is a file that is maintained with the detailing template files that are used when you auto Detail using templates .

Example showing the first lines of the file:

import math
import model
from detailing_vars import *
from string import split
def feq(value1, value2, tol):
    return math.fabs( value1 - value2 ) < tol

def fne(value1, value2, tol):
    return math.fabs( value1 - value2 ) > tol

def flt(value1, value2, tol):
    return (value2 - value1) > tol

def fgt(value1, value2, tol):
    return (value1 - value2) > tol

def fle(value1, value2, tol):
    return (value1 - value2) < tol

def fge(value1, value2, tol):
    return (value2 - value1) < tol

def dist_squared (loc1, loc2):
    xdist = loc1.x - loc2.x
    ydist = loc1.y - loc2.y
    return xdist * xdist + ydist * ydist

The file defines functions that are useful for defining the rules in templates. It also imports useful Python modules such as the model module, which means that importing the file also imports the model module. Template developers can modify the file to import additional modules and to write their own functions.

Complete contents of the file (6/21/2013)

import math
import model
from detailing_vars import *
from string import split
def feq(value1, value2, tol):
    return math.fabs( value1 - value2 ) < tol
def fne(value1, value2, tol):
    return math.fabs( value1 - value2 ) > tol
def flt(value1, value2, tol):
    return (value2 - value1) > tol
def fgt(value1, value2, tol):
    return (value1 - value2) > tol
def fle(value1, value2, tol):
    return (value1 - value2) < tol
def fge(value1, value2, tol):
    return (value2 - value1) < tol
def dist_squared (loc1, loc2):
    xdist = loc1.x - loc2.x
    ydist = loc1.y - loc2.y
    return xdist * xdist + ydist * ydist
def column_face_direction(job_north, column_rot):
    test_rot = job_north - column_rot
    PI_8 = 180 / 8.0
    pi_01_8 =  1.0 * PI_8
    pi_03_8 =  3.0 * PI_8
    pi_05_8 =  5.0 * PI_8
    pi_07_8 =  7.0 * PI_8
    pi_09_8 =  9.0 * PI_8
    pi_11_8 = 11.0 * PI_8
    pi_13_8 = 13.0 * PI_8
    pi_15_8 = 15.0 * PI_8
    if fgt( test_rot, pi_01_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, pi_03_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"NORTHWEST\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, pi_03_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, pi_05_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"NORTH\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, pi_05_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, pi_07_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"NORTHEAST\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, pi_07_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, pi_09_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"EAST\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, pi_09_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, pi_11_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"SOUTHEAST\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, pi_11_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, pi_13_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"SOUTH\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, pi_13_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, pi_15_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"SOUTHWEST\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, -pi_15_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, -pi_13_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"NORTHWEST\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, -pi_13_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, -pi_11_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"NORTH\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, -pi_11_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, -pi_09_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"NORTHEAST\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, -pi_09_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, -pi_07_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"EAST\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, -pi_07_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, -pi_05_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"SOUTHEAST\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, -pi_05_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, -pi_03_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"SOUTH\""
    elif fgt( test_rot, -pi_03_8, 0.001 ) and fle( test_rot, -pi_01_8, 0.001 ):
        return "\"SOUTHWEST\""
        return "\"WEST\""
def column_end_cut_text(member_end):
    if member_end.end_cut == "Square Cut":
        return "SQ CUT"
    elif member_end.end_cut == "Bevel Cut":
        return "BEV CUT"
    elif member_end.end_cut == "Mill Cut":
        return "MILL CUT"
        return ""
def shop_callout_text(shop_bolt_types, member_qty):
    if len(shop_bolt_types) == 0:
        return ""
    # pbt = primary bolt type
    pbt = shop_bolt_types[0]
    if len(shop_bolt_types) > 1:
        ret_text = "SHOP BOLTS (Unless Noted):"
        ret_text = "SHOP BOLTS:"
    bdia = to_dim(pbt.Diameter)
    blen = to_dim(pbt.Length)
    # once bqty is initted, it will only change never .. or .. once
    bqty = pbt.Quantity
    if member_qty == "ONE":
        mqty = 1
        mqty = int(member_qty)
    fmt_option = get_drawing_setup_option("sum_bolt_format")
    if fmt_option == "TotalOnly":
        bqty *= mqty
    ret_text += "\n  %i-%sx%s %s" % (bqty, bdia, blen, pbt.Name)
    if pbt.Remarks != "":
        ret_text += " w/%s" % pbt.Remarks
    if fmt_option == "UnitAndTotal":
        bqty *= mqty
        ret_text += " [total=%i]" % bqty
    return ret_text
def field_callout_text(field_bolt_types, member_qty):
    if len(field_bolt_types) == 0:
        return ""
    ret_text = "FIELD BOLTS:"
    if member_qty == "ONE":
        mqty = 1
        mqty = int(member_qty)
    for bolt in field_bolt_types:
        bdia = to_dim(bolt.Diameter)
        blen = to_dim(bolt.Length)
        # once bqty is initted, it will only change never .. or .. once
        bqty = bolt.Quantity
        fmt_option = get_drawing_setup_option("sum_bolt_format")
        if fmt_option == "TotalOnly":
            bqty *= mqty
        ret_text += "\n  %i-%sx%s %s" % (bqty, bdia, blen, bolt.Name)
        if bolt.Remarks != "":
