" Gusset 2 Point " & " Weld Conn2 " connection design locks

A shared gusset for HSS, pipe or tube vertical braces to a beam can be designed for any " Pipe/tube end-fitting ." For a ' Welded ' end fitting, 0 or 1 or 2 holes are centered on the workline (not shown). The shared gusset may be for 2-point bracing (" Gusset 2 Point ") or 3-point bracing (not shown). A clip angle (" NS/FS Clip Conn2 ") can be used for a 2-point gusset-to-beam connection instead of " Weld Conn 2 ."

(HSS vertical braces, field attached to a shared gusset, to a beam)
(vertical brace " Section size " = HSS, pipe or tube)
(" Input connection type " = ' Vbrc plate ' or ' User defined ')
(" Pipe/tube end-fitting " = ' Bolted ' or ' Paddle plate ' or ' Welded ')

" Gusset 2 Point "
(gusset plate dimensions and location)

" Weld Conn 2 "
(" Gusset to supporting member " = ' Welded ')

2-point and 3-point bracing . The connection design locks for 2-point bracing (2 braces to a shared gusset) and 3-point bracing are essentially the same. However, users cannot connect a 3-point gusset plate to the supporting beam with a clip angle (" NS/FS Clip Conn2 "). A 3-point gusset plate must be welded to the supporting beam (" Weld Conn2 ").
Related locks Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Bolted
Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Paddle
Brace Connection To Gusset Hss Welded
NS/FS Clip Conn2

user defined | vertical brace review | top

Connection design locks :

Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).

  Gusset 2 Point
(HSS vertical braces to a beam)

Gusset plate dimensions and location

Plate thickness ( not depicted ):

Width ( plate width ):

Length ( plate length ):


Left Brace [ member number ]

Refx ( refx left ):

Connection cut width ( cut width ):

Connection cut length ( cut len ):

Right Brace [member number]

Refx ( refx right ):

Connection cut width ( cut width ):

Connection cut length ( cut length ):

user defined | vertical brace review | top

    Weld Conn2
(HSS vertical braces, 2- or 3-point, to a beam)

Shop weld, gusset plate to the supporting beam

Weld size ( weld ):

" Weld Conn2 " locks are available when ' Welded ' is selected for " Gusset to supporting member " under " Connection specifications " on the Vertical Brace Review window.

" NS/FS Clip Conn2 " locks become available when ' Clip angle ' is selected for " Gusset to supporting member ."

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