Advanced Selection Dictionary

  • Advanced Selection attributes come from the parametric model module. Refer to the model module documentation for the complete list of those attributes.
  General Attributes for Members End Prep Square Bar
General Attributes for Beams Framing Condition Flat Bar
General Attributes for Columns ------------------- Grating
General Attributes for Braces Standard Part Grating Tread
Concrete Custom Members General Information Decking
Member Status Rolled Section Shear Stud
Custom Properties Rectangular Plate Clevis
 Left/Right End Round Plate --------------------
Member Bent Plate   Holes
Conn Type Rolled Plate Bolts
Conn Spec Flat Plate Layout Welds
Setbacks Bent Plate Layout Custom Components
Moment Round Bar   Other

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------ General Attributes for Members ------

These attributes apply across various members types, although many of them do not apply to legacy miscellaneous members or stairs. More attributes that apply to most member types can be found in the Member Status section. Also, the attribute BoltCount applies to many member types.

Type ( member_type ) == Beam or Column or VBrace or HBrace or Joist or Girt or Purlin or Misc ( legacy miscellaneous or miscellaneous ) or Stair or Custom . Selects members by their type .

# Selects all horizontal braces.
m.Type == HBrace

TypeName ( custom_member_type ) == Beam or Column or Vertical brace or Horizontal brace or Joist or Girt or Purlin or Miscellaneous or Stair or Custom or "string" representing the member type . This does the same thing as Type (above), but also allows you to select custom members by type as well.

# Selects all anchor rod custom members
m.TypeName == "AnchorRod"

SectionSize ( section_size ) == "string" . This is the " Section size " that is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit , Rolled Section Edit , and other member edit windows.

# Selects members with section size W10x49 or W18x35.
m.SectionSize == "W10x49"
or m.SectionSize == "W18x35"

# Selects members with section size W10x49 or W18x35 or W16x26.
m.SectionSize in ("W10x49", "W18x35", "W16x26")

# Selects members with W12 or W14 main material.
or m.SectionSize.startswith("W14x")

Piecemark ( piecemark ) == "string" . This is the " Piecemark " or " System piecemark " or " User piecemark " or " Frozen piecemark " that is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit and other member edit windows.

# Selects members with numbers greater than 200 whose piecmarks begin "B_".
and m.MemberNumber > 200

PiecemarkIndex ( idx_pcmk ) == integer. This does the same thing as Piecemark (above), but operates on the number associated which is the index to the piecemark string.

PiecemarkCount ( piecemark_refcount ) > or < integer . This is the count of members under a mark.

# Selects members that share marks with other members.
m.PiecemarkCount > 1

SystemPiecemark ( system_piecemark ) == True (is system) or False (is user).

MemberNumber ( number ) == integer . Click here for more about member numbers.

# Selects beams with member numbers greater than 200.
m.Type == Beam
and m.MemberNumber > 200

MaterialGrade ( mtrl_grade ) == "string" . This is the " Steel grade " that is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , and other member edit windows.

# Selects beams whose steel grade is "A992".
m.Type == Beam
and m.MaterialGrade == "A992"

ErectionSequence ( seq_num ) == "string" from Home > Project Settings > Job > Zone and Sequence > Sequence Names . Even if the sequence name is a number, be sure to put that number in quotes. A member's " Sequence " is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , and other member edit windows.

# Selects all members in sequence 1.
m.ErectionSequence == "1"

ErectionZone ( zone ) == "string" from Home > Project Settings > Job > Modeling > Zone and Sequence > Zone Names in setup. Even if the zone name is a number, be sure to put that number in quotes. A member's zone is set according to whatever " Sequence " is set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , and other member edit windows.

# Selects all members in Zone 2.
m.ErectionZone == "2"

ToeIO == True (' In ') or False (' Out '). This is the " Toe direction " on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Girt (Legacy) Edit or Purlin Edit window when the " Section size " is a channel or an angle (single-angle only).

# Selects channel beams whose "Toe direction" is set to 'In'.
m.Type == Beam
and m.ToeIO == True

DoubleMaterial ( dbl_angle ) == True or False . " Double material " can be set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit or Vertical Brace Edit window.

Configuration ( toeio ) == True (' Star ') or False (' Back to back '). The " Configuration " can be set for angle double material on the Column Edit and Vertical Brace Edit windows.

LongLegOfAngleIsVertical ( llv ) == True or False . True is returned for columns whose " Long leg " is ' Normal ', for vertical braces whose " Long leg " is ' To gusset ' (" Stem orientation " is ' Vertical '), or for horizontal braces whose " Long leg " is ' Outstanding '. Surprisingly, True is also returned when the " Long side " of a tube beam is ' Horizontal '.

# Selects angle horizontal braces whose "Long leg" is 'Outstanding'.
m.Type == HBrace
and m.LongLegOfAngleIsVertical == True

CenterMaterial ( mt_origin ) == True or False . " Center material " can be set on the Beam Edit window when the " Beam rotation " is ' 90 ' or ' -90 '.

SwapEnds ( swap_ends ) == True or False . " Swap member ends " can be set on the Beam Edit , Vertical Brace Edit or Horizontal Brace Edit windows.

Galvanized ( galvanizing ) == True or False . " Galvanized " can be set on the Beam Edit , Vertical Brace Edit, Horizontal Brace Edit , Joist Edit , Girt (Legacy) Edit , Purlin Edit , Stair Edit , Hand Rail , Embed Plate or Anchor Rod windows.

# Selects galvanized beams and columns.
m.Galvanized == True
and m.Type in [Beam, Column]

Rotation > or < angle . This applies to " Column rotation " and " Beam rotation " and " Girt rotation " and " Purlin rotation " and " Rotation " of a miscellaneous member. Since the value 0 can also select other member types, its usually a good idea to type in an expression that limits selection to a particular member type.

# Selects columns whose "Column rotation" is neither ' 0 ' or ' 90 '.
m.Type == Column
and m.Rotation not in (0, 90)

MarkedAsGraphicallyAltered ( graphic_altered ) == True or False . " Main material " graphical status is reported on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit windows. Status Display can also be used to color-code the display of graphically altered members.

MarkedForCreate3d ( create_3d ) == True or False . " Marked for processing " status is reported on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit window and other edit windows. See this Status Display option.

MarkedForDetail ( needs_detail ) == True or False . " Marked for detailing " status is reported on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit window and other edit windows.

DateModelCompleted ( model_complete ) == "date" . " Model complete date " status is reported on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit window and other windows.

WorkpointToWorkpointLevel ( wkpt_level ) > or < dimension . " WP to WP length: plan " is reported on the Beam Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit window and other edit windows.

Since the stored value for " WP to WP length: plan " may not exactly match the reported value, you may want to enter a range as shown in the following example:

# Selects members whose "WP to WP: plan" is about 25-0 feet.
m.WorkpointToWorkpointLevel > dim("24-11")
and m.WorkpointToWorkpointLevel < dim("25-1")

Or you can use the built-in close(arg1, arg2) function, which tests two values for approximate equality and returns True if they are closer together than 0.001 units.

# Selects members whose "WP to WP: plan" is 25-0 feet.
close(m.WorkpointToWorkpointLevel, dim("25-0"))

WorkpointToWorkpointSlope ( wkpt_slope ) > or < dimension . This is reported as the " WP to WP length: actual " on the Beam Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit window and other windows.

# Selects members that are twenty-six feet, 10 inches from work point to work point.
close(m.WorkpointToWorkpointSlope, dim("26-10"))

Finish == "string" from Home > Project Settings > Job > Surface Finishes > Surface Finish Table > Display Name. The Surface Finish Table contains (12) legacy Display Names and optional user-added Display Names. A member's Surface finish can be set on the Beam Edit, Column Edit, Vertical Brace Edit, Horizontal Brace Edit, and other member edit windows.

# Selects members that have Surface finish set to legacy Display Name 'Red oxide'.
m.finish == "SurfaceFinishRedOxide"

# Selects members that have Surface finish set to user-added Display Name ‘BLUE’.
m.finish == "BLUE"

Finish_abbr == "string" from Home > Project Settings > Job > Surface Finishes > Surface Finish Table > Abbreviation.

# Selects members that have Surface finish set to legacy Display Name 'Red oxide' with Abbreviation 'Red oxide'.
m.finish_abbr == "Red oxide"

# Selects members that have Surface finish set to user-added Display Name 'BLUE' with Abbreviation 'P'.
m.finish_abbr == "P"

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------ General Attributes for Beams ------

Composite ( composite ) == True or False . " Composite design " can only be applied to beams.

CompositeBeamSlabSpacing ( slab_spacing ) > or < dimension . " Slab width " can only be applied to beams.

RollingOperation ( roll_type ) == CamberAnnotation or CamberParabolic or CamberBoth or Weak or Strong or NoRoll . " Rolling operation " applies as a member attribute only to beams. However, m.RollingOperation == No Roll will select non-beams as well as beams.

# Selects beams with any type of rolling operation.
not m.RollingOperation == NoRoll

HasCamber ( has_camber ) == True or False . The following script selects beams whose " Rolling operation " is set to ' Camber annotation ' or ' Camber (Both) ' and that have a " Mid-ordinate " distance entered.

# Selects beams with a camber annotation.
m.Type == Beam
and m.HasCamber == True

MidOrdinate ( mtrl_camber ) > or < dimension . A " Mid-ordinate " distance can only be applied to a beam.

IncludedAngle ( mtrl_bend_angle ) > or < angle . An " Included angle " can only be applied to a beam.

RollingRadius ( mtrl_bend_rad ) > or < dimension . The " Rolling radius " distance can only be applied to a beam.

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------ General Attributes for Columns -------

ColumnErectionPinHole ( erection_pinhole ) == True or False .
AutoColumnErectionPinHole ( automatic_erection_pinhole ) == True or False . An erection pin hole may be applied when Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Detailing > Member Detailing Settings > the " Columns " section > " Show erection pin holes on columns " is turned on and when " Erection pin hole " is set to ' Automatic ' or ' Yes ' on the Column Edit window. Although an " Erection pin hole " is not an option for other member types, the attribute m.AutoColumnErectionPinHole can select other types of members, if they do not frame to anything.

# Selects columns that are set to get erection pin holes.
m.Type == Column
and m.AutoColumnErectionPinHole == True
or m.ColumnErectionPinHole == True

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------ General Attributes for Braces -------

OneGageLineOfBoltsOnBrace ( br_one_gage ) == True or False . " One gage line " can be set on the Vertical Brace Edit or Horizontal Brace Edit windows.

StaggerBoltsAtAngleBraceConnections ( br_bolt_stag ) == True or False . " Stagger bolts " can be set on the Vertical Brace Edit or Horizontal Brace Edit windows.

# Selects angle vertical braces set to have staggered bolts.
m.Type == VBrace
and m.StaggerBoltsAtAngleBraceConnections == True
# Note: An angle brace with one column of bolts can still be set to staggered.

UserInputMinGussetThick ( user_min_gus ) == True or False . " Minimum gusset thickness " can be set on the Vertical Brace Edit and Horizontal Brace Edit windows.

# Selects braces whose minimum gusset thickness is not set to Auto.
m.Type in (VBrace, HBrace)
and m.UserInputMinGussetThick == True

NonEqualBraceGussetThickness ( non_eq_gus_thick ) == True or False . The following script works like this search option. Note that this script -- unlike scripts that might be created from other attributes in this section -- designates the end of the brace.

# Selects braces with non-equal gusset thicknesses.
m.Ends[0].NonEqualBraceGussetThickness == True

LongSide ( toeio ) == True (Horizontal) or False (Vertical). " Long side " can be set on the Vertical Braces Edit and Horizontal Brace Edit windows. This does not work for " Long side " on the Beam Edit window -- use LongLegOfAngleIsVertical (llv) for a beam. The following script restricts selection to TS braces.

# Selects tube braces whose long side is horizontal.
m.Type in (VBrace, HBrace)
and m.SectionSize.startswith("TS")
and m.LongSide == True

PlaceAngleBracesOnNeutralAxisDescription ( br_neutral_axis ) == Auto or Yes or No . " Locate on neutral axis " can be set on the Vertical Brace Edit and Horizontal Brace Edit windows.

AutoStitchSpacing ( auto_stitch_space ) == True or False . True indicates that " Number of stitch plates " is ' Auto ' and " Max stitch plate spacing " is a user-specified distance on the Vertical Brace Edit or Horizontal Brace Edit window.

# Selects braces with a user-specified spacing.
m.AutoStitchSpacing == True

AutoStitchPlateNumber ( auto_stitch_number ) == True or False . True indicates that " Max stitch plate spacing " is ' Auto ' and " Number of stitch plates " is a user-specified number on the Vertical Brace Edit or Horizontal Brace Edit window.

# Selects braces with a user-specified number of stitch plates.
m.AutoStitchPlateNumber == True

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------ Concrete Custom Members ------

These attributes apply across most concrete custom members. Such members have few general attributes, but they have other unique attributes that you may want to select for. To find the name and attributes of any custom member that you select, see the example here .

Each of the examples below require the following to be entered into the Imports and Initialization Code field:

# The MemberBase module enables the GetMemberLink function for our selection.
import MemberBase

( strength_index ) == the index of a line in the Concrete Job Setup > Concrete Strength window. Note that the list of index numbers begins with "0," so that the ' strength_index ' of line 1 is ' 0 ', line 2 is ' 1 ', etc.

# Selects concrete elevation walls whose strength is on line 10 of the Concrete Strength window.
m.TypeName == "ElevationWall"
MemberBase.GetMemberLink(int(m.MemberNumber), False, False).strength_index == 9

( finish_index ) == the index of a line in the Concrete Job Setup > Concrete Finish window. Note that the list of index numbers begins with "0," so that the ' finish_index ' of line 1 is ' 0 ', line 2 is ' 1 ', etc.

# Selects concrete elevation walls whose finish is on line 2 of the Concrete Finish window.
m.TypeName == "ElevationWall"
MemberBase.GetMemberLink(int(m.MemberNumber), False, False).finish_index == 1

( template_name ) == "string" from the template setup window for the member type you are searching for. For example, continuous footing templates are available in the Concrete Job Setup > Continuous Footing Templates window.

# Selects continuous footings defined by the CFB-02 template.
m.TypeName == "ContinuousFooting"
MemberBase.GetMemberLink(int(m.MemberNumber), False, False).template_name == 'CF2-0B'

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------ Member Status -----

These attributes apply across the various members types. More attributes that apply to most member types can be found in the General Attributes for Members section. Also, the attribute BoltCount applies to many member types.

IsExisting ( existing ) == True or False . Press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > " Existing member ."

MemberDescription ( mem_desc ) == "string" . Press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > " Member description ."

# Selects members with "LADDER" as their description and round bar as a material.
m.MemberDescription == "LADDER"
and any (m.Material).ImperialDescription.startswith("RB")
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

CategoryDescription ( category ) == "string" from Home > Project Settings > Fabricator > Category Settings . " Member category " status can be set on the Member Status Review window.