            ret_text += " w/%s" % bolt.Remarks
        if fmt_option == "UnitAndTotal":
            bqty *= mqty
            ret_text += " [total=%i]" % bqty
    return ret_text
def double_material_count(mem):
    if mem.main_mtrl().MaterialType in ["Angle", "Channel"]:
        if hasattr( mem, "is_double" ) and mem.is_double == "Yes":
            return 2
            return 1
        return 1
def show_toe_direction_ns_note(mem):
    if mem.type == "Horizontal Brc":
        if mem.main_mtrl().MaterialType in ["S Tee", "W Tee"]:
            return False
    if mem.main_mtrl().MaterialType in ["Angle", "Channel"]:
        if hasattr( mem, "is_double" ) and mem.is_double == "Yes":
            return False
        if hasattr( mem, "toeio" ) and mem.toeio == "In":
            return True
    return False
def show_toe_direction_fs_note(mem):
    if mem.type == "Horizontal Brc":
        if mem.main_mtrl().MaterialType in ["S Tee", "W Tee"]:
            return False
    if mem.main_mtrl().MaterialType in ["Angle", "Channel"]:
        if hasattr( mem, "is_double" ) and mem.is_double == "Yes":
            return False
        if hasattr( mem, "toeio" ) and mem.toeio == "Out":
            return True
    return False
def show_stem_direction_ns_note(mem):
    if mem.type == "Horizontal Brc":
        if mem.main_mtrl().MaterialType in ["S Tee", "W Tee"]:
            if hasattr( mem, "toeio" ) and mem.toeio == "In":
                return True
    return False
def show_stem_direction_fs_note(mem):
    if mem.type == "Horizontal Brc":
        if mem.main_mtrl().MaterialType in ["S Tee", "W Tee"]:
            if hasattr( mem, "toeio" ) and mem.toeio == "Out":
                return True
    return False
def show_long_leg_note(mem):
    if mem.main_mtrl().MaterialType != "Angle":
        return False
    if not hasattr( mem, "Depth" ):
        return False
    if not hasattr( mem, "FlangeWidth" ):
        return False
    if feq(mem.Depth, mem.FlangeWidth, 0.01):
        return False
    if mem.type == "Horizontal Brc" or mem.type == "Vertical Brace":
        if hasattr( mem, "LLV" ) and mem.LLV == "To gusset":
            return True
    return False
def show_short_leg_note(mem):
    if mem.main_mtrl().MaterialType != "Angle":
        return False
    if not hasattr( mem, "Depth" ):
        return False
    if not hasattr( mem, "FlangeWidth" ):
        return False
    if feq(mem.Depth, mem.FlangeWidth, 0.01):
        return False
    if mem.type == "Horizontal Brc" or mem.type == "Vertical Brace":
        if hasattr( mem, "LLV" ) and mem.LLV == "Outstanding":
            return True
    return False
def shop_note_text(mem):
    toe_ns = show_toe_direction_ns_note(mem)
    toe_fs = show_toe_direction_fs_note(mem)
    stem_ns = show_stem_direction_ns_note(mem)
    stem_fs = show_stem_direction_fs_note(mem)
    long_leg = show_long_leg_note(mem)
    short_leg = show_short_leg_note(mem)
    if toe_ns or toe_fs or stem_ns or stem_fs or long_leg or short_leg:
        result = "SHOP NOTE:"
        if toe_ns:
            result += "\n  TOE DIRECTION NEAR SIDE"
        if toe_fs:
            result += "\n  TOE DIRECTION FAR SIDE"
        if stem_ns:
            result += "\n  STEM NEAR SIDE"
        if stem_fs:
            result += "\n  STEM FAR SIDE"
        if long_leg:
            result += "\n  LONG LEG SHOWN"
        if short_leg:
            result += "\n  SHORT LEG SHOWN"
        return result
        return ""
#This is hardcoded here, because it was hardcoded in SDS2 in mtrl_pcmk.c.
#This should actually be pulled from the "Member and Material Piecemarking"
#in setup
def get_material_desc(material):
    material_type = material.MaterialType
    if material_type == "Channel":
        return "C"
    elif material_type == "Angle":
        return "L"
    elif material_type == "Pipe":
        return "PIPE"
    elif material_type == "W Tee":
        return "WT"
    elif material_type == "Tube":
        return "TS"
    elif material_type == "W flange":
        return "WF"
    elif material_type == "S Shape":
        return "S"
    elif material_type == "S Tee":
        return "ST"
    elif material_type == "Round plate":
        return "RND PL"
    elif material_type == "Round bar":
        return "RND BAR"
    elif material_type == "Flat bar":
        return "FL"
    elif material_type == "Beaded Flat":
        return "HB"
    elif material_type == "Flat pl layout" or material_type == "Plate":
        if is_bar_stock(material):
            return "FL"
            return "PL"
    elif material_type == "Bent pl layout" or material_type == "Bent plate":
        return "PL"
    return ""
def get_memb_hsym_note(mem,material):
    mtype = material.MaterialType
    if mtype in ["Plate", "Round plate", "Rolled plate", "Bent plate"]:
        return "IN PLATE"
    elif mtype in ["Flat pl layout", "Bent pl layout"]:
        return "IN PLATE"
    elif mtype in ["Round bar", "Square bar", "Flat bar"]:
        return "IN BAR"
    elif mtype in ["W Tee", "S Tee"]:
        return "IN TEE"
    if mtype == "Angle":
        return "IN ANGLE"
    elif mtype == "Tube":
        return "IN TUBE"
    if material.MainMaterial == "Yes":
        if mem.type == "Beam":
            return "IN BEAM"
        elif mem.type == "Column":
            return "IN COLUMN"
        elif mem.type in ["Horizontal brace", "Vertical brace"]:
            return "IN BRACE"
    return ""
def find_hole_in_group(member_number, mat_num, group_num):
    for hole in model.member(member_number).materials[int(mat_num)].hole:
        if == int(group_num):
            return hole
    return None
def is_memb_non_std_hole(memno, group):
    matno, grpno = group.split("-")
    hole = find_hole_in_group(memno,matno,grpno)
    if hole == None:
        return False
    gidx = int(grpno)
    sidx = int(model.member(memno).materials[int(matno)].sub_mtrl_idx)
    if == gidx:
        return is_nonstd_hole(sidx,gidx)
    return False
def get_clip_angle_callout(material, side):
    if side != "NS/FS" and side != "NS" and side != "FS":
        side = extract_ns_fs(side)
    mat_desc = get_material_desc(material)
    text = "1-%s %s %s" % (mat_desc, material.MinorMark, side)
    return text
def left_end(left,right,loc):
    mid = left + (right - left) / 2.0
    return flt(loc,mid,0.001)
def right_end(left,right,loc):
    mid = left + (right - left) / 2.0
