Xxx Erase commands in the Drawing Editor

Basic concept: An Xxx > Erase command can only delete those objects which you select that are type xxx and are on comment layers .

Xxx Edit commands are object specific. Xxx stands for the name of the object. In the Drawing Editor , the Xxx Erase commands are :

Angle Dimension Erase (xxx = angle dim )
Arc Erase (xxx = arc )
Arc Dimension Erase (xxx = arc dim )
Bevel Erase (xxx = bevel symbol )
Bolt Erase (xxx = 2D bolt )
Bolt Sym Erase (xxx = bolt sym )
Circle Erase (xxx = circle )
Cloud Erase (xxx = cloud )
Construction Circle Erase (xxx = con circle )
Construction Line Erase (xxx = con line )
Dimension Erase (xxx = dimension )
Hatch Erase (xxx = hatch )
Hole Erase (xxx = 2D hole )
Hole Sym Erase (xxx = hole symbol )
Image Erase (xxx = image )
Label Erase (xxx = label )
Line Erase (xxx = line )
Pointer Erase (xxx = pointer )
Sheet Item Delete (xxx = sheet item )
Sheet Line Erase (xxx = sheet line )
Weld Erase (xxx = weld symbol )

To invoke an Xxx Erase command , you can click an icon or use a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, configuring command accessibility is done using Customize Interface .

Generic Delete : When generic Delete is invoked, for example, using the Delete key, it erases the selected items, regardless of their type. Unlike an Xxx Erase command, generic Delete can simultaneously erase multiple types of objects.

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Xxx Erase & generic Delete :

Xxx Erase commands have built-in selection filtering that makes them operate on objects of a specific type (type xxx). Generic Delete operates on any type of object.

Example 1: An Xxx Erase command deletes only those selected objects on comment layers that are type xxx.

Note: The example below is actually taken from a full-featured SDS2 program. Pretend that the labels selected in the example are on comment layers . You cannot use an Xxx Erase command to delete objects that are on non-comment layers.

1 . In Select Items mode, select objects of any type. In this example, objects are selected by holding down the left mouse button ( Select ) and drawing an area box . Since the area box is drawn from right to left , objects that are partially in the box are selected in their entirety.

2 . Invoke an Xxx Erase command ( Label Erase in this example).

3 . The labels are erased. The other objects that were selected are not erased since they are not labels. Undo can be used to get the labels back.

Example 2: Generic Delete erases all selected objects that are on comment layers.

Note: The example that follows was actually taken from a full-featured SDS2 program. Pretend that the objects selected in the example are on comment layers . You cannot use the generic Delete tool to delete objects that are on non-comment layers.

1 . In Select Items mode, select objects of any type. In this example, objects are selected by holding down the left mouse button ( Select ) and drawing an area box . Since the area box is drawn from right to left , objects that only partially in the box are selected in their entirety.

2 . Right-click ( Menu ) and choose " Delete " on the context menu . Or press the Delete key or etc. .

3 . All of the objects that were selected in step 1 are deleted. Undo can be used to get them back.

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