Add Flat HandRail
Tool summary :
- Add multiple runs of planar handrails.
- Add Flat HandRail is an icon that you can add to a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon in Modeling (lightning). It can be found the command group named ' Model -- Parametric '. For the lightning interface, use Customize Interface to configure the ribbon.
- Also in ' Model - Parametric ' you can find the Handrail Tools icon, which can also be used to launch Add Flat HandRail
Also see :
A straight run of flat handrail is added using the Add Flat HandRail tool. Since " Max rail length " is set to 20-0 on the Add Flat HandRail window, the 100 ft straight run of handrail is spliced at 20 ft increments. Each increment is a handrail member . (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2017.)
The first time you Add Flat HandRail during a Modeling session, the settings from Hand Rail Setup are used. Subsequently, during the same Modeling session, the Add Flat HandRail program remembers the settings of the last-added flat handrail. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2017.)
Add Flat HandRail is used to add a closed handrail layout in a clockwise direction. This puts the offset of 4.5 inches to the inside of the beams that the handrail connects to with clip angles. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2017.)
Add Flat HandRail is used to add an open handrail layout in a counterclockwise direction. This puts the offset of 4.5 inches to the outside of the beams that the handrail are attached to. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2017.)
Add Flat HandRail is used to add a handrail run that splices with an existing run of handrail. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2017.)
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