    return fgt(loc,mid,0.001)
def extract_ns_fs(usage):
    return usage[-2:]
def under_reqd_limit(mem,matno):
    memno = mem.member_number
    mt = model.member(memno).materials[int(matno)]
    return pcmk_under_reqd_limit(mt.SubMaterialIndex)
def general_pcmk(memno,matno,side):
    mt = model.member(memno).materials[int(matno)]
    smi = mt.SubMaterialIndex
    desc = subm_pcmk_prefix(smi)
    # args to format_pcmk() -- gosl is meaningless for these
    a1 = float(0.0)
    a2 = float(0.0)
    a3 = float(0.0)
    a4 = float(0.0)
    a5 = float(0.0)
    a6 = float(0.0)
    note_info = get_noted_shop_bolts_on_material(model.member(memno),int(matno))
    note_str = ""
    for ni in note_info:
        this_note = "\n%i-%sx%s %s" % (ni.Quantity, to_dim(ni.Diameter), to_dim(ni.Length), ni.Name)
        note_str += this_note
    if side == "NS":
        if get_drawing_setup_option("ns_sub_mtrl") == "No":
            # near side not indicated
            side = ""
        if get_drawing_setup_option("fs_sub_mtrl") == "No":
            # far side not indicated
            side = ""
    fmt = format_pcmk(smi,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,side)
    if fmt == "":
        return fmt
    return "1-" + fmt + note_str
def unopposed_clip_angle_callout(memno,matno,ga1,ga2,gol1,gol2,gosl,side):
    mt = model.member(memno).materials[int(matno)]
    smi = mt.SubMaterialIndex
    desc = subm_pcmk_prefix(smi)
    # args to format_pcmk() -- gosl is meaningless for these
    # args to format_pcmk() -- ga1, ga2 gage is not needed for unopposed clip angles
    a1 = float(0.0)
    a2 = float(0.0)
    a3 = float(gol1)
    a4 = float(gol2)
    a5 = float(0.0)
    a6 = float(0.0)
#bolts not needed for unopposed clip angles
#    note_info = get_noted_shop_bolts_on_material(model.member(memno),int(matno))
    note_str = ""
#    for ni in note_info:
#    this_note = "\n%i-%sx%s %s" % (ni.Quantity, to_dim(ni.Diameter), to_dim(ni.Length), #ni.Name)
    this_note = ""
    note_str += this_note
    if side == "NS":
        if get_drawing_setup_option("ns_sub_mtrl") == "No":
            # near side not indicated
            side = ""
        if get_drawing_setup_option("fs_sub_mtrl") == "No":
            # far side not indicated
            side = ""
    fmt = format_pcmk(smi,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,side)
    if fmt == "":
        return fmt
    return "1-" + fmt + note_str
def pad_label(text):
    # prepend and append 'pad' to each line of text
    pad = "  "
    ret_text = ""
    for line in split(text,"\n"):
        if ret_text != "":
            ret_text += "\n"
        ret_text += pad + line + pad
    return ret_text
def opposing_clip_angles(memno,matno_ns,matno_fs,ga1_1,ga2_1,gol1_1,gol2_1,gosl1,ga1_2,ga2_2,gol1_2,gol2_2,gosl2):
    mt_ns = model.member(memno).materials[int(matno_ns)]
    mt_fs = model.member(memno).materials[int(matno_fs)]
    desc_ns = subm_pcmk_prefix(mt_ns.SubMaterialIndex)
    desc_fs = subm_pcmk_prefix(mt_fs.SubMaterialIndex)
    minor_ns = mt_ns.MinorMark
    minor_fs = mt_fs.MinorMark
    # args to format_pcmk()
    a1 = float(ga1_1)
    a2 = float(ga2_1)
    a3 = float(gol1_1)
    a4 = float(gol2_1)
    a5 = float(gosl1)
    a6 = float(gosl2)
    # for these, we want the distance..
    a5 = abs(a5 - a6)
    a6 = float(0.0)
    note_info = get_noted_shop_bolts_on_material(model.member(memno),int(matno_ns))
    note_str = ""
    for ni in note_info:
        this_note = "\n%i-%sx%s %s" % (ni.Quantity, to_dim(ni.Diameter), to_dim(ni.Length), ni.Name)
        note_str += this_note
    smi = mt_ns.SubMaterialIndex
    if desc_ns == desc_fs and minor_ns == minor_fs:
        if get_drawing_setup_option("ns_fs_sub_mtrl") == "Yes":
            # both sides indicated
            fmt = format_pcmk(smi,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,"NS/FS")
            if fmt == "":
                return fmt
            ret_text = "1-" + fmt + note_str
            return pad_label(ret_text)
        opt_ns = get_drawing_setup_option("ns_sub_mtrl")
        opt_fs = get_drawing_setup_option("fs_sub_mtrl")
        if opt_ns == "No" and opt_fs == "No":
            # neither side indicated
            fmt = format_pcmk(smi,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,"")
            if fmt == "":
                return fmt
            ret_text = "2-" + fmt + note_str
            return pad_label(ret_text)
    side = ""
    if get_drawing_setup_option("ns_sub_mtrl") == "Yes":
        # near side indicated
        side = "NS"
    fmt = format_pcmk(smi,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,side)
    if fmt == "":
        text_ns = fmt
        text_ns = "1-" + fmt
    smi = mt_fs.SubMaterialIndex
    a1 = float(ga1_2)
    a2 = float(ga2_2)
    a3 = float(gol1_2)
    a4 = float(gol2_2)
    side = ""
    if get_drawing_setup_option("fs_sub_mtrl") == "Yes":
        # far side indicated
        side = "FS"
    fmt = format_pcmk(smi,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,side)
    if fmt == "":
        text_fs = fmt
        text_fs = "1-" + fmt
    ns_list = split(text_ns,"\n")
    fs_list = split(text_fs,"\n")
    ii = 0
    for line_ns in ns_list:
        if ii == 0:
            text_ns = line_ns
            found = False
            for line_fs in fs_list:
                if line_ns == line_fs:
                    found = True
            if found == False:
                text_ns += "\n"
                text_ns += line_ns
        ii += 1
    # at this point, we need a multilabel
    text = "%s\n%s" % (text_ns, text_fs)
    ret_text = text + note_str
    return pad_label(ret_text)
def cmp_dia_slen_rot(d1,s1,r1,d2,s2,r2):
    if fne( float(d1), float(d2), 0.001 ):
        return False
    if fne( float(s1), float(s2), 0.001 ):
        return False
    ar1 = math.fabs( float(r1 ) )
    ar2 = math.fabs( float(r2 ) )
    if( fne( ar1, ar2, 0.001 ) ):
        return False
    return True
def hsym_lox(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1):
    return get_hsym_lox(float(d1),float(s1),float(r1),t1,int(h1),bool(n1))
def hsym_loy(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1):
    return get_hsym_loy(float(d1),float(s1),float(r1),t1,int(h1),bool(n1))
def hsym_hix(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1):
    return get_hsym_hix(float(d1),float(s1),float(r1),t1,int(h1),bool(n1))
