Delete Project Items ( Home > Utilities > Utility Functions > Delete Project Items )
For the most part, only project items that were created in Site Planning can be deleted. For example, erection views created in Site Planning can be deleted using this utility. However, erection views created using a different SDS2 program cannot be deleted. Exceptions to this rule are Tower Cranes, Mobile Cranes and Crane Placements. |
About this utility :
Categories of Project items that can be deleted :
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Delete Project Items removes from your current Job the items that you select. In the case of Global Standards and Global Symbols, it removes them from your the data directory for your current version of Site Planning. The utility permits you to only select items that were created in Site Planning.
1 . Start the Delete Project Items utility:
1a : Home > Utilities > Utility Functions . Then, on the Utility Functions menu, click " Delete Job Items ."
2 . A selection dialog opens. It lists the categories of items which you can delete.
Alternative 1 : Double-click the category of the items you want to delete. For instance, if you want to delete sheet outlines, double-click " Sheet Outlines ." The program will check for items of the type you selected and, if it cannot find any, will open an alert like the following:
No xxx items exist! ![]()
If you get this alert, press " OK " and go back to the beginning of this step. If you do not get the above shown alert, go to step 3 .
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end the Delete Project Items operation. Do not continue.
The selection dialog lists of all items in your current Job that are of the type you selected in step 2. If this list is blank, then no items of that type exist in your current Job. |
Alternative 1 : Select those items that you want to delete, then press the " OK " button. Go to step 4.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to go back to step 2 .
4 . The items you selected in step 3 are now deleted.
Alternative 1 : Repeat steps 2 and 3 to delete additional items.
Alternative 2 : Press " Cancel " to end this operation.
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Types of items (created in Site Planning) that can be deleted :
Job Standard Details : Deleting a job standard detail that has been created in Site Planning prevents that job standard from being applied using Add Standard Detail or Add Standard Detail to Several... . Any drawings to which the deleted job standard detail was previously applied remain unaffected.
Erection Views: These are grid lines in Modeling that have been created in Site Planning. They may be straight grid lines (which you can Open ) or curved grid lines . Deleting them also removes from the Drawing Editor any erection view drawings that were generated from them. An alternative way to remove erection views (if a drawing has not yet been generated from them) is to use Delete View in Modeling . If " Erection view operations " is turned on (checked) in Event Logging setup, the deletion of an erection view using this utility will be logged to the " Log " that is found on the Edit Properties window at Home > Project Settings > Job > Job Property Settings . The log entry can also be viewed using the View Event Log utility.
Erection View Base details: These are copies of erection view drawings that are used for revision tracking purposes and may be generated automatically in Site Planning when " Disable automatic creation of BASE drawings " is turned off.
Erection View Archive details: These are copies of erection view drawings that were automatically created in Site Planning when " Disable automatic creation of ARCHIVED drawings " is turned off.
Erection Sheets : Deleting erection sheets created in Site Planning does not delete the erection views that have been placed on them. It does, however, remove the " placed on sheet flag " from any erection views placed on the sheet. This is the only tool that Site Planning provides for deleting erection sheets from your current Job.
Sheet Outlines : Deleting a sheet outline created in Site Planning does not affect the appearance or functionality of erection sheets that were created using the deleted sheet outline. However, it does prevent that sheet outline from being used in your current Job for the creation of new erection sheets. This is the only tool that Site Planning provides for deleting sheet outlines from your current Job.
Global Standard Details : Deleting global standard details created in Site Planning prevents the standard detail from being used in your current Job or, for that matter, any other Job.
Output Configurations: Deleting output configurations prevents them from being used in your current Job or, for that matter, any other Job. The output configurations that you can delete are the same ones that are shown on the selection list that appears when you press the " Edit " button under User and Site Options > Output .
Reference Drawings : Drawings of this type can be created from an AutoCAD file using Drawing Conversion to convert a copy of a .dxf, .dxb, .dwg or .dgn file. You can also create a reference drawing using the " New... " button. A reference drawing (as well as a job/global standard detail, erection view or member detail) can be placed as a reference drawing in Modeling . If you delete a reference drawing that has been placed in Modeling , it will disappear from Modeling .
ABM: Suppose you just created a new ABM file and now have no more use for previously created ABM files. You can use this option to delete those previously created ABM files and thus prevent reports from being generated based on those previously created files. You cannot delete ABM files in any other way.
Custom Properties: You can select " Job Schema " and/or " Member Schema " and/or " Material Schema " and/or " Bolt Schema " and/or " Weld Schema " and/or " Hole Schema " to delete schema entries that were made in Site Planning.
For example, if you delete the " Member Schema ," this utility deletes only those schema entries that you added to the member schema in Site Planning. It does not delete the entire " Member Schema " itself. All schema entries made in full-featured SDS2 programs will remain a part of the " Member Schema ."
Tip 1: To remove one custom property schema entry at a time, use the " Delete " button instead of this utility. The " Delete " button, however will not work for plugin-based custom properties.
Tip 2: To remove a custom property plugin, use the " Deactivate " button in Activate Custom Properties . Of course, you can easily reactivate the plugin at a later time, but all custom property data entered by users will have been lost.
Fabricators: In pre-v2015.xx versions of SDS2, Fabricators were stored outside of the Job. Now they are stored in your current Job. Choosing this option allows you to delete one or more of those Fabricators. Your current Fabricator and the Master Fabricator cannot be selected for deletion using this utility since those Fabricators do not appear on the selection dialog that opens in step 3.
Tower Cranes : A tower crane is a crane that has been added to your model using Add Tower Crane . Deleting a tower crane using this utility also removes any crane placements associated with that crane. You can use this utility to remove tower cranes created in Site Planning and tower cranes created in programs such as SDS2 Detailing .
Mobile Cranes : A mobile crane is a crane that has been added to your model using Add Crawler Crane or Add Truck Crane . Deleting a crawler crane or truck crane using this utility also removes any crane placements associated with that crane. You can use this utility to remove mobile cranes created in Site Planning and mobile cranes created in programs such as SDS2 Detailing .
Crane Placements : A crane placement is added to the model whenever a new crane is added using Add Tower Crane or Add Crawler Crane or Add Truck Crane . Additional crane placements can be assigned to a crane using Add Crane Placement . Be aware that if you delete all of a crane's placements using this utility, the crane is deleted also. You can use this utility to remove crane placements created in Site Planning and crane placements created in programs such as SDS2 Detailing .
Symbols : These are symbols that are stored in your current Job . Be careful to only delete symbols which have not been placed on drawings.
Warning: When a symbol file is deleted using the Delete Project Items utility, all links to that symbol are broken throughout your current Job (no other Jobs are affected). A broken link marker is placed in each affected drawing to mark the location where the deleted symbol was originally placed. The index of the deleted symbol will be applied to the next symbol that you create, and that new symbol will replace the marker in all drawings in which the original, deleted symbol was placed. For this reason, do not use Delete Project Items to delete a symbol that has already been placed on drawings.
Tip: To cause a symbol to no longer be shown in drawings, simply Open the symbol file and delete all of the graphics in that file. After you Save the symbol, the symbol will no longer be shown in any of the drawings in which it was originally placed.
Global symbols : These are symbols that are maintained in the data directory for your current version of Site Planning. Since global symbols cannot be placed directly into drawings, there is no danger that deleting a global symbol will have negative repercussions on any drawings. Only job symbols can be added to drawings -- global symbols cannot.
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