MarkedForHold ( member_hold ) == True or False . Press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > " Member hold status ."

DateMemberWasHeld ( held_date ) == "date" . Press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > " Date held ."

# Selects members whose "Date held" is newer than Jun 10 2009.
m.DateMemberWasHeld > "Jun 10 2009"

DescriptionOfHold ( held_desc ) == "string" . Press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > " Reason for member hold ."

# Selects members whose "Reason for member hold" is "materials not in stock".
m.DescriptionOfHold == "materials not in stock"

DateSentForApproval ( sent_for_approval ) == "date" . Press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > " Submitted for approval ."

# Selects members whose "Submitted for approval" date is set.
m.DateSentForApproval != "**NOT SET**"

DateReceivedApproval ( received_approval ) == "date" . Press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > " Received from approval ."

ApprovalStatus ( approval_status ) == NotApproved or Revise or ApprovedAsNoted or Approved or NotSubmitted . Press " Status " on a member window > Member Status Review > " Approval status ."

# Selects members whose "Approval status" has been changed from the default.
m.ApprovalStatus != NotSubmitted

ProjectedDateToShop ( fabrication_projected ) == "date" . To set this status from a member edit window > press " Status " > Member Status Review window > enter a date to " Projected fabrication complete ."

DateFabricationCompleted ( fabrication_completed ) == "date" . To set this status from a member edit window > press " Status " > Member Status Review window > enter a date to " Fabrication completed ."

ProjectedDateToShip ( ship_projected ) == "date" . To set this status from a member edit window > press " Status " > Member Status Review window > enter a date to " Projected shipped date ."

ActualDateShipped ( ship_complete ) == "date" . To set this status from a member edit window > press " Status " > Member Status Review window > enter a date to " Actual ship date ."

DateReceivedAtJobsite ( received_at_site ) == "date" .

QuantityOnDetail ( quantity ) > or < integer. Tip: Use PiecemarkCount to get a selection that matches the count in the Model Tree.

DateErected ( erected ) == "date" . " Erected " status can be set on the Member Status Review window.

Route1Description ( route1 ) == "string" . This can be set on the Member Status Review window.

Route2Description ( route2 ) == "string" . This can be set on the Member Status Review window.

Route3Description ( route3 ) == "string" . This can be set on the Member Status Review window.

Route4Description ( route4 ) == "string" . This can be set on the Member Status Review window.

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------ Custom Properties -------

CustomProperties[" Entry name "] == ENTRY

The " Entry name " must be in quotes.

ENTRY can be a "string" ( string ), integer or real number ( number or dimension ), True or False ( boolean ), or a date ( date ).

Use m. CustomProperties for members, mt. for materials, h. for holes, b. for bolts, w. for welds.

# Selects members with John Doe entered to "modeled_by".
m.CustomProperties["modeled_by"] == "John Doe"

# Selects members with 1 1/4 entered to "parametric_offset".
m.CustomProperties["parametric_offset"] == 1.25

# Selects members with 1 1/4 entered to "parametric_offset".
m.CustomProperties["parametric_offset"] == dim("1 1/4")

# Selects materials checked ) for "needs_paint".
mt.CustomProperties["needs_paint"] == True

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------ Left/Right End -------

DesignHasChanged ( design_changed ) == True or False . Works like this search option. Members with a connection design change have a green connection changed banner like the following:

 Conn changed. Possibly: Angle vs Plate

# Selects all members whose design has changed, either end.
any (m.Ends).DesignHasChanged == True

ConnectionHasFailed ( conn_fail ) == True or False . Works like this search option. Members with a connection that has failed have a red connection failure banner like the following:

 Beam web shear capacity failed

#Selects beams with a failed connection on either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).ConnectionHasFailed == True
# Tip: By restricting to beams, you can multi-edit

locked_end ( locked_end ) returns True (' Lock ') or False (' Lock '). A connection ' Lock ' can be applied on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit , Vertical Brace Edit or Joist Edit window.

MarkedToCheckFramingSituation ( framing_sit ) == True or False .

#Selects members that are marked for check framing situation.
any (m.Ends).MarkedToCheckFramingSituation == True

IsGraphicalConnection ( graphical_conn ) == True or False . Members whose left or right end (Ends[0] or Ends[1]) have the left- or right-end " Information " > " Connection " option set to " Graphical ."


# Selects members with a graphical connection on the left end.
m.Ends[0].IsGraphicalConnection == True

ForceConnection ( force_conn ) == True or False . This selects members whose " Connection " is set to " Force ."

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------ Member -------

Location ( location ) == point . " End elevation " is reported (read-only) on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit and other member edit windows.

# Selects beams with left end elevation between 15 and 20 feet.
m.Type == Beam
and m.Ends[0].Location.z > dim("15-0")
and m.Ends[0].Location.z < dim("20-0")
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Member '

The following will select only those ends at the specified elevations, rather than the whole member.

# Selects ends of beams with an end elevation between 15 and 20 feet.
m.Type == Beam
and e.Location.z > dim("15-0")
and e.Location.z < dim("20-0")
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Ends '

Nodes ( nodes ) returns a list of up to four framing member objects. For example: [<member 2>, None, None, None]. None is reported if there is no member.

MemberRotationType ( rot ) == 0 (' Automatic ') or 1 (' Web normal ') or 2 (' Web vertical ') or 3 (' Hip & valley '). " Web rotation " can be set on the Beam Edit window for the left (Ends[0]) or right (Ends[1]) of a beam.

# Selects beams set to 'Web normal' for either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).MemberRotationType == 1

StandardDetailFileNumber ( std_dtl ) > or < integer . A " Standard Detail " file name can be entered to the left/right end of a Beam Edit , Column Edit or Horizontal Brace Edit or Vertical Brace Edit window. Each file name is indexed.

# Selects columns that have a standard detail on their top end.
m.Type == Column
and m.Ends[1].StandardDetailFileNumber > 0

StandardDetailFileType ( std_dtl_type ) == 0 (none) or 3 (job standard detail) or 11 (global standard detail). A " Standard Detail " entered to the left/right end of a Beam Edit , Column Edit or Horizontal Brace Edit or Vertical Brace Edit window can be a job standard detail or global standard detail.

# Selects members with a standard detail on either end.
any (m.Ends).StandardDetailFileType != 0

# Selects members with a standard detail on either end, but not both ends.
not all (m.Ends).StandardDetailFileType == 0

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------ Conn Type -------

TypeDescription ( connection_type ) == AutoStandard or PlainEnd or ClipAngle or BentPlateConnection or EndPlate or ColumnPlate (user base/cap plate) or Shear or Seated or SplicePlate or VerticalBraceConnection or HorizontalBraceConnection or BoltedPlate or AutomaticColumnPlate (auto base/cap plate) or UserDefined or Welded . In the following examples, TypeDescription looks at the " Input connection type " (second line) and the " System designed connection " (third line) on the Beam Edit window (line 1). The member must undergo Process and Create Solids before it can have a " System designed connection ."

# Selects beams with auto standard clip angles on left end.
m.Type == Beam
and m.Ends[0].Input.TypeDescription == AutoStandard
and m.Ends[0].Designed.TypeDescription == ClipAngle

# Selects beams with auto standard clip angles, either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Input.TypeDescription == AutoStandard
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == ClipAngle

# Selects beams with auto standard clip angles on both ends.
m.Type == Beam
and all (m.Ends).Input.TypeDescription == AutoStandard
and all (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == ClipAngle
# previous example, which substitutes "any" for "all", may get a larger selection

UserDefinedConnectionIndex ( user_def_idx ) returns an integer which is an index to the definition of the user defined connection that has been applied as the input connection. 1 or 2 or etc. is the first or second or etc. user defined connection that is listed on the User Defined Connections window, or on the selection list that appears when you apply a user defined connection. Warning : This attribute can only select members or member ends with a user-defined Input connection. The line and m.Ends[1].Input.TypeDescription == UserDefined is needed in the following script -- you will get an attribute error (" No attribute 'UserDefined ConnectionIndex' on model object object ") if you delete that line.

# Selects beams with user defined connection number 2 on the right end.
m.Type == Beam
and m.Ends[1].Input.TypeDescription == UserDefined
and m.Ends[1].Input.UserDefinedConnectionIndex == 2

FinalConnectionIsUserDefined ( dsgn_user_def ) == True or False . A " User defined connection " can be entered on a Beam Edit or Column Edit or other edit window. The member needs to undergo Process and Create Solids for you to get a selection.

# Selects beams with a user defined connection on either end.
m.Type == Beam
and m.Ends[0].FinalConnectionIsUserDefined
or m.Ends[1].FinalConnectionIsUserDefined

MinimumSetupConnection ( min_conn ) == Auto or Yes or No . " Minimum setup connection " on the Beam Edit or Horizontal Brace Edit or Vertical Brace Edit windows must be set to ' Yes ' in order for you to get a selection using the following script.

# Selects members with minimum connections, either end.
any (m.Ends).MinimumSetupConnection == Yes

IsMinimumConnection ( is_minn_conn ) == True or False . A " Minimum setup connection " can be entered on the Beam Edit or Horizontal Brace Edit or Vertical Brace Edit windows.

# Selects members with minimum connections, either end.
any (m.Ends).Designed.IsMinimumConnection == True

ConnectionIsBelowMinimumSetup ( below_min ) == True or False . The following script works like this search option. It looks for beams with bolt rows less than the minimum number of bolt rows and for welds that are less than the minimum.

# Selects beams with bolt rows below minimum, either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).ConnectionIsBelowMinimumSetup == True

IsSeismicConnection ( is_seismic_conn ) == True or False. A " Seismic brace " can be specified on the Vertical Brace Edit window.

# Selects braces with seismic connections, either end.
any (m.Ends).Designed.IsSeismicConnection == True

PlateScheduleNumber ( plate_num ) == integer from the Base / Cap Plate Schedule . " Plate schedule number " is an option on the Column Edit window. Note that TypeDescription == ColumnPlate prevents an object-attribute error in the following script. Also note that line 1 in the schedule corresponds to 0 in the script.

# Selects columns with 1 as the bottom-end "Plate schedule number"
m.Type == Column
and m.Ends[0].Input.TypeDescription == ColumnPlate
and m.Ends[0].Input.PlateScheduleNumber == 0

BeamSafetyErectionSeat ( s_seat_reqd ) == True or False . " Use a safety erection seat " is an option on the Beam Edit window.

BoltSizeIsNonStandard ( non_std_bolt ) == True or False . Works like this search option. For a beam connection, connection design may use a different " NM Bolt diameter " than that entered in Auto Standard Connections , or as the " NM Bolt Diameter " on the Beam Edit window. If the connection designed with that bolt diameter would fail, connection design instead uses the bolt of the next largest diameter that is available under " Available imperial bolt sizes " or " Available metric bolt sizes ." Connection design does not increment bolt sizes used for bracing gusset plates, but instead fails the connection if the input bolt diameter does not work.

# Selects bolts with diameters changed by system.
any (m.Ends).BoltSizeIsNonStandard == True

ConnectionDesignBoltType ( bolt_type ) == integer from the Bolt Specifications. " NM bolt type " can be set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit and other member edit windows. 0 is the first bolt that is listed in the Bolt Specifications . 1 is the second bolt that is listed. Use ConnectionDesignBoltTypeDescription ( below ) to reference the bolt type by its name.

ConnectionDesignBoltTypeDescription ( bolt_grade ) == "string" from the Bolt Specifications. " NM bolt type " can be set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit and other member edit windows.

# Selects members with A325SC slip-critical bolts.
m.Type != Misc
and any (m.Ends).ConnectionDesignBoltTypeDescription == "A325SC"

NonMomentBoltTypeWasInput ( user_nm_bolt_type ) == True (" Auto ") or False (" Auto "). " NM bolt type " can be set to ' Auto ' on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit and other member edit windows.

# Selects braces whose "NM bolt type" was input (not Auto).
m.Type in (VBrace, HBrace)
and any (m.Ends).NonMomentBoltTypeWasInput == True

MinimumNonMomentBoltDiameter ( nm_bolt_dia ) > or < dimension . " NM bolt diameter " can be set on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit and other member edit windows.

# Selects members with non standard bolt diameters.
m.Type != Misc
and any (m.Ends).MinimumNonMomentBoltDiameter != dim("3/4")

NonMomentBoltDiameterWasInput ( user_nm_bolt_dia ) == True (" Auto ") or False (" Auto "). " NM bolt diameter " can be set to ' Auto ' on the Beam Edit , Column Edit , Vertical Brace Edit , Horizontal Brace Edit and other member edit windows.

# Selects braces whose "NM bolt diameter" was input (not Auto).
m.Type in (VBrace, HBrace)
and any (m.Ends).NonMomentBoltDiameterWasInput == True

page 1 | contents | advanced selection | top

------ Conn Spec -------

  Clip Angle Bent Plate   End plate
Shear Beam seat and joist seat   Splice plate (bm-to-bm)
Splice plate (col-to-col) Auto base/cap plate User base/cap plate
Vbrc plate Hbrc plate   Welded

Clip angle

A clip angle can be designed when ' Clip angle ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ' is entered as the " Input connection type " on the Beam Edit window. " Moment " options can be added only if the clip angle is not ' Auto standard '. Some of the attributes for a clip angles are also shared by bent plates

# Selects beams with left- or right-end clip angle.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == ClipAngle

# Selects beams with left- or right-end auto standard clip angles.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Input.TypeDescription == AutoStandard
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == ClipAngle

# Selects beams with clip angles designed when "Input connection type" is 'Clip angle'.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Input.TypeDescription == ClipAngle
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == ClipAngle

WebDoublerPlate ( web_dblr_pl ) == True or False . The following script works like this search option.

# Selects beams with web doublers, either end.
any (m.Ends).WebDoublerPlate == True

IsHeavyGage ( heavy ) == True or False .
IsWideGage ( wide_gage ) == True or False . " Gage " is an option for clip angles. " Gage " is also an option for bent plates.

Clip Angle
" Gage " IsHeavyGage IsWideGage
' Narrow gage ' False False
' Wide gage '  -- True
 ' Heavy gage ' True --

# Selects beams with clip angle conn specs set to narrow gage, either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Input.TypeDescription is ClipAngle
and any (m.Ends).Input.IsHeavyGage is False
and any (m.Ends).Input.IsWideGage is False

Bent Plate
" Gage " IsWideGage
' Narrow gage ' False
' Wide gage ' True

# Selects beams with bent plate conn specs set to narrow gage, either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Input.TypeDescription is BentPlateConnection
and any (m.Ends).Input.IsWideGage is False

IsBolted ( bolted )== True (' Bolted ') or False (' Welded '). " Attachment to supported " and " Attachment to supporting " are connection specification options for clip angles. " Attachment to supported " and " Attachment to supporting " are same-named functionally equivalent options for bent plates.