def hsym_hiy(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1):
    return get_hsym_hiy(float(d1),float(s1),float(r1),t1,int(h1),bool(n1))
def hsym_dx(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1):
    if feq( float(s1), 0.0, 0.03 ):
        # regular holes work correctly without intervention
        return 0.0
    rot = math.fabs(float(r1))
    if flt( rot, 25.0, 0.001 ):
        if h1 < 0:
            return hsym_hix(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1)
        return hsym_lox(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1)
    if flt( rot, 75.0, 0.001 ):
        lox = hsym_lox(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1)
        hix = hsym_hix(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1)
        return lox + (hix - lox) / 2.0
    if h1 < 0:
        return hsym_lox(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1)
    return hsym_hix(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1)
def hsym_dy(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1):
    return hsym_hiy(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1)
def sec_hsym_dy(d1,s1,r1,d2,s2,r2,t1,handle,no_text_rot):
    prev_ymax = hsym_hiy(d1,s1,r1,t1,handle,no_text_rot)
    prev_ymin = hsym_loy(d1,s1,r1,t1,handle,no_text_rot)
    this_ymax = hsym_hiy(d2,s2,r2,"",handle,no_text_rot)
    return (prev_ymax - prev_ymin) + this_ymax
def pad_hsym_dx(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1):
    padding = len(pad_label("")) / 2
    return hsym_dx(d1,s1,r1,t1,h1,n1) + (h1 * padding)
def ns_fs_plate_callout_text(mem, material, material_num, usage):
    if usage == "Brace Web Fill Plate":
        return "1-%s %s\nFILL PLATE\nNS/FS" % (get_material_desc(material), material.MinorMark)
        bolt_info = get_shop_bolts_on_material(mem, int(material_num) )[0];
        return "1-%s %s NS/FS\n%i-%sx%s %s" % (get_material_desc(material), material.MinorMark, bolt_info.Quantity/2, to_dim(bolt_info.Length), to_dim(bolt_info.Diameter), bolt_info.Name)
#Sort the holes by group and material
def sort_by_group(match_dict, match, var_name):
    val = match.vars[var_name]
    if not match_dict.has_key(val):
        match_dict[val] = []
#Goes through a group of matches and returns those that
#maximize the expression
def get_minimums(group, expression):
    group.sort(lambda m1, m2: cmp(expression(m1), expression(m2)))
    min_val = expression(group[0]) + .001
    return filter(lambda m: expression(m) < min_val, group)   
def get_hgrp_minimums(group, expression):
    return get_minimums(group, expression)
def get_hole_minimums(group, expression):
    group.sort(lambda m1, m2: cmp((m1.locations[0].props["Hole Group"],expression(m1)),(m2.locations[1].props["Hole Group"],expression(m2))))
    min_val = expression(group[0]) + .001
    return filter(lambda m: expression(m) < min_val, group)   
def group_by_variable(matches, var_name):
    match_dict = {}
    for match in matches:
        sort_by_group(match_dict, match, var_name)
    return match_dict.values()
# Groups a list of detail rule matches by a specified property value at a 
#   specified location.  Matches are also separated by View Number so matches
#   in different views that would otherwise be grouped together will be in
#   separate groups.
# matches: the list of matches.
# locationIdx: the index of the location in the match's locations list.
# propName: the name of the property to group by.
# Returns a dictionary where the key is the group's property value and view 
#   number and the value is the list of detail rule matches that have that 
#   property value.  Any matches that do not have the specified property will 
#   be placed in a group with the view number as the key.
def group_by_prop(matches, locationIdx, propName):
    groups = {}
    for match in matches:
        location = match.locations[locationIdx]
        viewNum = location.props["View Number"]
        if location.props.has_key(propName):
            propVal = location.props[propName] + ", " + viewNum
            propVal = viewNum
        if not groups.has_key(propVal):
            groups[propVal] = []
    return groups
# Groups a list of detail rule matches by a specified variable value.
# matches: the list of matches.
# varName: the name of the variable by which to group the matches.
# Returns a dictionary where the key is the group's variable value and 
#   the dictionary value is the list of matches for that group.
def group_by_var(matches, varName):
    groups = {}
    for match in matches:
        var = ""
        if match.vars.has_key(varName):
            var = match.vars[varName]
        if not groups.has_key(var):
            groups[var] = []
        groups[var].append( match )
    return groups

def minimize_expression(match_groups, expression):
    matches = []
    for group in match_groups:
        matches += get_minimums(group, expression)
    return matches
def minimize_hgrp_expression(match_groups, expression):
    matches = []
    for group in match_groups:
        matches += get_hgrp_minimums(group, expression)
    return matches
def minimize_hole_expression(match_groups, expression):
    matches = []
    for group in match_groups:
        matches += get_hole_minimums(group, expression)
    return matches
def get_maximums(group,expression):
    group.sort(lambda m1, m2: cmp(expression(m1), expression(m2)))
    max_val = expression(group[0]) - .001
    return filter(lambda m: expression(m) > max_val, group)
def get_hgrp_maximums(group, expression):
    return get_maximums(group, expression)
def get_hole_maximums(group, expression):
    group.sort(lambda m1, m2: cmp((m1.locations[0].props["Hole Group"],expression(m1)),(m2.locations[1].props["Hole Group"],expression(m2))))
    max_val = expression(group[0]) - .001
    return filter(lambda m: expression(m) < max_val, group)   
def maximize_expression(match_groups, expression):
    matches = []
    for group in match_groups:
        matches += get_maximums(group, expression)
    return matches
def maximize_hgrp_expression(match_groups, expression):
    matches = []
    for group in match_groups:
        matches += get_hgrp_maximums(group, expression)
    return matches
def maximize_hole_expression(match_groups, expression):
    matches = []
    for group in match_groups:
        matches += get_hole_maximums(group, expression)
