Approval Sheet Sorting
Tool summary :
- Facilitates engineering review and approval of member details by sorting sheets into categories based on their approval status.
- In the SDS2 data directory , the Approval Sheet Sorting plugin can be found in the plugins/Distributed folder, which means that SDS2 programmers did not develop the plugin. Distribution is provided in response to an expressed interest by users of SDS2 software to have it be made freely available.
- The tool is compatible with modular properties and can also be used with a legacy " Flavor " such as ' ElectronicApproval ' or ' CollaborativeProperties ' or ' DDLegacy '.
- Approval Sheet Sorting can be launched by clicking an icon, by keyboard shortcut, or via the context menu. You can find it in the group called ' Model -- Parametric ' (lightning or classic).
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Approval Sheet Sorting
- Before using Approval Sheet Sorting :
- The member details that are for engineering review need to be placed onto sheets, one detail per sheet. Detail Sheet Autoloading set to " Add only one detail to sheet " with " Detail placement on sheet " set to ' Centered ' is an efficient way to do this. The sheets should then be converted to PDFs using Home > Export > 2D > Export PDF Drawing .
- The Attachment Tool needs to be run to link the PDF files to members. " Approval status " categories such as ' Approved ' and ' Rejected ' or ' Revise and resubmit ' and ' Approved as noted ' need to have been applied to members.
- As mentioned above, the tool is not for detailers -- it is for engineers who are, for example, using the Model Review station to review details. To use the tool, the engineer needs to: 1) Enter a " Saving location path ." 2) Choose a " Selection method ." 3) Select the items.
- Copies of the drawings will be sorted into folders named after the " Approval status " category that has been assigned to them. For example, into folders named
Approved and
Rejected and
Revise and resubmit and
Approved as noted . This sorting of the drawings can help to facilitate engineering review of those drawings. An
Erection Drawing folder for erection sheets may also be placed at the location entered as the " Saving location path ."
- To resolve conflicting statuses for members batched under the same piecemark, Approval Sheet Sorting uses the worst-case scenario. For example, if a drawing depicts members with approval statuses of ' Approved ' and ' Approved as noted ' and ' Rejected ', the drawing will be sorted into the
Rejected folder.
Also see :
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