# Selects beams with welded clip angles, either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == ClipAngle
and any (m.Ends).Designed.IsBolted == False

# Selects beams with welded bent plates, either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == BentPlateConnection
and any (m.Ends).Designed.IsBolted == False

Side ( side ) == NS or FS or BOTH . " Side " is an option for clip angles. " Side " is also an option for bent plates.

AttachToSupported ( supported ) == True (' Supported ') or False (' Supporting '). " Attached to " specifies whether the clip angle is shop attached to the supported beam or the supporting column or beam. " Attached to " is also an option for bent plates.

SafetyConnection ( safety ) == True or False . " Safety connection " applies to clip angles on two opposing beams on opposite sides of a supporting web (beam or column).

CreateWebDoublers ( no_web_doubler ) == True or False . " Create web doublers " allows (True) or prevents (False) the creation of web doublers.

ExtendPastFlange ( extend_clip ) == True (' Never ') or False (' If required ') " Extend past flange " applies to a clip angle on a beam to a column.

# Selects beams w/ clip angles designed w/ "Extend past flange" set to 'If required'
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == ClipAngle
and any (m.Ends).ExtendPastFlange == False

WeldedExtendedTee ( welded_ext_tee ) == True or False . " Welded extended tee " applies to a wide flange, welded plate wide flange or channel beam with a clip angle connection framing perpendicular or sloping to a supporting beam. " Welded extended tee " is also an option for bent plates.

FullDepthExtendedTee ( full_depth_tee ) == True or False . " Full depth extended tee " may apply to a clip angle connection when the box is checked for " Welded extended tee ." " Full depth extended tee " also applies to bent plates.

FlangeSplicePlatesOn ( flg_pl_end ) == LeftEnd or RightEnd or BothEnd . " Flange splice plates on " applies to clip angles with bolted moment flange plates.

CombineBeamVBraceClipAngles ( comb_clip_angle ) == Auto or Yes or No . " Combine beam/vbrc clip angles " applies to vertical brace gussets to a beam and column, if the beam has a clip angle.

ReplaceDoublerWithLargerClip ( replace_dblr ) == True or False . " Replace doubler with larger clip " may apply when ' If required ' is selected for " Create web doublers ."

SkewHolesInAngle ( skew_holes_angle ) == Auto or Yes or No . " Skew holes in angle " applies to bolted clip angles on sloping beams when the box is checked for the " Square cut ends of sloped beams " setup option in Member Detailing Settings .

UseExpandedVerticalBoltSpacing ( exp_vert_bolt_spa ) == True or False . " Expanded vertical bolt spacing " lets the user choose ' Automatic ' or ' Yes ' or ' No '.

Bent plate

A bent plate can be designed when ' Bent plate ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ' is entered as the " Input connection type " on the Beam Edit window. Bent plates share these attributes with beams: IsWideGage and IsBolted and Side and AttachToSupported and WeldedExtendedTee and FullDepthExtendedTee .

# Selects beams with left- or right-end bent plates.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == BentPlateConnection

# Selects beams with left- or right-end auto standard bent plates.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Input.TypeDescription == AutoStandard
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == BentPlateConnection

# Selects beams with left- or right-end user defined end plates.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Input.TypeDescription == UserDefined
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == BentPlateConnection

# Selects beams with bent plates when "Input connection type" is 'Bent plate'.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Input.TypeDescription == BentPlateConnection
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == BentPlateConnection

End plate

An end plate can be designed when ' End plate ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ' is entered as the " Input connection type " on the Beam Edit window. " Moment " options can be added only if the end plate is not ' Auto standard '.

# Selects beams with left- or right-end end plates whose design has changed.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == EndPlate
and any (m.Ends).DesignHasChanged == True

IsWideGage ( wide_gage ) == True (' Wide ') or False (' Narrow '). " Gage " is an option for auto standard or user defined clip angles and when ' End plate ' is the " Input connection type " on the Beam Edit window.

# Selects beams with end plates changed: wide to narrow gage.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == EndPlate
and any (m.Ends).Input.IsWideGage == True
and any (m.Ends).Designed.IsWideGage == False

SafetyOffsetConnection ( safety ) == True or False .
SafetyNotchConnection ( safety_notch ) == True or False . " Safety connection " can be set to ' Automatic ' or ' Non-safety ' or ' Safety-offset ' or ' Safety-notch '.

" Safety connection " SafetyOffset...  SafetyNotch... 
' Automatic ' False True
' Non-safety ' False False
 ' Safety-offset ' True False
 ' Safety-notch ' True True

UseExpandedVerticalBoltSpacing ( exp_vert_bolt_spa ) == True ( expanded on designed ) or False ( standard spacing ). " Expanded vertical bolt spacing " applies to a non-moment end plate when an axial load (" Tension " or " Compression ") has been entered on the beam.

ExtendEndPlateToBeamFlange ( ext_epl_to_flgs ) == True or False . " Extend PL to beam flanges applies to a non-moment end plate on a wide flange or tube beam when an axial load (" Tension " or " Compression ") has been entered on the beam.

CombineEndPlate ( comb_end_pl ) == Auto or Yes or No . " Combine beam/vbr end plates " applies when a vertical brace frames to a beam and column, if the beam has an end plate.

IsWeldedExtendedTee ( welded_ext_tee ) == True or False . " Welded extended tee " applies to a beam with a non-moment end plate framing perpendicular or sloping or skewed to a supporting beam.

IsFullDepthExtendedTee ( full_depth_tee ) == True or False . " Full depth extended tee " applies when a " Welded extended tee " has been applied.


A shear connection can be designed when ' Shear plate ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ' is entered as the " Input connection type " on the Beam Edit window. " Moment " options can be added if the shear connection is not ' Auto standard '.

# Selects beams with left-end shear plates that have been made graphical.
m.Type == Beam
and m.Ends[0].Designed.TypeDescription == Shear
and m.Ends[0].Designed.MaterialType == 0
and m.Ends[0].IsGraphicalConnection == True

ConnectionIsNonAISC ( non_aisc_conn ) == True or False . The following script works like this search option.

# Selects beams with non-AISC shear plates, either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).ConnectionIsNonAISC == True

MaterialType ( shear_mt ) == 0 (' Plate ') or 4 (' W tee '). " Material type " can be ' Plate ' or ' W Tee '.

IsBolted ( bolted ) == True ( bolts to support ) or False ( tee welds to support ). " Attachment " applies when ' W tee ' is the selected " Material type ."

ExtendSizeToTopIndex ( top_ex ) == 0 ( ' As required ') or 1 (' Top flange ') or 2 (' Top k ').
ExtendSizeToBottomIndex ( btm_ext ) == 0 (' As required ') or 1 (' Bottom flange ') or 2 (' Bottom k ').
" Extend size to " can be set in nine different ways, as described in the following table.

" Extend size to " ExtendSizeToTop ExtendSizeToBottom
' As required ' 0 0
' Top flange ' 1 0
' Bottom flange ' 0 1
' Both flanges ' 1 1
' Top K ' 2 0
 ' Bottom K ' 0 2
' Both K's 2 2
' Top flange & bottom K ' 1 2
' Top K & bottom flange ' 2 1

ThruShearPlate ( thru_pl ) == True or False . " Thru shear plate " applies when the beam frames to an HSS column.

CombineShearPlate ( comb_shear_pl ) == Auto or Yes or No . " Combine beam/vbr shear plates " applies to a vertical brace gusset framing to a beam and column, if the beam has a shear plate connection.

ExtendPastFlange ( ext_past_flg ) == True or False . " Extend past flange " applies to shear plates to a supporting beam or to a column web.

StiffenerOpposite ( stiff_opp ) == True or False . " Stiffener opposite " applies when the beam frames to the web of a wide flange, S shape or welded plate wide flange beam. " Extend size to " must be something other than ' As required '.

ShearPlateSide ( pl_side ) == AutoSide or NearSide or FarSide . " Shear plate/tee side " reads " Shear plate side " for plate connection material. It reads " Shear tee side " when W tee is the connection material.

TryTwoBoltColumnShearTabs ( try_two_bolt_cols ) == True or False . See " Try two bolt column shear tabs ."

SkewHolesInPlate ( skew_holes_pl ) == Auto or Yes or No . " Skew holes in plate " applies to shear plates on slightly sloping beams when the box is checked for the " Square cut ends of sloped beams " setup option.

Beam seat and joist seat

A beam seat can be designed when ' Seated ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ' is entered as the " Input connection type " on the Beam Edit window. Joist top chord seats have many of the same attributes as beam seats.

# Selects beams with beam seats.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == Seated

# Selects joists with top chord seats.
m.Type == Joist
and any (m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == Seated

SeatMaterial ( seat_mt ) == 0 (' Plate ') or 2 (' Unstiffened L ' or ' Stiffened L ') or 4 (' Wtee '). " Seat material " can be set for a beam, and the " Top chord seated " material can be set for a joist. See below ( IsStiffened ) for how to differentiate between stiffened and unstiffened angle material.

IsStiffened ( stiffened ) == True (' Stiffened L ') or False ( everything else ) . " Seat material " can be set for a beam, and the " Top chord seated " material can be set for a joist. See above ( SeatMaterial ) for how specify angle material.

SeatToSupportingMember ( bolted == 0 (' Automatic ') or 1 (' Bolted ') or 2 (' Welded '). The " Seat to supporting member " can be set for an angle seat on a beam, and " Seat to supporting member " can be set for a joist.

StabilityAngleIsBolted ( rest_bolted ) == True (' Field bolted ') or False (' Field welded '). A " Stability angle " can be applied to a beam.

LocationIsOnWeb ( rest_web ) == True (' On web ') or False (' On flange '). This " Location " applies to bolted stability angles.

Splice plate (bm-to-bm) ( " Moment " options can also be added)

----- Splice plate (col-to-col) ----

A splice plate can be designed when ' Splice plate ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ' is entered as the " Input connection type " on the Column Edit window.

ColumnAttachmentIsBolted ( bolted == True (' All-Bolted ' and ' Bolted/Welded plates ') or False (' Welded '). " Column attachment " sets whether the columns are spliced using bolted flange plates or are field welded. Note that TypeDescription == ColumnPlate prevents an object-attribute error in the following script.

# Selects columns with bottom-end bolted flange and bolted/welded splice plates.
m.Type == Column
and m.Ends[0].Designed.TypeDescription == SplicePlate
and m.Ends[0].Designed.ColumnAttachmentIsBolted == True

ButtPlate ( butt_pl ) == True or False . A " Butt plate " is an option for auto standard and user defined clip angles and when ' Splice plice ' is the " Input connection type ."

WebPlates ( web_pl ) == True or False . " Web plates " may be designed with ' All-Bolted... ' flange splice plates. Note that TypeDescription == ColumnPlate is required to prevent an object-attribute error in the following script.

# Selects the lower of columns with web plate splices.
m.Type == Column
and m.Ends[1].Designed.TypeDescription == SplicePlate
and m.Ends[1].Designed.WebPlates == True

ChannelWebConnection ( channel_conn ) == True or False . A " Channel web connection " may be designed when the columns are field welded and there is no butt plate. The line that includes TypeDescription == ColumnPlate is required to prevent an object-attribute error in the following script.

# Selects the lower of columns with channel web connections.
m.Type == Column
and m.Ends[1].Designed.TypeDescription == SplicePlate
and m.Ends[1].Designed.ChannelWebConnection == True

ChannelLowerConnection ( weld_lower ) == True (' Welded ') or False (' Bolted '). " Channel lower connection " sets the method of attachment to the lower column. Note that the line with TypeDescription == ColumnPlate is required to prevent an object-attribute error in the following script. The line with ChannelWebConnection == True prevents columns that do not have channel web connections from being selected.

# Selects lower columns with bolted-bolted web channel splices.
m.Type == Column
and m.Ends[1].Designed.TypeDescription == SplicePlate
and m.Ends[1].Designed.ChannelWebConnection == True
and m.Ends[1].Designed.ChannelLowerConnection == False

ChannelConnectionSide ( side ) == NS or FS or BOTH . " Channel connection side " sets the side of the column for the channel web connection. Note that the "TypeDescription" line is required in the following script to prevent an object-attribute error. Also note that if the "ChannelWebConnection" is required to limit the selection to columns with channel web connections.

# Selects columns with channel splices on both sides of their webs.
m.Type == Column
and any(m.Ends).Designed.TypeDescription == SplicePlate
and any(m.Ends).Designed.ChannelWebConnection == True
and any(m.Ends).Designed.ChannelConnectionSide == BOTH

----- Auto base/cap plate ----

An auto base/cap plate can be designed when ' Auto base/cap ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ' is entered as the " Input connection type " on the Column Edit window. Unless the connection is user defined or has been forced, the column must frame to a beam in order for an auto base/cap plate to be designed.

# Selects columns with auto base plates (bottom end is [0]).
m.Type == Column
and m.Ends[0].Designed.TypeDescription == AutomaticColumnPlate

# Selects columns with auto standard auto cap plates (top end is [1]).
m.Type == Column
and m.Ends[1].Input.TypeDescription == AutoStandard
and m.Ends[1].Designed.TypeDescription == AutomaticColumnPlate

WeldAllAroundPlateAuto ( a_all_weld_bc ) == True or False . " Weld pattern " can be set to ' Automatic ' or ' Two faces ' or ' All faces ' or ' All faces (with seal) ' or ' All around '. True may get you a selection when " Weld pattern " in the " Connection specifications " for an auto base/cap plate is set to ' Automatic '.

# Selects columns with auto base plates whose " Weld pattern " is ' Automatic '.
m.Ends[0].Input.TypeDescription == AutomaticColumnPlate
and m.Ends[0].Input.WeldAllAroundPlateAuto == True

WeldAllAroundPlate ( all_weld_bc ) == True or False . " Weld pattern " can be set to ' Automatic ' or ' Two faces ' or ' All faces ' or ' All faces (with seal) ' or ' All around '. True may get you a selection when " Weld pattern " in the " Connection specifications " for an auto base/cap plate is set to ' All around '.

# Selects columns with auto base plates whose " Weld pattern " is ' All around '.
m.Ends[0].Input.TypeDescription == AutomaticColumnPlate
and m.Ends[0].Input.WeldAllAroundPlate == True

UseTransverseBeamStiffener ( trans_bm_stiff ) == Auto or Yes or No . " Use transverse beam stiffener " applies when the auto base/cap plate connects to a beam flange.

# Selects columns with auto base plates with stiffeners set to auto.
m.Type is Column
and m.Ends[0].Designed.TypeDescription is AutomaticColumnPlate
and m.Ends[0].Designed.UseTransverseBeamStiffener is Auto

----- User base/cap plate ----

A user base/cap plate can be designed when ' User base/cap ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ' is entered as the " Input connection type " on the Column Edit window.

WeldAllAroundPlateAuto ( a_all_weld_bc ) == True or False . " Weld pattern " can be set to ' Automatic ' or ' Two faces ' or ' All faces ' or ' All faces (with seal) ' or ' All around '. True may get you a selection when " Weld pattern " in the " Connection specifications " for a user base/cap plate is set to ' Automatic '.

