Open Sheet
Tool summary :
- Opens shop drawings, erection drawings, RFIs, sketches and addendum that have been output in the PDF format or other formats.
- The tool can also be used to find members that are linked to addendum, RFIs, Shop Drawings or Sketches that you select.
- In the SDS2 data directory , the Open Sheet plugin can be found in the plugins/Distributed folder, which means that SDS2 programmers did not develop the plugin. Distribution is provided in response to an expressed interest by users of SDS2 software to have it be made freely available.
- Open Sheet can be launched by clicking an icon, by keyboard shortcut, or via the context menu. You can find it in the group called ' Model -- Parametric ' (lightning or classic).
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Open Sheet
- For this tool to be able to open files, those files need to have been placed in specific folders inside of the
macro folder in your current Job . RFIs need to be in the
Answered and/or
Unanswered folders inside of the
macro/RFI folder. Since these folders will be automatically created when you first run the attachment tool or when you first open up the member custom properties, there is no need for you to manually create them yourself. The files can be any type. PDF files work well.
PDF Type
| Folder inside of macro in your current Job |
Shop Drawing
| Shop Drawing
Erection Drawing
| Erection Drawing
| RFI /Answered
| Sketch
| Addendum
- To use " Find ": You need to have first linked the members to detail sheets, RFIs, sketches or addendum using the Attachment Tool . Also, members must be within the depth checking limits of your current view before they can be found. 1) Click the " Open Sheet " icon. 2) Press the Esc key to decline to select members. 3) The Find and Open Tool window opens. Under the " Shop Drawing " or " RFI " or " Sketch " or " Addendum " tab, select one or more drawings. 4) Press the " Find " button. Result: Members linked to the selected drawings will be displayed in solid opaque form, while all other members in the view will be displayed in stick form. Also, Open Sheet will Zoom to Fit the solid opaque members.
- If you press " Open " instead of " Find " (as described in the procedure outlined above), Open Sheet will open the files. You can open shop drawings (detail sheets), erection drawings (erection sheets), RFIs, Sketches or Addendum in this way. The procedure which follows is an alternative way to open detail sheets.
- To open sheets by selecting members: You need to have first linked the members to the detail sheets (shop drawings) using the Attachment Tool . 1) Click the " Open Sheet " icon. 2) Select members in the model, then press Enter . Result: Open Sheet will launch the appropriate reader to open the detail sheet files that were linked (using the Attachment Tool ) to the members you selected. If, for example, the sheet files are PDF files, Open Sheet will open the files using your workstation's default viewer for files of that type.
Also see :
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