Material Callout
Tool summary :
Also see :
Objects > Material Callout > Add is used to place material callouts, bolt callouts and hole symbols. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2015.)
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Examples :
Pcmk only
Mtrl type & pcmk
Mtrl type, size & pcmk
The " Material designation type " on the Edit Label window lets you set whether the label shows the ' Piecemark only " or the " Material type & pcmk " or the " Mtrl type, size & pcmk ." To add a material callout, select an auto-detailed material ( polygon ) in step 2 .
Bolt type only
Bolt size and type
The " Material designation type " on the Edit Label window lets you set whether the label shows the ' Bolt type only " or the " Bolt size and type ." To add a bolt callout, select an auto-detailed bolt in step 2 .
Hole symbol
Slot symbol
A hole symbol or slot symbol is created automatically when you click an auto-detailed hole in step 2 .
A slot symbol with a segmented leader line that was created by selecting a slot in step 2 , then using left-click ( Pointer ) twice, middle-click ( Hole Sym ) once.
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Needs-to-be-detailed warning :
Since Material Callout gets its information from the 3D model in Modeling , the member detail , submaterial detail , or 2D erection view that is your current drawing must be up to date. If it is not, you may get a warning message similar to the following:
This drawing needs to be detailed before this item can be reviewed.
For erection views and bolts only: If your current drawing is an erection view that is out of date, you may not always get current information about a bolt (e.g., the bolt's length might be wrong). For member details, a needs-to-be-detailed message like that shown above will prevent this from happening. Also, since there are no bolts on submaterial details, this does not happen for submaterial details. The fix for this problem is to always keep your 2D erection views up to date.
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Step-by-step instructions :
Material Callout can be used in the Drawing Editor on a member detail , submaterial detail , or 2D erection view . It automatically adds a submaterial mark label or hole symbol or bolt label in combination with optional leader lines and pointers to a comment layer . The material/hole/bolt must be an auto-detailed material ( polygon ) or auto-detailed bolt or auto-detailed hole . If the drawing is out of date, you may get an needs-to-be-detailed warning . The following instructions assume that you are using a 3-button mouse, that User and Site Options > General > " Point location target " is set to ' Fancy ' (
), and that you use mouse bindings similar to those shown in these illustrations. Right-click ( Return ) when you are done.
Before using this tool:
(if applicable) : Various settings under the " Submaterial " tab in Member and Material Piecemarking apply to material or bolt callouts. These are: " Default designation for user added material callout " " Quantity included in a user added bolt callout " " Default designation for user added bolt callout ."
(optional) : On the layer selection tool , select the comment layer that you want to add the callouts to. You cannot add objects to non-comment layers in an SDS2 review station . This step is optional because a comment layer will be created for you, if needed. Also, you can select a different comment layer on the Edit Label window or Hole Symbol Input window, whichever opens in step 6.
1 . Invoke Material Callout .
2 . Select an auto-detailed material ( polygon ) or auto-detailed bolt or auto-detailed hole . A needs-to-be-detailed warning may appear.
3 . Left-click ( Pointer ) places the head of the pointer where the target ( ) is at. Note that a temporary callout label is shown. If the item selected in step 2 were a hole or slot, a temporary hole or slot symbol would be shown.
4 . Middle-click ( Label ) places the end of the pointer where the target ( ) is at. For a hole or slot, the binding reporter says Hole Sym instead of Label .
Alternatives : You can left-click ( Pointer ) before middle-click ( Label ) to create a segmented leader line as described in note 2 . Right-click ( Return ) is an alternative described in note 3 .
5 . On the Edit Label window ( Hole Symbol Input window for a hole), enter the settings that you want applied to the callout, then press " OK ."
6 . The material, bolt or hole callout has been added. The Material Callout operation is done.
Note 1: To invoke Material Callout , choose Objects > Material Callout > Add , or use a keyboard shortcut (if one has been set up), or click the icon pictured above (if it has been placed on your tool bar).
Note 2: An arrowhead is placed at the point location target (
) the first time that you left-click ( Pointer ). Each additional left-click adds a new line segment to the leader line.
A material callout with a segmented leader line, created by selecting an angle in step 2, then using left-click ( Pointer ) twice, middle-click ( Label ) once.
Note 3: In step 4, doing a right-click ( Return ) instead of a middle-click ( Label ) would end the Hole Sym Combo operation but retain any leader lines that you already laid out, thus giving you leader lines without a hole/slot symbol.
<  |
Leader line, no label or hole symbol, created using left-click ( Pointer ) four times, right-click ( Return ) once.
Note 4: You can add multiple leader lines with multiple heads.
Hold down the Shift key to get a New Head mouse binding.
Tip 1: When you are done, you can Undo to remove the callout you have added.
Tip 2: As shown here , you can drag a label (or hole symbol) and stretch the pointer that is attached to it. To detach the pointer from the label (or hole symbol), hold down the Shift key while dragging the label (or hole symbol). Alternatively, you can detach the pointer by dragging it away from the label (or hole symbol).
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