# Selects columns with user base plates whose " Weld pattern " is ' Automatic '.
m.Ends[0].Input.TypeDescription == ColumnPlate
and m.Ends[0].Input.WeldAllAroundPlateAuto == True

WeldAllAroundPlate ( all_weld_bc ) == True or False . " Weld pattern " can be set to ' Automatic ' or ' Two faces ' or ' All faces ' or ' All faces (with seal) ' or ' All around '. True may get you a selection when " Weld pattern " in the " Connection specifications " for a user base/cap plate is set to ' All around '.

# Selects columns with user base plates whose " Weld pattern " is ' All around '.
m.Ends[0].Input.TypeDescription == ColumnPlate
and m.Ends[0].Input.WeldAllAroundPlate == True

UseTransverseBeamStiffener ( trans_bm_stiff ) == Auto or Yes or No . " Use transverse beam stiffener " applies when the user base/cap plate connects to a beam flange.

---- Vbrc plate ----

A vertical brace gusset plate can be designed when ' Vbrc plate ' or ' User defined ' is entered as the " Input connection type " on the Vertical Brace Edit window. Vertical brace gusset plates cannot be designed as auto standard.

UseOSGussetHoles ( os_guss_holes == True or False . " Use OS gusset holes " affects holes in the vertical brace-to-gusset interface only.

ConnectionArrangementIsPaddlePlate ( web_claw_angles ) == True (' Paddle plate ') or False (' Standard connection '). The " Connection arrangement " can be ' Paddle plate ' or ' Standard connection ' when the " Web orientation " is ' Vertical ' for a wide flange or S shape or welded plate wide flange vertical brace.

PipeTubeEndFitting ( hss_ftg_type ) == 0 (' Welded ') or 1 (' Bolted ') or 2 (' Paddle plate ') or 3 (' Paddle plate (double shear) ') or 4 (' Double paddle plate '). " Pipe/tube end-fitting " applies when the vertical brace " Section size " is a pipe or tube. Note: To get the proper selection for a ' Welded ' connection, you need to limit the section sizes to hollow sections as shown in the following script. This is not needed for selection of a ' Bolted ' or ' Paddle plate ' or ' Paddle plate (double shear) ' or ' Double paddle plate ' connection. Also note that the use of parentheses in that script -- and (xxx) -- causes the three lines that limit the section sizes to be interpreted as a single line.

# Selects pipe/tube vertical braces with a 'Welded' end fitting.
m.Type == VBrace
and (m.SectionSize.startswith("HSS")
or m.SectionSize.startswith("PIPE")
or m.SectionSize.startswith("TS"))
and any (m.Ends).Designed.PipeTubeEndFitting == 0

NotchLengthClearance ( notch_clearance > or < dimension . " Notch length clearance " applies when the " Section size " of the vertical brace is a HSS rectangular or HSS round that is field ' Welded ' to the gusset.

ErectionBolts ( erection_bolt ) == Automatic or NoErectionBolts or One or Two . " Erection bolts " applies when the " Section size " of the vertical brace is a HSS rectangular or HSS round section that is field ' Welded ' to the gusset.

GussetToSupportingMember ( br_gus_bm_ctype ) == 0 (' Auto ') or 1 (' Clip angle ') or 2 (' Welded '). The connection for the " Gusset to supporting member " is set on the Vertical Brace Edit window.

GussetToBeamClips ( clip_size_from_setup ) == 0 (' Match column ') or 1 (' From setup '). " Gusset to beam clips " applies when ' Clip angle ' is selected for " Gusset to supporting member " and the vertical brace frames to a beam and column.

GussetToClipConnection ( clip_angle_weld ) == 0 (' Automatic ') or 1 (' Welded ') or 2 (' Bolted '). " Gusset to clip connection " sets the method for attaching the clip angle to the gusset plate when ' Clip angle ' is selected for " Gusset to supporting member ."

ClipAngleSizeAuto ( auto_clip_angle_idx ) == True or False . See below.
ClipAngleSizeIndex ( clip_angle_idx ) > or < integer from the local shape file. The " Clip angle size " can be set to ' Auto ' or can allow the user to select the clip angle to be used.

AttachLongLegTo ( clip_leg_to_ed ) == 0 (' Automatic ') or 1 (' Supported ') or 2 (' Supporting '). " Attach long leg to " applies when the clip angle has unequal legs.

HoleTypeSupportedAuto ( auto_clip_htype_ed ) == True or False .
HoleTypeSupported ( clip_htype_ed ) == 0 (' Standard round ') or 1 (' Short slot ') or 2 (' Oversized ') or 3 (' Long slot '). " Hole type supported " sets the hole type for shop bolting the clip angle to the vertical brace gusset plate.

HoleTypeSupportingAuto ( auto_clip_htype_ing ) == True or False .
HoleTypeSupporting ( clip_htype_ing ) == 0 (' Standard round ') or 1 (' Short slot ') or 2 (' Oversized ') or 3 (' Long slot '). " Hole type supporting " sets the hole type for field bolting the outstanding leg of the angle to the supporting beam, column or wide flange vertical brace.

BoltDiameterAuto ( auto_clip_bolt_diameter ) == True or False .
BoltDiameter ( clip_bolt_diameter ) > or < dimension . " Bolt diameter " sets the diameter of bolts in both legs of the clip angle.

---- Welded (vertical brace) ----

A vertical brace welded connection can be designed when ' Welded ' is the " Input connection type ." A welded connection cannot be auto standard or user defined.

---- Hbrc plate ----

A horizontal brace gusset plate can be designed when ' Hbrc plate ' or ' User defined ' is entered as the " Input connection type " on the Horizontal Brace Edit window. Horizontal brace gusset plates cannot be designed as auto standard.

GussetCutIsCope ( gus_diag_cut ) == True or False .
GussetCutAuto ( a_gus_diag_cut ) == True or False . " Gusset cut " can be set to ' Automatic ' or ' Cope ' or ' Clip ' on the Horizontal Brace Edit window.

UseOSGussetHoles ( os_guss_holes ) == True or False . " Use OS gusset holes " affects holes in the brace-to-gusset interface only.

PipeTubeEndFitting ( hss_ftg_type ) == 0 (' Welded ') or 1 (' Bolted ') or 2 (' Paddle plate ') or 4 (' Double paddle plate '). " Pipe/tube end-fitting " applies when the horizontal brace " Section size " is a pipe or tube. Note : To get the proper selection for a ' Welded ' connection, you need to limit the section sizes to hollow sections as shown in the following script. This is not needed for selection of a ' Bolted ' or ' Paddle plate ' or ' Double paddle plate ' connection. Also note that the use of parentheses in that script -- and (xxx) -- causes the three lines that limit the section sizes to be interpreted as a single line.

# Selects pipe/tube horizontal braces with a 'Welded' end fitting.
m.Type == HBrace
and (m.SectionSize.startswith("HSS")
or m.SectionSize.startswith("PIPE")
or m.SectionSize.startswith("TS"))
and any (m.Ends).Designed.PipeTubeEndFitting == 0

NotchLengthClearance ( notch_clearance ) > or < dimension . " Notch length clearance " applies when the " Section size " of the horizontal brace is a HSS rectangular or HSS round that is field ' Welded ' to the gusset.

ErectionBolts ( erection_bolt ) == Automatic or NoErectionBolts or One or Two . " Erection bolts " applies when the " Section size " of the horizontal brace is a HSS rectangular or HSS round section that is field ' Welded ' to the gusset.

GussetToBeamConnectionIndex ( br_gus_bm_ctype ) == 0 (' Automatic ') or 1 (' Clip angle ') or 2 (' Welded '). " Gusset to beam connection " applies when a horizontal brace frames to the web of a single beam.

GussetToClipConnection ( clip_angle_weld ) == 0 (' Automatic ') or 1 (' Clip angle ') or 2 ( ' Welded '). " Gusset to clip connection " applies when " Gusset to beam connection " is set to ' Clip angle ' or when the horizontal brace gusset attaches to two beam webs (at a beam-beam corner or beam-column-beam corner).

GussetClipsOn ( clip_angle_location ) == returns True (' Near side ' or ' Far side ') or False (' Both sides ').
GussetClipsOnAuto ( auto_clip_angle_location ) == True or False . " Gusset clips on " can be set to ' Auto ' or ' Both sides ' or ' Near side ' or ' Far side '.

ClipAngleSizeAuto ( auto_clip_angle_idx ) == True or False .
ClipAngleSizeIndex ( clip_angle_idx ) == integer from the local shape file. " Clip angle size " can be set to ' Auto ' or can allow the user to select the clip angle to be used.

AttachLongLegTo ( clip_leg_to_ed ) == 0 (' Automatic ' ) or 1 (' Supported ') or 2 (' Supporting '). " Attach long leg to " sets whether the long leg of the clip angle attaches to the gusset plate or the supporting beam.

HoleTypeSupportedAuto ( auto_clip_htype_ed ) == True (" Auto ") or False (" Auto ").
HoleTypeSupported ( clip_htype_ed ) == 0 (' Standard round ') or 1 (' Short slot ') or 2 (' Oversized ') or 3 (' Long slot '). " Hole type supported " sets the hole type for shop bolting the clip angle to the gusset plate.

HoleTypeSupportingAuto ( auto_clip_htype_ing ) == True (" Auto ") or False (" Auto ").
HoleTypeSupporting ( clip_htype_ing ) == 0 (' Standard round ') or 1 (' Short slot ') or 2 (' Oversized ') or 3 (' Long slot '). " Hole type supporting " sets the hole type for field bolting the clip angle to the supporting beam.

BoltDiameterAuto ( auto_clip_bolt_diameter ) == True (" Auto ") or False (" Auto ").
BoltDiameter ( clip_bolt_diameter ) > or < dimension . " Bolt diameter " sets the diameter of bolts in both legs of the clip angle.

---- Joist ----

For joist seats, see: SeatMaterial , IsStiffened , SeatToSupportingMember .

ExtendBottomChord ( btm_ext ) == True or False . " Extend bottom chord " can be set on the Joist Edit window for the left- or right-end.

# Selects joists with extended bottom chords, left end.
m.Type == Joist
and m.Ends[0].Designed.ExtendBottomChord == True

StabalizingMaterialDescription ( btm_rest ) == 0 (' None ') or 1 (' Angle ') or 2 (' Plate '). " Stabilizing material " can be used to specify a plate or angle that shop welds to the supporting member and field welds to the supported joist.

TopChordToSupportBolted ( bolt_joist ) == True (' Bolted ') or False (' Welded '). " Chord to support " applies to a joist bearing on a beam flange when ' Bearing ' is the " Input connection type ."

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------ Setbacks -------

FieldClearanceFlag ( field_clear_flag ) == True or False .

# Selects beams on which the user has set a "Field clearance."
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).FieldClearanceFlag == True

FieldClearance ( field_clear ) > or < dimension . " Field clearance " can be set on the Beam Edit and Vertical Brace Edit and Horizontal Brace Edit and other edit windows.

MinusDimension ( minus_dim ) > or < dimension . " Input Minus dimension " (or " Minus dimension ") can be set on the Beam Edit and Column Edit and Vertical Brace Edit and Horizontal Brace Edit and other edit windows.

AutoMinusDimension ( a_minus_dim ) == True or False . " Automatic minus dimension " can be set on the Beam Edit and Vertical Brace Edit and Horizontal Brace Edit and other edit windows.

ConnectionSetbackFlag ( conn_stbk_flg ) == True or False . " Connection setback " can be set on the Beam Edit window.

ConnectionSetback ( conn_stbk ) > or < dimension . " Connection setback " can be set on the Beam Edit window.

# Selects beams with a connection setback set to 1/4 inch
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).ConnectionSetbackFlag == True
and any (m.Ends).ConnectionSetback == dim("1/4")

MaterialSetback ( mtrl_stbk ) > or < dimension . " Input material setback " can be set on the Beam Edit window.

AutoMaterialSetback ( a_mtrl_stbk ) == True or False . " Automatic material setback " can be set on the Beam Edit window.

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------ Moment -------

Moment connections can be designed when ' End plate ' or ' Shear plate ' or ' Clip angle ' or ' Splice plate ' or ' Fully welded moment ' is the " Input connection type " on the Beam Edit window. They can also be user defined connections.

MomentType ( type_mom ) == NonMoment or WeldedMoment and BoltedMoment . The " Moment type " can be set on the Beam Edit window.

# Selects beams with welded moment connections, either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any(m.Ends).Designed.MomentType == WeldedMoment

MomentDesignBoltType ( mom_bolt_type ) == integer from the Bolt Specifications .

MomentBoltTypeWasInput ( user_mom_bolt_type ) == True (' Auto ') or False (' Auto '). True indicates that the moment connection " Bolt type " is not set to ' Auto ' on the Beam Edit window.

MinimumMomentBoltDiameter ( mom_bolt_dia ) > or < dimension . The moment connection " Bolt diameter " can be set on the Beam Edit window.

# Selects beams whose moment "Bolt diameter" is not 3/4.
m.Type == Beam
and any(m.Ends).MinimumMomentBoltDiameter != dim("3/4")

MomentBoltDiameterWasInput ( user_mom_bolt_dia ) == True (' Auto ') or False (' Auto '). True indicates that the moment connection " Bolt diameter " is not set to ' Auto ' on the Beam Edit window.

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------ Loads -------

AutoShearLoad ( a_shear ) == True or False . A " Shear load " can be entered on the Beam Edit window.

# Selects beams with user-entered shear loads, either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).AutoShearLoad == False

ShearLoad ( shear_load ) > or < real number . A " Shear load " can be entered on the Beam Edit window.

# Selects beams with a shear load greater than 30 kips.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).ShearLoad > 30

ShearIsBelowSetupMinimum ( shear_min ) == True or False . The following script works like this search option.

# Selects beams with shear below minimum, either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).ShearIsBelowSetupMinimum == True

MaxShearWithoutFailing ( max_shear ) > or < real number . A " Shear load " can be entered on the Beam Edit window. The following script selects beams only.

# Finds left end connections whose compacity is greater than 37 kips.
m.Ends[0].MaxShearWithoutFailing > 37

After running the above script, click the left end " Shear " load (with " Auto " off) on any one of the selected beams to get a banner like this:

Maximum shear load: 37.8

AutoMomentLoad ( a_moment ) == True or False . " Moment load " can be entered on the Beam Edit window.

# Selects beams with user-entered moment loads, either end.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Ends).AutoMomentLoad == False

MomentForce ( moment ) > or < positive or negative real number . " Moment load " can be entered on the Beam Edit window. The following script can select a moment load even on a member whose " Moment load " is set to " Auto ."

