The Vertical Brace Review window ( Modeling )
- Settings on the Vertical Brace Review window are read-only .
- The " Status " and " Properties " open other windows that are editable.
- " Change all " options let you apply one member's status changes to all members with the same mark.
- The " Print " button or " Expanded Calc " buttons can give you connection design calculations.
- Multi-member review: mixed entries are gray.
- To open this window .
The navigation tree is contained in the left pane of the Vertical Brace Review window. It makes navigating the window easier.
Selecting a section name shows that section on the Vertical Brace Review window. In the example at left, "
Connection specifications " is selected and, as a result, the "
Connection specifications " leaf is expanded (as opposed to collapsed) ( VIDEO1 ). Sections are scrolled to when opened or, if they are already opened, when double-clicked ( VIDEO2 ).
To resize the pane containing the navigation tree drag its right edge.
Show images " (when checked) displays drawings that depict the dimensions that are controlled by connection design locks . ( VIDEO3 )
Overlay " (when checked) displays one section at a time, just like selecting a tab on a window with tabs displays only the section for that one tab.
To open the Vertical Brace Review window :
- Double-click on brace main material
- "Review Other" on context menu, select brace piecemark
- Double-click brace[num] in Model Tree
- Review Member (to review one brace or all braces with the same piecemark)
- Review multiple braces (select only vertical braces)
- Review by Piecemark
- Review by Member Number
- Search Options
Also see :
- Brace direction symbol (shows vertical brace orientation in stick)
- Work lines (vertical brace representation in stick)
- Failed connections (topic)
- Grayed out fields (indicate mixed entries or that field is disabled)
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