Step 10a: Placing details onto Detail Sheets
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Purpose of detail sheets :
- Detail sheets are used to place member details on. Member details are typically placed onto detail sheets before they are printed. You can, however, print a detail directly -- even before it has been placed onto a sheet -- by using File > Print .
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Naming a detail sheet :
- If you are going to use Auto Change Marks to rename piecemarks in such a way that you can easily reference which sheet a piecemark is on, you should include an unique number in each sheet name. For example, the names DS_1 , DS_2 and DS_3 identify the sheet type and have unique numbers incorporated in them. See step 3 of creating a detail sheet.
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The fastest way of creating a detail sheet :
- The fastest way to create a detail sheet is to choose Objects > Sheet Items > Detail Sheet Autoloading in the Drawing Editor .
- Not only does autoloading create the detail sheet, it also automatically places details onto the sheet, and it can also be configured to automatically change the piecemarks of those details.
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Another fast way of creating a detail sheet :
- If you are accessing a detail sheet onto which you have already placed details, you can use File > Save Reuse to exit and save your current sheet and create a new detail sheet based on it.
- Please note that member details are not copied to the new detail sheet file you create in this manner.
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Creating a detail sheet using "New ..." :
1 . Begin this operation in any type of Drawing Editor drawing.
1a : Choose File > Open.
2 . A drawing selection dialog opens.
2a : On the lower, right part of this selection dialog, select the radio button for '
Detail sheets '.
2b : Press the " New ... " button.
3 . The Drawing Name window opens.
3a : To " Drawing name ," type in the name (up to 61 characters) you want to give the detail sheet. See naming a detail sheet .
3b : Press the " OK " button at the bottom of the window.
4 . A selection dialog opens. On it is a listing of all sheet outlines in your current Job .
4a : Double-click the listing of a particular sheet outline to select that sheet outline.
Note: If you want a bill of material on the sheet, the sheet outline you choose needs to have a bill of material on it. It is important to choose a sheet outline that has a bill with the appropriate number of lines.
5 . Your new detail sheet appears on screen.
5a ( optional ): At this point you can use Sheet Item Add to place details on your sheet or make other modifications to the sheet.
5b : Choose File > Save (or choose File > Open and save your changes) to cause the detail sheet to be written to disk.
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Manually placing details on sheets :
- Manual placement of details on sheets is done in the Drawing Editor using Objects > Sheet Items > Add .
- Tip: Before manually placing member details onto sheets, you may wish to run a Sheet Loading Report in order to sort member details by categories that you can configure using the Fabricator option " Sheet Loading Settings ." The report will serve as a guide for grouping similar details together on the same sheet.
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How Detail Members compiles bill data :
- Bill data from member details is complied into the bill of material in the order in which details are placed (using Sheet Item Add ) onto the sheet.
- You can use Edit Bill to enter additional bill data to the sheet, if you so choose. Data added in this way is placed at the top of the bill of material on the sheet.
- You can change which member bill data is listed first, second, etc. in a bill of material by using Objects > Sheet Items > Sheet Bill Reorder .
- If more lines exist in the compiled bill of material than the allocated " Maximum number of rows " , then the extra lines are printed below the bill.
- Bill data for one member is separated from the bill data for the next member in the bill of material by the " Maximum spacing between items ". If there isn't enough room, the bill data is separated by as few as two rows.
- If more than one bill of material exists on a sheet, the bill of material information compiles into Bill 1 first, then Bill 2, etc.
- The " Bill items character height ," " Bill items width/height ratio ," and other characteristics of the text used for data that is compiled into the bill of material is set up in Drawing Presentation .
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Keeping track of detail placement :
- Modeling and the Drawing Editor communicate with one another to automatically to track which member details have been placed onto sheets. You can use Model > Status Display > Detailing and processing > On sheet to color code members in Modeling whose details have been placed on sheets.
- While viewing a detail sheet in the Drawing Editor , you can identify what details you have placed on that sheet by their piecemarks or their appearance.
- Member details must be placed onto detail sheets before they can be printed. To output a report that tells you which members have been placed onto which sheets and which have not yet been placed, choose Reports > Sheet List, Select by Detail .
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After placing details onto detail sheets :
- File > Change Marks can be used in the Drawing Editor to change the piecemarks of members whose details have been placed on sheets.
- Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Rename Job Items can also be used to change the piecemarks of members and their details.
- If you change marks in either of these ways, the piecemark's name is changed globally throughout your current Job (in both Modeling and the Drawing Editor ). The new piecemark will be used for all references to that member in subsequently generated reports as well as in currently generated member details and currently generated erection view details.
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Please also note :
- You can change the names of system piecemarks or user piecemarks automatically as details are loaded using Detail Sheet Autoloading .
- You can place a detail on more than one sheet using Objects > Sheet Items > Add . You can also place the same detail on the same sheet as many times as you like. Submaterials , erection views and job standard details can also be added as sheet items , along with the member detail, to a detail sheet.
- If you interactively alter a member detail -- or any other sheet item -- that has been placed on a sheet, that sheet item is automatically updated on the sheet.
- If you delete the original drawing file that a sheet item which is placed on a sheet is linked to -- for example, using Release Deleted Members to remove a member whose quantity has gone to zero -- that sheet item is removed from the sheet.
- You can delete detail sheets using Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Delete Project Items . Deleting detail sheets does not erase the member details that are placed on the sheets. It does, however, remove the " placed on sheet flag " from any member details that were placed on the detail sheet.
- Sheets are automatically marked for plotting when they are created, when they have been altered or when a detail placed on a sheet has been altered. The print flag is removed when the sheet is plotted.
- Status Display > Detailing and processing > Plotted can be used to color-code members in Modeling that are on sheets which have been printed.
- Detail sheets are marked for plotting whenever the user makes a change to them. They are also marked for plotting when a member detail is automatically removed from the sheet due to its quantity going to zero. Search and Replace in Selected Drawings marks for plotting any sheets that contain sheet items , such as member details, which are affected by the search. This also applies when labels or dimension labels on that sheet are changed directly.
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