type: Manual or From template .
' Manual ' allows you to browse for a rebar shape for the ties when you click the " Select " button next to the " Shape template " field. When you " Select " a rebar shape template, you will be prompted to select dowels (i.e., continuous bars) around which each tie will wrap. Note: If the concrete member template lacks continuous bars, you will be unable to add a tie zone manually.
' From template ' selects the tie definition (if any) that was added when the concrete member template was created. For example, when a column template is created, you can " Add " a ' Tie ' in the " Column Template Editor " window. Note: If the concrete member template lacks a tie definition, no ties will be modeled when this option is checked.
The following options apply when the "Tie type" is set to ' Manual ' . They are disabled ( grayed out ) when Tie Type is set to ' From template ' .
Shape template: The template entered in the Standard Rebar Bends window that you choose when you click the " Select " button next to this field.
Note: This option must have an entry when the " Tie type " is ' Manual ', or you will not be able to close the Tie Zone Edit window using " OK ."
Force dowel selection for rebar shape fit: or
. This option applies when the " Tie type " is ' Manual '.
If this box is checked (
), you will be prompted to select dowels (i.e., continuous bars) that you want the tie to constrain after you press " OK ", even if you haven't changed the entry to the " Shape template " field.
If this box is not checked (
), you will not be prompted to select dowels (i.e., continuous bars) unless you have changed the entry to the " Shape template " field. When you haven't changed the entry, the dowels that you previously selected when you chose the shape template will be used.
Size: A size designation that has been entered to the Rebar Definitions Setup window under the " Active rebar standard ".
Specification: A615 or A706 or etc. This is an ASTM specification entered into the Rebar Specifications window.
Grade: 60 or 40 or etc. This is the yield strength (grade) of the rebar.
The grade choices in this list box are limited to those entered in the Rebar Specification window for the " Specification " chosen for this rebar.
Coating: None or a Coating designation that is available in the " Standard " that you have selected.
The coating choices in this list box are limited to those entered in the Rebar Specification window for the " Specification " chosen for this rebar shape.
Select ' None ' if you do not want a coating. Since it is possible to create specifications that do not have coatings, it is possible that ' None ' may be your only option.
User configuration: If a coating is not available for selection, selecting a different " Specification " will make that coating available if the coating you want is in that other standard. If you don't want to change to a different " Specification ," you can open the Rebar Specifications window and add the coating you want to the specification that you have currently have selected.
Schedule group: Any non-negative integer with less than ten digits. Your choice of schedule group is not limited by any configuration option. The group applies to this member only -- see special case below.
Reason to assign a schedule group: The output of the Rebar List Report , Rebar in Member Report , and Bend Schedule custom reports can be limited to particular schedule groups. As a result, you can assign rebar shape material to different schedules, and create separate reports for rebar from each schedule.
A special case: You change the schedule group on one of the rebar shapes. If you press " Yes " when prompted " Do you want regenerate... ," the changed schedule group is applied to ALL rebar matching the options checked in the Change All Options window.
User configuration: You can open the Report Manager window or the Table Edit window to copy, create, or edit rebar custom reports. " Edit " the report to add a comma-delimited list of schedule groups that the custom report will select.