The Pipe Grades window ( Job Settings ) (for HSS round and PIPE material)
Settings on this window are read-only . They tell you how this window has been set up for this Job in a full-featured SDS2 program . |
Shown here are the columns you get for the " ASD/ LRFD/ CSA " tab. You will get additional columns if the " AS4100 " or " Eurocode " tab is shown. Which of these tabs is shown depends on the selected " Connection design method ."
- The Pipe Grades window lets you review the steel grades that users in this Job in a full-featured SDS2 program can assign it to HSS round (pipe) material. The Fu and Fy values on this window are used in connection design .
- Line 1 on this window sets the steel grade that is assigned by default to pipe members or submaterials added in a full-featured SDS2 program .
Also see :
- Member status > Steel grade ( Status Display )
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To open Steel Grades for Pipe :
Method 1 : Home > Project Settings > Job > Material Grades > Pipe Grades .
Method 2 : In Modeling or the Drawing Editor , choose Settings > Job Settings > Pipe Grades (classic), or use a keyboard shortcut , or click the icon.
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Tabs and columns on the window :
Tabs: ASD/LRFD/CSA or AS4100 or Eurocode . Which tab applies to your current Job depends on the " Connection design method " that is selected for that Job.
Tab Columns When Shown " ASD/LRFD/CSA "
" Line number " " Steel Grade " " Production Standard " " Nonstandard Notation " " Fy " " Fu " " Ry " " Rt " " n "shown when ' ASD13 ' or ' LRFD13 ' or ' CSA8 ' or ' CSA9 ' or ' ASD9 ' or ' LRFD3 ' or ' ASD1 ' or ' LRFD14 ' or ' CSA10 ' is the " Connection design method ." " AS4100 " " Line number " " Steel Grade " " Nonstandard Notation " " Fy " " Fu " " Minimum Thickness " " Maximum Thickness " shown when ' AS 4100 ' is the " Connection design method ." " Eurocode " " Line number " " Steel Grade " " Nonstandard Notation " " Fy " " Fu " " Minimum Thickness " " Maximum Thickness " " Correlation Factor " shown when ' EUROCODE3 ' or ' EUROCODE3 UK ' is the " Connection design method ."
Line number: The index number assigned to the steel grade. Line 1 sets the default steel grade.
Steel Grade: Any string (up to 29 characters) to denote the name of the steel grade (e.g., A36 , A401 , Wood , whatever name the user wants). Steel grades shown here will be selectable (
) in this Job by users of a full-featured SDS2 program wherever an HSS round (pipe) section has been entered as the " Section size ." Users of that program can, for instance, select these steel grades on the Rolled Section Material or Column or VBrc windows.
Production Standard (" ASD/LRFD/CSA ") : The name of any production standard that has been set up on the HSS / TS Production Standards setup window. When the steel grade from this window ( Pipe Grades ) is applied in Modeling to a specific HSS round or PIPE section (selected from the local shape file ), the " Production Standard " associated with the user-selected steel grade sets the " Design Thickness " of the HSS round (or PIPE) section.
Nonstandard Notation: Any string (up to 29 characters) to denote that a particular steel grade used is not the standard steel grade.
For member main material: This " Nonstandard Notation " string may be made to appear as a part of the section size of a member whose main material is HSS round or pipe material. In a Modeling erection view, the notation appears when " Section sizes " are shown and the " Denote non-standard material " setup option is turned on. In a full-featured SDS2 program , the " Nonstandard Notation " may also be made to appear with section sizes shown on erection view drawings.
For submaterials: A callout is generated next to that material's submaterial piecemark callout on the member detail when " Show non-std grade notation with piecemarks on member details " is checked in Member and Material Piecemarking (setup) and an affected member detail undergoes automatic detailing in a full-featured SDS2 program .
Minimum Thickness & Maximum Thickness (" AS4100 " and " Eurocode ") : These columns let users of a full-featured SDS2 program assign Fy (yield strength) and Fu (ultimate strength) values to a steel grade based on the wall thickness of the material.
Fy: The yield strength of the particular steel grade. If you are using imperial dimensioning, yield strength is measured in kips/sq. inch (ksi). If you are using metric dimensioning, yield strength is in megapascals (MPa). The value entered for Fy will be used by a full-featured SDS2 program in during connection design .
Fu: The ultimate strength of the particular steel grade. If you are using imperial dimensioning, ultimate strength is measured in kips/sq. inch (ksi). If you are using metric dimensioning, ultimate strength is measured in megapascals (MPa). The value entered for Fu is used by a full-featured SDS2 program during connection design .
Ry (" ASD/LRFD ") : The ratio (no units) of expected yield stress to the specified minimum yield stress, Fy. See section I-6 of the AISC Seismic Design Manual . This overstrength factor is used during connection design for calculations related to member strength when the user has specified a " Seismic brace " (vertical brace). The default values that are used for " Ry " come from Table I -6 -1 of the AISC Seismic Design Manual . " Ry " is used only when the governing load (" Tension load " or " Compression load ") is "
Auto ." " Ry " and " Rt " are not used for user-entered loads.
Rt (" ASD/LRFD ") : The ratio (no units) of the expected tensile strength to the specified minimum tensile strength, Fu, as related to overstrength in material yield stress Ry. See section I-6 of the AISC Seismic Design Manual . This overstrength factor is used during connection design when the user has specified a " Seismic brace ." The default values that are used for " Rt " come from Table I -6 -1 of the AISC Seismic Design Manual . " Rt " is used only when the governing load (" Tension load " or " Compression load ") is "
Auto ." " Ry " and " Rt " are not used for user-entered loads.
n (" ASD/LRFD/CSA ") : A factor (no units) used to evaluate flexural buckling of HSS columns. See clause 13.3.1 of the CISC Handbook of Steel Construction . This applies when the " Connection design method " is ' CSA8 ' or ' CSA9 ' or ' CSA10 '.
Correlation Factor (" Eurocode " tab) : The appropriate correlation factor (ß w ) taken from Table 4.1 in BS EN 1993-1-8: 2005, " Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures ." The factor is used in calculations for fillet welds.
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