Whole HandRail Post Spacing
Tool summary :
- Lets you set the maximum post spacing that you want applied to handrail members that you select.
- Whole HandRail Post Spacing is an icon that you can add to a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon in Modeling (lightning). It can be found the command group named ' Model -- Parametric '. For the lightning interface, use Customize Interface to configure the ribbon.
- Also under ' Model - Parametric ', you can find the Handrail Tools icon, which can also be used to launch Whole HandRail Post Spacing .
Also see :
' By Status Display ' is selected as the selection filter and configured -- using Member status > Member type -- to select handrail members. Whole HandRail Post Spacing is then used to change the spacing from 4'-2" to 3'-6'. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2018.)
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