Tool summary :
- Transfer data to a file for use in Production or Estimating or Advance Order programs.
Step-by-step instructions :
1 . Before using this tool:
1a : Confirm that the entire 3D model has undergone Process and Create Solids and is up to date.
1b (if applicable) : Before transferring data to the Production program (or if you want only data on selected members), details should have been placed onto detail sheets .
1c (optional) : You may also want to make sure that the default output configuration entered for User and Site Options > Output > " Estimating/Production " is the one you want.
2 . In Modeling or the Drawing Editor , choose Interface > Estimating/Production (classic), or use a keyboard shortcut , or click the icon. The lightning command group for Estimating/Production is ' Interface '.
3 . The Estimating/Production Transfer window opens. On it are the following options:
Job name for transfer: The name that you want the Job to appear as in the Estimating or Advance Order or Production program. The default name that appears here is the name of your current Job.
Note: Regardless of the entry you make here, you will only be able to export data from your current Job .
Transfer: Estimate or Adv Order or Production .
Select ' Estimate ' if the to-be-generated file is to be used in the Estimating program.
Select ' Adv Orders ' if the file is to be used in the Advance Order program.
Select ' Production ' if the file is to be used in the Production program.
Information from: Sheets or Process File . This option determines whether the information generated in the file will be taken from detail sheet files that you select or from the 3D model's process file.
The general rule of thumb is to select ' Sheets ' if the to-be-generated file is to be used in the Production program. You may, however, want to select ' Sheets ' if you only want to transfer information about particular members (those on the sheets you select) instead of information about all members that have undergone Process and Create Solids .
In general, select ' Process File ' if the file is to be used in the Estimating or Advance Order programs.
Alternative 1 : Press the " OK " button to continue. Go to step 4.
Alternative 2 : Press the " Cancel " button to abort the creation of the data file. Do not continue.
4 . Go to step 5 if to " Information from " you selected ' Process File '. Otherwise, a selection window will appear with a list of all detail sheets found in your current Job.
4a (optional) : The button that appears under the " Destination " heading on the selection window tells you where the sheets you select will be output (for instance, it might read " File " if you are going to a file). Pressing this button will open the Output Configuration window so that you can change the destination if you so choose.
4b (if applicable) : After you have set the destination, you can then: 1) select the particular sheets from which you want Data Trasfer to Estimating/Production to take information to be included in the to-be-generated file; 2) then press the " OK " button to cause data from the sheets you selected to be output to the destination you selected. Go to step 6.
5 . Skip this step if to " Information from " you selected ' Sheets '. Otherwise, the Output Configuration window will appear, allowing you to change the name of the file you are creating and the directory in which it will be placed if you so choose.
6 . The data file will be created and placed in the directory that you designated (or output to your screen if you have so designated).
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