The Rolled Section Material window ( Modeling )
- See (on another page): Adding a rolled section material or legacy miscellaneous member .

- To open this window (in Modeling ):
- Add a rolled section material or legacy miscellaneous member
- Edit One Material (gives change options)
- Edit Multiple Materials (all materials must be rolled sections)
- Double-click the material (to edit a material added using Add Material )
- "Edit Other" (to edit a material added using Add [Legacy] Miscellaneous Member )
- "Edit Other" (to edit member main material using the context menu )
- Double-click a material in the Model Tree
- Review 2D Items ( Drawing Editor -- non-editable)
- Materials that can be entered as a " Section size ":
- A rolled section with specific " Left end settings " may be assigned the same " Piecemark " as a rolled section with similar " Right end settings ." The two materials will have different submaterial mark index numbers .
- Tip: To un do a Frame , Bend on Radius Point , Bend on Line , Cut Layout , Cut on Plane , or a Material Fit operation, double-click (or " Edit Other ") the affected material, then press " OK " on this window. Press " Yes " when prompted, " Do you want to regenerate this material ...? "
Also see :
- Material Types (topic)
- Rolled section miscellaneous members
- Miscellaneous members versus legacy miscellaneous members (topic)
- Model completed (can make this window read-only)
- Dimension precision (sets precision for distance entries)
- General Information window (accessible from this window)
- Submaterial piecemark (each unique material identified by)
- Surface template (for HSS round (pipe) and HSS rectangular (tube))
- Grayed out fields (indicate mixed entries or that the field is disabled)
- Altering a legacy miscellaneous member's main view
" Copy " " Paste " " Save " " Load " buttons :
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folder it saves to | settings it saves |
top of this window | form/rolled-sect | all on this window |
left or right end | form/material-end | all in that section |
------ General settings ------
Section size: Any section for W , S , L , C , HSS round , HSS rectangular , WT , ST , welded plate W , plate box , beaded flat , rail , cold formed C or cold formed Z material that is listed in the local shape file . You must enter a section size in order to complete the adding of a rolled section material or as legacy miscellaneous member.

Piecemark: Blank or any character string (up to 61 characters). This is the submaterial mark . Note: This option is disabled ( grayed out ) if the material is member main material and " Use member mark for member main material in model " is on (checked). To change the mark of a main material when setup requires it to have the same mark as the member piecemark, you need to change the member piecemark.
If this field is left ' blank ', then when this material is generated (after you press " OK "), SDS2 piecemarking looks for materials in the current Job that are physically identical to this material and assigns to this material the same mark assigned to those materials. If no matching materials are found, piecemarking assigns this material a piecemark using the appropriate piecemark prefix listed in Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Member and Material Piecemarking > the " Prefixes " tab.
Any ' character string ' that you enter must be unique -- validation does not let you enter a piecemark that has already been assigned to materials. If you are adding a rolled section material or legacy miscellaneous member, a piecemark entered here only applies if the material you are adding is unique -- if the material is exactly the same as previously added materials, the new material gets the piecemark of those previously added materials. On the other hand, if you are editing the material, all materials that are exactly like the material are re-assigned the unique mark you enter when the material is generated (after you press " OK "). The piecemark you enter remains a system piecemark , which means that it may be changed if you later edit a material just like this one and give that material a different piecemark.
Tip: If you want to change a submaterial mark, you should use Rename Project Items in Utility Options . That way all references to the submaterial mark are changed throughout the your current Job, even in Drawing Editor drawings.
Note 1: A submaterial mark is not yet assigned when this window opens for an add material or add legacy miscellaneous member operation. A piecemark is shown when you Edit Material or Review 2D Items . For the current quantity of materials assigned this piecemark, see the " Current quantity " listed on this material's General Information window.
Note 2: Two rolled sections may have the same submaterial mark , but different submaterial mark index numbers , when any of the following settings are different: " Toe direction " " Long leg " " Centered " " Left/Right end settings ."
Advanced Selection: MinorMark
# Selects angles with submaterial mark a6.
mt.MinorMark == "a6"Parametric module: MinorMark
Report Writer: MemberMaterial.Material.MinorMark
Order length: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) measured before end cuts are made from the furthest point on the material's left end (first work point end) to the furthest point on the material's right end. This dimension is measured parallel with the material's longitudinal axis ( X material axis ). For square cut material, the dimension is measured from whatever left end " Material setback " has been added to the first located point of the material.
Tip: If you are viewing this window immediately after adding the rolled section and you left-clicked ( Locate ) twice at the same point to input a cross section, you probably want to enter a length to this field instead of using the default.
Also see: Where one end or both ends of the rolled section are cut at an angle, the " Order length " may be longer than the " Work point distance ." The " Order length " is automatically updated on this window when you make changes to the following fields: " Work point distance ," " Rolling operation ," " Material setback ," " Web cut angle ," " Flange cut angle ."
