" Left/ Right Base Plate Extension " or " Top/ Bottom Base Plate Extension "

User base/cap plate extensons may be populated with values from Advanced Base / Cap Plate Options . Making changes to " Left/ Right Base Plate Extension " or " Top/ Bottom Base Plate Extension " locks does not affect the Base / Cap Plate Schedule and will likely result in a new piecemark being assigned to the user base/cap plate.

VIDEO Connection design locks in leaves with names such as " Left Plate Extension " are available for user base/cap plates. This video shows the applying of a left and bottom extension to a user base plate. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2016.)

(user base/cap plate on a column)
(" Input connection type " = ' User base/cap plate ' or ' Auto standard ' or ' User defined ')
(" Section size " = any valid shape)
(" Column rotation " = any, ' 0 ' is shown in the example below)
( " Plate rotation " = any, ' 0 ' is shown in the example below)
(For a column to a beam, the length of the column plate aligns with the beam.)
" Left Base Plate Extension "

l = " Leg length "
= " Horizontal to 1st hole "
c = " Columns "
hs = " Horizontal hole spacing "
rfs = " Rows " (FS)
fs = " Vertical to first hole " (FS)
sf = " Vertical spacing " (FS)
rns = " Rows " (NS)
ns = " Vertical to 1st hole " (NS)
sn = " Vertical hole spacing " (NS)

Relationship to setup : Leaves named " Left Base Plate Extension " and " Right Base Plate Extension " and " Top Base Plate Extension " and " Bottom Base Plate Extension " are available on the Column Review window or Connection Component window whenever the " Input connection type " for a column is a ' User base/cap plate '. Connection design locks in these leaves will have null values (e.g., distances of zero) unless corresponding sections have been filled out on the Advanced Base / Cap Plate Options window. That window opens when you press the " More " button at Home > Project Settings > Job > Connection > Base / Cap Plate Schedule . Making changes to these locks (in Modeling ) does not affect the Base / Cap Plate Schedule . Making changes to these locks will likely result in a new piecemark being assigned to the base/cap plate.

Related locks :
Column Plate (user - to a beam) || Column Plate (user base/cap) || Stiffener Plate (beam stiffeners)
Additional Holes || Column Plate Welds ( )

user defined | column review | top

Connection design locks :

  Left Base Plate Extension

Leg length:

l = leg length

All bolts

Horizontal to 1st hole:

hc = " Horizontal to 1st hole "


c = " Columns "

Horizontal hole spacing:

csp = " Horizontal hole spacing "

Near side bolts

Rows (NS):

rns = " Rows " (NS)

Vertical to 1st hole (NS):

vns = " Vertical to 1st hole " (NS)

Vertical hole spacing (NS):

sns = " Vertical hole spacing " (NS)

Far side bolts

Rows (FS):

rfs = " Rows " (FS)

Vertical to first hole (FS):

vfs = " Vertical to 1st hole " (FS)

Vertical spacing (FS):

sfs = " Vertical spacing " (FS)

user defined | column review | top