    return matches
# used in python:filter -- functionality repeated frequently.  useful
# for chaining dimensions with constraint 'running dimension' (which
# i think is poorly named -- 'running' says 'extension' to me).
# it keeps the locations-of-interest weeded-down to successive points.
# for example, say that we have 3 points 'a', 'b' and 'c'.  if we don't
# use this type of thing, then we get matches for (a-b), (a-c) and (b-c)
# instead of just (a-b) and (b-c)
# sample usage:
#   from detail_lib import *
#   matches = filter_min_hgrp(matches,"HoleGroup1")
# .. and having additional python:condition akin to
#   HoleGroup1 != HoleGroup2
def filter_min_hgrp(matches,var):
    match_groups = group_by_variable(matches,var)
    return minimize_hgrp_expression(match_groups,lambda m1: dist_squared(m1.locations[0], m1.locations[1]))
# sample usage:
#   from detail_lib import *
#   matches = filter_min_hole(matches,"HoleCol1")
# .. and having additional python:condition akin to
#   HoleCol1 != HoleCol2
def filter_min_hole(matches,var):
    match_groups = group_by_variable(matches,var)
    return minimize_hole_expression(match_groups,lambda m1: dist_squared(m1.locations[0], m1.locations[1]))
class location:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
def dot(v1, v2):
    return v1.x * v2.x + v1.y * v2.y
def length(v):
    return math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y)
def normalize(v):
    mag = length(v)
    return location(v.x / mag, v.y / mag)
def angle_between(v1, v2):
    return math.acos( dot( v1, v2 ) )
def is_point_between(end1, end2, between):
    v1_2 = normalize(location(end2.x - end1.x, end2.y - end1.y))
    v2_1 = location(-v1_2.x, -v1_2.y)
    v1_b = normalize(location(between.x - end1.x, between.y - end1.y))
    v2_b = normalize(location(between.x - end2.x, between.y - end2.y))
    return ((angle_between(v1_2, v1_b) < math.pi / 2.0) and
        (angle_between(v2_1, v2_b) < math.pi / 2.0))
# Groups a list of matches by a specified location into a dictionary.
# matchList: the list of matches
# locationIdx: the locations array index of the location to group by.
# returns a dictionary where the key is a string of the location's x and y 
#       coordinates separated by a comma, and the value is the list of matches
#       grouped by that location.
def group_by_location( matchList, locationIdx ):
    groups = {}
    for match in matchList:     
        loc = match.locations[int(locationIdx)]
        mtrlNum = ""
        if loc.props.has_key("Material Number"):
            mtrlNum = loc.props["Material Number"]
        holeGroup = ""
        if loc.props.has_key("Hole Group"):
            holeGroup = loc.props["Hole Group"]
        key = str(loc.x) + "," + str(loc.y) + "_" + mtrlNum + "_" + holeGroup
        if not groups.has_key( key ):
            groups[key] = []
        groups[key].append( match )
    return groups
# Groups matches whose anchors are colinear.
# matches: the list of matches.
# anchor1Idx: the index of the first anchor point.
# anchor2Idx: the index of the second anchor point.
# rotationVar: the variable name for the annotation direction.
def group_by_anchors( matches, anchor1Idx, anchor2Idx, rotationVar ):
    groups = {}
    for m in matches:
        found = False
        rotation = float( m.vars[rotationVar] )
        for key in groups:
            oDist1 = ortho_dist(key.locations[anchor1Idx], m.locations[anchor1Idx], rotation)
            oDist2 = ortho_dist(key.locations[anchor2Idx], m.locations[anchor2Idx], rotation)
            if feq(oDist1, 0.0, 0.0001) and feq(oDist2, 0.0, 0.0001):
                found = True
        if not found:
            groups[m] = []
    return groups
# Calculates the squared distance between two locations in a match.
# match: the rule match.
# loc1Idx: the locations array index of the first location.
# loc2Idx: the locations array index of the second location.
# returns the squared distance between the two locations.
def location_dist_sq( match, loc1Idx, loc2Idx ):
    return dist_squared( match.locations[int(loc1Idx)], match.locations[int(loc2Idx)] )
# Finds the items in a list of matches that have the shortest distance between two 
#       specified locations. 
# matchList: the list of matches.
# loc1Idx: the locations array index of the first location.
# loc2Idx: the locations array index of the second location.
# returns the match(es) that minimize the distance between the specified locations.
def filter_by_min_distance( matchList, loc1Idx, loc2Idx ):
    matchList.sort(lambda m1, m2: cmp(location_dist_sq(m1, int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx)), location_dist_sq(m2, int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx))) ) 
    minDist = location_dist_sq(matchList[0], int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx))    
    return filter(lambda m: feq(minDist, location_dist_sq(m, int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx)), 0.0000001), matchList)    
# Finds the items in a list of matches that have the greatest distance between two 
#       specified locations. 
# matchList: the list of matches.
# loc1Idx: the locations array index of the first location.
# loc2Idx: the locations array index of the second location.
# returns the match(es) that maximize the distance between the specified locations.
def filter_by_max_distance( matchList, loc1Idx, loc2Idx ):
    matchList.sort(lambda m1, m2: -cmp(location_dist_sq(m1, int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx)), location_dist_sq(m2, int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx))) ) 
    maxDist = location_dist_sq(matchList[0], int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx))    
    return filter(lambda m: feq(maxDist, location_dist_sq(m, int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx)), 0.0000001), matchList)    