Report Writer: XXXXX . OrderLength
Advanced Selection: OrderLength
Parametric module: OrderLength
Part length: read-only . This reports the distance parallel with the X axis of the material from the furthest point on the material's left end (first work point end) to the furthest point on the material's right end. Unlike the " Order length ," this distance is measured after end cuts are made to the material. In most cases, the " Part length " and " Order length " are exactly the same. Two special cases are described below:
CNC: " Dimension from saw length " (a related CNC download setting)
Report Writer: XXXXX . PartLength
Advanced Selection: PartLength
Parametric module: PartLength
Work point distance: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) between the work points of this rolled section.
Note: The distance between work points entered here is measured from the first located point of the material. If you change this distance, your change is reflected in the " Order length " field on this window.
Report Writer: XXXXX . WorkpointSlopeDistance
Advanced Selection: WorkpointSlopeDistance
Parametric module: WorkpointSlopeDistance
Angle of twist: 0 (zero) degrees or the positive or negative (-) number of degrees of twist about the longitudinal axis ( X material axis ) of the rolled section. The longitudinal axis of the rolled section is the work line defined by the two work points that were designated when the material was laid out (see step 2 ).
' 0 ' (zero) results in the material not being twisted.
Entering a ' number of degrees ' causes the left end (the work point #1 end) of the material to remain fixed, while the right end is rotated the number of degrees entered. Validation accepts entries between -3600 and 3600 degrees and can generate twists to as little as .06 degree. Assuming you are looking from the right end toward the left end of the material, a positive entry rotates the material counterclockwise.
Report Writer: XXXXX . MaterialTwistAngle
Advanced Selection: MaterialTwistAngle
Parametric module: MaterialTwistAngle
Rolling operation: None or Camber or Weak axis or Strong axis . The center of curvature for each of these choices (except ' None ') is midway between the left and right ends of the material.
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Weak axis
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Strong axis
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' None ' makes the rolled section straight (not curved).
' Camber ' produces parabolic bending along the strong axis of the rolled section with the ends fixed. The " Mid-ordinate " sets the offset at mid-span and the direction (+ or -) of that offset.
' Weak axis ' or ' Strong axis ' rolling produces bending that is circular. The two ends of the rolled section are not fixed; that is, if the ends were vertical before the operation, they may not be vertical afterwards. The " Mid-ordinate " or " Included Angle " or " Rolling radius " sets the offset at mid-span and the direction (+ or -) of that offset. A " Spiral offset " may also be set.
Report Writer: XXXXX . RollTypeDescription
Mid-ordinate: The positive or negative (-) distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) that the rolled section is offset at mid-span as a result of a " Rolling operation " of ' Camber ' or ' Strong Axis ' or ' Weak Axis '. The sign (+ or -) sets the direction of offset.
Camber with a positive mid-ordinate ( +m )
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Camber with a negative mid-ordinate ( -m )
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Weak axis rolling with a positive mid-ordinate (rolling toward the near side) ![]() |
Weak axis rolling with a negative mid-ordinate (rolling toward the far side) ![]() |
Strong axis rolling with a positive mid-ordinate ( +m )
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Strong axis rolling with a negative mid-ordinate ( -m )
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Status Display: Member status > Rolling operation and Mid-ordinate
Report Writer: XXXXX . MidOrdinate
Advanced Selection: MidOrdinate
Parametric module: MidOrdinate
Included angle: The positive or negative (-) number of degrees that defines the angle of curvature when the " Rolling operation " is ' Strong Axis ' or ' Weak Axis '.
If the left end (work point 1) of the rolled section is to your left: A 'positive angle' raises the center of the rolled section on your computer screen. A 'negative (-) angle' makes the center of the material lower on your computer screen than its two ends.
Report Writer: XXXXX . IncludedAngle
Advanced Selection: IncludedAngle
Parametric module: IncludedAngle
Rolling radius: A positive or negative distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units -- up to +/- 120,000 inches) that defines the amount of curvature of the rolled section when the " Rolling operation " is ' Strong axis ' or ' Weak axis '. The smaller the " Rolling radius " (+ or -), the greater the curvature.
If the left end (work point 1) of the rolled section is to your left: ' positive rolling radius ' raises the center of the section on your computer screen. A ' negative (-) rolling radius ' makes the center of the material lower on your computer screen than its two ends.
Report Writer: XXXXX . RollingRadius
Advanced Selection: RollingRadius
Parametric module: RollingRadius
Spiral offset: The positive or negative (-) distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) that you want the right end of the rolled section to be offset from work point 2. The left end (work point 1) of the rolled section remains fixed. This applies when the " Rolling operation " is ' Weak axis ' or ' Strong axis '.
For a rolled section whose workline is in the work plane of a plan view: A ' positive distance ' raises the right end. A ' negative (-) distance ' lowers the right end.
Tip: You might, for instance, use this option to create a stringer for a spiral stair.
Report Writer: XXXXX . SpiralOffset
Advanced Selection: SpiralOffset
Parametric module: SpiralOffset
Toe direction: In or Out . This applies to channel and angle materials.
' In ' signifies toe in. When facing the near side of the channel or angle (the near side is the side where the material's left end is to your left), the flange(s) of the angle or channel point toward you when ' In ' is selected.
