The ABM Report window
" ABM Qualifiers " and " Report Layout " and " Review ABM " and " View ABM Criteria " open read-only windows.
When a file is selected for " ABM Name ," the " Current ABM Revision " ( read-only ) tells you the most recent revision of that ABM.
If no ABM has been created in a full-featured SDS2 program , then no file can be selected for " ABM Name " and this window is almost entirely read-only.
To open this window:
Method 1 : Click the ABM Report icon, which is pictured above. If the " Modeling layout style " or " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', the icon can be found in the group called ' Reports '.
Method 2 : In Modeling ( classic ) or the Drawing Editor ( classic ) , choose Reports > Advanced Bill of Material or click the icon or use a keyboard shortcut.
Method 3 : Home > Reports > System Reports > " Advanced Bill of Material ."
Also see :
- Show ABM reference on balloon descriptions ( User and Site Options > Modeling > )
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" ABM Qualifiers " is a button that opens the ABM Qualifiers setup window. That window window is read-only in Site Planning. Settings applied to the ABM Qualifiers window are for your current Fabricator . Changing to a different Fabricator changes to a different ABM Qualifiers window that may have different settings. In a full-featured SDS2 program, the ABM Qualifiers window is set up prior to adding members and materials to the model.
" Report Layout " is a button that opens the ABM Report Layout setup window, which sets the columns that appear on reports that are generated when you press " Print ABM Report " or " Print Material Change Notice ."
ABM Name: The file name of your current ABM.
If no ABM file is listed here, then no ABM has been created for your current Job in a full-featured SDS2 program . You cannot select an ABM since one does not exist, and this window is almost entirely read-only.
If no ABM file is listed here, you may be able to change to a different ABM, but only if a different ABM has been created in a full-featured SDS2 program.
Member and material review windows: ABM
Material General Information window: File name
Current ABM Revision: Original or 1 or 2 or etc. may be reported as the most recent revision of " ABM Name ." If you change to a different " ABM Name ," a different " Current ABM Revision " may be reported. " Current ABM Revision " provides read-only information.
' Original ' indicates that " ABM Name " has never been updated. The current ABM is still revision number 0.
' 1 ' indicates that the " ABM Name " has been updated one time. Updating is done by pressing the " Update ABM " button.
' 2 ' indicates that " ABM Name " has been updated two times.
Related buttons on this window: When you " Review ABM " or " ABM Kiss Export ," the data you review or output is the " Current ABM Revision " of the ABM whose " ABM Name " is reported above. When you " Print ABM " and select the revision that is listed here, the current ABM's Advanced Bill of Material Report is output. Doing a " Print Material Change Notice " lets you select two different revisions to compare via an ABM Add/Drop Report .
" Review ABM " is a button that opens the ABM Edit window. That window lets you review the " Current ABM Revision " of the ABM that is the selected " ABM Name ." The current version of an ABM is its most recent version.
" Print ABM Report " is a button that opens the Print ABM Report window. Before pressing this button, confirm that the " ABM Name " is the ABM that you want this report to be based on.
The Print ABM Report window tells you how many revisions have been created for the ABM that is the selected " ABM Name ." You can " Print " a report or " Export xlsx File " that is based on the revision that you select. Click here for more information. |
" Print Material Change Notice " is a button that opens the Print Material Change Notice window. Before pressing this button, confirm that the " ABM Name " is the ABM that you want this report to be based on.
The selections made on this Print ABM Change Notice window would generate an ABM Add/Drop Report that outputs the differences between the " Original " ABM and revision " 2 ." Click here for more information. |
" View ABM Criteria " is a button that operates on the ABM that is selected for " ABM Name ." It opens a read-only version of the ABM Report Criteria window.
" ABM KISS Report " is a button that operates on the ABM that is selected for " ABM Name ." It opens the KISS Export window, which has options for directing the output of a .kss file that, by default, is named after the selected " ABM Name ."
This window directs the output of the to-be-exported .kss file and lets you rename that file and the folder that contains it. Click here for more information. |
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