Brace Connection To Gusset Wide Flange Web Plate " connection design locks
NS and FS web connections for a wide flange vertical brace to a gusset plate in a brace-to-column framing situation are designed per " |
user defined | vertical brace review | top
Connection design locks :
Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ). |
Web plate ( NS or FS ) (or channels )
Plate thickness ( not depicted ):
Web plate to gusset connection (field bolted)
Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):
Distance to 1st hole along brace ( distance to 1st row ):
Hole spacing along brace ( spacing ):
Edge distance along brace ( edge dist ):
Other edge distance along brace ( other edge dist ):
Distance to 1st hole perpendicular to brace ( not depicted ):
Web plate to brace connection (shop bolted)
Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):
Hole type ( not depicted ):
Distance to 1st hole along brace ( distance to 1st row ):
Hole spacing along brace ( sp ):
Edge distance along brace ( ed ):
Other edge distance along brace ( other ed ):
Distance to 1st hole perpendicular to brace ( not depicted ):
Fill plates (on the gusset or brace web, NS and FS)
Location ( not depicted ):
Plate thickness ( not depicted ):
For channel web connections (both NS and FS):
Section size ( not depicted ):
An example of a channel web connection for a wide flange vertical brace to beam & column framing condition.