' Out ' signifies toe out. If you are viewing the near side of the channel or angle, the flange(s) point away from you when ' Out ' is selected.
Piecemarking: Angles or channels with a different " Toe direction " may have the same submaterial " Piecemark " . If two materials have the same submaterial mark but different settings, each of these materials will have a different submaterial mark index number .
Status Display: Material status > Channel toe direction
Report Writer: XXXXX . Material.ToeInOrOutDescription
Advanced Selection: ToeInOrOut
Parametric module: ToeInOrOut
Long leg: Horizontal or Vertical . This applies to angles with legs of unequal length.
' Horizontal ' specifies that long leg of the angle is horizontal.
' Vertical ' specifies that long leg of the angle be vertical.
Piecemarking: Two angles, each with a different " Long leg " direction, may have the same submaterial " Piecemark " . The two angles will have different submaterial mark index numbers .
Status Display: Material status > Angle long leg orientation
Report Writer: XXXXX . IsLongLegVertical
Steel grade: A36 or A572 or etc. This is the steel grade for the " Section size " entered above.
Setup: If the grade of steel you want is not shown on the list box (
) for this field, you can use Home > Project Settings > Job > Wide Flange Grades or WT Grades or Channel Grades or Angle Grades or Pipe Grades or HHS / TS Grades to add it to the list.
Tip: Changing " Steel grade " " Color " and " Surface finish " do not cause a material to be regenerated. This means that, if you change those settings only, material operations such as a Cut Layout may, optionally, be preserved.
Report Writer: MemberMaterial.Material.SubMaterial.MaterialGradeDescription
Advanced Selection: MaterialGrade
Parametric module: MaterialGrade
Surface finish: None or Sandblasted or Red oxide or Yellow zinc or Gray oxide or Blued steel or Galvanized or Duplex Coating or Undefined 1 or Undefined 2 or Undefined 3 or Red oxide 2 or Any user added surface finish. This affects the colors of 'Solid ' members on erection views in the Drawing Editor . This also sets the color when "Output material color " is set to 'Surface finish ' for a VRML Export or a DWG/DXF Export . The "Color " ( not "Surface finish ") sets the color of this material in Modeling .
sand blasted | red oxide | yellow zinc | user surface finish 1 |
gray oxide | blued steel | galvanized | user surface finish 2 |
To assign a different surface finish, you can drop-down the current surface finish and select the one you want, or you can press the "file cabinet" browse button (
) and double-click any surface finish that is on the list.
Auto or
If this box is checked (
), the material surface finish follows what is set on the member level.
If the box is not checked (
), the material surface finish can be changed to whatever is available in the list of surface finishes. If the surface finish changes from what the member level has set, the auto checkbox will be unchecked automatically. When the auto check box is unchecked, the member edit window shows an information tag which notifies the user that an attached material is not following what was set on the member level.
Note 1: Submaterial piecemarks can be split apart by surface finish. All surface finishes that do not have the 'Break Marks Material' checked on can be applied to any like material with out the material splitting. If the 'Break Marks Material' is checked on then only like materials with that specific surface finish can have the same piecemark, and because the submaterial marks differ so would the member's piecemark.
Note 2:When exporting a KISS file using "model" as the "Data source " surface finish data on the materials are compiled into the KISS download as follows, with a few exceptions (G=galvanized, N= none or sandblasted, P= others). Those exceptions are:
If the box for "Finish" routing in KISS export setup is set to a user routing
If the user has adjusted the Abbreviation for any of the default provided surface finishes
If you are using a user added surface finish
In these cases you will get what is provided in either the User routing, or the abbreviation field. For other exports it will always provide the abbreviation in the 'surface finishes' settings page.
Tip 1: "Surface area" is reported on the General Information window -- and this can be used to estimate the amount of coating required and its cost.
Tip 2: Changing "Steel grade " "Color " and "Surface finish " do not cause the plate to be regenerated. This means that, if you change those settings only, material fit operations such as a Fit Exact may, optionally, be preserved.
Report Writer:MemberMaterial.Material.SurfaceFinish
Setup:Surface Finish Settings
Color: A predefined color or a Custom Color . This is the approximate color of the rolled section when it is displayed in one of the three solid forms .
The predefined colors are set up on the Predefined Colors window. The color swatch next to the list box (
) displays the color that is selected.
Select ' Custom Color ' (last choice on the list) to launch your operating system's color picker and define any color you like.
Please note: Changing the color (without changing anything else) does not make a system connection material graphical. Consequently, if the member that a connection material is associated with undergoes Process and Create Solids , the color that is entered here will be overwritten with the default color specified at Home > Project Settings > Job > Modeling Colors . Also, different colors may be assigned to materials that have the same submaterial piecemark , and changing a material's color does not trigger the regeneration of the material.