# Selects beams with a right-end "Moment load."
m.Type == Beam
and m.Ends[1].MomentForce < 0
# Right-end moments are negative (< 0)

MaxMomentWithoutFailing ( max_moment ) > or < a positive real number . Unlike the above attribute, this attribute always takes only a positive value

# Finds left end moment connections with capacities exceeding 1000 kip-in.
m.Ends[0].MaxMomentWithoutFailing > 1000

After running the above script, click the left end " Moment load " (with " Auto " off) on any one of the selected beams to get a banner like this:

  Maximum moment load: 1008.3  

WeakAxisMomentLoad ( weak_axis_moment ) returns a floating point number of kips-inches. " Weak axis moment load " can be set in the Column Edit window when the connection type is set to ' Splice plate ' only.

AutoTensionLoadCalculation ( a_tension ) == True or False . " Tension load " can be set to " Auto " or can be user-input on a Vertical Brace Edit window or a Horizontal Brace Edit window.

# Selects vertical braces with user-entered tension loads, either end.
m.Type == VBrace
and any (m.Ends).AutoTensionLoadCalculation == False

TensionLoad ( tension_load ) > or < real number . " Tension load " can be user-input on a Beam Edit window. " Tension load " can be set to ' Auto ' or can be user-input on a Vertical Brace Edit window or a Horizontal Brace Edit window.

MaxTensionWithoutFailing ( max_tension )

# Selects vertical brace connections with capacities exceeding 30 kips.
m.Type == VBrace
and any (m.Ends).MaxTensionWithoutFailing > 30

After running the above script, click the left end " Tension " load (with " Auto " off) on any one of the selected vertical braces to get a banner like this:

 Maximum tension load: 42.4 

AutoCompressionLoadCalculation ( a_compress ) == True or False . " Compression load " can be set to " Auto " or can be user-input on a Vertical Brace Edit window or a Horizontal Brace Edit window.

# Selects horizontal braces with user-entered compression, either end.
m.Type == HBrace
and any (m.Ends).AutoCompressionLoadCalculation == False

CompressionLoad ( comp_load ) > or < real number . " Compression load " can be user-input on a Beam Edit window. On a Vertical Brace Edit window or a Horizontal Brace Edit window, " Compression load " can be set to " Auto " or can be user-input.

MaxCompressionWithoutFailing ( max_comp ) > or < real number .

StoryShear ( story_shear ) > or < real number . " Story shear " can be user-input on the Beam Edit window.

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------ End Prep -------

EndIsNonSquareCut ( non_sqr_cut ) == True or False . The following script works like this search option.

# Selects members that are not square cut on either end.
any (m.Ends).EndIsNonSquareCut == True

AngleOfFlangeEndCut ( flg_end_cut ) > or < angle . Any member type can have a " Flange cut ."

# Selects members with skewed ends
any (m.Ends).AngleOfFlangeEndCut > 0

AngleOfWebEndCut ( web_end_cut ) > or < angle . Any member type can have a " Web cut ."

# Selects sloping members with beveled ends
any (m.Ends).AngleOfWebEndCut > 0

When an Advanced Selection finds a member whose attribute matches a single end, the entire member is selected. There are many situations in which it is desirable to see which end's attribute matches the selection. This is done by setting " Select " to " Ends ", and using the name "e" with the attribute for which you search. The following script selects only ends.

# Selects only ends that are skewed
e.AngleOfWebEndCut > 0

Note that a selection using the AngleOfFlangeEndCut and AngleOfWebEndCut attributes selects for cut angles in radians. But an angle for a " Web cut angle " or " Flange cut angle " end preparation is entered and displayed in degrees. As a result, if you want to find ends that are cut to a certain angle, you must first convert the degrees entered in the member edit screen to radians. Rather than doing that calculation manually, you can enter the following into the Imports and Initialization Code field.

# The math module enables the math.radians function for our selection.
import math

Once the math module is imported, you can select by an angle in degrees rather than radians. The values for system-designed cuts are usually floating point numbers and not integers, so it is useful to select for a range of values:

# Finds flange cut angles set to approximately 2 degrees
# by converting the values to radians.
any (m.Ends).AngleOfWebEndCut <= math.radians(2.01)
any (m.Ends).AngleOfWebEndCut >= math.radians(1.99)

TopOperationType ( top_op_type ) == NoEndOperation (' None ') or CopePlain (' Cope plain ') or CopeFieldWeld (' Cope field weld #3 (Standard) ') or CopeShopWeld (' Cope shop weld #3 (Standard) ') or CutFlangeWidthBoth (' Cut flange width ') or CutFlangeFlushBoth (' Cut flange flush ') or ClipFlangeBoth (' Clip flange ') or NotchFlange (' Notch top ') or NotchWeb (' Notch near side ') or FemaCopeFieldWeld (' Cope field weld #1 (FEMA) ') or FEMACopeShopWeld (' Cope shop weld #1 (FEMA) ') or ClipWeb (' Clip web ') or 24 (' Seismic cope field weld ') or 25 (' Seismic cope shop weld ').

TopDimension1 ( top_op_dim1 ) > or < dimension .

Operation Distance Returned
' Cut flange width ' ' Flange length near side '
' Cut flange flush '
' Notch top/bottom ' ' Notch length '
' Notch near/far side '
' Clip web ' ' Clip length '
' Cope plain ' ' Cope length '
' Cope field weld #3 (Standard) '
' ' Cope shop weld #3 (Standard) '
' Cope field weld #1 (FEMA) '
' Cope shop weld #1 (FEMA) '
' Seismic cope field weld '
' Seismic cope shop weld '

TopDimension2 ( top_op_dim2 ) > or < dimension .

Operation Distance Returned
' Cut flange width ' ' Flange length far side '
' Cut flange flush '
' Notch top/bottom ' ' Notch width '
' Notch near/far side '
' Clip web ' ' Clip depth '
' Cope plain ' ' Cope depth '
' Cope field weld #3 (Standard) '
' ' Cope shop weld #3 (Standard) '
' Cope field weld #1 (FEMA) ' ' Re-entrant length '
' Cope shop weld #1 (FEMA) '
' Seismic cope field weld '
' Seismic cope shop weld '

TopDimension3 ( top_op_dim3 ) > or < dimension .

Operation Distance Returned
' Cut flange width ' ' Flange width '
' Notch top/bottom ' ' Notch offset '
' Notch near/far side ',
' ' Cope shop weld #3 (Standard) ' ' Clip web '
' Cope field weld #1 (FEMA) ' ' Re-entrant depth '
' Cope shop weld #1 (FEMA) '
' Seismic cope field weld '
' Seismic cope shop weld '

TopDimension4 ( top_op_dim4 ) > or < dimension .

Operation Distance Returned
' Notch top/bottom ' Notch radius '
' Notch near/far side '
' Cope shop weld #1 (FEMA) ' ' Clip web '
' Seismic cope shop weld '

TopDimension5 ( top_op_dim5 ) > or < dimension .

Operation Distance Returned
' Cope field weld #1 (FEMA) ' Flange flush length '.
' Cope shop weld #1 (FEMA) '
' Seismic cope field weld '
' Seismic cope shop weld ',

TopDimension6 ( top_op_dim6 ) > or < dimension .

Operation Distance Returned
' Cope plain ' ' Cope radius '
' Cope field weld #3 (Standard) ' ' Re-entrant radius '.
' Cope shop weld #3 (Standard) '
' Cope field weld #1 (FEMA) '
' Cope shop weld #1 (FEMA) '
' Seismic cope field weld '
' Seismic cope shop weld '

TopDimension7 ( top_op_dim7 ) > or < angle .

Operation Angle Returned
' Cope field weld #3 (Standard) ' ' Groove angle '
' Cope shop weld #3 (Standard) '
' Cope field weld #1 (FEMA) '
' Cope shop weld #1 (FEMA) '
' Seismic cope field weld '
' Seismic cope shop weld '

TopDimension8 ( top_op_dim8 ) > or < dimension .

Operation Distance Returned
' Cope field weld #1 (FEMA) ' Re-entrant hole distance '
' Cope shop weld #1 (FEMA) '
' Seismic cope field weld '
' Seismic cope shop weld '

BottomOperationType ( btm_op_type ): see TopOperationType . This operation is the same as TopOperationType, except that it applies to the bottom of the member main material. Also, for " Bottom flange operation " on the member edit window, ' Notch top ' reads ' Notch bottom ' and ' Notch near side ' reads ' Notch far side '.

BottomDimension1 ( btm_op_dim1 ): same as TopDimension1 , except this applies to the bottom flange operation.

BottomDimension2 ( btm_op_dim2 ): same as TopDimension2 , except this applies to the bottom flange operation.

BottomDimension3 ( btm_op_dim3 ): same as TopDimension3 , except this applies to the bottom flange operation.

BottomDimension4 ( btm_op_dim4 ): same as TopDimension4 , except this applies to the bottom flange operation.

BottomDimension5 ( btm_op_dim5 ): same as TopDimension5 , except this applies to the bottom flange operation.

BottomDimension6 ( btm_op_dim6 ): same as TopDimension6 , except this applies to the bottom flange operation.

BottomDimension7 ( btm_op_dim7 ): same as TopDimension7 , except this applies to the bottom flange operation.

BottomDimension8 ( btm_op_dim8 ): same as TopDimension8 , except this applies to the bottom flange operation.

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------ Framing Condition -------

A member end may have zero or more FramingConditions. Some of them may be 'None' if there is no member. The number and order of items in a FramingCondition should not be taken to signify anything, except that the m.Ends[0].Nodes are in the same order as the m.Ends[0].FramingCondition. FramingCondition information may be out of date if the member needs to be processed.

MemberTypeFramingFrom ( from_memt ) == Beam or Column or VBrace or HBrace or Joist or Girt or Misc or Stair or Purlin .

# Selects channel beams whose left ends frame to beams
any(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).MemberTypeFramingFrom == Beam
and any(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).MaterialTypeFramingFrom == Channel
and any(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).MemberTypeFramingTo == Beam

MaterialTypeFramingFrom ( from_matt ) == PlateMaterial or Channel or Angle or Pipe or WTee or HSS/TS or WideFlange or JoistMaterial or RoundPlate or RolledPlate or BentPlate or FlatPlateLayout or BentPlateLayout or RoundBar or SquareBar or FlatBar or ShearStud or CheckeredPlate or Grating or GratingTread or DeckMaterial or Clevis or Turnbuckle or WeldedPlateSection or WeldedBoxSection or SSection or STeeSection or TurnedSolid or TurnedShell or BeadedFlatSteel or ColdFormedChannel or ColdFormedZ or ConcreteSlabLayout ( Reference Member ) or ConcreteWallLayout ( Reference Profile Layout ) or StandardPart .

# Selects channel beams whose left ends frame to beams
m.Type == Beam
and any(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).MaterialTypeFramingFrom == Channel
and any(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).MemberTypeFramingTo == Beam

FramingToTheWebAt ( web ) == True or False .

# Selects beams whose left ends frame to a column webs
m.Type == Beam
and any(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).MemberTypeFramingTo == Column
and any(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).FramingToTheWebAt == True

perpendicularAt ( perp ) == True or False .

OffCenterAt ( offset ) == True or False .

# Selects beams whose left ends frame skewed to columns
m.Type == Beam
and any(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).MemberTypeFramingTo == Column
and any(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).perpendicularAt = False

SpliceConnectionAt ( splice ) == True or False .

# Selects the upper columns of columns that are spliced
m.Type == Column
and any(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).SpliceConnectionAt == True

MemberTypeFramingTo ( to_memt ) == Beam or Column or VBrace or HBrace or Joist or Girt or Misc or Stair or Purlin .

# Selects columns that are on top of beams
m.Type == Column
and any(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).MemberTypeFramingTo == Beam

MaterialTypeFramingTo ( to_matt ) == PlateMaterial or Channel or Angle or Pipe or WTee or HSS/TS or WideFlange or JoistMaterial or RoundPlate or RolledPlate or BentPlate or FlatPlateLayout or BentPlateLayout or RoundBar or SquareBar or FlatBar or ShearStud or CheckeredPlate or Grating or GratingTread or DeckMaterial or Clevis or Turnbuckle or WeldedPlateSection or WeldedBoxSection or SSection or STeeSection or TurnedSolid or TurnedShell or BeadedFlatSteel or ColdFormedChannel or ColdFormedZ or ConcreteSlabLayout ( Reference Member ) or ConcreteWallLayout ( Reference Profile Layout ) or StandardPart or CustomMaterial . ' CustomMaterial ' = CMU or concrete or rebar shape material or welded wire mesh .

# Selects beams whose left ends frame to non-W columns
m.Type == Beam
and any(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).MemberTypeFramingTo == Column
and none(m.Ends[0].FramingCondition).MaterialTypeFramingTo == WideFlange

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------ Standard Part -------

Many standard part attributes apply to all material types. Other attributes that apply to all material types can be found in the General Information section. Also, the attributes HoleGroupCount and HoleCount apply to all material types.

MinorMark ( mark ) == "string" assigned as the submaterial mark . A " Piecemark " can be set on the Rolled Section Material window and any other material edit window.

# Selects materials (angles) with submaterial mark a6.
mt.MinorMark == "a6"
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Material '

MaterialGrade == "string" from steel grade tables in setup. A " Steel grade " can be set on the Rolled Section Material window and any other material edit window except grating, grating tread, decking, clevis, turnbuckle and concrete.

# Selects connection materials with a steel grade other than A36.
mt.MaterialGrade != "A36"
and mt.MainMaterial == False

StandardPart ( std_part ) == True or False . A standard part is created using Fuse Material .

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------ General Information -------

Many general information attributes apply to all material types. Other attributes that apply to all material types can be found in the Standard Parts section. Also, the attributes HoleGroupCount and HoleCount apply to all material types.

ConnectionGeneratedByThisMemberNumber ( mem_conn_idx ) == integer .

# Selects connection materials on WT members.
mt.ConnectionGeneratedByThisMemberNumber > 0
and mt.ConnectionGeneratedByThisMember.SectionSize.startswith("WT")
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Material '

mt.ConnectionGeneratedByThisMember ( mem_conn ) is a member object.

# Selects plates that are components of beam connections.
mt.MaterialType == PlateMaterial
and mt.ConnectionGeneratedByThisMemberNumber > 0
and mt.ConnectionGeneratedByThisMember.Type == Beam
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Material '

ImperialDescription ( imp_desc ) == "string" . A material's " Description " can be set on the General Information window. For imperial rolled sections added, for example, from the usa_mrl shape file, the default description will also match the " Section size ."

# Selects 6 inch plates that are 1/4 inch thick.
mt.ImperialDescription == "PL1/4x6"
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Material '

# Selects all angles.

MetricDescription ( met_desc ) == "string" . Same as ImperialDescription , except that this applies to metric materials. For metric rolled sections added, for example, from the can_mtrl shape file, the default description will also match the " Section size ."