# Gets the squared distance between two points as specified by two x/y coordinate 
#   floating point pairs.
# x1: the x coordinate for the first point.
# y1: the y coordinate for the first point.
# x2: the x coordinate for the second point.
# y2: the y coordinate for the second point.
def sq_dist( x1, y1, x2, y2 ):    
    dx = x2 - x1
    dy = y2 - y1    
    return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
# Filter that limits matches to those that are furthest from or nearest to the annotation.  
# This is a private procedure that can be accessed through filter_to_furthest_hole_row_or_col(...)
# and filter_to_nearest_hole_row_or_col(...)
# matches: list of all candidate matches.
# groupByLoc: a location which is the same for all matches for a single 
#   annotation (e.g. hole group reference, material anchor). 
# holeLoc: a named location to a hole that is annotated.
# rotationVar: the name of the variable that gives the annotation rotation 
# (e.g. provided by a Named Rotation constraint).
# column: True to filter to the furthest/nearest column and false to filter to the furthest/nearest row.
# furthest: True to filter to the furthest match and False to filter to the nearest match.
# Returns the filtered list of matches.
def __filter_to_hole_row_or_col( matches, groupByLoc, holeLoc, rotationVar, column, furthest ):
    groups = group_by_location( matches, groupByLoc )
    matches = []
    for key in groups:
        g = groups[key]
        angle = math.radians( float( g[0].vars[rotationVar] ) + 90.0 )
        x = g[0].locations[holeLoc].x + math.cos(angle) * 999.0
        y = g[0].locations[holeLoc].y + math.sin(angle) * 999.0    
        initializeDist = 0.0 if furthest else 9999999.0
        bestDist = initializeDist
        bestGrp = []
        holeProp = "Hole Col" if column else "Hole Row"
        if not g[0].locations[holeLoc].props.has_key(holeProp):
            holeProp = "Stagger " + holeProp
        holePropGrps = group_by_prop(g, holeLoc, holeProp)    
        for cGKey in holePropGrps:
            colG = holePropGrps[cGKey]        
            dist = initializeDist
            for m in colG:
                loc = m.locations[holeLoc] 
                d = sq_dist( x, y, loc.x, loc.y )
                if (furthest and d > dist) or ((not furthest) and d < dist):
                    dist = d
            if (furthest and dist > bestDist) or ((not furthest) and dist < bestDist):
                bestDist = dist
                bestGrp = colG
        matches.extend( bestGrp )
    return matches
# Filter that limits matches to those that are furthest from the annotation.  
# For a given hole group we ususally want the annotation lines to go through all 
# rows/columns in the hole group.  This filter groups all candidate matches for
# each annotation and removes any that don't dimension to the furthest row/column.
# matches: list of all candidate matches.
# groupByLoc: a location which is the same for all matches for a single 
#   annotation (e.g. hole group reference, material anchor). 
# holeLoc: a named location to a hole that is annotated.
# rotationVar: the name of the variable that gives the annotation rotation 
# (e.g. provided by a Named Rotation constraint).
# column: True to filter to the furthest column and false to filter to the furthest row.
# Returns the filtered list of matches.
def filter_to_furthest_hole_row_or_col( matches, groupByLoc, holeLoc, rotationVar, column ):
    return __filter_to_hole_row_or_col( matches, groupByLoc, holeLoc, rotationVar, column, True )
# Filter that limits matches to those that are nearest to the annotation.  
# This filter groups all candidate matches for each annotation and removes any that 
# don't dimension to the nearest row/column.
# matches: list of all candidate matches.
# groupByLoc: a location which is the same for all matches for a single 
#   annotation (e.g. hole group reference, material anchor). 
# holeLoc: a named location to a hole that is annotated.
# rotationVar: the name of the variable that gives the annotation rotation 
# (e.g. provided by a Named Rotation constraint).
# column: True to filter to the nearest column and false to filter to the nearest row.
# Returns the filtered list of matches.
def filter_to_nearest_hole_row_or_col( matches, groupByLoc, holeLoc, rotationVar, column ):
    return __filter_to_hole_row_or_col( matches, groupByLoc, holeLoc, rotationVar, column, False )
# Filter that limits matches to those that are furthest from or nearest to the annotation.  
# This is a private procedure that can be accessed through filter_to_nearest_location(...)
# and filter_to_furthest_location(...)
# matches: list of all candidate matches.
# groupByLoc: a location which is the same for all matches for a single 
#   annotation (e.g. hole group reference, material anchor). 
# loc: the location to which the furthest/nearest to annotation filter is applied.
# rotationVar: the name of the variable that gives the annotation rotation 
# (e.g. provided by a Named Rotation constraint).
# furthest: True to filter to the furthest match and False to filter to the nearest match.
# Returns the filtered list of matches.
def __filter_to_location( matches, groupByLoc, loc, rotationVar, furthest ):
    groups = group_by_location( matches, groupByLoc )
    matches = []
    for key in groups:
        g = groups[key]
        angle = math.radians( float( g[0].vars[rotationVar] ) + 90.0 )
        x = g[0].locations[loc].x + math.cos(angle) * 999.0
        y = g[0].locations[loc].y + math.sin(angle) * 999.0    
        initializeDist = 0.0 if furthest else 9999999.0
        bestDist = initializeDist
        bestGrp = []        
        locGrps = group_by_location(g, loc )    
        for lKey in locGrps:
            lGrp = locGrps[lKey]        
            dist = initializeDist
            for m in lGrp:
                l = m.locations[loc] 
                d = sq_dist( x, y, l.x, l.y )
                if (furthest and d > dist) or ((not furthest) and d < dist):
                    dist = d
            if (furthest and dist > bestDist) or ((not furthest) and dist < bestDist):
                bestDist = dist
                bestGrp = lGrp
        matches.extend( bestGrp )
    return matches
# Filter that limits matches to those that are nearest to the annotation.  
# matches: list of all candidate matches.
# groupByLoc: a location which is the same for all matches for a single 
#   annotation (e.g. hole group reference, material anchor). 
# loc: the location to which the nearest to annotation filter is applied.
# rotationVar: the name of the variable that gives the annotation rotation 
# (e.g. provided by a Named Rotation constraint).
# Returns the filtered list of matches.
def filter_to_nearest_location( matches, groupByLoc, loc, rotationVar ):
    return __filter_to_location( matches, groupByLoc, loc, rotationVar, False )
