The Standard Shear Plates window ( Fabricator Settings )
Also see :
- Advanced Shear Plate Standard Piecemark Options (opens with " More... " on this window)
- Standard piecemarks (topic)
- Connection design (automatically uses standard piecemarks where appropriate)
- Setup for shear connections (index)
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To open Standard Shear Plates :
Your current Fabricator needs to be the Master Fabricator before you can open this window window using the following methods.
Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Piecemarking > Standard Shear Plates .
Password protection: If a password has been set using the Change Setup Password utility, you can open this window only if you first enter that exact password.
If your current Fabricator is not the Master Fabricator , connection design will continue to reference the version of this window that appears in the Master Fabricator and, when it creates a shear plate that exactly matches an shear plate defined on the window, SDS2 piecemarking assigns the " Piecemark " that is entered for that shear plate. This ensures that all shear plates with standard piecemarks come from a single setup source, regardless of your current Fabricator.
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Making entries to Standard Shear Plates :
To add a new plate description, click in the first available cell under the " Piecemark " column so that a cursor appears. Type in the piecemark you want assigned for this shear plate, then press Tab . Make appropriate entries for each column until you come to the end of the line. At this point you have added a new shear plate description.
To erase an entry, double-click to highlight the previous entry, then press the Backspace key. Deleting a " Piecemark " entry will erase the entire line when you press " OK ."
To edit an entry, double-click to select the previous entry, press the Backspace key, then type in your new entry.
Ways to move from cell to cell:
Tab moves the cursor forward one cell.
Shift+Tab moves you back one cell on the table.
up arrow key moves you up one cell on the table.
down arrow moves you down one cell on the table.
For more information, see text entry widgets .
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Columns on Standard Shear Plates :
Tip: Press " More... " if you want a standard shear plate with two columns of holes. |
Piecemark: The standard submaterial mark ( standard piecemark up to 61 characters) that you want piecemarking to assign to all duplicates of this particular plate.
Ways to add std. shear plate marks in Modeling : |
Let connection design assign the mark -- click here . |
Add Miscellaneous Member , choose existing material . |
Add Material , choose existing material . |
A ' standard submaterial mark ' entered here must be unique. If the submaterial piecemark you enter here has already been assigned to a material, when you try to go to a different cell validation opens the warning message, " Piecemark already assigned. " You must then change your entry to an unique submaterial piecemark not currently assigned before you will be allowed to move on to another cell.
A special case: If you have chosen to "
Break submaterial marks apart by sequence " or "
Break submaterial marks apart by zone ," different submaterial marks may be assigned to this plate, depending on the sequence or zone it is in. The assigned submaterial marks will be variants on the name of the standard piecemark. For example, if the " Piecemark " entered here is sp1 , the assigned submaterial mark might be sp1_1 for sequence 1, sp1_2 for sequence 2, and so on.
To delete a line: Deleting the " Piecemark " causes its entire line to be erased when you press " OK ."
Tip: You can select an shear plate's standard piecemark when you add an existing material , even if the shear plate with the standard piecemark has not yet been placed in the 3D model.
Thickness: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between the two faces of the plate that have the largest surface area.
Setup: The Schedule of Minimums for Single-Plate Shear Connections sets the minimum thickness for single-plate shear connections. If connection design is set up to " Use the miscellaneous plates list " when designing shear plates, the entry you make here (on this window) should be a thickness that is in the Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > Plates > the " Shear Plates " section > " Plate Thicknesses ."
Width: read-only . The width of the shear plate is calculated from the " a " and " Leh " distances. If applicable, the " Column spacing " and " No of columns " from Advanced Shear Plate Standard Piecemark Options also affects the " Width " reported here.
Length: read-only . The length of the shear plate is calculated from the " Vertical Edge Distance ," " Row Spacing " and " No. of Rows ."
No. of Rows: The count ( 1 or 2 or 3 ...) of rows of holes in the shear plate.
![]() |
Number of rows = 3 |
Tip: For a shear plate with one hole column, the number of rows equals the total number of holes. For a shear plate with two hole columns, the number of rows equals half the total number of holes. Press the " More " button to enter a second hole column.
Vertical Edge Distance: The vertical distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the top or bottom edge of the shear plate to the center of the nearest hole.
![]() |
Lv = vertical edge distance. |
Setup: The " Vertical edge distance " on the Shear Plate Settings window sets the minimum vertical edge distance that connection design applies to single-plate shear connections.
Row Spacing: The vertical distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between the centers of any two adjacent holes that are in the same hole column.
![]() |
s = row spacing. |
Setup: " Bolt spacings " in Connection Detailing/Fabricator Options sets the row spacing that connection design uses for a particular bolt diameter (" NM bolt diameter ") when designing shear connections.
a: The horizontal distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the welded edge of the plate to the center line of the nearest column of holes.