Report Writer: MemberMaterial.Material.MaterialColor3dRed
Report Writer: MemberMaterial.Material.MaterialColor3dGreen
Report Writer: MemberMaterial.Material.MaterialColor3dBlue
Centered, origin at left end : |
![]() |
Not centered, origin at left end : |
![]() |
Not centered, origin at right end : |
![]() |
If this box is checked (
), the workline of the rolled section is centered with respect to its Y material axis (along its half-depth). For a wide flange section added from left to right in a plan view, checking this box moves the material higher on your screen (if added from right to left, the material moves lower on your screen).
If the box is not checked (
), the material's top edge aligns with the workline established when you added work points (the bottom edge if you added the material from right to left).
Piecemarking: Two rolled sections -- one " Centered ," the other not " Centered " --- may have the same submaterial " Piecemark " . The two rolled sections will have different submaterial mark index numbers .
Note: This option changes the rolled section's position with respect to its work line . It does not change the global coordinate location of the workline. To actually move the workline, you can change a rolled section's " Reference location " (for instance, its elevation) using the General Information window.
Special Buttons for Detailing this Material (these do not appear for Add operations) |
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![]() |
![]() |
This button opens a window with a list of preset views . Each preset view that you select on this list is drawn on the submaterial detail when you Detail Submaterial . | This button opens a list of views you can delete. If the material has only one view, you get a warning instead of a list of views since you cannot delete the current view. | This button does a Detail Submaterial on this material. Newly added views are drawn on the detail. Deleted views are not drawn. |
------ Left end settings ------ | ------ Right end settings ------
This material's left end is the end where the first work point of the material was located. This first work point is also this material's 0,0,0 point in the material coordinate system, and it is identified by the origin reference point symbol at the beginning of a Material Rotate operation. |
Material setback: The positive or negative distance in the primary dimensioning " Units " that you want the (left or right) end of the rolled section to be displaced from its work point.
A ' positive material setback ' makes the material shorter. For a rolled section with square cut ends, subtracting the left and right " Material setback " from the " Work point distance " give you the actual " Order length ."
A ' negative (-) material setback ' makes the rolled section longer. Subtracting a negative left and right " Material setback " from the " Work point distance " increases the " Order length ."
Report Writer: XXXXX . MaterialSetbackLeftEnd
Report Writer: XXXXX . MaterialSetbackRightEnd
Advanced Selection: MaterialSetback[0] or MaterialSetback[1]
Parametric module: MaterialSetback[0] or MaterialSetback[1]
Web cut angle: A positive or negative (-) angle from 89 to -89 degrees. Angles closer to zero than .057 degrees are rounded to zero when the material is regenerated (after you press " OK ").
left | right | left & right | left | right |
-10 degrees
![]() |
-10 degrees
![]() |
0 degrees
![]() |
10 degrees
![]() |
10 degrees
![]() |
An entry of ' 0 ' (zero) designates that no web cut be made. Assuming that the left end of the web of the material is to your left on screen: a ' positive angle ' is measured counterclockwise from a perpendicular bisector to the workline; a ' negative (-) angle ' is measured clockwise from a perpendicular bisector to the work line. Any length that is added to a rolled section using this operation is reflected in the " Order length " field.
Report Writer: XXXXX . WebCutLeftEnd
Report Writer: XXXXX . WebCutRightEnd
Advanced Selection: WebCutEnd[0] or WebCutEnd[1]
Parametric module: WebCutEnd[0] or WebCutEnd[1]
Flange cut angle: A positive or negative (-) angle from 89 to -89 degrees. The flange is cut at this angle across its entire width.
wide flange | ||||
left | right | left & right | left | right |
-10 degrees
![]() |
-10 degrees
![]() |
0 degrees
![]() |
10 degrees
![]() |
10 degrees
![]() |
angle (or channel) | ||||
left | right | left & right | left | right |
-10 degrees
![]() |
-10 degrees
![]() |
0 degrees
![]() |
10 degrees
![]() |
10 degrees
![]() |
An entry of ' 0 ' (zero) designates no flange cut. Assuming that the left end of the top flange is to your left, a ' positive angle ' is measured counterclockwise from a perpendicular bisector to the top flange center line. A ' negative (-) angle ' is measured clockwise from a perpendicular bisector to the top flange center line.
Note 1: Any length added to a material as a result of the entry made here is reflected in the " Order length " field.
Note 2: This operation functions in a different way when " Top/Bottom flange operation " is set to ' Clip flange '.
Report Writer: XXXXX . FlangeCutLeftEnd
Report Writer: XXXXX . FlangeCutRightEnd
Advanced Selection: FlangeCutEnd[0] or FlangeCutEnd[1]
Parametric module: FlangeCutEnd[0] or FlangeCutEnd[1]
End-cut type: Standard cut or Square cut or Bevel cut or Mill cut .
If ' Standard cut ' is selected and the rolled section you are editing is member main material, the member detail is not annotated with special cut instructions. The designation " None " is entered to the " End Prep " column on an ABM Report for member main materials with a ' Standard cut ' selected on both ends.
Selecting ' Square cut ' for the end of a member main material adds instructions to "SQ CUT" (as illustrated above) when the member is detailed. The instruction " S1E " is entered to the " End Prep " column on an ABM Report for member main materials with a ' Square cut ' on one end.