MaterialType ( mtrl_type ) == PlateMaterial or Channel or Angle or Pipe or WTee or Tube or WideFlange or JoistMaterial or RoundPlate or RolledPlate or BentPlate or FlatPlateLayout or BentPlateLayout or RoundBar or SquareBar or FlatBar or ShearStud or CheckeredPlate or Grating or GratingTread or ExpandedPlateTread or DeckMaterial or Clevis or Turnbuckle or WeldedPlateSection or WeldedBoxSection or SSection or STeeSection or TurnedSolid or TurnedShell or BeadedFlatSteel or ColdFormedChannel or ColdFormedZ or ConcreteSlabLayout ( Reference Member ) or ConcreteWallLayout ( Reference Profile Layout ) or StandardPart or CustomMaterial . Here is a list of material types in SDS2 programs. ' CustomMaterial ' = CMU or Concrete or Rebar shape material or Welded wire mesh . DetailQuantity ( dtl_quant ) > or < integer

# Selects 6 inch plates that are 1/4 inch thick.
mt.MaterialType == PlateMaterial
and mt.OrderLength == 6
and mt.Thickness == dim("1/4")

MaterialUse == Unknown or ShearPlate or ShearTabPlate or BackingBar or ThruPlate or ThruFillPlateLT or ThruFillPlateRT or TeeShear or ClipAngleNS or ClipAngleFS or BentPlateNS or BentPlateFS or MomEndPlate or MomentEndPlate or EndPlateStiffTop or EndPlateStiffBottom or BmSplicePlateNS or BmSplicePlateFS or BmSpliceFillPlateNS or BmSpliceFillPlateFS or BmWebDoublerNS or BmWebDoublerFS or BmFlangePlateTop or BmFlangePlateBottom or BmFlangeClipTop or BmFlangeClipBottom or BmFlangeSplicePlateTop or BmFlangeSplicePlateBottom or BmFlangeFillPlateTop or BmFlangeFillPlateBottom or BmClipStiffenerPlate or BmTeeSeat or BmSeatPlate or BmSeatStiffenerPlate or BmStiffenerPlateNSLT or BmStiffenerPlateNSRT or BmStiffenerPlateFSLT or BmStiffenerPlateFSRT or ColWebDoublerPlateNS or ColWebDoublerPlateFS or ColStiffenerPlateNSTop or ColStiffenerPlateFSTop or ColStiffenerPlateNSBottom or ColStiffenerPlateFSBottom or ColBasePlate or ColSplicePlateLTTop or ColSplicePlateRTTop or ColSplicePlateLTBottom or ColSplicePlateRTBottom or ColSpliceFillPlateLT or ColSpliceFillPlateRT or ColSpliceChannelNS or ColSpliceChannelFS or ColSpliceFillPlateNS or ColSpliceFillPlateFS or BRStitchPlate or BrPlType1 or BrPlType2 or BrPlType3 or BrPlType4 or BrPlType5 or BrPlType6 or BrPlType7 or BrPlType8 or BrPlType9 or BrPlType10 or BrPlType11 or BrPlType12 or BraceClip1NS or BraceClip1FS or BraceClip2NS or BraceClip2FS or BrWebPlNS or BrWebPlFS or BrWebChannelNS or BrWebChannelFS or BrTopFlAngleNS or BrTopFlAngleFS or BrBotFlAngleNS or BrBotFlAngleFS or BrWebFillPlateNS or BrWebFillPlateFS or JoistExtenPl or JoistExtenPlBot or JoistSeatPlTop or JoistSeatPlBottom or JoistSeatStiffTop or JoistSeatStiffBot or JoistSeatClipTop or JoistSeatClipBot or JoistClipStiffTop or JoistClipStiffBot or JoistTeeSeatTop or JoistTeeSeatBot or BracePlType13 or BracePlType14 or BracePlType15 or BracePlType16 or BracePlType17 or BracePlType18 or DummyMtrl or BracePlType19 or BracePlType20 or BracePlType21 or BracePlType22 or BrGussetShear1 or BrGussetShear2 or BrGussetEnd or BeamWebExtenTop or BeamWebExtenBot or StairStringerLT or StairStringerRT or STTread or BrGussetShearPlate or TopNSAngleWideFlangeClawAngle or BotNSAngleWideFlangeClawAngle or TopFSAngleWideFlangeClawAngle or BotFSAngleWideFlangeClawAngle or BrGussEndPlate or BraceWeldTEnd or ThreePointBrGuss or NSBentConnection or FSBentConnection or NSBentConnection or FSBentConnection2 or BrTeeTop or PaddlePl or SeatedBentPl or SharedEndPl or WeldTeeEndPl or WeldedTeeStemPl or GussBeamAngleNS or GussBeamAngleFS or SharedShearPl or WebGussPlStiffener or ShearPlateFill or GussetTeeShear or SharedTeeShear or ShearPlSlopeMomConn or ShearPlSlopingBoltMom or ShearPlSlopingWeldMom or BeamShearPlFiller or SkewBoltMomConnTopFlangePl or SkewBoltMomConnTopFlangePlLayout or SkewBoltMomConnBoxPl or SkewBoltMomConnBoxPlBackBar or HorizontalBrBackBar or WFlangeHorBrFiller1 or WFlangeHorBrFiller2 or ColWebSpliceNS or ColWebSpliceFS .

# Selects near side and far side clip angles.
mt.MaterialUse == ClipAngleNS
or mt.MaterialUse == ClipAngleFS

MemberConnectionEnd ( mem_conn_end ) == 0 ( left end ) or 1 (right end).

# Selects near side clip angles on the left ends of members.
mt.MaterialUse == ClipAngleNS
and mt.MemberConnectionEnd == 0

MemberConnectionEndObject is an end object.

SystemGeneratedMaterial ( sys_gened ) == True or False . You can find read-only information related to this attribute on the General Information window.

ConnectionMaterial ( conn_mtrl == True or False . You can find read-only information related to this attribute on the General Information window.

# Selects connection materials on WT members.
mt.ConnectionMaterial == True
and mt.ConnectionGeneratedByThisMember.SectionSize.startswith("WT")

MiscellaneousMaterial ( misc_mtrl ) == True or False .

# Selects miscellaneous material.
mt.MiscellaneousMaterial == True

MainMaterial ( main_mtrl ) == True or False . " Main member material " is an option on the General Information window for legacy miscellaneous members. You'll also find read-only information related to this attribute on the General Information window if the material is the main material of a beam, column or etc.

# Selects main materials that are less than 10-0 feet long.
mt.MainMaterial == True
and mt.OrderLength < dim("10-0")

IsMaterialFittedMitredOrCoped ( fitted ) == True or False . Works like this Status Display option.

IsMaterialBent ( bent ) == True or False . Works like this Status Display option.

IsMaterialStretched ( stretched ) == True or False . Works like this Status Display option.

Weight ( weight ) > or < real number . " Weight of item " is reported on the General Information window.

# Selects non W main materials that weigh more than 700 pounds.
mt.MainMaterial == True
and mt.MaterialType != WideFlange
and mt.Weight > 700

# Selects beams with any materials weighing more than 700 pounds.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Material).Weight > 700

# Selects beams with a total weight of more than 1000 pounds.
m.Type == Beam
and total (m.Material).Weight > 1000

SurfaceArea ( srfc_area ) > or < real number . " Surface area " is reported on the General Information window in square feet or square meters. The value you enter here should be in square inches. SDS2 programs automatically calculate the surface area of most types of material.

# Selects plates with a surface area greater than 4 square feet.
mt.MaterialType == PlateMaterial
and mt.SurfaceArea > 576

PlateFaceArea ( pl_area ) > or < real number . " Surface area " is reported on the General Information window in square feet or square meters -- if, for a plate, you divide that area by 2, you will get an approximation of the plate face area. The value you enter here should be in square inches. This attribute can be used to select various types of plates, but not material types such as wide flange.

# Selects plates with a face area greater than 1 square foot.
mt.MaterialType in (PlateMaterial, BentPlate)
and mt.PlateFaceArea > 144

MaterialRoute1Description ( route1 ) == "string" .
MaterialRoute2Description ( route2 ) == "string" .
MaterialRoute3Description ( route3 ) == "string" .
MaterialRoute4Description ( route4 ) == "string" . A " Material routing configurations " can be set on a material's General Information window.

Quantity ( quant ) > or < integer . The " Current quantity " of all materials with a particular mark is reported on the material's General Information window.

# Selects angles whose material mark quantity is more than 2.
and mt.Quantity > 2

Sequence ( seq_num ) =="string" from Sequence Names . Materials inherit the " Sequence " assigned to their members. Even if the sequence name is a number, be sure to put that number in quotes.

Zone ( zone_num ) == "string" from Zone Names . Zones are assigned to materials based on the " Sequence " of the member. Even if the zone name is a number, be sure to put that number in quotes.

Finish == "string" from Home > Project Settings > Job > Surface Finishes > Surface Finish Table > Display Name. The Surface Finish Table contains (12) legacy Display Names and optional user-added Display Names. A material's Surface finish can be set at the member level or at the material level.

# Selects materials that have Surface finish set to legacy Display Name 'Red oxide'.
mt.finish == "SurfaceFinishRedOxide"

# Selects materials that have Surface finish set to user-added Display Name ‘BLUE’.
mt.finish == "BLUE"

Finish_abbr == "string" from Home > Project Settings > Job > Surface Finishes > Surface Finish Table > Abbreviation.

# Selects materials that have Surface finish set to legacy Display Name 'Red oxide' with Abbreviation 'Red oxide'.
mt.finish_abbr == "Red oxide"

# Selects materials that have Surface finish set to user-added Display Name 'BLUE' with Abbreviation 'P'.
mt.finish_abbr == "P"

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------ Rolled Section -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark , mt.MaterialGrade . To select a rolled section by " Section size ," use the attribute mt.ImperialDescription or mt.MetricDescription .

# Selects angles whose section size is L3 1/2x3x5/16.
mt.ImperialDescription == "L3 1/2x3x5/16"
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Material '

# Selects connection angles longer than 1 foot, six inches.
mt.MaterialType == Angle
and mt.OrderLength > dim("1-6")
and mt.ConnectionMaterial == True

# Selects beams with angles (e.g. connection angles).
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Material).MaterialType == Angle
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

OrderLength ( length ) > or < dimension . " Order length " can be set for rolled sections , rectangular plate , rolled plate , bent plate , flat plate layout , bent plate layout , round bar , square bar , flat bar .

MaterialUse => see MaterialUse .

# Selects beams with any materials that are longer than 25 feet.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Material).OrderLength > dim("25-0")
# Tip: " Select " must be set to ' Members '

PartLength ( part_length ) > or < dimension . " Part length " is reported (read-only) for a rolled section or a rectangular plate .

# Selects wide flanges with unequal order and part lengths.
mt.MaterialType == WideFlange
and mt.OrderLength != mt.PartLength

WorkpointSlopeDistance ( wkpt_slope ) > or < dimension . " Work point distance " on a rolled section , rectangular plate , bent plate , rolled plate , round bar , square bar or flat bar .

# Selects angles than span more than 120 inches between work points.
mt.MaterialType == Angle
and mt.WorkpointSlopeDistance > 120

MaterialTwistAngle ( twist ) > or < angle . " Angle of twist " can be set on a rolled section , round bar , square bar or flat bar material.

MidOrdinate ( camber ) > or < dimension . " Mid-ordinate " can be set on a rolled section , round bar , square bar or flat bar material.

IncludedAngle ( bend_angle ) > or < angle . " Included angle " can be set on a rolled section , bent plate , round bar , square bar or flat bar material.

RollingRadius ( bend_rad ) > or < dimension . " Rolling radius " can be set on a rolled section , round bar , square bar or flat bar material.

SpiralOffset ( rolled_offset ) > or < dimension . " Spiral offset " can be set on a rolled section , round bar , square bar or flat bar material.

ToeInOrOut ( toe_io ) == True or False . " Toe direction " can be set when a rolled section is a channel or angle.

# Selects channels that are toed out.
mt.MaterialType == Channel
and mt.ToeInOrOut == False

IsLongLegVertical ( llv ) == True or False . " Long leg " can be set when a rolled section is an angle.

MaterialSetback[0] ( mtrl_stbk[0] ) (left end) > or < dimension .
MaterialSetback[1] ( mtrl_stbk[1] ) (right end) > or < dimension .
" Material setback " can be set on a rolled section , rectangular plate , bent plate , round bar , square bar or flat bar .

WebCutEnd[0] ( web_cut[0] ) (left end) > or < angle
WebCutEnd[1] ( web_cut[1] ) (right end) > or < angle .
" Web cut angle " can be set on a rolled section . " End cut angle " can be set on a rectangular plate , round bar , square bar or flat bar .

FlangeCutEnd[0] ( flg_cut[0] ) > or < angle
FlangeCutEnd[1] ( flg_cut[1] ) > or < angle
. " Flange cut angle " can be set only on a rolled section.

TopOperationTypeLeftEnd ( left_top_op_type ) or TopOperationTypeRightEnd ( right_top_op_type ) or BottomOperationTypeLeftEnd ( left_btm_op_type ) or BottomOperationTypeRightEnd ( right_btm_op_type ) == NoEndOperation ( None ) or CopePlain ( Cope plain ) or CopeFieldWeld ( Cope shop weld # 3 (Standard) ) or CopeShopWeld ( Cope field weld # 3 (Standard) ) or NotchFlange ( Notch top/bottom ) or CutFlangeWidthBoth ( Cut flange width ) or CutFlangeFlushBoth ( Cut flange flush ) or ClipFlangeBoth ( Clip flange ) or NotchWeb ( Notch NS/FS ) or FemaCopeFieldWeld ( Cope field weld #1 (FEMA ) or FEMACopeShopWeld ( Cope shop weld # 1 (FEMA) ) or ClipWeb ( Clip web ) or 24 ( Seismic cope field weld ) or 25 ( Seismic cope shop weld ). This is the type of cutting operation that is performed on the top, left or top, right or bottom, left or bottom, right of the material.

TopLengthLeft ( left_top_op_dim1 ) or TopLengthRight ( right_top_op_dim1 ) or BottomLengthLeft ( left_btm_op_dim1 ) or BottomLengthRight ( right_btm_op_dim1 ) > or < dimension , which is the " Cope length " applied to the material when the operation is Cope plain or Cope shop weld # 3 (Standard or Cope field weld # 3 (Standard or Cope field weld #1 (FEMA) or ( Cope shop weld # 1 (FEMA) or Seismic cope field weld or Seismic cope shop weld . For Clip web , this is the " Clip length " . For Notch top or Notch bottom or Notch NS or Notch FS , this is the " Notch length " .

TopLengthNSLeft ( left_top_op_dim1 ) or TopLengthNSRight ( right_top_op_dim1 ) or BottomLengthNSLeft ( left_btm_op_dim1 ) or BottomLengthNSRight ( right_btm_op_dim1 ) > or < dimension , which is the top left/right or bottom left/right " Flange length near side " applied to the material when the operation is Cut flange width or Cut flange flush . This is the length of the cut from the (left or right) end of the material along the length of the near side of the top/bottom flange.

