STRUMIS BIMReview Export > a BSWX file ( Modeling )
Tool summary :
Also see :
YouTube video: STRUMIS BIMREVIEW Export |
- The StruMIS BIMReview Export Setup window (configures the export)
- Drawing Export Configuration (sets the " AutoCAD version " for exported DWG files)
- The Computer Numerically Controlled window (where the NC output type is specified.)
- SDS2 and STRUMIS BIMReview Data Transfer Best Practices
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Step-by-step instructions for exporting a BSWX file :
1a : Confirm that your current Job contains the members and materials or other information that you want to export.
1b : The entire 3D model should have undergone Process and Create Solids , have been thoroughly reviewed , and should be modified where necessary.
2 . Home > Project Settings > Plugin Defaults > Command Plugin Defaults > STRUMIS Export to open the STRUMIS BIMREVIEW Export Setup window. Review the settings on this window to confirm that the export plugin is configured to meet the requirements of the file's recipient.
2a : Verify that the file paths chosen in the " Output file path ," " NC file folder , " " Assembly file folder ," and " Erection file folder " fields exist and are the destinations that you want.
2b (optional) : Check (
) " Launch screen when running tool " in the StruMIS Export Tool Setup window if, when you invoke the StruMIS BIMReview Export tool, you want this window to open so that you can review its settings. When the window opens at that time, pressing " OK " may, instead of saving the settings that you choose, export a BSWX file, prompt you to select members, or open a selection dialog from which you can select members or detail sheets.
2c : Choose " OK " on the window when you are done reviewing export options.
Note: Although the StruMIS Export Tool Setup window opens when you configure the plugin just as it could when you invoke the StruMIS Export tool, pressing " OK " on this window will not export a BSWX file.
3 (optional) : If, in step 2, you checked " Export all available data ( )," or " Attach NC files (
)," open the Computer Numerically Controlled window to confirm that the " CNC type " and its " Setup " options are configured to meet the requirements of the files' recipient.
4 . Invoke StruMIS BIMReview Export using one (1) of the following methods:
Method 1 : Home > Export > MRP > STRUMIS BIMREVIEW .
Method 2 : Click the StruMIS BMReview icon. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Toolbox ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).
Method 3, 4 or 5 : StruMIS BMReview can also be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the ' Lightning ' layout style, configuration of the interface is done using Customize Interface .
5 (a possibillity) : If " Export all available data " is checked ( ), the tool exports 3D solids, drawings, CNC files, and other information about the model without further interaction.
6 (a possibillity) : If " Export all available data " is unchecked ( ) and " All members " is unchecked (
) and the " Member selection method " is ' Members ', do the following:
5a : Select members in the 3D model that contain information that you want to export. Or, if you launched the STRUMIS BIMReview Export tool from Home , select them from the Select Members window that opens.
5b : Press the Enter key or right-click ( Menu ) and choose " OK " on the context menu when you are done selecting the members. Or, if you launched the STRUMIS BIMReview Export tool from Home, press the " OK " button on the member selection dialog.
7 (a possibillity) : If " Export all available data " is unchecked ( ) and " All members " is unchecked (
) and the " Member selection method " is ' Detail sheets ', a selection dialog opens with a list of detail sheets that you can select for inclusion in the BSWX file.
7a : Select the sheets whose member details you want to include. The StruMIS BIMReview Export tool will find and export all members with piecemarks matching the member details to the exported BSWX file.
7b : Choose " OK " on the dialog when you are done selecting the sheets.
8 (a possibillity) : If " Export all available data " is unchecked ( ) and " Include sheets " is unchecked (
) and " All sheets " is unchecked (
), a selection dialog opens with a list of erection sheets that you can select for inclusion in the BSWX file.
8a : Choose " OK " on the dialog when you are done selecting the sheets.
9 . A progress bar appears on screen as the BSWX file and (possibly) the NC and drawing files are written to the destinations set in step 2a.
10 . A warnings windows may also open. It would list warnings that may help you pinpoint potential problems in the output file.
10a (optional) : You should save a copy of these warnings. To do this, you can press the " Save " button and output the warnings as a file with, for example, a .txt extension. Or you can press the " Print " button to output a copy of these warnings to your default printer. Press the " Copy All " button if you want to paste the warnings to another application such as WordPad.
10b : Press the " OK " button at the bottom of the warnings window.
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