Selecting ' Bevel cut ' for the end of a member main material adds instructions on the subsequently generated member detail to "BEV CUT" that end. The instruction " B2E " is entered to the " End Prep " column on an ABM Report for member main materials with a ' Bevel cut ' on both ends. ' Bevel cut ' is automatically selected on main material for sloping beam-to-beam connections or sloping beam-to-column connections, column-to-sloping beam connections, and beam-to-rotated beam connections. ' Bevel cut ' indicates that the " Web cut angle " is a value other than zero.
' Mill cut ' for a member main material instructs Detail Members to apply the annotation "MILL CUT" to the appropriate end on the member detail. The instruction " M2E " is entered to the " End Prep " column on an ABM Report for member main materials whose both ends are ' Mill cut '. When the option " Mill cut ends of columns " is checked, ' Mill cut ' is automatically applied to the ends of columns framing squarely to other members or to base plates.
Report Writer: Member.LeftEnd.MoreEnd.EndPreparationDescription
Advanced Selection: EndPreparation[0] or EndPreparation[1]
Parametric module: EndPreparation[0] or EndPreparation[1]
Moment connection web setback: The distance (in the primary dimension " Units " or other units ) that you want the web of this material to be set back. This applies when ' Cope shop weld ' or ' Cope field weld ' or ' Alternate 1 cope field weld ' or ' Alternate 1 cope shop weld ' or ' Seismic cope field weld ' or ' Seismic cope shop weld ' is the " Top operation " or the " Bottom operation ." For any other " Top/bottom flange operation ," this field is disabled .
Also see: This field may be used to override the choice made to " Web setback dimension for moment connections " in Weld Design Settings . For a seismic weld preparation, it overrides the " Web Setback " in Seismic Weld Access Holes .
Report Writer: XXXXX . MomentConnectionWebSetbackLeftEnd
Advanced Selection: MomentConnectionWebSetbackEnd[0] or MomentConnectionWebSetbackEnd[1]
Parametric module: MomentConnectionWebSetbackEnd[0] or MomentConnectionWebSetbackEnd[1]
Top/bottom flange operation: None or Cope plain or Cope shop weld #3 (Standard) or Cope field weld #3 (Standard) or Cut flange width or Cut flange flush or Clip flange or Notch top/bottom or Notch near side/far side or Cope field weld #1 (FEMA) or Cope shop weld #1 (FEMA) or Clip web or Seismic cope field weld or Seismic cope shop weld . Also click here .
Tip: The DSTV " CNC configuration type " can CNC download any weld preparation set here.
Also: " Add holes " in CNC Setup has options for putting holes in cope radii.
Advanced Selection: TopOperationTypeLeftEnd or TopOperationTypeRightEnd or BottomOperationTypeLeftEnd or BottomOperationTypeRightEnd
Parametric module: TopOperationTypeLeftEnd or TopOperationTypeRightEnd or BottomOperationTypeLeftEnd or BottomOperationTypeRightEnd' None ' designates that no top/bottom flange cutting operation be performed on this material.
' Cope plain ' or ' Cope shop weld #3 (Standard) ' or ' Cope field weld #3 (Standard) designates weld preparation and / or a cut to remove part of the top/bottom flange plus part of the web. ' Cope shop weld #3 (Standard) ' or ' Cope field weld #3 (Standard) ' work best for wide flange or S shape or W tee or S tee material; ' Cope plain ' works for all material types. Tip: A " Cope length " of ' 0 ' for ' Cope shop weld #3 (Standard) ' or ' Cope field weld #3 (Standard) ' gives you weld preparation without a coping operation. CNC: " Add holes " in CNC Setup can be set to ' In copes ' or ' In all radii ' to download the cope hole (or weld prep hole).
" Cope length " is the distance parallel with main material's longitudinal axis ( X material axis ) from the (left or right) end of the member to the flange. Entries must either be ' 0 ' or greater than or equal to '1/2' inch ('13' mm). Advanced Selection: TopLengthLeft or TopLengthRight or BottomLengthLeft or BottomLengthRight . Parametric module: TopLengthLeft or TopLengthRight or BottomLengthLeft or BottomLengthRight .
" Cope depth " is the distance from the top of the top flange (or bottom of the bottom flange) into the web of the material. The cope depth is measured parallel with the " Web cut " angle, or -- for ' Cope plain ', if the " Cope cut type " is ' Parallel to flange ' -- it is measured perpendicular to the flange. Advanced Selection: TopCopeLeft or TopCopeRight or BottomCopeLeft or BottomCopeRight . Parametric module: TopCopeLeft or TopCopeRight or BottomCopeLeft or BottomCopeRight .
" Cope radius Setup: . BottomCopeRadiusRight or BottomCopeRadiusLeft or TopCopeRadiusRight or TopCopeRadiusLeft Parametric module: . BottomCopeRadiusRight or BottomCopeRadiusLeft or TopCopeRadiusRight or TopCopeRadiusLeft Advanced Selection: that is less than this minimum, your entry will be changed to the minimum." Cope depth " If you try to enter a ". Cope radius " must be, at least, the flange thickness plus the " Cope depth " operation. The " Cope plain " sets the curvature at the corner for a " Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Member Detailing/Fabricator Options > the " Beams " section > " Cope radius ."