TopCopeLeft ( left_top_op_dim2 ) or TopCopeRight ( right_top_op_dim2 ) or BottomCopeLeft ( left_btm_op_dim2 ) or BottomCopeRight ( right_btm_op_dim2 ) > or < dimension , which is the " Cope depth " applied to the material when the operation is Cope plain or Cope shop weld # 3 (Standard or Cope field weld # 3 (Standard or Cope field weld #1 (FEMA) or ( Cope shop weld # 1 (FEMA) or Seismic cope field weld or Seismic cope shop weld . This distance is measured fom the top of the top flange (or bottom of the bottom flange) into the web of the material.

TopWidthLeft ( left_top_op_dim2 ) or TopWidthRight ( right_top_op_dim2 ) or BottomWidthLeft ( left_btm_op_dim2 ) or BottomWidthRight ( right_btm_op_dim2 ) > or < dimension . For Notch top or Notch bottom or Notch NS or Notch FS , this is the " Notch width " .

TopFEMAReEntrantLengthLeft ( left_top_op_dim2 ) or TopFEMAReEntrantLengthRight ( right_top_op_dim2 ) or BottomFEMAReEntrantLengthLeft ( left_btm_op_dim2 ) or BottomFEMAReEntrantLengthRight ( right_btm_op_dim2 ) > or < dimension , which is the " Re-entrant length " applied to the material when the operation is Cope field weld #1 (FEMA ) or Cope shop weld # 1 (FEMA) or Seismic cope field weld or Seismic cope shop weld .

TopLengthFSLeft ( left_top_op_dim2 ) or TopLengthFSRight ( right_top_op_dim2 ) or BottomLengthFSLeft ( left_btm_op_dim2 ) or BottomLengthFSRight ( right_btm_op_dim2 ) > or < dimension , which is the top left/right or bottom left/right " Flange length far side " applied to the material when the operation is Cut flange width or Cut flange flush . This is the length of the cut from the (left or right) end of the material along the length of the far side of the top/bottom flange.

TopClipLeft ( left_top_op_dim2 ) or TopClipRight ( right_top_op_dim2 ) or BottomClipLeft ( left_btm_op_dim2 ) or BottomClipRight ( right_btm_op_dim2 ) > or < dimension , which is the " Clip depth " applied to the material when the operation is Clip web .

TopFlangeWidthLeft ( left_top_op_dim3 ) or TopFlangeWidthRight ( right_top_op_dim3 ) or BottomFlangeWidthLeft ( left_btm_op_dim3 ) or BottomFlangeWidthRight ( right_btm_op_dim3 ) > or < dimension , which is the top or bottom " Flange width " applied to the material when the operation is Cut flange width . This is the width of the flange that remains after the near side and far side flange cuts are made. For Notch top or Notch bottom or Notch NS or Notch FS , this is the " Notch offset " .

TopFEMAReEntrantDepthLeft ( left_top_op_dim3 ) or TopFEMAReEntrantDepthRight ( right_top_op_dim3 ) or BottomFEMAReEntrantDepthLeft ( left_btm_op_dim3 ) or BottomFEMAReEntrantDepthRight ( right_btm_op_dim3 ) > or < dimension , which is the " Re-entrant depth " applied to the material when the operation is Cope field weld #1 (FEMA ) or Cope shop weld # 1 (FEMA) or Seismic cope field weld or Seismic cope shop weld . For Notch top or Notch bottom or Notch NS or Notch FS , this is the " Notch offset " .

TopWebLeft ( left_top_op_dim3 ) or TopWebRight ( right_top_op_dim3 ) or BottomWebLeft ( left_btm_op_dim3 ) or BottomWebRight ( right_btm_op_dim3 ) > or < dimension , which is the " Clip web " applied to the material when the operation is Cope shop weld # 3 (Standard) ). For Notch top or Notch bottom or Notch NS or Notch FS , this is the " Notch offset " .

TopFEMAClipLeft ( left_top_op_dim4 ) or TopFEMAClipRight ( right_top_op_dim4 ) or BottomFEMAClipLeft ( left_btm_op_dim4 ) or BottomFEMAClipRight ( right_btm_op_dim4 ) > or < dimension , which is the " Clip web " applied to the material when the operation is Cope shop weld # 1 (FEMA) or Seismic cope shop weld . For Notch top or Notch bottom or Notch NS or Notch FS , this is the " Notch radius " .

TopFEMAFlangeFlushLengthLeft ( left_top_op_dim5 ) or TopFEMAFlangeFlushLengthRight ( right_top_op_dim5 ) or BottomFEMAFlangeFlushLengthLeft ( left_btm_op_dim5 ) or BottomFEMAFlangeFlushLengthRight ( right_btm_op_dim5 ) returns a distance, which is the " Flange flush length " applied to the material when the operation is Cope field weld #1 (FEMA ) or Cope shop weld # 1 (FEMA) or Seismic cope field weld or Seismic cope shop weld .

TopReEntrantRadiusLeft ( left_top_op_dim6 ) or TopReEntrantRadiusRight ( right_top_op_dim6 ) or BottomReEntrantRadiusLeft ( left_btm_op_dim6 ) or BottomReEntrantRadiusRight ( right_btm_op_dim6 ) > or < dimension , which is the " Re-entrant radius " applied to the material when the operation is Cope shop weld # 3 (Standard) ) or Cope field weld # 3 (Standard) or Cope field weld #1 (FEMA ) or Cope shop weld # 1 (FEMA) or Seismic cope field weld or Seismic cope shop weld .

TopCopeRadiusLeft ( left_top_op_dim6 ) or TopCopeRadiusRight ( right_top_op_dim6 ) or BottomCopeRadiusLeft ( left_btm_op_dim6 ) or BottomCopeRadiusRight ( right_btm_op_dim6 ) > or < dimension , which is the " Cope radius " applied to the material when the operation is Cope plain .

TopGrooveAngleLeft ( left_top_op_dim7 ) or TopGrooveAngleRight ( right_top_op_dim7 ) or BottomGrooveAngleLeft ( left_btm_op_dim7 ) or BottomGrooveAngleRight ( right_btm_op_dim7 ) > or < angle , which is the " Groove angle " applied to the material when the operation is Cope shop weld # 3 (Standard) ) or Cope field weld # 3 (Standard) or Cope field weld #1 (FEMA ) or Cope shop weld # 1 (FEMA) or Seismic cope field weld or Seismic cope shop weld .

TopReEntrantHoleDistanceLeft ( left_top_op_dim8 ) or TopReEntrantHoleDisancetRight ( right_top_op_dim8 ) or BottomReEntrantHoleDistanceLeft ( left_btm_op_dim8 ) or BottomReEntrantHoleDistanceRight ( right_btm_op_dim8 ) > or < dimension , which is the " Re-entrant hole distance " applied to the material when the operation is Cope field weld #1 (FEMA ) or Cope shop weld # 1 (FEMA) or Seismic cope field weld or Seismic cope shop weld .

EndPreparation[0] ( end_prep[0] ) == 0 (' Standard cut ') or 1 (' Square cut ') or 2 (' Bevel cut ') or 3 (' Mill cut ')
EndPreparation[1] ( end_prep[1] ) == 0 (' Standard cut ') or 1 (' Square cut ') or 2 (' Bevel cut ') or 3 (' Mill cut ').
" End-cut type " can be set only on a rolled section.

MomentConnectionWebSetbackEnd[0] ( web_stbk[0] ) > or < dimension
MomentConnectionWebSetbackEnd[1] ( web_stbk[1] ) > or < dimension .
" Moment connection web setback " can be set only on a rolled section.

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------ Rectangular Plate -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark , mt.MaterialGrade . With rolled sections: mt.OrderLength , mt.PartLength , mt.WorkpointSlopeDistance , mt.MaterialSetback , mt.WebCutEnd .

# Selects braces with no plate material (that field bolt to their gussets)
m.Type in (VBrace, HBrace)
and none (m.Material).MaterialType == PlateMaterial

# Selects rectangular plates that are more 5/8 or more inches thick.
mt.MaterialType == PlateMaterial
and mt.Thickness >= dim("5/8")

Width ( width ) > or < dimension . " Material width " can be set on a rectangular plate , flat plate layout , bent plate layout , square bar or flat bar . " Unrolled width " can be read (read-only) from a rolled plate.

Thickness ( thick ) > or < dimension . " Material thickness " can be set on a rectangular plate , round plate , rolled plate , bent plate , flat plate layout , bent plate layout or flat bar .

MaterialOriginPoint ( origin ) == 0 (' FS ') or 1 (' Center ') or 2 (' NS '). " Thickness reference point " can be set on a rectangular plate , round plate , flat plate layout or a bent plate layout .

CheckeredPlatePattern ( checkered ) == True (" Checkered ") or False (" Checkered "). " Checkered " can be set on a rectangular plate , round plate , bent plate , rolled plate , flat plate layout , bent plate layout .

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------ Round Plate -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark , mt.MaterialGrade . With rectangular plate: mt.Thickness , mt.MaterialOriginPoint , mt.CheckeredPlatePattern .

# Selects round plates that are 3/8 inch thick.
mt.MaterialType == RoundPlate
and mt.Thickness == dim("3/8")

# Selects columns with round plates (round base/cap plates).
m.Type == Column
and any (m.Material).MaterialType == RoundPlate
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

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------ Bent Plate -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark , mt.MaterialGrade . With rolled sections: mt.OrderLength , mt.WorkpointSlopeDistance , mt.RollingRadius , mt.IncludedAngle , mt.MaterialSetback . With rectangular plate: mt.Thickness , mt.MaterialOriginPoint , mt.CheckeredPlatePattern .

BentPlateLeg ( leg ) > or < dimension . " Length leg 1 " can be set on a bent plate.

BentPlateOSL ( osl ) > or < dimension . " Length leg 2 " can be set on a bent plate.

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------ Rolled Plate -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark , mt.MaterialGrade . With rolled sections: mt.OrderLength , mt.WorkpointSlopeDistance . With rectangular plate: mt.Thickness , mt.Width (" Unrolled width ") mt.CheckeredPlatePattern ,

TaperRadius ( taper_rad ) > or < dimension . " Outside tapered radius " can be set on a rolled plate.

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------ Flat Plate Layout -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark , mt.MaterialGrade . With rolled sections: mt.OrderLength . With rectangular plate: mt.Thickness , mt.Width , mt.MaterialOriginPoint , mt.CheckeredPlatePattern .

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------ Bent Plate Layout -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark , mt.MaterialGrade . With rolled sections: mt.OrderLength . With rectangular plate: mt.Thickness , mt.Width , mt.MaterialOriginPoint , mt.CheckeredPlatePattern .

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------ Round Bar -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark , mt.MaterialGrade . With rolled sections: mt.OrderLength , mt.WorkpointSlopeDistance , mt.MaterialTwistAngle , MidOrdinate , IncludedAngle , RollingRadius , SpiralOffset , mt.MaterialSetback , mt.WebCutEnd . With rectangular plate: mt.Width (" Bar diameter ").

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------ Square Bar -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark , mt.MaterialGrade . With rolled sections: mt.OrderLength , mt.WorkpointSlopeDistance , mt.MaterialTwistAngle , MidOrdinate , IncludedAngle , RollingRadius , SpiralOffset , mt.MaterialSetback , mt.WebCutEnd . With rectangular plate: mt.Width .

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------ Flat Bar -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark , mt.MaterialGrade . With rolled sections: mt.OrderLength , mt.WorkpointSlopeDistance , mt.MaterialTwistAngle , MidOrdinate , IncludedAngle , RollingRadius , SpiralOffset , mt.MaterialSetback , mt.WebCutEnd . With rectangular plate: mt.Thickness , mt.Width .

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------ Grating -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark .

NumberOfStringersInGrate ( num_bars ) > or < integer . " Number of bearing bars " can be set on the Grating Material window.

Length ( length ) > or < dimension . " Grating length " can be set on the Grating Material window.

Width ( width ) > or < dimension . " Grating width " can be set on the Grating Material window.

BearingBarWidth ( bbar_width ) > or < dimension . " Bearing bar depth " can be set on the Grating Material window.

BearingBarThickness ( bbar_thick ) > or < dimension . " Bearing bar thickness " can be set on the Grating Material window.

BearingBarSpacing ( bbar_spa ) > or < dimension . " Bearing bar spacing " can be set on the Grating Material window.

EndBandThickness[0] ( end_thick[0] ) > or < dimension .
EndBandThickness[1] ( end_thick[1] ) > or < dimension .
" End band thickness " can be set on the Grating Material window.

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------ Grating Tread -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark .

Length ( length ) > or < dimension . " Grating length " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

Width ( width ) > or < dimension . " Grating width " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

NumberOfStringersInGrate ( num_bars ) > or < integer . " Number of bearing bars " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

BearingBarWidth ( bbar_width ) > or < dimension . " Bearing bar depth " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

BearingBarThickness ( bbar_thick ) > or < dimension . " Bearing bar thickness " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

BearingBarSpacing ( bbar_spa ) > or < dimension . " Bearing bar spacing " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

NosingWidth ( nosing_width ) > or < dimension . " Nosing width " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

EndPlateThickness ( end_thick ) > or < dimension . " End plate thickness " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

EndPlateWidth ( end_width ) > or < dimension . " End plate width " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

BoltDiameter ( bdia ) > or < dimension . " End plate bolt diameter " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

NosingToHoleVerticalDistance ( dist_y ) > or < dimension . " Vertical to first hole " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

NosingToHoleHorizontalDistance ( dist_x ) > or < dimension . " Horizontal to first hole " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

HoleToHoleHorizontalDistance ( spa ) > or < dimension . " Horizontal hole spacing " can be set on the Grating Tread Material window.

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------ Decking -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark .

Length ( length ) > or < dimension . " Deck length " can be set on the Deck Material window.

Width ( width ) > or < dimension . " Deck width " can be set on the Deck Material window.

Thickness ( thick ) > or < dimension . " Deck thickness " can be set on the Deck Material window.

RibDepth ( rib_depth ) > or < dimension . " Deck depth " can be set on the Deck Material window.

NumberOfRibs ( num_ribs ) > or < integer . " Number of ribs " can be set on the Deck Material window.

RibWidth ( rib_width ) > or < dimension . " Rib width " can be set on the Deck Material window.

RibSpacingCenterToCenter ( rib_spa ) > or < dimension . " Center to center ribs " can be set on the Deck Material window.

BaseWidth ( base_width ) > or < dimension . " Deck base width " can be set on the Deck Material window.

EndCutAngle[0] ( end_cut[0] ) > or < dimension .
EndCutAngle[1] ( end_cut[1] ) > or < dimension .
" End cut angle " can be set on the Deck Material window.

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------ Shear Stud -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark , mt.MaterialGrade .

Diameter ( dia ) > or < dimension . " Stud diameter " can be set on the Shear or Threaded Stud Material window.

Length ( length ) > or < dimension . " Stud length " can be set on the Shear or Threaded Stud Material window.

HeadDiameter ( head_dia ) > or < dimension . " Head diameter " can be set on the Shear or Threaded Stud Material window.

HeadThickness ( head ) > or < dimension . " Head thickness " can be set on the Shear or Threaded Stud Material window.