![]() |
a = welded edge to holes. |
Setup: If " Keep shear plate symmetrical " is checked, this distance is the same as " Leh ."
Leh: The horizontal distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) from the edge of the plate that is interior to the supported beam to the center line of the nearest column of holes.
![]() |
Leh = horizontal edge distance. |
Setup: The " Horizontal edge distance " on the Shear Plate Settings window sets the minimum horizontal edge distance that connection design applies to single-plate shear connections. If " Keep shear plate symmetrical " is checked, this distance is the same as " a ."
Hole Diameter: The diameter of holes (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) that are in the shear plate.
From TABLE J3.3, AISC Thirteenth Edition , p16.1-105 | ||||
Diameter |
Standard (Dia.) |
Oversized (Dia.) |
(Width) |
(Width) |
1/2 | 9/16 | 5/8 | 9/16 | 9/16 |
5/8 | 11/16 | 13/16 | 11/16 | 11/16 |
3/4 | 13/16 | 15/16 | 13/16 | 13/16 |
7/8 | 15/16 | 1 1/16 | 15/16 | 15/16 |
1 | 1 1/16 | 1 1/4 | 1 1/16 | 1 1/16 |
1 1/8 or > | d + 1/16 | d + 5/16 | d + 1/16 | d + 1/16 |
From TABLE J3.3M, AISC Thirteenth Edition , p16.1-105 | ||||
Diameter |
Standard (mm) |
Oversized (mm) |
(mm) |
(mm) |
M16 | 18 | 20 | 18 | 18 |
M20 | 22 | 24 | 22 | 22 |
M22 | 24 | 28 | 24 | 24 |
M24 | 27 | 30 | 27 | 27 |
M27 | 30 | 35 | 30 | 30 |
M30 | 33 | 38 | 33 | 33 |
M36 or > | d + 3 | d + 8 | d + 3 | d + 3 |
Setup: Connection design sets the hole diameters (width for slots) based on the hole type and the bolt diameter (see the above tables). It uses the " Standard hole type " on the Shear Plates Setup window. For single-plate shear connections that are not auto standard, it uses the " NM bolt diameter " on the Beam Edit window. For auto standard single-plate shear connections, it uses the " NM bolt diameter " on the Auto Standard Connections window. A diameter other than the " NM bolt diameter " may be used if connection design increments the bolt diameter in order to create a shear plate that stands up to the applied load.
Hole Type: Standard round or Short slot or Long slot or Oversized round .
Setup: Connection design uses the " Standard hole type " on the Shear Plates Setup window for holes in single-plate shear connections.
Slot rotation: A positive or negative number of degrees (from 90 to -90 ). This applies when the " Hole type " is ' Long slot ' or ' Short slot '. Slot rotations can be modeled to a precision of 0.1 degree.
Slot length: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between the two points farthest from one another on the perimeter of a slot. This applies when the " Hole type " is ' Long slot ' or ' Short slot '.
slot length |
![]() |
Bolt diameter: The diameter (inches or mm) of the shank of the bolt to be used for connecting the shear plate to the supporting member.
diameter |
![]() |
Type of Plate: Plate or Flat Bar .
Select ' Plate ' if no listing on the Preferred Flat Bar Sizes window matches the " Thickness " and " Width " that is entered for this line on this window.
Select ' Flat Bar ' if the Preferred Flat Bar Sizes window does have a listing that matches the " Thickness " and " Width " that is entered for this line on this window.
Setup: Connection design uses plate material for single-plate shear connections unless there is a suitable flat bar listed on the Preferred Flat Bar Sizes window.
Material Grade: Any steel grade from Home > Project Settings > Job > Plate Grades .
Setup: The grade that you select here should be the Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Standard Fabricator Connections > Plates > the " Shear Plates " tab > " Plate material grade ." The grade under that tab is used when the " Shear plate grade " for the connection is set to "
Auto ."

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To close Standard Shear Plates :
"OK" (or the Enter key) closes the Standard Shear Plates window and saves the settings on it to the Master Fabricator for your current Job .
Note 1: If, on this window, you changed a shear plate description for which a " Piecemark " was assigned to one or more plates in your current Job, then validation will inform you that there is a piecemarking conflict and will give you options for changing the marks on plates generated using the old plate description (before it was revised). Click here for more information.
Note 2: If the " Piecemark " is left blank in a particular line, that line will be gone when you open this window again.
"Cancel" (or the Esc key or the button) closes this window without saving any changes made to it.
"Reset" undoes all changes made to this window since you first opened it. The window remains open.
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