# Filter that limits matches to those that are furthest from the annotation.  
# matches: list of all candidate matches.
# groupByLoc: a location which is the same for all matches for a single 
#   annotation (e.g. hole group reference, material anchor). 
# loc: the location to which the furthest from annotation filter is applied.
# rotationVar: the name of the variable that gives the annotation rotation 
# (e.g. provided by a Named Rotation constraint).
# Returns the filtered list of matches.
def filter_to_furthest_location( matches, groupByLoc, loc, rotationVar ):
    return __filter_to_location( matches, groupByLoc, loc, rotationVar, True )
# Gives the dot product of two vectors
# vec1: the first vector.
# vec2: the second vector.
# Returns the dot product.
def dot_prod( vec1, vec2 ):
    return sum(p*q for p,q in zip(vec1, vec2))
# Gives the distance orthogonal (normal/perpendicular) to a specified direction between two points.
# l1: the first location point.
# l2: the second location point.
# rotation: the direciton.
# Returns the orthogonal distance.
def ortho_dist( l1, l2, rotation ):
    angle = math.radians( float(rotation) + 90.0 )
    h = math.sqrt( dist_squared( l1, l2 ) )
    vec1 = (math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle))
    vec2 = (l2.x - l1.x, l2.y - l1.y)
    v2Mag = math.sqrt(dot_prod(vec2,vec2))
    if feq( v2Mag, 0.0, 0.0001 ):
        return 0.0
    vec2 = (vec2[0] / v2Mag, vec2[1] / v2Mag)
    dotV1_V2 = dot_prod( vec1, vec2 )
    if feq( dotV1_V2, 0.0, 0.0001 ):
        return h
    # The result of the dot product is clamped here to prevent 'math domain errors' caused
    # by truncation errors causing the value to be outside of [-1.0,1.0].
    dotAngle = math.acos( min(1.0, max(dotV1_V2, -1.0) ) ) 
    return h * math.sin(dotAngle)
# Gives the distance orthogonal (normal/perpendicular) to a specified direction between two points.
# match: the rule match that is being tested.
# loc1Idx: the index of the first point.
# loc2Idx: the index of the second point.
# rotationVar: the variable name for the direciton.
# Returns the orthogonal distance.
def orthogonal_distance( match, loc1Idx, loc2Idx, rotationVar ):    
    l1 = match.locations[loc1Idx]
    l2 = match.locations[loc2Idx]
    return ortho_dist(l1, l2, float(match.vars[rotationVar]))
# Filter that limits matches to those with the minimum distance orthogonal to a 
# specified direction between two points.
# matchList: the list of candidate rule matches.
# loc1Idx: the index of the first point.
# loc2Idx: the index of the second point.
# rotationVar: the variable name for the direciton.
# Returns the matches with the minimum orthogonal distance.
def filter_by_min_orthogonal_distance( matchList, loc1Idx, loc2Idx, rotationVar ):
    matchList.sort(lambda m1, m2: cmp(orthogonal_distance(m1, int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx), rotationVar), orthogonal_distance(m2, int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx), rotationVar)) ) 
    minDist = orthogonal_distance(matchList[0], int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx), rotationVar)    
    return filter(lambda m: feq(minDist, orthogonal_distance(m, int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx), rotationVar), 0.0001), matchList)
# Filter that limits matches to those with the maximum distance orthogonal to a 
# specified direction between two points.
# matchList: the list of candidate rule matches.
# loc1Idx: the index of the first point.
# loc2Idx: the index of the second point.
# rotationVar: the variable name for the direciton.
# Returns the matches with the maximum orthogonal distance.
def filter_by_max_orthogonal_distance( matchList, loc1Idx, loc2Idx, rotationVar ):
    matchList.sort(lambda m1, m2: -cmp(orthogonal_distance(m1, int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx), rotationVar), orthogonal_distance(m2, int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx), rotationVar)) ) 
    maxDist = orthogonal_distance(matchList[0], int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx), rotationVar)    
    return filter(lambda m: feq(maxDist, orthogonal_distance(m, int(loc1Idx), int(loc2Idx), rotationVar), 0.0001), matchList)
# Rotates a point by a specified angle about a specified pivot point.
# rotatedPt: the point that gets rotated.
# angle: the magnitude of the rotation in radians.
# pivotPt: the pivot about which the point is rotated.
# Returns the point after it has been rotated.
def rotate_location( rotatedPt, angle, pivotPt ):
    pt = (rotatedPt[0] - pivotPt[0], rotatedPt[1] - pivotPt[1] )
    x = pt[0] * math.cos( angle ) - pt[1] * math.sin( angle )
    y = pt[0] * math.sin( angle ) + pt[1] * math.cos( angle )
    return (pivotPt[0] + x, pivotPt[1] + y)
# Splits a set of rule matches into two groups where the specified location falls on either
# side of a line defined by a split point and rotation direction.
# matches: the set of rule matches to split.
# locIdx: the index of the location that is checked to determine which side of the 
# split line it falls on.
# splitLocIdx: the index of the location through which the split line passes.
# rotationVar: the name of the variable that gives the rotation direction of the split line.
# Returns two lists of matches that fall on either side of the split line.
def split_locations( matches, locIdx, splitLocIdx, rotationVar ):
    groups = {}
    groups["high"] = []
    groups["low"] = []
    for m in matches:
        angle = math.radians( 360.0 - (float( m.vars[rotationVar] ) + 90.0) )        
        loc = m.locations[locIdx]
        splitLoc = m.locations[splitLocIdx]
        pt = rotate_location( (loc.x, loc.y), angle, (splitLoc.x, splitLoc.y) )
        if fge( pt[1], splitLoc.y, 0.0001 ):
            groups["high"].append( m )
            groups["low"].append( m )
    return groups
# Represents a two-dimensional point.
# Most procedures that take rule match location (e.g. matches[0].locations[0])
# as a parameter will also work with a Point2D and vice versa.
class Point2D:    