" Clip web " is an option when ' Cope shop weld #3 (Standard) ' is the selected " Top/bottom flange operation ." Advanced Selection: TopWebLeft or TopWebRight or BottomWebLeft or BottomWebRight . Parametric module: TopWebLeft or TopWebRight or BottomWebLeft or BottomWebRight .
" Groove angle " sets the angle of the flange bevel to anywhere within the allowable limit of +/- 75 degrees. Advanced Selection: TopGrooveAngleLeft or TopGrooveAngleRight or BottomGrooveAngleLeft or BottomGrooveAngleRight . Parametric module: TopGrooveAngleLeft or TopGrooveAngleRight or BottomGrooveAngleLeft or BottomGrooveAngleRight .
' Cut flange width ' is for wide flange or S shape or W tee or S tee material (illustrated below). It applies flange cuts on both the near side and the far side of the web. For channel or angle material, it designates a single cut (on the flange or on one leg of the angle) and you need only enter " Flange length NS " if the material is toe in, " Flange length FS " if the material is toe out.
The ' Top/Bottom flange length NS ' is the distance from the (left or right) end of the material along the length of the near side of the top/bottom flange. Advanced Selection: TopLengthNSLeft or TopLengthNSRight or BottomLengthNSLeft or BottomLengthNSRight . Parametric module: TopLengthNSLeft or TopLengthNSRight or BottomLengthNSLeft or BottomLengthNSRight .
The ' Top/Bottom flange length FS ' is the distance from the (left or right) end of the material along the length of the far side of the top flange. Advanced Selection: TopLengthFSLeft or TopLengthFSRight or BottomLengthFSLeft or BottomLengthFSRight . Parametric module: TopLengthFSLeft or TopLengthFSRight or BottomLengthFSLeft or BottomLengthFSRight .
The ' Top/Bottom flange width ' is the flange width that remains after the NS and FS flange cuts are made. Advanced Selection: TopFlangeWidthLeft or TopFlangeWidthRight or BottomFlangeWidthLeft or BottomFlangeWidthRight . Parametric module: TopFlangeWidthLeft or TopFlangeWidthRight or BottomFlangeWidthLeft or BottomFlangeWidthRight .
' Cut flange flush ' is for wide flange or S shape or W tee or S tee material. It applies two flange cuts, one on the near side and the other on the far side of the flange, both cuts to the web. Entering zero (0) to " Length NS " or " Length FS " means that no cut is made at that location. For channel or angle material, it designates a single cut (on the flange or on one leg of the angle) and you need only enter " Flange length NS " if the material is toe in, " Flange length FS " if the material is toe out.
' Top/Bottom flange length NS ' is the distance from the (left or right) end of the material along the material's longitudinal axis ( X material axis ). Advanced Selection: TopLengthNSLeft or TopLengthNSRight or BottomLengthNSLeft or BottomLengthNSRight . Parametric module: TopLengthNSLeft or TopLengthNSRight or BottomLengthNSLeft or BottomLengthNSRight .
' Top/Bottom flange length FS ' is the distance from the (left or right) end of the material along the material's longitudinal axis ( X material axis ). Advanced Selection: TopLengthFSLeft or TopLengthFSRight or BottomLengthFSLeft or BottomLengthFSRight . Parametric module: TopLengthFSLeft or TopLengthFSRight or BottomLengthFSLeft or BottomLengthFSRight .
' Clip flange ' is for a wide flange or S shape or W tee or S tee " Section size ." It applies a linear cut from the edge of the flange to the radius of the web at the " Flange cut angle ." If the " Flange cut angle " is ' 0 ' or the " Section size " is angle, pipe, tube or channel, then a ' Clip flange ' does not take place.
' Notch top ' or ' Notch bottom ' give you distance entry fields for " Notch length " and " Notch width " and " Notch radius " and " Notch offset " that let you define the dimensions for a cut from the left/right edge of the HSS rectangular or HSS round material into the center of the material's top or bottom wall.
Advanced Selection: TopLengthLeft or etc. (" Notch length ")
Advanced Selection: TopWidthLeft or etc. (" Notch width ")
Advanced Selection: left_top_op_dim3 or etc. (" Notch radius ")
Advanced Selection: left_top_op_dim4 or etc. (" Notch offset ")Parametric module: TopLengthLeft or etc. (" Notch length ")
Parametric module: TopWidthLeft or etc. (" Notch width ")
Parametric module: left_top_op_dim3 or etc. (" Notch radius ")
Parametric module: left_top_op_dim4 or etc. (" Notch offset ")' Notch near side ' or ' Notch far side ' gives you distance entry fields for " Notch length " and " Notch width " and " Notch radius " and " Notch offset " that let you define the dimensions for a cut from the left/right edge of the HSS rectangular or HSS round material into the center of the material's near side or far side wall.
