>>> import SelectionDialog # import the module >>>
>>> help(SelectionDialog) # access help on the module Help on module SelectionDialog:
RunCustomSelectionDialogForManyItems( (str)dialog_title, (list)items [, (list)preselection=[]]) -> tuple :
Launch a selection dialog displaying the values in items.
Return a pair indicating if the user clicked OK and
the selected items.
Example: ok, sel = RunCustomSelectionDialogForManyItems(
'Select many items'
, sorted([2, 1, 0])
, [1, 2])
C++ signature :
boost::python::tuple RunCustomSelectionDialogForManyItems(std::string,boost::python::list [,boost::python::list=[]])
RunCustomSelectionDialogForManyItemsWithDescriptions( (str)dialog_title, (list)key_description_tuples [, (list)preselection=[]]) -> tuple :
Launch a selection dialog displaying the items
in [d for k, d in key_description_tuples].
Return a pair indicating if the user clicked OK and
the selected key/description tuples.
Example: ok, sel = SD.RunCustomSelectionDialogForManyItemsWithDescriptions(
'Select many item descriptions'
, sorted({0:'c', 1:'b', 2:'a'}.items(), key=lambda o: o[1])
, [0, 1])
C++ signature :
boost::python::tuple RunCustomSelectionDialogForManyItemsWithDescriptions(std::string,boost::python::list [,boost::python::list=[]])
RunCustomSelectionDialogForManyItemsWithDescriptions( (str)dialog_title, (dict)description_dictionary [, (list)preselection=[]]) -> tuple :
Launch a selection dialog displaying the values in description_dictionary.
Return a pair indicating if the user clicked OK and
the selected key/description tuples.
Example: ok, sel = SD.RunCustomSelectionDialogForManyItemsWithDescriptions(
'Select many item descriptions'
, {0:'c', 1:'b', 2:'a'}
, [0, 1])
C++ signature :
boost::python::tuple RunCustomSelectionDialogForManyItemsWithDescriptions(std::string,boost::python::dict [,boost::python::list=[]])
RunCustomSelectionDialogForOneItem( (str)dialog_title, (list)items [, (object)preselection=None]) -> tuple :
Launch a selection dialog displaying the values in items.
Return a pair indicating if the user clicked OK and
the selected description if one was selected.
Example: ok, sel = RunCustomSelectionDialogForOneItem(
'Select one item', sorted([2,1,0]), 2)
C++ signature :
boost::python::tuple RunCustomSelectionDialogForOneItem(std::string,boost::python::list [,boost::python::api::object=None])
RunCustomSelectionDialogForOneItemWithDescription( (str)dialog_title, (list)key_description_tuples [, (object)preselection=None]) -> tuple :
Launch a selection dialog displaying the items
in [d for k, d in key_description_tuples].
Return a pair indicating if the user clicked OK and
the selected key/description tuple if one was selected.
Example: ok, sel = RunCustomSelectionDialogForOneItemWithDescription(
'Select one item description'
, sorted({0:'c', 1:'b', 2:'a'}.items(), key=lambda o: o[1])
, 0)
C++ signature :
boost::python::tuple RunCustomSelectionDialogForOneItemWithDescription(std::string,boost::python::list [,boost::python::api::object=None])
RunCustomSelectionDialogForOneItemWithDescription( (str)dialog_title, (dict)description_dictionary [, (object)preselection=None]) -> tuple :
Launch a selection dialog displaying the values in description_dictionary.
Return a pair indicating if the user clicked OK and
the selected key/description tuple if one was selected.
Example: ok, sel = RunCustomSelectionDialogForOneItemWithDescription(
'Select many item descriptions'
, {0:'c', 1:'b', 2:'a'}
, [0, 1])
C++ signature :
boost::python::tuple RunCustomSelectionDialogForOneItemWithDescription(std::string,boost::python::dict [,boost::python::api::object=None])