Beam web doublers may be designed when clip angles or bent plates attach to the supported beam's web. They may be needed to compensate for a cope to the beam's web.
- For doublers on ' Both sides ' of the web, the same locks control both doublers.
- When " Plate location " is set to ' Neither side ', the doubler is removed.
(beam, clip angle or bent plate connection, to a column or a beam)
(" Input connection type " = ' Clip angle' or ' Bent plate ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ')
" Beam Web Doubler "
Availability : " Beam Web Doubler " connection design locks become available on a Beam Review window when the designed connection is a clip angle or bent plate, regardless of whether or not the doublers are required. If the web doublers are not required, the connection design locks have null values (e.g., distances of ' 0 ') and no physical doubler plates will exist in the model. If the user then sets at least one of the null-value locks to a non-null value, beam web doublers will be designed around the user-entered values even though the doublers will probably still not be required.
user defined | beam review | top
Connection design locks :
Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).
Beam Web Doubler
For a clip angle or bent plate connection
Horizontal to plate ( horz ):
Top of plate ( top ):
Plate length ( length ):
Plate width ( width ):
Plate thickness ( not depicted ):
Plate location ( not depicted ):
Weld size ( weld ):
user defined | beam review | top