Rename Project Items ( Utility Functions )
Job Standard Details
Erection Sheets
Erection Views
Sheet Outlines
Global Standards
Reference Drawings
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The Rename Project Items utility can be used to change the names of Fabricators in your current Job .
1 . Start the Rename Project Items utility:
1a : Home > Utilities > Utility Functions . Then, on the Utility Functions menu, click " Rename Project Items ."
2a . Select the the type of item whose name you want to change. 2b . Select one or more files whose names are permitted to be renamed, then press Enter (or the " OK " button) and go to step 3. |
Note: In step 2b, only items that can be renamed will be listed. The step 2b listing included onlly those itemes of the above types that have been created in Site Planning.
' Erection views ' includes more than just 2D erection view drawings that you have created in Site Planning. It also includes curved grid lines , which do not have drawings associated with them, and it includes 3D erection views, which may or may not have drawings associated with them. When you use this utility to rename an erection view, you rename more than just its 3D view in Modeling ; you also rename its 2D drawing and all links to that drawing (sheet items) on, for example, erection sheets.
3 . A Rename Project Items ok-cancel dialog appears for each of the files you selected in step 2b. The " Original name " identifies one of the Fabricators that you selected in step 2. The " New name " is whatever you type in.
Press " OK " ( Alternative 1 ) or " Cancel " ( Alternative 2 ) for each instance of this dialog, until you have renamed (or declined to rename) each item selected in step 2b. |
Alternative 1 : Type in the " New name " (up to 61 characters) that you want, then press Enter (or the " OK " button).
Alternative 2 : If you don't want to change the name of that particular Fabricator, press Esc (or the " Cancel " button) to not change that Fabricator's name.
4 . All references to the Fabricator you renamed in step 3 are changed within your current Job .
Alternative 1 : Repeat this procedure beginning with step 2 to rename additional Fabricators.
Alternative 2 : Press the " Cancel " button on the selection dialog if you are done renaming Fabricators.
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