Field Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM (data from member BOM)
Tool summary :
Also see :
- Field bolts ( Bolt Edit window > " Bolt class " )
- Summarize field bolts list on details ( Fabricator > Detailing > Bolt Detailing Settings > )
- Field bolts listed on which members ( Fabricator > Detailing > Bolt Detailing Settings > )
- List in bill of material ( Drawing Editor > Objects > Sheet Items > Edit > )
- Reports ( User and Site Options > Output > " Reports " > set report output)
- Report viewer (a good way to output a report)
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Example :
Shown below is a sample page from a Field Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM . See columns on the report for an explanation of each of the columns that appear on this report.
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Columns on the report (also see the example ):
Line: The number of the line in this report that identifies this particular group of field bolts (grouped by its length and description). Each group of field bolts associated with a member with a different piecemark is listed on a different line.
Count: The total quantity of field bolts for a particular detail on the sheet that you selected for inclusion in this report. If, for instance, there are three members with this piecemark, each of which has four field bolts, the count reported here is 12.
Description: The diameter and material grade of the field bolts on this line. This column also includes the bolt type ("N" or "SC" or "X" or etc.) if ' Bolt material & type ' is selected for the setup option " Bolt designation shown in reports .
diameter |
![]() |
Length: The distance from the inside of the bolt head to the end of the shaft. The program does not include the head thickness in its calculation of bolt length because head thickness may vary among bolt manufacturers.
length |
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Piecemark: Each piecemark ( member piecemark ) is reported on a different line in this report. The piecemarks are the names of the member details placed on the sheets you selected . More than one member may be associated with a single piecemark, and this is reflected in the "Count" reported for a particular line. Supported or supporting members may be listed depending on the choice made to the setup option " Field bolts listed on which members ."
Remarks: The number and types of washers on each field bolt in this group of field bolts.
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How to output a Field Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM :
Generally field bolts are shipped loose to the construction site. A Field Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM report may be used to evaluate how many field bolts of what type and length are needed to erect all members with the particular piecemarks that are on the sheets you select .
1 . Please note that the user of a full-featured SDS2 program affects information on this report in the following ways:
1a : This report is compiled from the 3D model. When Process and Create Solids is done in a full-featured SDS2 program , the model is updated for the current Job , and any details placed on sheets can be updated by auto detailing (in a full-featured SDS2 program ). You can then output a Field Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM that will be up to date.
1b : Member details must have been placed onto detail sheets for you to output this report. You cannot place details onto sheets in an SDS2 review station . Also be aware that the report counts all field bolts of those members on selected sheets which have " List in bill of material " checked. This means that if the same member is on the same sheet twice and " List in bill of material " is checked for both members, the report doubles the field bolt count -- which is probably not what you want. The report also doubles the field bolt count if a member is on two sheets and " List in bill of material " is checked for both.
1c : For field bolts to be included in a sheet bill, the details placed onto sheets must have been generated with the box for " Summarize field bolts list on details " checked in Bolt Detailing Settings .
1d : If you want only the steel grade to be listed in this report in the column " Description ," then a user of a full-featured SDS2 program must set the setup option " Bolt designation shown in reports " to ' Bolt material only '.
1e : The setup option " Field bolts listed on which members " sets whether the field bolts are associated with the supported or supporting member.
Tip: If you want to include only members that have been placed on particular sheets, print out a Sheet List by Sheet as a guide to help you select which sheets you want.
2 . Use any one (1) of the following methods to begin output of this report:
Method 1 : Home > Reports > System Reports > Field Bolts > Field Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM .
Method 2 : Click the Field Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM icon, which is pictured above. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Reports ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning). Ribbon configuration is done using Customize Interface .
Method 3 : If " Modeling layout style " or " Drawing Editor layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Reports > Field Bolts > Field Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM.
3 . A selection dialog opens. On it is a selection list of all detail sheets in your current Job. Tip: If you want to select sheets with particular members on them, print out a Sheet List by Sheet as a guide.
Optional: Press the button under " Destination " to redirect the report's output destination. In this example, " Screen " indicates that output is to the report viewer . |
Possibility 1 : Select the detail sheets you want the report to be based on, then press " OK " to output the report. Go to step 4.
Possibility 2 : Press " Cancel " to end this operation without outputting the report. Do not continue.
4 . The Field Bolt Listing From Sheet BOM is output.
Note: If you output the report to the report viewer (" Screen "), you can now review the report on screen then optionally print it or output it to disk (see report viewer ).
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