" Gusset Intersection " & " Brace Connection To Gusset " connection design locks

W tee horizontal brace flanges field bolt directly to an intersection plate per " Brace Connection To Gusset " locks. The intersection plate is designed per " Gusset Intersection " locks. An erection bolt is provided for shop attaching the intersection plate to the supporting center brace. The intersection plate's " Length " runs parallel with the two supported W tee horizontal braces.

" Gusset Intersection "
" Brace Connection To Gusset "

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Connection design locks :

Locks not on the drawings are marked ( not depicted ).

  Gusset Intersection
(W Tee Horizontal Braces, Intersection Plate)

Thickness ( not depicted ):

Width ( plate width ):

Length ( plate length ):



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  Brace Connection To Gusset
(W Tee Horizontal Braces Field Bolted to an Intersection Plate)

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

Hole type ( not depicted ):


Distance to 1st hole along brace ( to 1 ):

Hole spacing along brace ( rsp ):


Hole spacing perpendicular to brace ( csp ):

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