Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Delete Project Items )
About this utility :
Types of Job items that can be deleted :
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Delete Project Items removes from your current Job the Fabricators that you select.
1 . Start the Delete Project Items utility:
1a : Home > Utilities > Utility Functions . Then, on the Utility Functions menu, click " Delete Job Items ."
2 . A selection dialog opens. It lists the categories of items which you can delete. At this time, the only category that is available for deletion is ' Fabricators '.
Alternative 1 : Double-click ' Fabricators '. Go to step 3.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end the Delete Project Items operation. Do not continue.
3 . A selection dialog opens.
The selection dialog lists all Fabricators in your current Job except your current Fabricator and the Master Fabricator . |
Alternative 1 : Select those Fabricators that you want to delete, then press the " OK " button. Go to step 4.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to go back to step 2 .
4 . The Fabricators you selected in step 3 are now deleted.
Alternative 1 : Repeat steps 2 and 3 to delete additional Fabricators.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end this operation.
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Types of items that can be deleted :
Fabricators: In pre-v2015.xx versions of SDS2, Fabricators were stored outside of the Job. Now they are stored in your current Job. Choosing this option allows you to delete one or more of those Fabricators. Your current Fabricator and the Master Fabricator cannot be selected for deletion using this utility since those Fabricators do not appear on the selection dialog that opens in step 3.
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