The " CNC " button

  opens the Computer Numerically Controlled window

Documentation :

Help on the Computer Numerically Controlled window and most other CNC-related tools found in SDS2 Fabricating is from the SDS2 Detailng manual. Help on other tools is from the SDS2 Model Review manual.

About the Computer Numerically Controlled window :

The Computer Numerically Controlled window is the main menu of the SDS2 CNC module. Access to this window is a part of the SDS2 Fabricating .

Two " CNC types " are automatically included as a part of SDS2 Fabricating. These are DXF Plate and DSTV . Additional types can be added with the purchase of specific SDS2 licenses.

A " CNC configuration " is a setup configuration for a specific CNC machine or class of CNC machines. You control the setup. The setup controls information contained in the CNC download file .

To set up a CNC configuration, press the " File " button ( ), then select an exiting configuration or create a new configuration . Once you have selected the configuration that you want, press the " Setup " button and make the appropriate choices you want. Be aware that there is an " Options " button on the CNC Setup window which provides additional, CNC-type-specific choices that you can make for a particular configuration.

To download a CNC file, first be sure to select the configuration you want, as described above. Press the " Download " button, then select the items to download.

Key links :

CNC downloading: the total process (step-by-step instructions), CNC Terminology (a dictionary of terms), " Setup " (button found on SDS2 Fabricating Home ), " Export " (button found at SDS2 Fabricating Home ).
