The " Save As " button on selection dialogs
Also see :
- The "New..." button (another way to create a new drawing)
- Save As (another way to create a new drawing)
- Automatic detailing (another way to create new drawings)
- Rename (a related button found on selection dialogs)
- Delete (a related button found on selection dialogs)
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Pressing the " Save As " button :
" Save As " creates a copy of the selected member detail or job/global standard detail or sheet outline or reference drawing or symbol or global symbol. and gives it the new name that you type. These instructions apply to the Drawing Editor only. Click here for instructions on using the " Save As " button in Modeling .
1 . The " Save As " button can be found on the drawing selection window for Drawing Editor . Use any one (1) of the following methods to open the drawing selection window:
Method 1 : Launch the Drawing Editor at Home .
Method 2 : If you are already in the Drawing Editor , choose File > Open .
2 . The drawing selection window opens.
2a : Select one of the following drawing types:
Details or
Job standard details or
Global standards or
Reference drawings or
Sheet outlines or
Symbols or
Global symbols .
2b : Select the item you that want to create a copy of. Press the " Save As " button and follow the instructions for the drawing type you selected (" Details " or " Job standard details " or " Global standard details " or " Reference drawings " or " Sheet outlines " or " Symbols " or " Global symbols ").
Note: You cannot create new submaterial details or erection view drawings or sheets using the " Save As " button if you are in the Drawing Editor . You can create new erection views using the " Save As " button in Modeling -- click here .
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" Save As " for different file types :
Member details . After you select a drawing and press the " Save As " button with ' Details ' selected, the Name Required widow opens.
1 . Type in the " Detail name " ( up to 61 characters ) that you want to give the member detail. Then press " OK ."
2 . Assuming that " User created details " is not checked (
) on the Hide Items window, the new drawing that you just created is now listed on the selection dialog. If " User created details " is checked (
), you can use check the box for "
Show all " to have it shown.
Also see: " User created details " (option on the Hide Items window). " Mark for FabTrol export " (option on the Drawing Data window for user-created details).
Job standard details or Global standard details or Reference drawings . After you select a drawing and press the " Save As " button with ' Job standard details ' or '
Global standard details ' or '
Reference drawings ' selected, the Save As widow opens.
1 . In the Save As window, optionally type in a " File description " (up to 61 characters). Leave " Change reference point " not checked (
). If you want to later change the reference point, you can open the drawing then File > Verify Reference Point . Press " OK ."
Name Required
2 . The Name Required window opens. Enter the " Name " (" Job standard detail name " or " Global standard detail name " or " Reference drawing name ").
3 . The new drawing that you just created is listed on the selection dialog.
Also see: File > Verify Reference Point is usually a better way to change a drawing's reference point than checking the box for " Change reference point ." The " File description " that you may have entered above is reported as the " File description " on the Drawing Data window.
Sheet outlines . After you select a drawing and press the " Save As " button with ' Sheet outlines ' selected, the Name Required widow opens.
1 . Type in the sheet outline name (up to 61 characters), then press " OK ."
2 . The new drawing that you just created is listed on the selection dialog.
Symbols or Global symbols . After you select a drawing and press the " Save As " button with ' Symbols ' selected, the Name required widow opens.
1 . Type in the " Name " (" Symbol name " or " Global symbol name ") that you want to give the symbol. Press " OK ."
2 . The new symbol or global symbol that you just created is listed on the selection dialog.
A symbol is stored in your current Job . It is a job symbol.
A global symbol is stored in the data directory for your current version of this program. You cannot add a global symbol to a drawing. You need to first use the Global Symbols: Copy to Job utility to copy that global symbol, then you can you can add the job symbol.
Erection views (in Modeling ) :
1 . On the Select one erection view dialog, select the erection view that you want to duplicate. Then press the " Save As " button to open the Save As dialog.
The " Save As " button is available on the Select one erection view dialog that opens when you " Launch Modeling " at HOme . You'll also find the " Save As " button on the selection dialog that opens for Open ( Ctrl + o ) in Modeling . |
2 . On the Save as dialog, type the " File description " that you want to give the new erection view that you are creating.
Save As
File description:
3 . The new erection view you just created is now listed on the Select one erection view dialog. It is an exact duplicate of the view that was selected previous to your pressing the " Save As " button.