" Welded Tee " connection design locks

A built-up welded tee for beam-to-beam clip angles, end plates and bent plates is designed per " Welded Tee " locks.

(beam to a beam)
(" Input connection type " = ' End plate ' or ' Clip angle' or ' Bent plate ' or etc.)
(" Welded extended tee " (clip angle))
(or " Welded extended tee " (end plate))
(or " Welded extended tee " (bent plate))
(The tee for a clip angle can be a " Full depth extended tee " or not.)
(The tee for an end plate can be a " Full depth extended tee " or not.)
(The tee for a bent plate can be a " Full depth extended tee " or not.)
" Welded Tee "
(a full-depth tee is shown in this example)

Shown at left is a full-depth welded tee. The welded tee will, instead, be designed to the depth of the clip angle, bent plate or end plate connection if the user specifies that a " Full depth extended tee " not be designed for that connection.
Related locks : NS Clip / FS Clip
Bent Plate
End Plate

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Connection design locks :

Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).

  Welded Tee
( for clip angles, bent plates or end plates in beam-to-beam framing situations )

Hole type ( not depicted ):

Tee length ( length ):

Tee flange width ( flange width ):

Tee flange thickness ( flange thickness ):

Tee flange refx ( not depicted ):

Tee web thickness ( web thickness ):

Stem to flange weld:

Stem to web weld:

End plate to flange weld ( not depicted ):

End plate to stem weld:

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