" Brace Connection to Gusset " connection design locks

A wide flange vertical brace field bolts to a shared gusset plate per choices made to " Brace Connection To Gusset " locks. The wide flange brace's flanges are cut flush to the side of the web (NS or FS) that field bolts to the gusset (" Side of gusset " = ' Near side ' or ' Far side '). The shared gusset shop attaches to the column per choices made to " Weld Conn2 " or " NS/FS Clip Conn2 " locks.

VIDEO In a full-featured SDS2 program, a wide flange vertical brace produces the failure message, " WF brace flg is too narrow for connection ." This failure message is fixed by switching the " Side of gusset " from ' Center ' to ' Near side ' or ' Far side ', thus instructing the program to field bolt the web of the wide flange directly to the gusset. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.)

(W vertical braces, field bolted to shared gusset, to a column)
(vertical brace " Section size " = wide flange)
(" Input connection type " = ' Vbrc plate ' or ' User defined ')
(" Web orientation " = ' Vertical ')
(" Side of gusset " = ' Near side ' or ' Far side ')
" Brace Connection To Gusset "
(hole pattern for field bolts)

2-point bracing is shown, but " Brace Connection To Gusset " locks also apply to 3-point bracing. The gusset can shop weld to the column (" Weld Conn 2 ") or, for 2-point bracing, can shop bolt with a clip angle (" NS/FS Clip Conn2 "). A wide flange column is shown, but the column can also be other material types .

Related locks :
Gusset 2 Point
Weld Conn2
NS/FS Clip Conn2 (alternative to " Weld Conn2 ")

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Connection design locks :

Locks not on the drawing are marked ( not depicted ).

  Brace Connection to Gusset
( wide flange vertical brace, web bolted to a 2- or 3-point gusset, to a column )

Bolt diameter ( not depicted ):

Hole type ( not depicted ):


Distance to 1st hole along brace ( to 1st hole ):

Hole spacing along brace ( rs ):

Edge distance along brace ( ed ):

Other edge distance along brace ( other ed ):


Hole spacing perpendicular to brace ( cs ):

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