ASA Export ( Modeling )
Tool summary :
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Step-by-step instructions for exporting an RDX file :
1a : Confirm that your current Job contains the members and materials or other information that you want to export.
1b : The entire 3D model should have undergone Process and Create Solids , have been thoroughly reviewed , and should be modified where necessary.
Note: If a member in your current Job has not undergone Process & Create Solids , its rebar may not be exported to the RDX file.
2 . While in Modeling , open the ASA Rebar Export window using one (1) of the following methods:
Method 1 : Click the ASA Export icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Model -- Parametric ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).
Method 2, 3 & 4 : ASA Export can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface .
3 . On the ASA Rebar Export window, do the following:
3a : Confirm that the name of the RDX file is the name you want as the " Save Location ." ASA Export will (by default) name the RDX file "test_export.rdx". It is recommended that you use ".rdx" as the file extension.
3b (optional) : If you want to change the output destination, press the " Browse " button to open the Save As window. On that window, you can choose a different file folder (
) for the file to be placed in as well as a new filename.
3c (optional) : Enter a " Control Code " of at least one but not more than four characters. This gives the bar list a unique name that is passed to the ControlCode node when the RDX file is generated. "DDS" is entered by default.
3d : Choose one of the following alternatives:
Red-colored highlighting identifies an entry that is invalid. You need to add a valid entry to that field, or you will not be able to close this window using " OK ." Alternative 1 : Press " OK" at the bottom of the ASA Rebar Export window to close it, or press Enter . An RDX file will be generated and written to the filename and destination chosen in steps 3a and 3b. Only rebar from the members that you select in step 4 will be exported to the RDX file.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel" at the bottom of the ASA Rebar Export window to close it without exporting a file or retaining any changes that you might have made on the window.
Alternative 3 : Press " Reset" at the bottom of the ASA Rebar Export window to undo all changes made to this window since you first opened it. The window remains open so that you can resume the export operation.
4 . In Modeling , select members that contain the rebar information that you want to export. Press the Enter key or right-click ( Menu ) and choose " OK " on the context menu when you are done selecting the members.
5 . A progress bar appears on screen as the RDX file is written to the filename and destination set in steps 3a and 3b. When the operation is done, press the " OK " button at the bottom of the window.
6 . A warnings window may also open. It would list warnings that may help you pinpoint potential problems in the output file.
6a (optional) : You should save a copy of these warnings. To do this, you can press the " Save " button and output the warnings as a file with, for example, a .txt extension. Or you can press the " Print " button to output a copy of these warnings to your default printer. Press the " Copy All " button if you want to paste the warnings to another application such as WordPad.
6b : Press the " OK " button at the bottom of the warnings window.
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