Rename Shape File ( Utility Functions )
Also see :
- Shape File Management (topic)
- Create New Shape File (option in Shapes Properties )
- Shapes Properties (for editing a shape file)
- Choosing a local shape file (when creating a Job)
- Copy Shapes (for editing a shape file)
- Delete Shape File (another utility)
- Shape File Report (reports the contents of a shape file)
- Shape File Comparison Report (compares two shape files)
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1 . Start the Rename Shape File utility:
1a : Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Rename > Rename Shape File . If prompted to do so, enter the " Utility Password " that has been set up for your network.
2 . The Rename Shape File window opens. On it are two entry fields for defining a new file path for the shape file.
2a : To " Original shape file ," enter a file path by clicking on the " Browse... " button and choosing the shape file you want to move and/or rename. Or you can type in the file path if you know it.
2b : To " New shape file ," type in the new file path that you want. Tip: Use the Ctrl + c and Ctrl + v key combinations to copy and paste the file path from the " Original... " field to this field, then modify that path to give the file a new name and/or location.
Alternative 1 : Press " OK " to continue. Go to step 3.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end the Rename Shape File operation without renaming or relocating the selected file.
3 . One of the following happens:
Possibility 1 : This utility renames/relocates the shape file as you have specified, and you get a message saying that the shape file " has been renamed ." Press the " OK " button to complete this operation.
Possibility 2 : The utility does not rename the shape file because it has found that a file already exists that has the path entered to " New shape file. " On the warning dialog that appears, press the " OK " button and go back to step 2.
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