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------ Clevis -------

Attributes shared with standard parts: mt.MinorMark . To select a clevis by " Section size ," use the attribute mt.ImperialDescription or mt.MetricDescription .

Grip ( grip ) > or < dimension . " Grip " can be set on the Clevis Material window.

PinDiameter ( pin_dia ) > or < dimension . " Pin hole diameter " can be set on the Clevis Material window.

RodDiameter ( dia ) > or < dimension . " Rod hole diameter " can be set on the Clevis Material window.

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------ Holes -------

HoleCount ( hole_cnt ) > or < integer . In actuality, this is a material attribute, not a hole attribute. Other attributes that apply to most materials can be found in the General Information section and the Standard Parts section.

# Selects plates with 6 or more holes.
and mt.HoleCount >= 6
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Material '

HoleGroupCount ( hole_grp_cnt ) > or < integer . In actuality, this is a material attribute, not a hole attribute. Other attributes that apply to most materials can be found in the General Information section and the Standard Parts section.

# Selects plates with more than one hole group.
and mt.HoleGroupCount > 1

SystemGenerated ( sys_gened ) == True or False . True selects holes that were generated during Create Solids . False selects holes that were added using Add Holes . False also selects holes that were originally system generated, but later were edited by users.

# Selects plates with user-added or user-edited holes.
mt.MaterialType == PlateMaterial
and all(mt.Hole).SystemGenerated == False
# Tip 1: Set " Select " to ' Material ' to select the material
# Tip 2: Set " Select " to ' Holes ' to select the holes on those materials

Note: By using all in the above script, only user-added or user-edited holes are selected when " Select " is set to ' Holes '. If any were used instead of all , even system-generated holes would be selected.

BoltDiameter ( bdia ) > or < dimension . " Bolt diameter " can be set on the Hole Edit window.

# Selects plates with holes for bolts that are larger than 3/4 inch.
mt.MaterialType == PlateMaterial
and any (mt.Hole).BoltDiameter > dim("3/4")
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Material ' to select the plates

Diameter ( dia ) > or < dimension . " Hole diameter " can be set on the Hole Edit window.

Type ( type ) == 0 (' Standard round ') or 1 (' Short slot ') or 2 (' Oversized ') or 3 (' Long slot ') or 4 (' Cope hole ') or 5 (' Erection pin hole ') or 6 (' Anchor bolt hole ') or 7 (' Plug weld hole ') or 8 (' Grout '). " Hole type " can be set on the Hole Edit window.

# Selects angles with short slots.
mt.MaterialType == Angle
and any (mt.Hole).Type == 1
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Material '

SlotRotation ( rot ) > or < angle . " Slot rotation " can be set on the Hole Edit window.

SlotLength ( slen ) > or < dimension . " SlotLength " can be set on the Hole Edit window.

ShouldBeValid ( should_be_valid ) == True or False. " Valid for CNC downloading " can be set on the Hole Edit window.

# Selects plates with any holes that are not "Valid for CNC downloading."
mt.MaterialType == PlateMaterial
and any (mt.Hole).ShouldBeValid == False
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Material '

Matchable ( matchable ) == True or False. " Matchable " can be set on the Hole Edit window.

# Selects plates with any matchable holes.
mt.MaterialType == PlateMaterial
and any (mt.Hole).matchable == True
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Materal '

# Selects beams with any non-matchable holes.
m.Type == Beam
and any (mt.Hole).matchable == False
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Material '

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------ Bolts -------

BoltCount ( bolt_cnt ) > or < integer. Since the count includes field bolts, the setup option " Field bolts listed on which members " affects the total bolt count for a member. In actuality, this is a member attribute, not a bolt attribute. Other attributes that apply to most members can be found in the General Attributes for Members section and the Member Status section.

# Selects members with a total of 8 shop and field bolts.
m.Type in (Beam, Column, VBrace, HBrace)
m.BoltCount == 8
# Tip 1: Set " Select " to ' Members '
# Tip 2: Edit Bill to confirm the result

IsFieldBolt ( field_bolt ) == True or False . " Class " can be set on the Edit Bolt window.

# Selects beams that are not bolted in the shop.
m.Type == Beam
and all(m.Bolt).IsFieldBolt == True
# Note: This script selects beams with no bolts or only field bolts

# Selects beams with field bolts, but no shop bolts.
m.Type == Beam
and all(m.Bolt).IsFieldBolt == True
and m.BoltCount > 0

Diameter ( dia ) > or < dimension . " Diameter " can be set on the Edit Bolt window.

# Selects beams with non-standard bolt sizes.
m.Type == Beam
and not all(m.Bolt).Diameter == dim("3/4")
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

BoltTypeDescription ( bolt_grade ) == "string" from the Bolt Specifications . " Bolt type " can be set on the Edit Bolt window.

# Selects beams that have at least one bolt that is not A325.
m.Type == Beam
and not all(m.Bolt).BoltTypeDescription.startswith("A325")
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

# Selects beams that have some A325SC bolts.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Bolt).BoltTypeDescription == "A325SC"
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

BoltType ( bolt_type ) == integer from the Bolt Specifications . " Bolt type " can be set on the Edit Bolt window. 0 is the first bolt that is listed in the Bolt Specifications . 1 is the second bolt that is listed. Use BoltTypeDescription ( above ) to reference the bolt type by name.

Length ( len ) > or < dimension . " Bolt length " can be set on the Edit Bolt window.

Grip ( grip ) > or < dimension . " Bolt grip " can be set on the Edit Bolt window.

# Selects member that with bolts through thick materials
m.Type in (Beam, Column, VBrace, HBrace)
and any (m.Bolt).BoltGrip > dim("1 1/4")
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

IsTensionControl ( tc ) == True or False . " Tension control (TC) " can be set on the Edit Bolt window.

# Selects beams that have tension control bolts.
m.Type == Beam
and any (m.Bolt).IsTensionControl == True
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

PrimaryWasherUnderHeadType ( washer_hd1 ) returns 0 (' None ') or 1 (' Flat ') or 2 (' Hardened ') or 3 (' Bevel ') or 4 (' Square plate ') or 5 (' Direct tension indicator ') or 6 (' Round plate ') or 7 (' Hillside ') or 8 (' Double thick hardened ') or 9 (' Heavy plate ').

# Selects members with Hillside primary washers.
any (m.Bolt).PrimaryWasherUnderHeadType== 7
or any (m.Bolt).PrimaryWasherUnderNutType == 7
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

SecondaryWasherUnderHeadType ( washer_hd2 ) == 0 (' None ') or 1 (' Flat ') or 2 (' Hardened ') or 3 (' Bevel ') or 4 (' Square plate ') or 5 (' Direct tension indicator ') or 6 (' Round plate ') or 7 (' Hillside ') or 8 (' Double thick hardened ') or 9 (' Heavy plate ').

TertiaryWasherUnderHeadType ( washer_hd3 ) returns 0 (' None ') or 1 (' Flat ') or 2 (' Hardened ') or 3 (' Bevel ') or 4 (' Square plate ') or 5 (' Direct tension indicator ') or 6 (' Round plate ') or 7 (' Hillside ') or 8 (' Double thick hardened ') or 9 (' Heavy plate ').

PrimaryWasherUnderNutType ( washer_nt1 ) == 0 (' None ') or 1 (' Flat ') or 2 (' Hardened ') or 3 (' Bevel ') or 4 (' Square plate ') or 5 (' Direct tension indicator ') or 6 (' Round plate ') or 7 (' Hillside ') or 8 (' Double thick hardened ') or 9 (' Heavy plate ').

SecondaryWasherUnderNutType ( washer_nt2 ) == 0 (' None ') or 1 (' Flat ') or 2 (' Hardened ') or 3 (' Bevel ') or 4 (' Square plate ') or 5 (' Direct tension indicator ') or 6 (' Round plate ') or 7 (' Hillside ') or 8 (' Double thick hardened ') or 9 (' Heavy plate ').

TertiaryWasherUnderNutType ( washer_nt3 ) == 0 (' None ') or 1 (' Flat ') or 2 (' Hardened ') or 3 (' Bevel ') or 4 (' Square plate ') or 5 (' Direct tension indicator ') or 6 (' Round plate ') or 7 (' Hillside ') or 8 (' Double thick hardened ') or 9 (' Heavy plate ').

SystemGenerated ( sys_gened ) == True or False . True selects bolts that were generated during Create Solids . False selects bolts that were added using Add Bolts or Add Bolts Point to Point . False also selects bolts that were originally system generated, but later were edited by users.

# Selects non-miscellaneous members with user-added or user-edited bolts.
m.Type != Misc
and any (m.Bolt).SystemGenerated == False

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------ Welds -------

GeneratedByThisMemberNumber ( mem_conn_idx ) == integer . The integer is the generating member's member number.

# Selects welds generated by WT members.
w.GeneratedByThisMemberNumber > 0
and w.GeneratedByThisMember.SectionSize.startswith("WT")
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Welds '

w.GeneratedByThisMember ( mem_conn ) is a member object.

# Selects welds generated by beams, which may shop weld to columns.
w.GeneratedByThisMemberNumber > 0
and w.GeneratedByThisMember.Type == Beam
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Welds '

ArrowSize ( arrow_size ) > or < dimension . " Weld size " for the " Arrow side " can be set on the Edit Weld(s) window. For the " Other side ," the attribute is OtherSize ( other_size ) .

# Selects non-miscellaneous members with welds.
m.Type != Misc
and any (m.Weld).ArrowSize > 0
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Member '

# Selects beams and columns with the minimum weld size (3/16).
m.Type in (Beam, Column)
and any (m.Weld).ArrowSize == dim("3/16")

ArrowLength ( arrow_length ) > or < dimension . " Weld length " is read-only information for the " Arrow side " that is reported on the Edit Weld(s) window. For the " Other side ," the attribute is OtherLength ( other_length ) .

# Selects members with welds more than two feet long.
any (m.Weld).ArrowLength > dim("2-0")
# Tip: " Select " must be set to ' Members '

WeldAllAround ( weld_all_around ) == True or False . " Weld-all-around " can be found on the Add Weld(s) window.

# Selects columns welded all around to, for example, base/cap plates.
m.Type == Column
any (m.Weld).WeldAllAround == True

FieldWeld ( field_weld ) == True or False . " Field weld " can be set on the Edit Weld window. Field welds are generated for a limited set of connections, and they are not shown on member details.

ArrowStitchLength ( arrow_stitch_length ) > or < dimension . " Length " for the " Arrow side " can be set on the Edit Weld(s) window. For the " Other side ," the attribute is OtherStitchLength ( other_stitch_length ) .

ArrowStitchSpacing ( arrow_ stitch_spacing ) > or < dimension . " Spacing " for the " Arrow side " can be set on the Edit Weld(s) window. For the " Other side ," the attribute is OtherStitchSpacing ( other_stitch_spacing ) .

ArrowRootOpening ( arrow_root_opening ) > or < dimension . " Root opening " for the " Arrow side " can be set on the Edit Weld(s) window. For the " Other side ," the attribute is OtherRootOpening ( other_root_opening ) .

ArrowRootFace ( arrow_root_face ) > or < dimension . " Root face " for the " Arrow side " can be set on the Edit Weld(s) window. For the " Other side ," the attribute is OtherRootFace ( other_root_face ) .

ArrowGrooveAngle ( arrow_groove_angle ) > or < angle . " Groove angle " for the " Arrow side " can be set on the Edit Weld(s) window. For the " Other side ," the attribute is OtherGrooveAngle ( other_groove_angle ) .

ArrowWeldType ( arrow_weld_type ) == 0 (' None '') or 1 (' Fillet ') or 6 (' Square groove ') or 4 (' Bevel groove ') or 5 (' V groove ') or 11 (' J groove ') or 10 (' U groove ') or 12 (' Flare bevel groove ') or 13 (' Flare V groove ') or 7 (' Plug ') or 8 (' Backing weld ') or 9 (' Backing bar '). Weld " Type " for the " Arrow side " can be set for the " Arrow side " can be set on the Edit Weld(s) window. For the " Other side ," the attribute is other_weld_type .

# Selects members with at least one weld that is non-fillet
any (m.Weld).ArrowWeldType != 1
or (m.Weld).other_weld_type != 1
# Tip: " Select " must be set to ' Members '

# Selects welds that are non-fillet, single.
w.ArrowWeldType != 1
# Tip: " Select " must be set to ' Welds '

ArrowWeldContourDescription ( contour ) == ContourNone or Flush or Concave or Convex . " Contour " for the " Arrow side " can be set on the Edit Weld(s) window.

# Selects members with welds that have a specified contour.
m.Type in (Beam, Column, VBrace, HBrace)
any (m.Weld).ArrowWeldContourDescription != ContourNone
# Tip: " Select " must be set to ' Members '

SystemGenerated ( sys_gened ) == True or False . True selects welds that were generated during Create Solids and never modified by the user. False selects user-added welds and system-generated welds that were user edited.

# Selects members with any welds that are user-edited or user added.
any (m.Weld).SystemGenerated == False
# Tip: " Select " must be set to ' Members '

ShowWeldLength ( show_length ) == True or False . The eye button ( or or ) for weld " Length " on the Edit Weld(s) window in Modeling sets whether or not particular welds will have their weld length depicted on their weld symbols when those weld symbols are generated by auto detailing. A setup option -- Home > Project Settings > Job > Weld Design Settings > " Show weld length on weld symbol " -- sets the default for that eye button.

WeldSymbolTailText ( tail_text ) == "string" . " Supplementary tail text " can be entered by users, but is generally not entered automatically.

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------ Other -------

UsedInAnAssembly ( assm_mark ) == True or False . Click here for more about assemblies.

# Selects materials that are used in an assembly.
mt.UsedInAnAssembly == True
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Material '

UsedInAStandardMark ( std_mark ) == True or False . Click here for more about standard marks.

# Selects materials that have standard marks.
mt.UsedInAnAssembly == True
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Material '

DihedralAngle ( di_angle ) > or < angle . A dihedral angle is an angle formed by two intersecting planes. For a wide flange beam to a wide flange column, this would be the angle between the top flange of the beam and whatever column face the beam frames to. " Dihedral angle " may be reported in a Connection Design Calculations Report .

# Finds members with non-perpendicular connections, either end.
any (m.Ends).DihedralAngle != 90
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

ShownExploded ( exploded ) == True or False . A member's erection view position can be changed using Set Exploded View Position .

# Finds members that will be shown as exploded in an erection view.
m.ShownExploded == True
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

DetailsPlacedOnDetailSheet ( on_sheet ) == True or False . See this Status Display option.

# Finds members that are on sheets.
m.DetailIsPlacedOnDetailSheet == True
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

MarkedForReAssignPiecemark ( asn_pcmk ) == True or False . Works like this Status Display option.

MarkedForPlot ( plot ) == True or False . See this Status Display option.

# Finds members that have been printed.
m.MarkedForPlot == False
# Tip: Set " Select " to ' Members '

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