" Web Channel " & " Upper Web Fill Plate " connection design locks

Channel web splices for columns are designed per " Web Channel " locks to shop bolt or shop weld to the lower column and field bolt to the upper. Shop attachment can be to the ' Near side ' or ' Far side ' or ' Both ' sides of the lower column web. For channels on both sides, the same locks control both channels. An upper fill plate may be designed per " Upper Web Fill Plate " locks when the upper column web thickness is less than the lower.

(W column end, channel web splice, to a W column end)
(" Section size " for both columns = W or welded plate W or other material with flanges)
(" Input connection type " = ' Splice plate ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ')
(" Column attachment " = ' Welded ')
(' Channel web connection ')
(" Channel lower connection " = ' Bolted ' or ' Welded ')
(" Channel connection side " = ' Near side ' or ' Far side ' or ' Both ')
" Web Channel "
(" Channel lower connection " = ' Bolted ')

" Web Channel "
(" Channel lower connection " = ' Welded ')

" Upper Web Fill Plate "

An upper fill plate may be generated in the model if the web of the upper column is thinner than the web of the lower column. If the two columns have equally thick webs, an " Upper Web Fill Plate " leaf will still be provided, but the connection design locks within that leaf will be set to zero (' 0 '). Enter a " Fill thickness " greater than ' 0 ' if you want an upper fill plate of that thickness to be generated.

Related locks :
Outer Flange Plate
Web Plate

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Connection design locks :

Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ). The settings under the " Bolts On the Lower Column " heading apply when the " Channel lower connection " is ' Bolted ' to the web of the lower column.

  Web Channel
(for field welded column splices)

Web channel

Channel length upper ( length upper ):

Channel length lower ( length lower ):

Channel material ( not depicted ):

Field bolts on the upper column

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

Hole type ( not depicted ):

Rows ( rows upper ):

Vertical to holes ( vert to upper ):

Vertical spacing ( row spc upper ):

Columns ( columns upper ):

Horizontal spacing ( col sp ):

Horizontal gage ( gage upper ):

Welds on the lower column (applies when the " Channel lower connection " is ' Welded ' )

Weld size ( weld ):

Shop bolts on the lower column (applies when the " Channel lower connection " is ' Bolted ' )

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

Hole type ( not depicted ):

Rows ( rows lower ):

Vertical to holes ( vert to lower ):

Vertical spacing ( row spc lower ):

Columns ( columns lower ):

Horizontal spacing ( col spc ):

Horizontal gage ( lower gage ):

user defined | column review | top

  Upper Web Fill Plate
(column splice connection)

Upper web fill plate

Fill thickness ( not depicted ):

Fill gap ( gap ):

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