Add Stair ( Modeling > F2 >
Misc Steel > select " Stair" )
Tool summary :
Also see :
- Cut Stair and Handrail Detailing Time in Half (YouTube) (
- Stair Quick Add Tool (alternative way to add a stair)
- Stair Edit window (opened with Add Stair )
- Edit Member (also opens the Stair Edit window)
- Stair Treads ( Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > )
page 1 | contents | F2 > misc steel > stair
Example :
An example of a stair added to the SDS2 3D model using Model > Member > Add > Stair :
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Features of Add Stair :
Add Stair lets you add a stair to the 3D model . The stair will be assigned a member piecemark. When a stair has been automatically detailed , its individual components (stringers, tread, etc.) will appear together on a single detail like that shown below:
Setup for Add Stair is done using Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Stair Treads . On this schedule, you can specify ' Bent Pan Stair Tread ' or ' Plate Stair Tread ' or ' Bolted or Welded Grating Stair Tread ' or ' Continuous Stair Tread '.
On the Stair Edit window, you will have to fill out settings for both ends of the stair, including the settings for the two stringers.
A = stringer nosing dimension.
B = slab thickness.
C = work point of end elevation.
D = supporting material to work point dimension.
E = top of slab to top of return steel dimension.Section sizes and steel grades are specified separately for stringers, tread, etc. Although composed of different materials, a stair is considered a single shipping piece (member).
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Step-by-step instructions :
The following instructions assume that you are using a 3-button mouse while in an elevation view with grid lines or construction lines already laid out.
1 . Before using this tool:
1a (optional) : Draw a sketch showing how many steps you want on your stair and the rise and run of each step. This sketch can help you to determine where you want to position the work points for your stair and what settings you want to enter on the Stair Edit window.
1b : At Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Stair Treads , define the stair tread you want to apply to this stair.
2 . Invoke Add Stair using any one (1) of the following methods:
3 . Locate - Repeat - Return mouse bindings become active.
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bindings |
3a : Select an appropriate Locate option, position the mouse pointer (
) so that the point location target (
) snaps to where you want one end of the workline of the stair, then left-click ( Locate ).
3b : The status line prompts, "Locate second point:" Reposition the point location target (
) to where you want the opposite end of the stair workline, then left-click ( Locate ).
Note: The workline of a stair designates the positioning of the tops of the risers of the stair (the nosing line).
The width of the stair tread is centered along the same work line that positions the tops of the risers of the stair.
4 . The Stair Edit window opens. The settings on it will be those of the last stair you added in your current Modeling session. The " Number of risers " will be calculated based on the elevation difference between the two points you entered in step 3.
4a : The fields under " General Settings ," " General Stringer Settings " and " General Tread Settings " should be filled out first. Be sure to select the stair tread that you want from the " Tread schedule " menu.
4b : For each side of the stair, there is a near side stringer and far side stringer , and these too must be filled out separately.
4c : When you are done entering stair settings, press the " OK " button.
5 . The stair is generated on screen in solids form and is automatically assigned a piecemark.
If you add another stair in the same Modeling session, settings other than " Number of risers " that you applied to the previous stair will be remembered and become the defaults for the new stair. The " Number of risers " will be calculated based on the elevation difference between the two work points of the stair.