Advanced Selection: TopLengthLeft or etc. (" Notch length ")
Advanced Selection: TopWidthLeft or etc. (" Notch width ")
Advanced Selection: left_top_op_dim3 or etc. (" Notch radius ")
Advanced Selection: left_top_op_dim4 or etc. (" Notch offset ")Parametric module: TopLengthLeft or etc. (" Notch length ")
Parametric module: TopWidthLeft or etc. (" Notch width ")
Parametric module: left_top_op_dim3 or etc. (" Notch radius ")
Parametric module: left_top_op_dim4 or etc. (" Notch offset ")' Cope field weld #1 (FEMA) ' gives you distance entry fields for " Cope length ," " Re-entrant cut length ," " Re-entrant cut depth " " Flange flush length " " Re-entrant radius " " Groove angle ."
Setup: " Alternate 1 re-entrant cut radius " " Groove angle " " Alternate 1 re-entrant cut length " " Alternate 1 re-entrant cut depth " " Alternate 1 flange flush length ."
CNC: " Add holes " in CNC Setup can be set to ' In copes ' or ' In all radii ' to download the weld prep hole.
Advanced Selection: TopLengthLeft or etc.(" Cope length ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAReEntrantLengthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant length ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAReEntrantDepthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant depth ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAFlangeFlushLengthLeft or etc. (" Flange flush length ")
Advanced Selection: TopReEntrantRadiusLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant radius ")
Advanced Selection: TopGrooveAngleLeft or etc. (" Groove angle ")
Advanced Selection: TopReEntrantHoleDistanceLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant hole distance ")Parametric module: TopLengthLeft or etc.(" Cope length ")
Parametric module: TopFEMAReEntrantLengthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant length ")
Parametric module: TopFEMAReEntrantDepthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant depth ")
Parametric module: TopFEMAFlangeFlushLengthLeft or etc. (" Flange flush length ")
Parametric module: TopReEntrantRadiusLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant radius ")
Parametric module: TopGrooveAngleLeft or etc. (" Groove angle ")
Parametric module: TopReEntrantHoleDistanceLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant hole distance ")' Cope shop weld #1 (FEMA) ' gives you distance entry fields for " Cope length ," " Re-entrant cut length ," " Re-entrant cut depth " " Clip web " " Flange flush length " " Re-entrant radius " " Groove angle " and " Re-entrant hole distance ."
Setup: " Alternate 1 re-entrant cut radius " " Groove angle " " Alternate 1 re-entrant cut length " " Alternate 1 re-entrant cut depth " " Alternate 1 flange flush length ."
CNC: " Add holes " in CNC Setup can be set to ' In copes ' or ' In all radii ' to download the weld prep hole.
Advanced Selection: TopLengthLeft or etc.(" Cope length ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAReEntrantLengthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant length ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAReEntrantDepthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant depth ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAClipLeft or etc. (" Clip web ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAFlangeFlushLengthLeft or etc. (" Flange flush length ")
Advanced Selection: TopReEntrantRadiusLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant radius ")
Advanced Selection: TopGrooveAngleLeft or etc. (" Groove angle ")
Advanced Selection: TopReEntrantHoleDistanceLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant hole distance ")Parametric module: TopLengthLeft or etc.(" Cope length ")
Parametric module: TopFEMAReEntrantLengthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant length ")
Parametric module: TopFEMAReEntrantDepthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant depth ")
Parametric module: TopFEMAClipLeft or etc. (" Clip web ")
Parametric module: TopFEMAFlangeFlushLengthLeft or etc. (" Flange flush length ")
Parametric module: TopReEntrantRadiusLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant radius ")
Parametric module: TopGrooveAngleLeft or etc. (" Groove angle ")
Parametric module: TopReEntrantHoleDistanceLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant hole distance ")Clip web gives you distance entry fields for " Clip length " and " Clip depth ." This operation works well on channel sections, such as the stair stringer illustrated below.
A channel stair stringer with a cut generated by selecting ' Bolt to Floor ' as the " End condition ." Advanced Selection: TopLengthLeft or etc. (" Clip length ")
Advanced Selection: TopClipLeft or etc. (" Clip depth ")Parametric module: TopLengthLeft or etc. (" Clip length ")
Parametric module: TopClipLeft or etc. (" Clip depth ")' Seismic cope field weld ' gives you distance entry fields for " Cope length ," " Re-entrant length ," " Re-entrant depth " " Clip web " " Flange flush length " " Re-entrant radius " " Groove angle " and " Re-entrant hole distance ."
Setup: Seismic Weld Access Holes .
CNC: " Add holes " in CNC Setup can be set to ' In copes ' or ' In all radii ' to download the weld prep hole.