    x = 0.0 # the X coordinate
    y = 0.0 # the Y coordinate
    # Static factory method copy constructor for instantiating a Point2D from another
    # Point2D or a rule match location.
    # other: the object from which to initialize the new Point2D.
    def Clone(cls, other):        
        p = cls()
        p.x = other.x
        p.y = other.y
        return p
    # Static factory method for instantiating a Point2D from x-y coordinates.
    # x: the X coordinate.
    # y: the Y coordinate.
    def FromXY(cls, x, y):
        p = cls()
        p.x = x
        p.y = y
        return p
    # Checks if this point's x & y-coordinates are equal to another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def equals(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return self.xeq(other, accuracy) and self.yeq(other, accuracy)
        # Checks if this point's x & y-coordinates are equal to another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def notequals(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return self.xne(other, accuracy) and self.yne(other, accuracy)
    # Checks if this point's x-coordinate is equal to another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def xeq(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return feq(self.x, other.x, accuracy)
    # Checks if this point's x-coordinate is not equal to another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def xne(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return not self.xeq(other, accuracy)
    # Checks if this point's x-coordinate is greater than another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def xgt(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return fgt(self.x, other.x, accuracy)
    # Checks if this point's x-coordinate is less than another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def xlt(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return flt(self.x, other.x, accuracy)
    # Checks if this point's x-coordinate is less than or equal to another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def xle(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return not self.xgt(other, accuracy)
    # Checks if this point's x-coordinate is greater than or equal to another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def xge(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return not self.xlt(other, accuracy)
    # Checks if this point's y-coordinate is equal to another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def yeq(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return feq(self.y, other.y, accuracy)
    # Checks if this point's y-coordinate is not equal to another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def yne(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return not self.yeq(other, accuracy)
    # Checks if this point's y-coordinate is greater than another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def ygt(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return fgt(self.y, other.y, accuracy)
    # Checks if this point's y-coordinate is less than another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def ylt(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return flt(self.y, other.y, accuracy)
    # Checks if this point's y-coordinate is less than or equal to another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def yle(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return not self.ygt(other, accuracy)
    # Checks if this point's y-coordinate is greater than or equal to another point's.
    # other: the other point.
    # accuracy: the accuracy of the comparison.
    def yge(self, other, accuracy = 0.0001):
        return not self.ylt(other, accuracy)
    # Gives the Euclidean distance between this and another point.
    # other: the other point.
    # Returns the distance.
    def dist(self, other):
        dX = self.x - other.x
        dY = self.y - other.y
        return math.sqrt( dX * dX + dY * dY )
    # Gives the distance between this and another point in the x-direction.
    # other: the other point.
    # Returns the distance.
    def xDist(self, other):
        return math.fabs( self.x - other.x )
    # Gives the distance between this and another point in the y-direction.
    # other: the other point.
    # Returns the distance.
    def yDist(self, other):
        return math.fabs( self.y - other.y )
    # Assuming the point is a vector returns its magnitude.
    # Returns: the magnitude.
    def vectorMagnitude(self):
        return self.dist( Point2D.FromXY( 0, 0 ) )
    # Calculates the sum of two points that represent vectors.
    # other: the other vector.
    # Returns the vector sum.
    def vectorAdd(self, other):
        return Point2D.FromXY( self.x + other.x, self.y + other.y )
    # Calculates the difference of two points that represent vectors.
    # other: the other vector.
    # Returns the vector difference.
    def vectorSubtract(self, other):
        return Point2D.FromXY( self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y )
    # Calculates the product of this vector and a scalar factor.
    # factor: the scalar factor.
    # Returns the procuct.
    def scalarMultiply(self, factor):
        return Point2D.FromXY( self.x * factor, self.y * factor )
    # Assuming the point is a vector returns the unit vector.
    # Returns the unit vector.
    def unit(self):
        dot =
        if dot == 0.0:
            return self
        return self.scalarMultiply( 1.0 / math.sqrt(dot) )                
    # Calculates the dot product of this and another vector.
    # other: the other vector.
    # Returns the dot product.
    def dot(self, other):
        return self.x * other.x + self.y * other.y
    # Checks if this point is colinear with two other points (i.e. they are all on the same line).
    # other1: the first point.
    # other2: the second point.
    # Returns True if the points are colinear and false otherwise.
    def IsColinear(self, other1, other2, accuracy = 0.0001):
        pt1 = Point2D.Clone( other1 )
        pt2 = Point2D.Clone( other2 )
        if self.equals(pt1) or self.equals(pt2):
            return True                
        v1 = pt1.vectorSubtract( self ).unit()
        v2 = pt2.vectorSubtract( self ).unit()
        dot = math.fabs( )
        return feq( dot, 1.0, accuracy )
    # Checks if this point is colinear with another point along a line that passes through the 
    # point at a specified angle.
    # other: the other point.
    # angle: the angle of the line.
    # Returns True if the points are colinear and False otherwise.
    def IsColinearAngle(self, other, angle, accuracy = 0.0001 ):        
        o = Point2D.Clone(other)
        ang = math.radians(float(angle)+90.0)
        d = self.dist(o) * 2.0
        ox = Point2D.FromXY(d * math.cos(ang), d * math.sin(ang))
        os = o.vectorSubtract(ox)
        oe = o.vectorAdd(ox)
        dr = os.dist(oe)
        dps = os.dist(self)
        dpe = oe.dist(self)
        return feq(dr, dps + dpe, accuracy)
    # Rotates the point around a specified pivot by a specified angle.
    # angle: the angle to rotate.
    # pivot: the pivot point for the rotation.
    # Returns the rotated point.
    def rotate( self, angle, pivot ):
        ang = math.radians(float(angle)+90.0)
        pt = self.vectorSubtract(pivot)
        dx = pt.x * math.cos( ang ) - pt.y * math.sin( ang )
        dy = pt.x * math.sin( ang ) + pt.y * math.cos( ang )
        return Point2D.FromXY(pivot.x + dx, pivot.y + dy)
# Gives the centroid of a list of points.
# locationList: the list of points for which to calculate the centroid.
# Returns the centroid.
def centroid( locationList ):
    xSum = 0;
    ySum = 0;
    for l in locationList:
        xSum += l.x
        ySum += l.y
    size = len( locationList )
    return Point2D.FromXY( xSum / size, ySum / size )

def is_setup(key,value):
    return get_drawing_setup_option(key) == value