The Kiss module
Here's an example of a script that outputs to a folder named kiss_export . Note that the second argument for Exportdetails() can take a list of member piecemarks.The function Kiss.Setup() used in the third argument outputs the DSTV files to the currently selected " CNC configuration " since no "configuration_name" is specified inside the () of Kiss.Setup() .
# Sends detail B_1 to the kiss_export folder using the default kiss setup.
import Output
import Kiss
Kiss.Exportdetails(Output.Destination('kiss_export'), ['B_1'], Kiss.Setup())To get help on the Kiss module , you can use the SDS2 Python Prompt and the built-in Python functions dir() and help() :
SDS2 Python Prompt |
>>> import Kiss # import the module
>>> help(ExportFabSuitedetails) # help on ExportFabSuitedetails
>>> help(ExportSheets) # help on ExportSheets
>>> help(ExportFabSuiteSheets) # help on ExportFabSuiteSheets