" Cap Plate " connection design locks

" Cap Plate " locks are available on the Vertical Brace Review window when the " Input connection type " for a column is ' Auto base/cap plate ' and a vertical brace frames to that column and its base or cap plate. The column end with the auto base/cap plate must frame to a beam. The column " Section size " must be a wide flange, S shape or welded plate wide flange. The web of the column must be parallel with the beam. The vertical brace can be any designable section size.

(vertical brace to a beam & W, WPS or S column)
(" Input connection type " = ' Auto base/cap plate ')
" Cap Plate "
(auto base/cap plate controlled by brace)

(shop weld, gusset to column plate)

These locks control a bolt group for an auto base/cap plate on a column with flanges. The locks are not, for example, available for a vertical brace to an HSS column because such a column does not have flanges. The web of the column must be parallel with the beam.

Related locks :
Column Plate (auto base/cap)
Gusset Column Cap Square (L, C, WT)
Gusset Column Cap (stem-vertical WT)
Gusset Column Cap (HSS)

Gusset Column Cap (W, claw angles)
Gusset Column Cap (W, paddle plates)
Gusset Column Cap (W, standard)

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Connection design locks :

Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).

  Cap Plate
( to a column with an auto base plate or auto cap plate )

The column plate must be an auto base/cap plate

Plate length ( pl length ):

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

Hole type ( not depicted ):

Workpoint to 1st hole ( to 1st hole ):

Rows of bolts ( rows ):

Row spacing ( row sp ):

Top row edge ( top ed ):

Bottom row edge ( btm ed ):

Weld (shop weld, gusset plate to column plate)

Weld size ( weld ):

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