Advanced Selection: TopLengthLeft or etc.(" Cope length ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAReEntrantLengthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant length ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAReEntrantDepthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant depth ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAFlangeFlushLengthLeft or etc. (" Flange flush length ")
Advanced Selection: TopReEntrantRadiusLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant radius ")
Advanced Selection: TopGrooveAngleLeft or etc. (" Groove angle ")
Advanced Selection: TopReEntrantHoleDistanceLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant hole distance ")Parametric module: TopLengthLeft or etc.(" Cope length ")
Parametric module: TopFEMAReEntrantLengthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant length ")
Parametric module: TopFEMAReEntrantDepthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant depth ")
Parametric module: TopFEMAFlangeFlushLengthLeft or etc. (" Flange flush length ")
Parametric module: TopReEntrantRadiusLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant radius ")
Parametric module: TopGrooveAngleLeft or etc. (" Groove angle ")
Parametric module: TopReEntrantHoleDistanceLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant hole distance ")' Seismic cope shop weld ' gives you distance entry fields for " Cope length ," " Re-entrant length ," " Re-entrant depth " " Clip web " " Flange flush length " " Re-entrant radius " " Groove angle " " Re-entrant hole distance ."
Setup: Seismic Weld Access Holes .
CNC: " Add holes " in CNC Setup can be set to ' In copes ' or ' In all radii ' to download the weld prep hole.
Advanced Selection: TopLengthLeft or etc.(" Cope length ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAReEntrantLengthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant length ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAReEntrantDepthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant depth ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAClipLeft or etc. (" Clip web ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAFlangeFlushLengthLeft or etc. (" Flange flush length ")
Advanced Selection: TopReEntrantRadiusLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant radius ")
Advanced Selection: TopGrooveAngleLeft or etc. (" Groove angle ")
Advanced Selection: TopReEntrantHoleDistanceLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant hole distance ")Advanced Selection: TopLengthLeft or etc.(" Cope length ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAReEntrantLengthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant length ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAReEntrantDepthLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant depth ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAClipLeft or etc. (" Clip web ")
Advanced Selection: TopFEMAFlangeFlushLengthLeft or etc. (" Flange flush length ")
Advanced Selection: TopReEntrantRadiusLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant radius ")
Advanced Selection: TopGrooveAngleLeft or etc. (" Groove angle ")
Advanced Selection: TopReEntrantHoleDistanceLeft or etc. (" Re-entrant hole distance ")More on top/bottom flange operations:
ok = operation works well on specified material
n/a = operation not applicable for that materialW , S C L ** tube pipe WT ** None ok ok ok + ok ok ok + Cope plain ok ok ok + ok ok ok + Cope field #3 ok - - n/a n/a ok Cope shop #3 ok - - n/a n/a ok Cut flange width ok ok * ok * n/a n/a ok Cut flange flush ok ok * ok * n/a n/a ok Clip flange ok n/a n/a n/a n/a ok Notch top/bottom n/a n/a n/a ok ok n/a Notch NS/FS n/a n/a n/a ok ok n/a Cope field #1 ok - - n/a n/a ok Cope shop #1 ok - - n/a n/a ok Clip web - ok - n/a n/a - ** = operations only work on top flange unless marked with +
+ = operation may be applied to the bottom of the stem
* = enter "Flange length NS" for toe in, "...FS" for toe outReport Writer: XXXXXX . LeftEndTopOperationTypeDescription
To close this window :
" General Information " opens the General Information window, which provides additional information and settings that pertain to this rolled section.
Tip: You can use the General Information window to change the material's " X ," " Y ," or " Z " global coordinates (and thus reposition the material within the 3D model).
Also: The " Properties " button at the bottom of the General Information window lets you Edit Properties for this material.
"OK" (or the Enter key) closes this window and applies the settings on it to the material(s).
If this window opened for adding a material or a legacy miscellaneous member, you can still press " Cancel " on the Rotate Material window to end the add operation (see step 4 ).
If you opened this window to edit a single rolled section ( single-edit ), the Change All Options & Warning List opens after you press the " OK " button. You can use that window to cancel your changes or, if other materials with the same submaterial piecemark exist, apply your changes to those other materials. Also, if an Exact Fit or related cutting/bending/fit operation was previously done on this rolled section, pressing " OK " gives you the option to undo that operation.
If you opened this window to edit multiple rolled sections, the Change All Options & Warning List does not open after you press the " OK " button. Also, if an Exact Fit or related cutting/bending/fit operation was previously done on any of those rolled sections, your are not given the option to undo that operation.
"Cancel" (or the Esc key or the button) closes this window without saving any changes that you have made to it.
Possibilities: If you are adding a new material or legacy miscellaneous member, " Cancel " brings you back to the work point location step in the add operation. For an edit material operation, " Cancel " ends the operation.
Tip: When you open this window to review information only, the preferred way to exit is to press " Cancel ."
"Reset" undoes all changes made to this window since you first opened it. The window remains open.
Note: The settings shown on this window when it first opens for the adding of a material or legacy miscellaneous member are the settings of the last-added or last-edited rolled section.
"Clear" fills out this window with default settings. For example, " Clear " automatically selects the default " Steel grade " and zeros out all " Left/Right End Settings " so that no end cuts, setbacks or field welding preparations are performed on the material.
Note: The " Clear " button can be used when adding material or a legacy miscellaneous member. It is disabled during a Edit Material operation.