A cap plate for a beam with a welded moment connection can be created by connection design when that beam frames to the top of a column flange. Although the moment cap plate shop welds to the column, " Moment Cap Plate " locks are maintained on the Beam Edit window since the cap plate is generated as a component of the welded moment connection, which is also specified on the beam.
(W beam, welded moment connection, to the top of a column flange)
(" Input connection type " = ' Shear ' or ' Clip angle ' or ' Bent plate ' or ' User defined ')
(" Moment type " = ' Welded ')
" Moment Cap Plate "
user defined | beam review | top
Connection design locks :
Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).
Moment Cap Plate
Cap plate
Plate length:
Plate width:
Plate thickness ( not depicted ):
Weld size to column flange ( flange weld ):
Weld size to column web ( web weld ):
user defined | beam review | top