HandRail Tools ( Modeling )
- HandRail Tools is an flyout icon that you can add to a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon in Modeling (lightning). Think of it as a drawer of handrail tools. In the lightning interface, it can be found in the group named ' Model -- Parametric ' in the Ribbon Editor or Keyboard Shortcut Editor or Context Menu Editor . For classic toolbar configuration, keyboard shortcut configuration and context menu configuration, the command group is also named ' Model -- Parametric '.
HandRail Tools |
The following tools can be launched using using the HandRailTools icon:
Add Flat HandRail (Add flat rail)
Add HandRail to Stringer (Add rail to stringer)
Continue Flat HandRail (Continuous flat rail)
Adjust HandRail Return (Adjust return)
Adjust HandRail Splice (Adjust splice)
Splice HandRail (Splice handrail)
Adjust HandRail Posts (Adjust run posts)
Move HandRail Post (Move post)
Whole HandRail Post Spacing (Adjust rail posts)